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简泽 《当代财经》2005,(4):9-13
本文在新古典随机增长模型的框架下。利用长期识别限制的结构性向量自回归模型识别和计量了具有持久效应的生产率冲击对我国经济波动的影响。我们发现,具有持久效应的生产率冲击不仅引起了我国实际GDP长期趋势的随机变化,而且导致了实际GDP偏离随机趋势的短期波动。不过,与暂时冲击比较起来,生产率冲击的波动效应并不具有实际上的重要性。  相似文献   

经济波动、成本约束与资源配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济波动影响企业投资,进而影响资源配置效率,已经成为研究转型期间市场资源配置的关键。本文研究发现,随着生产率波动的增加,企业间资本边际报酬的差异也逐渐加大,其原因主要是调整成本所致,这意味着经济波动的增加会严重影响行业内的资源配置。在理论上,本文利用调整成本的投资动态分析框架,发现生产率增长率高的企业虽然投资预期很大,但是由于企业在跨期投资过程中面临不断上涨的调整成本,其投资存在上限,因此它们的资本扩张不能使资本边际报酬下降至行业平均水平,此时资本边际报酬的差异也就形成了资源错配。此外,本文还使用我国工业企业数据进行数量分析,基于理论框架以及通过校准得到的调整成本,发现生产率波动性和资本边际报酬差异之间的确存在稳定的正相关关系,即经济波动加剧的时候,资源错配现象就越严重,并且这种关系会因为调整成本的存在而增强。  相似文献   

王胜  周上尧  张源 《经济研究》2019,54(6):106-120
本文回顾了过去十几年美国利率调整与中国相关宏观经济变量的关系,发现美国的加息和减息政策对中国资本流动规模产生了明显的非对称性影响。本文运用一个包含名义价格黏性和抵押担保约束两类摩擦的小国DSGE模型来深入分析外国利率冲击的传导和作用机制,并利用抵押担保条件的偶然紧约束特性来解释利率冲击所造成的宏观经济非对称性,然后使用粒子滤波方法进一步验证、测算了偶然紧约束所造成的非对称资本流动规模。研究表明,外国利率的上升和下降将分别导致企业家部门抵押担保约束处于收紧与松弛的不同状态,并通过金融摩擦机制造成本国非对称的资本流动;运用实际数据与反事实估计,本文发现中国宏观经济存在非常明显的非对称现象,在2011年间偶然紧的抵押担保约束导致每季度资本净流入的规模减少了接近5000亿元人民币。  相似文献   

文章在开放经济RBC模型的基础上,建立了一个包含随机增长趋势的RBC模型。同时,根据相关文献的研究,本文对模型的参数进行了校正并且对中国经济进行了模拟。模拟结果表明,带有随机增长趋势的RBC模型能够对中国的经济情况进行适当的模拟。特别是,模型能够解释经济变量波动呈现的产出<消费<投资的现象,同时模型也能够对各个经济变量之间的相关关系进行刻画。  相似文献   

短期经济波动如何影响长期增长趋势?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈昆亭  周炎  龚六堂 《经济研究》2012,(1):42-53,79
短期经济波动如何影响长期经济平均增长趋势已成为一个新的研究热点。本文研究我国省际数据发现,波动性对长期增长趋势有显著影响:1978年前,波动性与平均增长呈负相关的特征在多数省份出现;1978年后,两者关系主要表现为正相关。本文通过建立内生随机增长模型,研究波动与增长之间的内在关联,提出了实际波动与增长关系的一种合理解释。模型的基本思想是:人力资本形成过程分为自然形成和主观形成,教育投入等决定主观形成过程的因素的多少是决定波动性如何影响长期经济增长方向的关键。当教育投入较高,以致主观过程占优时,波动性对长期增长趋势有正效应;反之,当自然过程占优时,波动性对平均增长有负效应。模型结论与建国后的发展历史相印证:1978年前,生产水平低,教育投入少,人力资本形成中干中学比例占优,因而波动性同增长呈负相关;1978年恢复高考后,教育正常化,生产发展,教育投入增加,因而波动性与增长逐渐呈现正相关。  相似文献   

本文通过在一个包含耐心家庭和缺乏耐心家庭两类家庭、包含消费品部门和房地产部门的DSGE模型中引入住房交易成本和住房价格加成的预期冲击,研究预期对住房价格和宏观经济的影响。研究发现:(1)参数识别检验和方差分解的结果表明,本文引入的预期冲击,尤其是住房交易成本和住房价格加成的预期冲击,不仅具有理论上的合理性,而且具有经验上的识别性和重要性。(2)虽然当期住房价格上涨会增加住房使用者成本,但是如果预期未来住房价格会大幅上涨,家庭的住房使用者成本也会下降,从而出现越涨越买的现象。(3)如果政府因为房价上涨过快而实施增加住房交易成本等房地产业的紧缩政策,但是公众预期未来政府会因为宏观经济下行转而采取房地产业的扩张政策,则这种预期会使当前的紧缩政策失效。(4)如果政府能够引导公众形成正确的预期,则能够改善房地产业调控政策的经济效果;而公众的错误预期会增加经济的波动,因为必须进行反向修正来抵消错误预期对经济的影响。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of external shocks on bank lending spreads and output fluctuations in Argentina during the early 1990s. The first part presents the analytical framework. The second presents a VAR model that relates bank lending spreads, the cyclical component of output, the real lending rate, and the external interest rate spread. Impulse response functions show that a positive shock in external spreads leads to higher domestic spreads and lower output. Historical decompositions show that shocks to external spreads in the immediate aftermath of the Mexican peso crisis had a sizable effect on movements in output and domestic spreads.  相似文献   

市场波动的不确定性会导致出口企业扭曲(或错误)配置劳动力要素,本文通过Blinder-Oaxaca分解法将出口企业在国内市场和外部市场的订单(业务)波动类型分为四组,以此考察不同波动情形下资源错配的企业生产率损失。市场处于膨胀期(订单增长期)的企业相对萧条期(订单递减期)企业由此会付出更大的生产率损失,即市场机会损失更显著;订单外销导向(比内销导向)的要素扭曲配置代价更高,即存在显著的出口干中学损失。此外,要素扭曲配置还会导致多样性收益损失。除了信息不充分,要素和产品市场不发达造成的劳动力调整粘性,也会导致企业非意愿逆向调整(扭曲配置),进而降低了出口企业的全要素生产率。而肩负社会(就业)责任的国有出口企业短期内缺乏劳动力要素调整的市场敏感度,因而抗订单波动的决策风险较小。  相似文献   

郑丽琳  朱启贵 《财经研究》2012,(7):37-48,100
文章通过构建包含环境约束的动态随机一般均衡模型,分析了生产技术和环保技术冲击对一国主要宏观变量的影响。研究发现:(1)生产技术冲击对经济发展的促进作用是直接的、主要的,而对污染排放量的增长效应则是间接的、次要的,最优污染排放变动具有顺周期性;(2)环保技术冲击对经济的推动作用是间接的、次要的,而对污染排放量的限制作用则是直接的、主要的,最优污染排放变动具有逆周期性;(3)在两类冲击共同作用下,环保技术冲击的减排效应短期显著,而生产技术冲击的增长效应则长期占优,但两类冲击对全球污染存量变动的影响都十分微弱,经济波动周期维持在十年左右。  相似文献   

技术冲击与中国经济周期波动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于一个较为一般的动态一般均衡框架,从理论上探讨了技术冲击的长期影响。以此为基础,我们使用SVAR方法识别出导致中国经济周期波动的技术冲击,并且估计了它们对产出和通胀的动态影响,以及对二者波动的贡献率。结果发现,技术冲击虽然是中国经济周期波动的主要成因,但其贡献要远小于现有的其他实证结果。  相似文献   

This paper provides new insights into the relationship between exchange rates and productivity developments for European Economies. We focus on the question whether productivity changes have a long‐run impact on real effective exchange rates for a large number of European economies. Focusing on a sample period running from 1995 until 2013, we adopt a cointegrated vector autoregressive approach and distinguish between long‐run equilibrium, short‐run dynamics and long‐run impact of shocks. Our findings show that for several industrialized economies, real effective exchange rates and labor productivity are not related over the long‐run. A possible explanation for this result is that wage developments do not reflect increases in labor productivity to a large degree, which prevents a transmission to the real effective exchange rate through the price channel. The results for Central and Eastern European Countries are more encouraging since a positive impact of labor productivity on real effective exchange rate is frequently observed.  相似文献   

The article investigates the sources of macroeconomic fluctuations in Saudi Arabia using structural vector autoregression methods and pays particular attention to oil prices and changes in terms of trade. Using a macroeconomic model tailored to the Saudi Arabian economy, the authors identify terms of trade, supply, balance of payments, aggregate demand, and monetary shocks. The results show that the Saudi Arabian price level, real exchange rate, and to a lesser extent output is vulnerable to terms of trade shocks. Moreover, Saudi Arabian terms of trade are driven by output, trade balance, and aggregate demand shocks. To stabilize output and the real exchange rate, Saudi Arabia ought to continue diversifying its production base and aim for a stable nominal oil price. (JEL E32 , Q43 , C22 )  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the effects of foreign productivity shocks on monetary policy in a symmetric open economy. Our two-country model incorporates the New Keynesian features of price stickiness and monopolistic competition based on the cost channel of Ravenna and Walsh (2006). In particular, in response to asymmetric productivity shocks, firms in one country achieve a more efficient level of production than those in another economy. Because the terms of trade are directly affected by changes in both economies’ output levels, international trade creates a transmission channel for inflation dynamics in which a deflationary spiral in foreign producer prices reduces domestic output. When there is a decline in economic activity, the monetary authority should react to this adverse situation by lowering the key interest rate. The impulse response function from the model shows that a productivity shock can cause a real depreciation of the exchange rate when economies are closely integrated through international trade.  相似文献   

International Risk Sharing and the Transmission of Productivity Shocks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper shows that standard international business cycle models can be reconciled with the empirical evidence on the lack of consumption risk sharing. First, we show analytically that with incomplete asset markets productivity disturbances can have large uninsurable effects on wealth, depending on the value of the trade elasticity and shock persistence. Second, we investigate these findings quantitatively in a model calibrated to the U.S. economy. With the low trade elasticity estimated via a method of moments procedure, the consumption risk of productivity shocks is magnified by high terms of trade and real exchange rate (RER) volatility. Strong wealth effects in response to shocks raise the demand for domestic goods above supply, crowding out external demand and appreciating the terms of trade and the RER. Building upon the literature on incomplete markets, we then show that similar results are obtained when productivity shocks are nearly permanent, provided the trade elasticity is set equal to the high values consistent with micro-estimates. Under both approaches the model accounts for the low and negative correlation between the RER and relative (domestic to foreign) consumption in the data—the "Backus–Smith puzzle".  相似文献   

The traditional argument against the relevance of sector-specific shocks for the aggregate phenomenon of business cycles invokes the law of large numbers: positive shocks in some sectors are offset by negative shocks in other sectors. This paper hypothesizes that cancellation of sector-specific shocks via the law of large numbers is affected by interactions among producing sectors. The analysis is performed within the context of a multisector model similar in spirit to that of Long and Plosser [J. Polit. Econ.91(1983), 39–69]. It is shown that the rate at which the law of large numbers applies is controlled by the rate of increase in the number offullrows in the input-use matrix rather than by the rate of increase in the total number of sectors. Investigations of actual input-use matrices from the U.S. economy reveal that the number of full rows increases much slower than the total number of rows upon disaggregation, and when these input-use matrices are used to parameterize the model, aggregate volatility from sectoral shocks declines at less than half the rate implied by the law of large numbers. This finding leaves open the possibility that a sizeable portion of aggregate volatility is caused by “smaller” shocks to individual sectors. Simple statistics calculated from the model indicate that as much as 80% the volatility in U.S. gross domestic product growth rates could be the result of independent shocks to two-digit Standard Industrial Code sectors.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: E1, E32, C67.  相似文献   

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