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基于GIS空间分析平台,以分形理论为基础,运用分形模型分别对老河口市总体土地、城镇建设用地、耕地及其他土地利用类型进行分维数和稳定性指数测算,进而多角度分析城镇建设用地与耕地的空间稳定性。结果显示:老河口市总体土地利用的空间稳定性较高;城镇建设用地受规划影响,布局集中规范,空间稳定性高;耕地连片分布,空间稳定性高,城镇化进程与耕地保护冲突性较小;其他土地利用类型分维数、稳定性指数差异较大,且对城镇建设用地和耕地的空间稳定性影响较大;城镇建设用地与耕地的空间稳定性相关性大。  相似文献   

耕地管制立法设想沈守愚陈利根一、总则⒈耕地管制应坚持下列原则:保证耕地总量只能增加,不能减少;严格控制城市扩大用地,严格控制土地供应总量;节约用地,优化配置,保护耕地,实现动态平衡;加强国土忧患意识,优先保证农业需要,城镇发展规划与耕地管制相一致。⒉...  相似文献   

西部大开发以来,我国西部地区经济发展迅速,导致土地利用结构发生改变,为探究湘西州的土地利用格局和变化过程,从而合理利用土地资源、响应生态环境保护。以湘西州2000—2020年每十年为一期的共三期数据,利用强度分析模型自上而下对土地利用变化进行分析。结果表明,研究时段内,湘西州土地利用格局以林地为主,面积占比70%以上;间隔层上,2000—2010年变化缓慢,2010—2020年变化快速,且面积变化有相同趋势;类别层上,建设用地的变化最活跃,林地的变化最稳定,但后者变化面积最大;转移层上,耕地是林地和建设用地增加的主要来源,林地是耕地增加的主要来源,且耕地转换为林地的强度大于林地转换为耕地的强度。西部大开发很大程度上影响了研究区的土地利用变化,如何集约用地是目前开发面临的重要问题。  相似文献   

实现土地利用方式由粗放型向集约型的转变,是转型期山东省土地利用战略的关键。主要措施包括:以市场为导向调整用地结构,发展高效生态农业,实现土地的多元化利用;加强土地整理复垦,改造中低产田,提高农业生产的抗灾害能力和粮食保障水平;积极推进城镇化,优化城镇空间结构,提高城镇土地产出率;制定科学可行的土地利用规划、城镇及城镇体系规划;建立与市场经济体制相适应的土地资源管理体系。  相似文献   

提出城镇要发展、耕地要保护,城镇发展必须以保护耕地为前提。要实现耕地保护和城镇发展统一、平衡和同步,必须从现在抓起,实行耕地保护和城镇发展的双向控制,科学划定“两区”,并严格执行基本农田“保护”和建设发展“用地”两区的土地用途管制  相似文献   

基于GIS技术,利用土地利用动态度、土地转移矩阵模型对苏州工业园区1995-2013年间的土地利用时空变化进行分析,在此基础上进行土地利用变化驱动力分析。结果表明:18年间,苏州工业园区城市化十分迅速,其土地利用类型发生了一定的转化,耕地主要转化为城镇工矿、交通用地和园地,未利用地主要转化为城镇工矿、交通用地和耕地;在这18年间,工业园区土地利用变化的驱动力主要来自于人文因素的影响,人口增长、经济发展以及政策驱动是导致苏州工业园区土地利用变化的三个主要因素。  相似文献   

[目的]文章以江西省某县中心城区为例,利用城镇地籍数据构建一种快速调查低效用地的方法,为实现城镇用地粗放低效利用向精明高效利用转变。[方法]首先根据建筑物三维属性开展城镇三维建模; 然后结合GIS三维可视化、空间分析等方法识别低效用地; 最后采用单因子评价法进行低效用地类型判定。[结果](1)Ⅰ类低效用地的分布与城镇建设程度有关,主要分布在建设程度弱的区域; (2)Ⅱ类低效用地受布局混乱影响,造成周边建设用地割裂,影响土地的综合利用; (3)Ⅲ类低效用地大部分远离城镇中心区域,“粗放式”的土地利用模式导致土地利用强度不达标。[结论]盘活城镇低效用地是现实需要,基于城镇地籍数据三维建模的低效用地调查方法,减少了内、外业工作量,提高了调查效率与可视化程度,为城镇低效用地调查提供一种新技术与方法,有助于增强城镇核心功能,实现土地集约节约利用。  相似文献   

同珠江三角洲的其它城镇一样,改革开放以来南海市的耕地数量变化虽然存在一定的时间与区域差异,但基本上是以耕地数量锐减为特征。南海市耕地数量的减少,形式上是农业结构调整、居民点与工矿建设占用等,但实际上有其更深层次的、多方面的原因,分析表明是受到了多种自然、社会与经济因子共同作用的结果;以可持续发展理论为指导,提出了南海市耕地资源可持续利用的对策。  相似文献   

荆州土地利用规划的编制和思路湖北省荆州市土地局我们编制或修订土地利用总体规划的指导思想是以县(市)为单位,以到2010年耕地总量平衡或略有增加为目标,以乡镇规划为重点,以基本农田保护区规划、开发复垦规划、城镇规模控制规划、以及土地整理规划为主要内容。...  相似文献   

邓福光 《农业经济》1999,(2):34-34,46
城镇土地是行政区划划出的城镇占有的土地,其形成是一个不断地农地非农化过程的结果。随着我国经济的发展,社会的进步,我国城镇在规模上、数量上都迅速发展,城镇用地数量激增,而我国人多地少,尤其是耕地少,土地后备资源匮乏,城镇土地使用集约化成了摆在我们面前的...  相似文献   

In protecting farm land near cities, policy makers must balance the interests of farmers against affordable housing demands of the urban population. This article examines land use competition between agriculture and housing on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. Land suitability ratings for farming and urban development are compared, and future urban expansion onto agricultural land is simulated under different land use policies. Results indicate severe tradeoffs for affordable housing if all high quality farm lands are strictly preserved. Achieving farmland protection goals will require further policy support to transform the local farm structure from plantation to diversified agriculture.  相似文献   

土地利用空间格局演化研究对于实现土地资源最佳综合效益以及保障城市可持续发展意义重大。利用2000年、2007年和2015年这3期TM遥感影像解译的土地利用现状数据,对济南市长清区2001年从郊县改为市区之后的土地利用空间格局演化进行深入分析。结果显示:长清区土地利用变化具有明显的时空分异特征。从时间维度看,各种土地利用类型的动态度在这期间也相对较大,其中,水域、林地、建设用地呈现较为明显的增长趋势,其他用地、草地和耕地呈现递减趋势。从空间维度看,土地利用结构变动明显,呈现明显的非农化趋势,耕地面积减少,城镇用地、交通用地等用地规模快速增长。另外受期内生态退耕政策影响,林地面积也持续增长。从土地利用类型转换角度来看,耕地是其他用地类型最主要的补给来源。最后主要从经济因素、社会因素、制度因素和自然因素四方面进行土地利用空间格局演化驱动力分析。  相似文献   

‘Low-cost specialization’, ‘differentiation’, and ‘diversification’ are three overarching business models of professional urban agriculture in developed countries. Manifold city-adjusted farm activities belong to these business models resulting in the characteristic farm heterogeneity of urban areas. This paper makes use of the business models as tool for a geo-statistical analysis to spatially investigate farming patterns in reference region Metropolis Ruhr, Germany. Additional farm interviews substantiate findings of the geo-statistical analysis by focusing on horticulture as a common farm activity towards ‘low-cost specialization’, direct marketing and participatory farming belonging to ‘differentiation’, and equestrian services as a representative of the ‘diversification’ business model. These farm activities and underlying business models concentrate and tend to spatially cluster in the metropolitan’s center where population density is highest and farmland proportion is lowest. Agriculture plays a significant role in Metropolis Ruhr cultivating about one-third of the metropolitan area, but on-going loss of farmland and short-term lease of land affect farms considerably by complicating access to land. Most differentiated and diversified farms require certain amount of farmland to be successful, which is threatened by further farmland losses along with increased competition for the remaining farmland. Long-term planning security is crucial for farms focusing on high added value crops and organic farming. Progressively emerging participatory farming activities demonstrate urban farms’ abilities to innovatively adapt to societal demands. Better knowledge on professional urban agriculture’s farm activities and business models is of importance for farms and their related advisory services to address the urban context in farm development strategies more accurately, but also for public authorities’ planning and policies in land-related decision making. Economic viability of professional urban agriculture is the key requirement for additional social, environmental, and landscape functions within urban areas.  相似文献   

We assess the spatial and intertemporal variation in farmland prices using per hectare minimum willingness to accept (WTA) sales and rental (shadow) prices in Malawi. We use three rounds of nationally representative farm household panel data from the Living Standards Measurement Surveys (LSMS), collected in 2010, 2013 and 2016. The sample is split in quintiles based on distance from the nearest major city, building on the land valuation and transaction cost theory, and agrarian political economy perspectives on global and national land transactions. Generally, farmland shadow prices decrease with distance from urban areas. However, farmland shadow sales prices increased more sharply between 2010 and 2013 in rural areas (+100 % vs +30 % in urban proximity). The results indicate that the sharp increase in demand for large-scale land transfers following the sharp increase in energy and food prices also affected rural smallholders’ land valuation, even in remote rural areas of Malawi. Conversely, by 2016 land shadow sales prices were again, like in 2010, about three times as high in areas near urban centres compared to remote rural areas. Even though sales prices declined in remote rural areas from 2013 to 2016, rental prices remained high. Using farm household-level population pressure variable, we show that local population pressure is a driver of farmland shadow prices, indicating land scarcity challenges, growing demand for land, and poorly developed land markets. With increasing land scarcity, land markets are becoming more important and need to be factored in when formulating development policies that aim to improve access to land in both peri-urban and rural areas.  相似文献   

Based on a random sample of 240 farm households in Chiang Mai province, Thailand, this study shows that—contrary to widespread belief—Karen farm households are well-integrated into markets. Average levels of market integration are 31% for gross farm output, 35% for variable inputs, 49% for food consumption, and 80% for net family income. By estimating a two-stage least squares (2SLS) regression model, this study finds that integration into output markets is positively associated with a diversification of land use away from rice monoculture, more intense contact with nearby urban centers, and a greater number of roads connecting the village to the outside world. Controlling for these factors, the distance to urban centers does not impede market integration; distant villages are equally well integrated into output markets. The study further finds that integration into output markets improves farm productivity and net per capita income. Concerns about market integration are discussed. Results have implications for Thai policy makers who have recently placed increasing emphasis on the concept of "sufficiency economy" in order to promote the well-being of rural people.  相似文献   

To evaluate the nature of farm operation longevity in urban fringe agriculture, this paper develops a model that endogenizes planning horizon and estimates an empirical model whereby anticipated longevity in farming is regressed against farm, farmer, regulatory and land market related variables. The results suggest that the length of the planning horizon is directly related to farm profitability and confirm the impermanence syndrome hypothesis that land values are inversely related to the planning horizon. Contrary to farmers’ claims that periodic land disposal provides an internal source of credit to support long-term viability, the disposition of portions of the farmland is found to shorten the planning horizon. Innovative farmers are found to have longer planning horizons while experiences with Right-to-Farm conflicts are found to result in decreased planning horizon. Given the expected continual increase in land values and the growing physical closeness of farmers to their non-farm neighbors, significant concerns remain about the long-term survivability of urban fringe farmers. This study suggests the importance of considering farmers’ planning horizon as a key component in farmland retention programs.  相似文献   

The significant proportion of often abandoned marginal/enclosed agricultural land in city peripheries has given rise to the need for studying the delicate relationship between built-up areas and rural land. These issues are exacerbated where metropolitan settlement has no bounds and begins to invade the rural space juxtaposed between cities and urban areas.This marginal land, in particular where a minimum of agricultural activity persists, could provide support to urban activities for recreation, farm services and local production of goods, reducing energy consumption, greenhouse-gas emissions, global warming and packaging, conserving biodiversity. These actions will allow the composting and the reuse of treated waste waters for irrigation.In particular, urban agriculture can play an educational role by contributing to reducing crime and improving community/ethnic relations, encouraging time spent in the open air and ensuring food safety.This study describes a methodology related to the analysis, to the identification, of the residual agricultural areas, differentiating them in accordance with the various levels of rurality to indicate the models of use, which allow to enhance the local landscape situations (preservation of the agricultural function or insertion of integrated activities) obtaining the pertinent valorisation. This methodology has been applied to the metropolitan area in the North zone of Catania.The method has three distinct phases: (1) land analysis and GIS construction consists of acquiring and georeferencing cartographic data, field studies to check and update the maps, and carry out a questionnaire on farm data; (2) data processing with GIS to create some thematic maps; (3) proposal of suitable land-use models.  相似文献   

在遥感技术(RS)与地理信息系统(GIS)技术支持下,通过对南通市区2003年、2005年、2007年三期中巴地球资源卫星CBERS遥感影像数据进行处理,并通过对处理后的图像进行非监督分类获得了南通市三期土地利用类型图和不同土地利用类型的面积数据,之后通过对三期土地利用类型数据进行叠加分析,得到了南通市区土地利用类型转移矩阵,计算了各种地类的变化率,并对未来南通市区土地利用变化情况做出了预测,结果表明:1.南通市土地变化总体呈现出建设用地持续快速增长,耕地显著减少的趋势;2.导致这种变化的直接诱因则是南通城市化进程加快,经济发展迅速,建筑用地正在不断的取代耕地和其他用地;3.如果以当前的变化模式稳定延续下去,在2012年后很短时间内南通市区建设用地面积将占全区总面积的50%以上,同时耕地面积会进一步大幅下降,土地非农化的趋势将更加明显。  相似文献   

城市工业用地效率区域差异及影响因素研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究目的:对中国各省2005—2010年城市工业用地效率变化状况及其影响因素进行实证分析。研究方法:采用数据包络分析(DEA)测算全国各省2005—2010年城市工业用地效率,在此基础上,运用混合模型和固定效应模型分析全国城市工业用地效率的影响因素。研究结果:(1)城市工业用地效率差异大且呈现下降的趋势;(2)各省的城市工业用地效率变异系数呈现扩大趋势;(3)影响城市工业用地效率的主要因素是工业行业规模、土地市场化水平、工业行业对外开放程度、工业行业集聚程度。工业行业产权结构对城市工业用地效率并不具有显著影响,而工业行业技术水平和工业行业结构对城市工业用地效率的影响还需进一步检验。研究结论:城市工业用地效率差异大,变化复杂,受多种因素共同影响,未来的政策应当提高土地市场化水平,注重工业行业的规模化经营,努力提升工业行业科技水平及开放化程度,并合理规划好工业园区或开发区,促进工业行业发挥集聚效应,最终提升工业用地效率。  相似文献   

长三角城市土地稀缺与土地利用效率的交互影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:揭示长三角地区城市土地利用效率与土地稀缺的交互影响。研究方法:数据包络分析法(DEA)、方向性环境距离函数和经济计量分析方法。研究结果:(1)研究时段内,长三角地区城市土地利用效率对土地稀缺具有负向冲击累积作用,但土地利用效率对土地稀缺的预测方差贡献度较小,表明城市土地利用效率提升尚未明显缓解土地稀缺;(2)长三角地区城市土地稀缺对考虑非期望产出的土地利用效率带来长期显著负向冲击,土地稀缺对土地利用效率的预测方差贡献度超过50%,表明城市土地稀缺增加对于考虑非期望产出的土地利用效率具有负向作用,但土地稀缺对传统土地利用效率的影响并不明显。研究结论:长三角地区城市土地稀缺的缓解,既要强化建设用地面积管控,提高土地利用强度,盘活闲置用地,也要重视土地利用过程中环境污染"副产品"的管制。  相似文献   

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