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This paper, angling our country's present condition of research on national innovation system (NIS), designs a kind of spiral national innovation system (SNIS) with the core of human innovation. It respectively discusses the three main factors of person, technology and institution to push the evolution of spiral national innovation system, and analyzes their interior interaction. Finally, the paper explains interior mechanism and motivation of the system.  相似文献   

I.Introduction China's success in developing a fully functioning capital market depends in large part onwhether it succeeds in establishing a thriving market for bonds.The government has,untilrecently,restricted the types of bonds that can be issued in China.But China has realizedthat there are powerful financial reasons to promote the expansion and deepening of theChinese bond market.Among the most important are,first,that bonds would be desirableadditions to the portfolios of Chinese insur…  相似文献   

I. IntroductionListing on a prestigious stock exchange like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) andNasdaq has become increasingly popular among world’s largest companies headquarteredoutside the United States. As of the end of 2004, more than 2,000 foreign companies fromover 70 countries had been listed in the United States. The increasing demand for foreignshares is driven by the desire of individual and institutional investors to diversify theirportfolios, reduce risk, and invest inter…  相似文献   

The paper analyses the situation of international competitiveness and the comparative advantage of apple juice industry of Shaanxi province. It concludes that apple juice industry of Shaanxi province is characterized by abundant natural resources, cheap labor forces, inefficiency of production, small scales, low growth rate in exporting, low prices in exporting and no famous brand. So, the apple juice industry is faced with challenge and opportunity. Based on this, it puts forward such policies as cultivating new type of apples, establishing the bases, making innovation by the help of institutes and universities, actively implementing authentication and setting up supervision system, and finding a worldwide partner so as to increase international competitiveness of apple juice industry of Shaanxi province.  相似文献   

From the publish.Throughout time, from ancient Rome to modern Britain, the great empires built and maintained their dominion through force of arms and political power over alien peoples. In this illuminating work of history, John Steele Gordon tells the extraordinary story of how the United States, a global power without precedent, became the first country to dominate the world through the creation of wealth.The American economy is by far the world‘s largest,but it is also the most dynamic and innovative. The nation used its English political inheritance, as well as its diverse, ambitious population and seemingly bottomless imagination, to create an unrivaled economy capable of developing more wealth for more and more people as it grows.  相似文献   

I.IntroductionChinahasbeenverysuccessfulinattractingforeigndirectinvestment(FDI)sinceitstartedtopracticetheopendoorpolicyintheearly1980s.Inthepastdecade,theaverageannualgrowthrateofChinasutilizedFDIwasover50percent.Duringthesameperiod,overone-thirdoftheworldsFDIflowingtodevelopingcountrieswasinvestedinChina.In2002,ChinasurpassedtheUnitedStatesintermsofattractingFDI,andstoodinthefirstpositionamongtherecipientsofFDI.EconomiccooperationbetweenChinaandSoutheastAsiancountriesandterritorie…  相似文献   

In 1986 and 1987, an agricultural survey was conducted among 70 subsistence farmers in the Nkandla district of KwaZulu. The aims of the survey were to describe the farming system, identify constraints to agricultural production and make recommendations for future extension work in the area.

No stock was sold in 1986/87. However, hides and meat obtained from slaughter and deaths may be valued at about R150,98 per household per annum. Poultry contributed R31,86 per household per annum. Veld has been irreversibly degraded in most of the study area, causing a major constraint to cattle production. However, short‐term in creases in poultry production are feasible.

Cropping enterprises were dominated by maize, which was planted on 81% of the total field area and contributed about R413,86 per annum to household income. The most limiting constraints to maize yield were poor soil fertility and the related presence of witchweed (Striga asiatica), poor weeding (probably at the early post‐emergent stage of maize), late planting (after November) and the use of traditional seed. Steep slopes seri ously limit agronomic development. The introduction of timber and fruit trees may be feasible but other perennial crops are not viable in light of available markets.  相似文献   

Using Hamming Distance, a similarity preference ratio is built up and a fuzzy correlation matrix is constructed. Then based on 2 matrix, the fuzzy measurement model to expand target market is established. The paper puts forward a quantitative method for enterprises to make market strategies.  相似文献   

Economic cooperation between China and Southeast Asian economies is increasingly attracting the attention of policy-makers, scholars, and practitioners. Firms from Southeast Asia have been playing an important role in China‘s utilization of foreign direct investment, though most of these firms have been viewed as small, labor-intensive, and ordinary in technology. This paper reveals one important dimension of economic cooperation between China and Southeast Asia. It investigates the factors that influence Southeast Asian firms‘ investments in Guangdong, which is one of the largest provinces in China in terms of utilization of foreign direct investment, and it tries to answer the question of what make Southeast Asian firms invest in China in a large scale and in the way of advancing waves.T he research outcomes contribute to the knowledge of the changing economic relations between China and Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

I. Historic Cultural and Economic Relations China and India are both ancient civilizations, with histories stretching over 5000 years. Their mutual relations are also ancient. China and India have long-term intellectual and cultural ties, which historically fell in the domain of religious scholars. These strong ties date back to the first century AD when Buddhism spread from India to China. The history of Buddhism chronicles detailed accounts of religious and cultural bonds between the t…  相似文献   

We suggested a new factor in group idea generation studies, relay rounds. A relay in idea generation groups was defined as a process in which the next group generates ideas on the basis of previous groups' work. We investigated 55 3-person-groups as subjects and discussed how the quantity of the nominal and unique ideas, the change of the quality of the ideas and satisfaction of the members in these groups were influenced as relay rounds gradually raised from 1 to 11. Then, we tried to find how many relay rounds would allow the best performance. We found that as the number of rely rounds increased, the quantity of a single group's nominal and unique ideas reduced accordingly. However, the overall quantity of nominal and unique ideas and the quality of unique ideas increased while the satisfaction degree of group members didn't change significantly. Results showed that under the situation of this study, a seven-round relay was the best.  相似文献   

This paper examines the phenomenon whereby state-owned banks in China tend to not only reduce their non-performing loans(NPLs ) through accepting settled assets, but also overvalue and delay liquidating settled assets. The results imply that the state-owned banks exhibit an obvious book loss aversion behavior when disposing their NPLs, i.e. they minimize book loss and hide real credit loss by settling their NPLs with overvalued assets. This paper suggests that this results mainly from improper regulations, weak financial strength, and over-restrictions on NPL disposition. Since introducing a valuation allowance on settled assets, as suggested by the regulatory body, will not produce the desired effect, this paper proposes that a performance measurement and penalty mechanism based on non-performin gassets instead of NPLs will change the banks‘ attitude towards NPL-asset settlement. In addition, a new internal control method governing the entire process from settlement to liquidation is also suggested.  相似文献   

I. NPL Asset Settlement in China’s State-Owned Banks Non-performing loans(NPLs)represent the most serious problem hindering China’sbankingsystem, especially the fourstate-owned banks (SOBs).According to statisticsfrom China’sBanking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), the banking system has accumulated NPLs tothevalueof3,158 billion RMB,whilethefourSOBsaccountedfor51 percentofthattotalbytheend of 2003 (seeTable 1). While the banking sector disposeslessthan 300 billion NPLevery year…  相似文献   

I. IntroductionMaking the nine-year compulsory education universal in rural areas has been a state policyin China. However, due to the stagnant growth in farmers incomes since 1999, ruralyoungsters have been facing increasing difficulties in education as the education expenseskeep going up. This has led to serious concerns from the policy-makers as well as thegeneral public. Restrained by the responsibility-sharing system among different layers ofgovernments and the weak financial strength of…  相似文献   

There is anecdotal evidence showing that African-Americans are more likely to be subjected to excessive use of force by police than are people of other races. The counterargument is that these issues are not related to race and there are other factors at work. There have been several high-profile cases, such as those in Ferguson, Cleveland, and Baton Rouge. In this study, we estimate the effect of race on excessive use of force incidents using a new dataset comprising citizen complaints against the Chicago Police Department. Our findings show that not only does race play a role in excessive use of force complaints, but also that race plays a role in which complaints are sustained. Our study also highlights the importance of having data on which to perform rigorous empirical analysis in order to inform policymakers.  相似文献   

The paper presents the development and the curricular contents of corporate coaching after it has been introduced into China, and executes a survey on the coaching clients, the result of our survey shows that the farsighted development of corporate coaching in China should absorb the native and excellent management nourishment though it has achieved a famous validity in many enterprise or on a large number of individuals.  相似文献   

《World development》2002,30(8):1431-1444
This paper examines the argument that trade liberalization depresses tax revenue/GDP ratios in developing countries. This occurs because the structural characteristics associated with developing countries limit their ability to make the transition from trade to domestic taxes. Using a panel of 80 developing and industrialized countries over 1970–98, the econometric analysis carried out employs a fixed-effects regression framework to examine the evidence. The results indicate that low-income and upper middle-income countries have experienced declining tax revenues as a result of falling income and trade tax revenues and that structural characteristics have been significant in explaining the decline.  相似文献   

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