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一手沉着应对防治“非典”,一手紧紧抓住促进开放型经济发展不放松,上海市国际贸易促进委员会面对非典过后各国厂商更看好上海的有利时机,苦练内功抓恢复,加大力度促发展。从七月份起的国际商务、国际展览等项活动排得满满当当,从中可以看出国外客商来沪的劲头不减,国际商务、国际会展9~10月份将会全面复苏。  相似文献   

上海社区商业的现状分析和发展对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鄢雪皎 《商业研究》2003,(17):99-102
中国顺利加入世界贸易组织,上海的商业发展面临极大的挑战,同时也存在巨大的发展空间和机遇。上海商业要在10年前建成的“四街四城”市级商业中心的基础上,让未来5年上海商业发展、建设的重点将转移到社区商业,使上海的市级商业中心和社区商业共同构成上海国际化、现代化、时代化的商业主体。通过在上海社区商业进行实地调研的基础上对上海社区商业的进行分类,根据上海社区商业的现状,对今后上海社区商业的发展提出可操作性和可实现性的具体措施。  相似文献   

薛言 《国际市场》2003,(8):11-12
一段时期来,上海的商务成本俨然成了外商和经贸界人士关注的焦点话题。一些外商直言:“商务成本持续居高不下将成为上海吸引外资的障碍。”但又有人对此不敢苟同,认为商务成本应有硬成本和比较成本之分,该全面、客观、公正看待上海商务成本有关事宜,否则会进入偏见的误区,人们不禁要问:上海商务成本到底怎么了?  相似文献   

Brazil has the largest economy in Latin America, and the world's tenth largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity. In recent years, Brazil has become a well developed nation and its exports are increasing, with major export industries that include aircraft, coffee, automobiles, soybean, steel, textiles, and electronics. Its biggest investment boom in history is still under way as it continues to focus on attracting investment from foreign countries.  相似文献   

At the Politburo meeting of the CPC Central Committee held on March 4,2020,policy-makers emphasized the promotion of key projects and infrastructural constructions clarified in national planning,in particular the construction of the 5G network,data centers and other new infrastructure.This decision threw“new infrastructure construction”into the spotlight again.  相似文献   

邵咏涛 《国际市场》2002,(10):46-47
正确地把握谈判进度 资深的谈判者这都承认,谈判的进度总是由占优势的一方决定.因此,如果你是急于想要成交的一方,你必须使你的谈判进度适于你希望的生意伙伴的进度表.仅仅因为时间正敲击你的议事日程而期望使他们加快进度是绝对没有希望的.要有耐心,机会总会留给有耐心的谈判者.  相似文献   

谭立江 《国际市场》2001,(10):55-55
仅在20年的时间里,美国家居仓储公司呈几何级数飞速增长,从亚特兰大的4家商店发展到目前的775家店、16万名员工,以及高达300亿美元的年销售额. 20年前,伯尼·马库斯和亚瑟·布兰克都失去了经理人的职位,他们的处境与其他成千上万个被解雇的工人差不多.伯尼·马库斯已经49岁了,家庭开支迫使他必须找到生活来源.不久,他们聚集在洛杉矶的一家咖啡店里,策划建立新的家居仓储公司.  相似文献   

Business Survival and Success of Young Small Business Owners   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Little empirical evidence provides insight in person-oriented drivers of business survival and success of small business owners. In this paper I perform a duration analysis of business survival amongst young white (self-employed) small business owners in the U.S. Compulsory exits are distinguished from voluntary exits. This enables an alternative definition of business success: the longer one can survive and prevent inLvoluntary exit, the more successful one is. Potential drivers of survival are derived from recent empirical evidence in related studies. The potential drivers of success are also derived from historical economic thinkers such as Marshall and Schumpeter. The estimated hazard rates are affected by characteristics of the small business owner and business conditions.  相似文献   

Which business practices set successful firms apart from others? We address this question using data from an official survey of almost 3000 New Zealand firms. Questions cover: leadership, planning practices, customer and supplier focus, employee practices, quality and process monitoring, benchmarking, community and social responsibility, innovation, IT use, business structure and the competitive environment. Some of these are internal practices reflecting a firm’s resources and capabilities; some are characteristics of the external environment. We find that capital investment choices, R&;D practices, market research and a range of employee practices are positively associated with firm success; industry structure is also a key determinant of success. The association between specific business practices and firm success is mostly independent of firm size, age and industrial sector, other than for export marketing.  相似文献   

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