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National Accounting with Natural and Other Types of Capital   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We do double-entry national accounting and incorporate zero profit arbitrageconditions (Euler equations) for different types of capital, includingnatural capital. In non-balanced growth, capital gains terms for capitalgoods appear in the income side of the accounts. Depreciation terms appearon the product or expenditure side. We consider renewable natural capital aswell as non-renewable of both durable and non-durable types.  相似文献   

Using a balanced-growth model with physical and human capital accumulation, we analyze quantitatively the long-run effects of changes in the savings rate and in income distribution (i.e. the shares of physical and human capital in income) on investment in skill acquisition, income growth, and the ratio of human to physical capital. In the long run, the ratio of physical to human capital is constant, so that these two factor inputs can grow at the same rate. This rate is a function of the economy's exogenous technological and preference parameters and depends positively on the share of skills invested in human capital formation. We also find that population growth is neither necessary nor conducive to economic growth, that the level of real income depends linearly on the level of human capital and that it is independent of population size.  相似文献   

人力资源会计与智力资本会计的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对传统的人力资源会计与智力资本会计有研究角度,反映对象,计量属性,报告及列示等方面的对比分析可以得出:智力资本会计有其明显的优越性的因此,人力资源会计应升华为智力资本会计。  相似文献   

国际贸易、偏向型技术进步与要素收入分配   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
全球范围内初次收入分配中资本所占份额呈现增长趋势的事实在近年来引起广泛关注,偏向型技术进步成为一个重要的解释视角。本文构建了要素收入份额的决定方程,证实了偏向型技术进步的重要性,并从国际贸易的角度寻找其变化的原因。然后利用1980—2007年的跨国经济发展数据,探索国际贸易、偏向型技术进步对发展中国家要素收入份额的影响机制,发现发展中国家的技术进步偏向资本,从而导致要素收入向资本倾斜;进一步的,引入现有文献中用于解释收入份额变化的外商直接投资、劳资谈判能力等因素,发现我们的结论依然是稳健的。本文的研究充实了对发展中国家的技术进步偏向和要素收入的研究,有助于理解中国的技术进步来源和方向。  相似文献   

会计信息的披露发展是受其所处经济环境的变迁所影响的,不同的经济环境下的会计信息披露的动因、披露的要求是不一样的,探寻会计信息披露的发展历程,对于更好的分析现实条件下的信息披露有非常重要的意义。本文主要考察会计信息披露的历史演进,并分析其产生动因。  相似文献   

中国工业部门要素分配份额决定因素研究   总被引:63,自引:9,他引:63  
本文讨论我国工业部门要素分配份额的决定因素问题。在标准的新古典要素分配份额模型中,本文引入Dixit-Stiglitz垄断竞争以及企业目标函数的差异,建立了要素分配份额的决定模型。根据这个理论模型,本文建立了中国工业部门要素分配份额的计量模型,并利用系统GMM方法进行估计。回归结果表明,垄断能力越高,资本收入份额越高,国有和非国有企业的资本收入份额存在明显差异,国有企业的资本收入份额明显低于非国有企业,各类经济性质企业的资本收入份额从高到低依次为外商投资企业、港澳台企业、法人投资企业、集体企业、私有企业和国有企业。传统新古典分配模型考虑的技术因素,包括要素投入比的变化和技术进步,对要素分配份额的变化没有显著影响,表明我国工业部门要素替代弹性为1,因而劳动与资本相对价格的变化对要素分配份额没有显著影响。我们的结论是,工业部门要素分配份额变化的主要原因是产品市场垄断增加和国有部门改制引起的劳动力市场环境改变。  相似文献   

国有资本会计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国资委的成立标志着国家财务从国家财政中独立出来,此时,为了规范国有资本出资者代表——国资委和国有资本投资企业之间的责、权、利关系,成立国有资本经营公司已经成为一种必然趋势。文章在以国资委下设的国有资本经营公司为会计主体和以权责发生制为收入、支出确认标准的前提之下,从概念、理论框架、会计核算、审计等几个方面对国有资本会计进行了较深入的研究,以期能够丰富国有资本会计的理论和实务。  相似文献   

The effects of import-price uncertainty on factor income in Switzerland are estimated. The production-theory approach is used to derive the import demand function from an expected utility maximization problem, treating imports as an input to the technology. The model is also used to test for risk aversion and to assess the impact of uncertainty on the volume of imports and gross output. Evidence is found that, for most years, labor has been relatively more vulnerable to uncertainty than has capital.  相似文献   

Environmental and Resource Economics - Accounting for ecosystems is increasingly central to natural capital accounting. What is missing from this, however, is an answer to questions about how...  相似文献   

论会计信息和资本市场有效性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田翠香 《当代财经》2003,(8):116-118
资本市场有效性是指资本市场的交易对象——金融产品的价格充分反映了与该产品相关的信息,即价格具有充分的信息含量。会计信息和资本市场有效性之间存在密切的关系,会计信息作为一种重要的信息来源,其充分与否和质量高低,对金融产品价格和资本市场有效性有着深刻的影响。在我国,提高资本市场市场化程度、加强投资者教育、完善信息披露法规、改善公司治理等是改进资本市场有效性的重要途径。  相似文献   

自然资源的开发利用在促进区域经济发展的同时,也对环境造成破坏.本文运用非参数检验和典型相关分析的统计分析方法,对湖北省的自然资源开发与经济发展的相关关系进行了检验分析,提出了走可持续发展道路的建议.  相似文献   

王学信 《生产力研究》2005,(2):59-61,F003
外资参股作为近年来外资银行进入中国的捷径,也是城市商业银行摆脱发展困境的一个有效途径。但是,城市商业银行的产权制度、人事制度与激励制度、信息披露制度以及所面临的存款保险制度、分业经营制度改革的滞后,为外资参股带来了不可回避的风险。  相似文献   

自然资源会计   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
可持续发展是21世纪的主题。我国要实现可持续发展,就必须从中国自然资源利用和管理的现状隅发,认真分析中国押情,改变现在的资源利用和方式,从根本上解决我国资源可持续利用问题。  相似文献   

Unemployment, Factor Substitution and Capital Formation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. We incorporate a wage-bargaining structure in a dynamic general equilibrium model and show how this feature changes short- and long-run properties of equilibria compared with a perfectly competitive setting. We discuss how employment, capital and income shares respond to wage-setting shocks and show that adjustment dynamics depend decisively on the magnitude of the elasticity of substitution between labour and capital. Values of the elasticity below unity add persistence, tend to preserve stability and lead to empirically plausible adjustment patterns. By contrast, values above unity introduce additional volatility, thereby making steady states potentially unstable.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop atheoretically consistent framework to incorporate theenvironmental effects of agricultural production andthe depletion of natural capital caused byagricultural production into the existing incomeaccounts. We apply the framework and adjust theincome attributed to the agricultural sector andeconomy-wide net national product (NNP) for the UnitedStates. Estimated adjustments to the incomeattributed to agriculture are in the range of $4billion and have declined as a percentage of net farmincome since 1982.  相似文献   

Theoretical work has demonstrated that sustainable development requires non-declining per capita wealth, where wealth is defined to include produced, natural, human and social capital. Several studies have attempted to measure total national wealth or changes in wealth, but have been seriously hampered by a lack of data, especially for natural and human capital. To address this problem, the UN and other international statistical agencies developed a standardized framework for environmental accounts, the System of integrated Environmental and Economic Accounts (SEEA). Using the newly available asset accounts for natural capital, national wealth accounts are constructed and used to assess the contrasting development paths of Botswana and Namibia. Botswana, with an explicit policy of reinvestment of resource rents, has roughly tripled per capita wealth and national income over the past two decades. Namibia, with no explicit policy to use natural capita to build wealth, has seen per capita wealth and income decline.  相似文献   

人力资本与区域全要素生产率分析   总被引:81,自引:1,他引:81  
岳书敬  刘朝明 《经济研究》2006,41(4):90-96,127
本文采用Malmquist指数分析了我国30个省级行政区1996—2003年的全要素生产率(TFP)增长,并将其分解为技术进步指数和效率变化指数。为了减少计算偏差,我们在使用承认无效率项存在的生产前沿技术的同时,引入了人力资本要素。本文的分析结果表明我国的人力资本水平增长迅速,30个省区的经济增长效率差距逐年扩大。同时我们发现在引入人力资本要素后,1996—2003年区域全要素生产率的增长得益于技术进步;如果不考虑人力资本存量,则低估了同期的效率提高程度,而高估了期间的技术进步指数。  相似文献   

Human capital concerns are used to structure links between the economy and the environment. Suggestions for empirical work to explore these structures are provided. Particular attention is devoted to connections between environmental hazards and influences upon parents’ decisions to invest in forming children's human capital.  相似文献   

The Ecosystem Services Framework and Natural Capital Conservation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Work at the interface of ecology and economics has inspired a major transformation in the way people think about the environment. Increasingly, ecosystems are seen as capital assets, with the potential to generate a stream of vital life-support services meriting careful evaluation and investment. We first present the concepts underpinning the ecosystem services framework (ESF), laying out the scope and limitations of the approach. We then describe the major challenges in making the ESF operational: (i) detailed information at scales relevant to decision-making; (ii) practical know-how in the process of institutional design & implementation; and (iii) compelling models of success in which economic incentives are aligned with conservation. We close with a brief review of pioneering experiments now underway worldwide, which illustrate how these challenges can be overcome.  相似文献   

本文运用产权理论分析了人力资本产权会计的基本概念和理论框架以及目前人力资本产权会计存在的问题,提出了对人力资本产权会计改革的具体思路,以期对知识经济时代的人力资本产权会计发展有所参考。  相似文献   

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