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反倾销规则是 WTO允许的世界各国均可采用的维护公平贸易秩序、抵制不正当竞争的重要手段之一 ,其规则非常严密 ,主要是明确规定了反倾销必须同时具备的三个条件及反倾销的程序。WTO成立以后 ,各成员方纷纷修改本国的反倾销法律 ,我国于 2 0 0 1年 12月 10日颁布了《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》,使之与 WTO的反倾销规则相一致。同时 ,也在积极利用 WTO反倾销规则来反对他国反倾销的滥用。 2 0 0 1年引起各界广泛关注的欧盟对我国石材业反倾销申诉案 ,经涉诉的我国 2 7家企业的积极应诉 ,终以欧盟撤诉 ,我方取得全面胜利而告终。这是我国按照 WTO原则建立自我保护体系 ,有效保护本国经济利益和经济发展的重要举措。意味着我国政府也将利用反倾销这把“利剑”来保护国内企业 相似文献
中美贸易冲突根源的探寻不应停留在国际贸易层次,而是应该从当下的国际分工结构和国际生产关系中去寻找。作者从马克思主义国际政治经济学角度出发,认为国际分工及其相应的国际生产关系是决定国家在世界舞台上政治经济地位与利益的基础。发展中国家在传统的国际分工结构中长期处于外围、在生产关系上处于依附地位的根本原因在于生产力落后,特别是技术水平落后。20世纪70年代以来,全球生产链作为一种新的国际生产组织方式逐渐形成并发展起来。在这一新的国际分工生产中,发展中国家的依附地位并没有改变,但是具体的依附形式不同于历史上的依附形式,呈现出“技术—市场”依附的特点。在这种新的依附形式下,广大参与全球生产链分工的发展中国家只能从中获得微薄的附加值,进而形成一种依附式发展,而西方发达国家的跨国企业却能够主导全球生产进程并从中获得高额的附加值。中国要实现现代化强国的目标,就需要摆脱依附式发展模式,实现在全球生产链中从中低端向中高端的攀升。近年来中国在发展高新技术产业和提升世界市场地位方面的努力及其获得的相应成就触动了美国作为现有国际分工主导者的既得利益。为了维护其霸权的经济基础,美国不惜发起贸易战以遏制中国的发展有其必然性。中国摆脱依附式发展以及美国相对衰落所导致的国际分工格局现实和潜在的变化正是中美贸易冲突爆发的根源所在。 相似文献
Leon Bettendorf A. van der Horst N. Draper C. van Ewijk R. de Mooij H. ter Rele 《De Economist》2011,159(3):257-278
The ageing of the population imposes a considerable burden on long-term public finances in most industrialized countries.
Generational accounting has been used across the world to assess the generational imbalance associated with current public
policies. In this study, we incorporate Dutch generational accounts in an open economy overlapping generations model to assess
the sustainability gap in current Dutch public finances. Our central estimate of the gap is 4.5% of gdp, but the paper also
shows the sensitivity of this result. We explore a variety of policy reforms to reduce the sustainability gap, thereby presenting
the impact on the intergenerational distribution of the net benefit from government. 相似文献
中印两国作为正在迅速崛起的发展中国家,虽然在不同层面上有着诸多共同利益,但不可避免地在一些领域里仍然存在着很大的矛盾和分歧,表现尤为突出的就是在领土、经贸以及战略等领域上。以客观务实的态度认识和把握现阶段的中印关系,以高瞻远瞩的姿态去正确处理两国间的利益冲突,积极推进双边关系的良性发展,建立长久友好的战略合作关系,符合双方各自的长远利益,符合周边地区的安全与稳定,符合"和平"与"发展"的时代主题。 相似文献
This paper develops a theoretical model which postulates that while the drop in oil prices during the 1980s has benefitted O.E.C.D. countries in a way not unlike a favorable productivity shock, the concomitant shift in oil market share from Arab or cartel core petroleum exporting countries to non-Arab or non-cartel core petroleum exporting countries, has provided less benefits to the O.E.C.D. countries than has hitherto been acknowledged. The econometric analysis lends support to the model. 相似文献
Lewis Jeffrey D.; Robinson Sherman; Thierfelder Karen 《Journal of African Economies》2003,12(2):156-206
Countries in southern Africa have engaged in a variety of tradeliberalisation initiatives such as the European Union (EU)SouthAfrica Free Trade Agreement (FTA), the EU's Everythingbut Arms (EBA) initiative to eliminate trade barriersagainst imports from the least developed countries and a potentialFTA among Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries.In this paper we use a multi-country computable general equilibrium(CGE) model to analyse the impact of trade liberalisation inthe region. First, we analyse the FTA between South Africa andthe EU. Then, we consider how the rest of southern Africa mightrespond: (i) by enforcing an SADC FTA; (ii) by exploiting theadvantages of unilateral access to the EU in addition to anSADC FTA; and (iii) by entering an FTA with the EU and otherSADC countries. The scenarios are ordered such that the SADCcountries pursue increased trade liberalisation. We find thatunder all FTA arrangements the increased total imports fromFTA partners exceeds the reduction in imports from non-FTA partners the FTAs examined are all net trade creating. Some SADCeconomies are slightly hurt by the FTA between the EU and SouthAfrica, while others gain slightly. Overall, the agreement isnot a beggar-thy-neighbour policy. We also find that unilateralaccess to the EU is more beneficial for SADC countries thanan SADC FTA because the SADC countries trade more with the EUthan with each other. However, reciprocal reforms under an EUSADCFTA dominate unilateral access to the EU because they requiremore structural adjustment in the SADC countries. Finally, wefind that South Africa is not large enough to serve as a growthpole for the region. Access to EU markets provides substantiallybigger gains for the other SADC countries than access to SouthAfrica. 相似文献
通过个人退休决策和养老保险基金平衡模型,文章分析个人和政府的决策差异,首次将Leslie人口模型引入养老保险基金平衡公式,修正养老保险制度抚养比,以测算渐进式延迟退休时间表对养老保险基金缺口的影响。模型结果表明:在低利率、低初始就业年龄的现实条件下,强制延迟退休会造成个人福利损失,政策执行存在阻力。然而,延迟退休政策势在必行,是应对养老保险基金缺口的现实选择。面对决策冲突,政府应首先尽快统一退休年龄,以此为改革突破口,采取多种配套措施逐步推进退休年龄改革。 相似文献
Neil Foster 《Open Economies Review》2012,23(5):869-889
This paper considers the importance of Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) in enhancing trade for a large sample of countries within the period 1962?C2000. The paper builds upon the existing literature by examining whether any significant effects of PTAs occur through a change in the variety of imports (i.e. the extensive margin) or through a change in the volume of existing products (the intensive margin). Our results indicate that imports respond positively to the formation of a PTA between countries, and that much of this increase in imports occurs along the extensive margin. 相似文献
我国的农村土地制度限制了宅基地使用权流转出本集体经济组织,但是根据继承法,宅基地上所建的房屋作为法律保护的私有财产是可以继承的,由此导致了房屋所有权与宅基地使用权的冲突与矛盾。同时,严格的耕地保护制度和我国人多地少的现实又使我们不能放开宅基地使用权,使其自由进入流通领域。妥善的解决之道是应平衡房屋继承人继承房屋所有权的利益和集体组织对宅基地所有权的利益。“宅基地换房”模式是一个有益的探索,能在一定程度上解决这种冲突。 相似文献