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As Alfred Chandler has shown in his writings, particularly thethree monographs Strategy and Structure (1962), The VisibleHand (1977), and Scale and Scope (1990), the development oflarge industrial corporations has been an important featureof society from the nineteenth century onwards. These organizationsbecame not only significant employers but also important providersof goods to consumers and to other industrial firms. Furthermore,their development has had considerable consequences for thelandscape in  相似文献   

Bei der operativen Umsetzung der Geldpolitik hat es in den letzten Jahren einige ?nderungen gegeben. Welche Entwicklungen sind festzustellen? Welche geldpolitischen Instrumente stehen den Zentralbanken grunds?tzlich zur Verfügung? Was ist der zentrale geldpolitische Ansatzpunkt der EZB, des Fed und der Bank of England? Wie setzen diese Zentralbanken ihre Zinspolitik um?  相似文献   

In his book, Timothy Messer-Kruse argues that the financialsector has real effects and examines the causes and effectsof the banking collapse in Toledo, Ohio, during the summer of1931. Messer-Kruse makes an important contribution with hiscomprehensive microeconomic study of a banking panic and collapse,using a social history approach. Much of the book identifiesindividuals and details their actions and relationships to Toledo’sbanks, real estate firms, corporations, and municipal, county,  相似文献   

To anyone teaching the political economy of protection, Chilemust be among the closest "natural" experiments around. Thisbook provides a rich and very informative interpretation ofChilean trade policies that covers the period 1810–2000. Chapter 1 reviews the contributions by economists and politicalscientists to the public choice approach to the determinantsof protection. Contributions by the economics and politicalscience literature are grafted to a supply-demand frameworkof protection, with much of the discussion focusing on  相似文献   

Bouregois Nightmares is a useful supplement to Robert Fishman'sBourgeois Utopias: The Rise and Fall of Suburbia (1987) andKenneth Jackson's Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization ofthe United States (1985). It examines the rise and continueduse of restrictive covenants for suburban land development inthe 60 years between 1870 and 1930. Restrictive covenants werenot new in 1870, but they did not become common until the turnof the century The intellectual father, if not the originator  相似文献   

从国家的经济发展和全面建设小康社会的任务来看,我国流通业现代化面临的任务十分艰巨,加入世贸组织以后,流通企业面临的竞争压力和挑战比制造企业要严重得多.同发达国家比起来,我国现行的体制、观念、技术等各方面的差距还比较大,需要大家共同努力,多开展一些活动,为企业进入市场多提供些服务.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that university professors (lecturers) (in the U.S. and Spain) with different money profiles (based on Factors Success, Budget, Motivator, Equity, and Evil of the Love of Money Scale) will differ in work-related attitudes and satisfaction. Results suggested that Achieving Money Worshipers (with high scores on Factors Success, Motivator, Equity, and Budget) had high income, Work Ethic, and high satisfaction with pay level, pay administration, and internal equity comparison but low satisfaction with external equity comparison. Careless Money Admirers (high Success but low Budget) had low intrinsic job satisfaction and low satisfaction with pay level and life. Apathetic Money Managers (low Evil and low Motivator) had the highest intrinsic job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Money Repellent Individuals (high Evil and low Success) had low income, work experience, Work Ethic, and low satisfaction with pay administration. Money does not provide the same motivation for people in all four money profiles. Results are discussed in light of the effectiveness of using money to reward people with different money profiles, intrinsic motivation, and unethical behavior.  相似文献   

Graeme J. Milne has written a wide ranging study of the maritimeindustrial heartland of north-eastern England. North East Englandis a work that should be of interest of scholars working wellbeyond the shores of British maritime history. Indeed, usefulparallels could be drawn between the North East of England andthe American automotive heartland. The author's geographic focus runs from the southern limitsof urban Teeside to the northern edge of the Northumberlandcoalfield, and from the North  相似文献   

From the sixteenth through the early nineteenth century, theQing empire had been the world's greatest recipient of globalsilver. During the Daoguang reign (1820–1850), however,this was dramatically reversed, and the empire suffered massivesilver outflows. A disrupted monetary system brought about theso-called "Daoguang depression." State revenues declined, andrising maintenance costs led to progressive infrastructuraldecay. Increased costs and deflated prices led to declines inmanufacturing, decreased hiring, and rising unemployment. Pricespaid to rural  相似文献   

Jonathan Grant approaches his topic of the late nineteenth-centuryarms races with a frank admission that he believes such developmentsare best understood through the particularity of the events,rather than through some theoretical construct. As a consequenceof this orientation, he proceeds to study arms races and thearms trade through the examination of a truly impressive arrayof specific international arms deals from the 1860s throughthe first decade of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Dwayne Winseck and Robert Pike present a wide-ranging studyof communications technologies, global media, and the growthof international cable and wireless telecommunications providersin Communication and Empire: Media, Markets, and Globalization,1860–1930. Over the course of ten chapters, Winseck, aprofessor of media studies at Carleton College, and Pike, ProfessorEmeritus of Sociology at Queen's University, uncover the complexorigins of the international telecommunications industry inthe mid-nineteenth century, and explore its growing influenceover commerce, information  相似文献   

This study examines a model involving income, the love of money, pay satisfaction, organizational commitment, job changes, and unethical behavior among 211 full-time employees in Hong Kong, China. Direct paths suggested that the love of money was related to unethical behavior, but income (money) was not. Indirect paths showed that income was negatively related to the love of money that, in turn, was negatively related to pay satisfaction that, in turn, was negatively associated with unethical behavior. Pay satisfaction was positively related to organizational commitment. Thus, the love of money is the root of evil, but money is not.  相似文献   

It is paradoxical that the United States, a nation so recentlytriumphant in the Cold War, should be so gripped by anxietyabout its economic future. A burgeoning national debt and ayawning current account deficit, among other pressures, obligeAmericans to question how—and if—the next one hundredyears will bring another "American Century." Into this debatesteps longtime Washington insider Kent H. Hughes, who sets outwith the ambitious agenda of considering "America’s economicfuture and its economic past" while seeking to define a  相似文献   

Since their initial development, railroads have always beencentral to the development of Chicago as the transportationhub of the Midwest and the nation. Indeed, they remain centralin the twenty-first century. Although the number of trains andtrackage declined precipitously as consolidations and deregulationtook hold in the twentieth century, the actual tonnage hauledand the number of trains have grown. Consequently, Chicago founditself "as inundated with railroad trains in 2001 as it hadbeen a century earlier" (p. 220). Young  相似文献   

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