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The production of silk industry was basically stable, but the economy still shouldered great downward pressure. From Jan. to June, the silk production totalized 79,165 tons, with year-on-year increase of 7.16%, according to the investigation of 406 up-scale silk reeling enterprises by the National Bureau of Statistics. In addition, the production of satins and silk quilt were nearly in the same level, and main business income and profit all achieved the growth of around 7%. In a word, silk industry was basically in stable economic situation.  相似文献   

Under the impact of many factors,profit margins have been reduced in China garment enterprises.By comparison,Guangdong’s garment industry still showed a relative advantage and some highlights,at the same time,faced a challenge for development in further.Speciic performances in the following areas:  相似文献   

Due to the increasing price of raw material,the appreciation of RMB and the change in draw- back tax policy,the tie producing industry of Shengzhou has met a new crossroad after 20 years’ development.The Shengzhou government is researching in the prospective development of tie industry,and has decided to implement the"Silk Expanding Project",whose goal is to form a silk industry base of China and even the world basing on the tie industry and other related textile industry.  相似文献   

Operating pro ts weredown of textile andgarment companies39textile and garment companies had publishedtheir annual reports,operating pro ts in24of themwere down.According to the statistical data,39listing textileand garment companies had published their annualreports,net pro ts in35of them achieved positivegrowth,net pro ts in only4of them had de cit.Youngor had a net pro t of CNY1599million in2012,claimed the rst rank.In2012,whether export or domestic marketswere shrinking in the garment industry.Data shows,2012clothing exports of USD160155million,ayear-on-year increase of4.53%,export volume of28912pieces/sets,a year-on-year decrease of1.07%.In domestic market,clothing retail sales in enter-prises above designated size was CNY977800mil-lion,a year-on-year increase of18%,sales volumehad a year-on-year decrease of6.2%.Reasons for the decline  相似文献   

Hundreds of practitioners of garment industry gathered in the First China Garment Conference just held days ago.At the conference,the industry hotspots have  相似文献   

Back to 1994, a transient price hike of cocoon silk eventually led to a predicament for Chinese silk industry in the following years. A decade later, is that slump going to happen again?  相似文献   

Textile & Garment Trading Volume Up 5.9% in Canton Fair Upon the closing of The 106th Canton Fair,the organizer reported 5.9% growth of the textile & garment trading volume.It is always regardes as a signal that the worst time for textile & garment industry has passed.Nevertheless, the break point might come at the mid of 2010 since the whole situation is still under recovery.  相似文献   

Since the inception of last year,forecast on the"shuffling"of the textile industry has been spread widely.What’s more,some latest reports of Financial Medias on the bankruptcy of garment enterprises that used to run with main business of export or OEM in Guangdong province dealt a heavier blow on people’s nerve.It is said that Chinese textile industry are suffering"painful period"now……  相似文献   

A detailed report on the performance of China garment exports and imports in 2005 Surfing on the waves of the RMB revaluation, the unstableness of raw material prices and the trade disagreements with the EU and US, the hardworking China garment and accessory industry got its repayment of $75.52 billion for foreign trade in 2005, hiked 19.6% against 2004. Garment and accessory exports made 73.88 billion US dollar and $1.62 billion in imports, it also achieved US 72.2 billion of trade surplus and took up more than half of the share in the entire China textile foreign trade value in 2005.  相似文献   

The hemp fashion show held in Beijing on 18th, October, unveiled the bast fiber fashion week. It was the first time that a promotion event under the theme of 'bast fibers' in the form of co- organizing by industrial organizations, and it was the first time for the Chinese garment industry to promote garments made by bast fibers exclusively. It intro- duced various aspects of bast fibers from the planting, fiber processing, yarns, fabrics, to finished products and garments, a complete industri…  相似文献   

The Silk Saga     
Silk,with a history of over five thousand years,plays an important part in the civilization of China and around the world.Aiming to promote the silk culture and industrial development,and popularize the silk manufacturer brands in China,China Textile magazine specially set a column to introduce the well-known silk production bases in China.  相似文献   

The recent World Trade Report from the WTO stated that China now takes 24% of the world textile and garment trade. The report also said that although the withdrawal of quotas has created a fairer trade environment, there's been a slow down in some developed countries economic growth and those countries currencies have been unstable. Those factors have contributed to a small jump of 5% in the world textile and garment trade in 2005, and China's textile and garment exports increased by 21% ag…  相似文献   

January to April this year, the economic operation of China’s textile industry overall in slowdown trend, the growth rate of output of major products fell significantly, exports and profits were greatly affected, the textile industry is facing great operating pressure. The export side, Japan, EU, U.S. textile and garment export growth has slowed down, the market share  相似文献   

During the first half of 2008, snow havoc, earthquake, the yuan appreciation, together with the rising material and labor costs has made the main economic benefit index in China’s garment industry decreased synchronously.  相似文献   

DetailS of Textile InduStry Invigorating PlanReleased The State Council recently released thedetails Of Invigorating Plan for Textile Industry,and asked for further enhancing the export taxrabate rate for textile and garment.According to the Plan,textiIe industry isthe traditional backbone and important industryof China national economy.It is also ourcompetitive industry in the international mar-  相似文献   

China Chamber of Commerce forImport & Export of Textile (CCCT) is onbehalf of China textile industry to declaretheir opposition of any monitor or restrictionmeatures for Chinese textile and garmentfrom the US government.NCTO released a press on March 16thto ask the US government to take actionto monitor textile and garment import fromChina.  相似文献   

Having gone through a troubled time in the first half of 2006, both silk and silk fabrics experienced an export decline. The export volume fell whereas the value jumped, telling how important a stable price is needed. From January to June, 2006, China exported 1,256.96 tons of silk products in total, and the value reached 328.1 million USD, rose by 26.58% compared with last year. The export volume of raw silk fabrics was 86.7262 million meters, and the value reached 248.16 million USD, inc…  相似文献   

A total of 64.032 US billion dollars went to the pocket of China textile and garment exports for the first half of 2006. Except February, each month achieved an 11 digit in export value and Miss June got a staggering 13 billion votes alone, and Guangdong remains on its number onespot for having the most exported textile and garment goods which toted up to $14.98 billion. Table 1 shows a 68.31% of growth rate for non-state owned textile and garment ex- port firms and since the beginning of 20…  相似文献   

On Jan.22,2008,Ningbo-based Youngor Group Co.,Ltd,one of China’s biggest shirt companies, announced its acquisition of the U.S. clothing maker Smart Shirts from Kellwood Co(KWD.N)has been com- pleted,which involves US$120 million, making it the biggest overseas acquisi- tion in domestic garment industry.  相似文献   

Data China's consumer price index (CPI), a main gauge of inflation, dipped 1.8 percent in July from a year earlier to 98.2, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) announced on Aug. 11. Of which, the price of garment  相似文献   

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