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企业家的创造性思维荆林波企业家的创造性思维,以"魔力"般的作用推动企业经营的兴旺发达,这已为国内外许多成功的经验所证实。现介绍几种普遍采用的创造性思维方法。一、发散性思维。发散性思维,就是从某一研究和思考的对象出发,从一点联想到多点,从而形成思维的扇...  相似文献   

加快实施西部大开发战略,需要企业发挥作用。因此,加强西部地区企业家队伍建设,就成了一项重要而紧迫的任务。解决西部大开发中企业家这个最稀缺资源问题,一个重要方面就是运用我国改革开放以来的成功经验,借鉴国外先进的做法,加快发挥东部企业家的作用,实行东西部在人才及现代市场经济意识、知识经济及管理、资本营运等方面的互补与合作,以推进西部队伍西部经济的大发展。   一、“东识西移”,吸收东部企业创新思维,加快更新西部企业家经营观念   加快西部人才资源开发与建设,推进西部企业家不断解放思想,更新观念,是加速西部企业经济发展的前提。   为了促进西部企业解放思想,树立创新思维与现代市场经济意识,西安市积极开展吸收东部开放意识活动,在东部各类经济人才中,广泛征集“我看西安发展”的建议、批评、意见活动。省、市主要负责同志对见诸报端的有关意见及时作出重要批示。这一旨在吸收东部经济思想与思路创新的活动,有效地促进了西部经济和社会的大发展。   一位经济学家指出,西部大开发,观念更新是先导。要树立新的发展观、资源观、优势观和规划观,确立新的发展模式,克服传统的等、靠、要等依赖思想。“东识西移”就是要把东部企业家的开放意识移向西部,...  相似文献   

四月十八日,国家轻工部、中国皮革协会在江苏森达集团开会,数百名制鞋专家聆听江苏森达集团董事长朱相桂的发言,认为他搞企业有科学的辩证思维。江苏省委书记陈焕友、省长季允石去年在森达集团考察,看到森达的发展和决策,说朱相桂这位企业家超常的辩证思维了不起。意...  相似文献   

杨光 《中外管理》2014,(10):1-1
2014年,当中国企业家们为是否应向互联网"全面投降"而争论不休时,还有谁敢不把"互联网"和"互联网思维"挂在嘴上? 有,德国人。  相似文献   

意识是观念形态,是思想的集中体现。企业是一种特定的社会组织,也具有意识。企业的意识,实质上是指企业家及企业管理者的群体意识。在现实生活中,唯有企业家及企业管理者的群体意识不断解放和创新,才能使企业长胜不败。以下十个方面的意识有助于企业家更好地管理企业。  相似文献   

基于制造业服务化转型视角,探讨制造业企业家的胜任力问题。通过问卷调查,采用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析法,构建了制造业企业家的胜任力模型。研究结果显示,该模型具备良好的拟合度,制造业企业家的胜任力由战略能力、变革能力、学习能力、协作能力、成就动机、冒险精神、创新意识和客户意识八个方面构成。在此基础上,结合调研得到如下研究结论:企业家能力正成为企业成长的最重要推动力;客户是制造企业服务化转型中的关键资源;企业家的变革意识和创新理念有待提高;基于企业家胜任力模型开展人力资源管理活动,是推动制造企业服务化转型的一个重要途径。  相似文献   

企业家群体创新素质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业家的活动是一种创造性的活动。这种创造性的活动需要企业家具有不断进取的创新意识和创新能力。从目前来看,我国企业家群体的经营战略创新意识逐步增强,但管理创新能力相对滞后,技术创新能力发展缓慢。加强学习,更新知识,并不断提升企业家的成就动机水平是提高其创新素质的关键所在。  相似文献   

面对梦想与现实的中国企业家,应缔造怎样的精神家园,才能成就基业长青的世界级企业?时代,需要人文精神的企业家主持人:2011年10月,有两位企业家成为新闻焦点:一个在美国,乔布斯,10月5日去世,引发了全世界"果粉"的哀悼活动,企业家、专家学者、媒体连篇累牍地进行各种讨论和追思。还有一位,  相似文献   

科技意识是科学技术在人们观念中的反映.科技意识决定了人们接受、采用、评价、参与科学技术活动的行为.企业家是现代企业的组织者、管理者,从一定意义上讲,他们是现代生产实践过程的灵魂.因此,企业家的科技意识是促进科学技术发展,将科技成果及时转化为生产力的重要主观条件、企业和企业家对科学技术活动的参与和支持,能够为科学技术的发展创造积极的社会环境,提供经济保证,引导创造性人才从事科学技术研究,那么,一个现代企业家应当有怎样的科技意识呢?笔者提出如下认识.  相似文献   

一、"企业家人力资本"是生产要素之一 一个成功的企业都是一个或几个成功的企业家的"作品",对优秀乃至卓越的企业家的渴求是所有企业的共同愿望。企业家具有的这种决定企业命运的能力究竟是什么?有研究学者将它定义为"企业家人力资本"。"企业家人力资本"要求企业家面对不确定市场具有决策、配置资源能力的能力,即在不确定性中构建新的生产函数。  相似文献   

王晓利 《价值工程》2011,30(30):224-225
实践教学对于培养大学生的创新意识、创新思维和创新精神,提高创新能力,掌握创新方法,使用创新工具,都具有十分重要的意义。通过在教学环节中创造性地实施体验教学、影视教学、实例教学、研讨教学、模拟教学等诸多手段,使学生有效提高创新能力和创业潜力,实现这类课程的教学目标。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to advance our understanding of core entrepreneurial competencies and their interdependencies. Developing entrepreneurial competencies is increasingly seen as important to foster entrepreneurship. Studies to date have highlighted different entrepreneurial competencies in the context of different sectors, regions and countries. However, there has been a lack of consensus in relation to the perceived relative importance of core entrepreneurial competences and their interdependencies among students, academic and entrepreneurs. Our paper focuses on two key questions: first, what are the core entrepreneurial competencies that need to be developed in educational contexts? Second, what are the interdependencies between these entrepreneurial competencies that need to be developed in educational contexts? Using a collective intelligence methodology a comparative study of Iran and Ireland was undertaken that involved three stakeholder groups of students, academics and entrepreneurs. This methodology was used to identify, rank, and structure entrepreneurial competencies considered important for university students. The results of the study indicated that productive thinking, motivation, interpersonal skills and leadership are core entrepreneurial competences that need to be developed in educational contexts. Findings also highlight critical interdependencies between entrepreneurial competencies and the relative influence of different competencies across groups and regions. We outline the implications of our findings for designing a curriculum for improving students’ entrepreneurial competencies.  相似文献   

学校是社会人才培养的基地,对学生进行创业能力的培养,是高职院校改革和发展的趋势。而校园文化是直接影响学生成长的环境因素,是推动学生创业的重要方式和途径。它影响到学生创业意识和创业品格的形成,影响到学生创业潜能的挖掘和创业行为的产生。培育自主创业的校园文化氛围,培养学生的创业基础能力、创业意识、创业行为以及创业的思维模式已势在必行。  相似文献   

The article presents a preliminary model, which links creativity with entrepreneurial intention. Model formulation is based on a random survey of students from two engineering schools. Model parameter estimation is supported by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Extensive statistical analysis demonstrated model and parameter validity. Results indicate that student’s self-perception of creativity and a family environment that promotes creative thinking can predict increased levels of entrepreneurial intention. Moreover, the present study argues that the contemporary university environment does not promote entrepreneurial intention through the development of creative thinking. The article ends with discussion and conclusion of the results and overview of research limitations.  相似文献   

中国的传统文化有着旺盛的生命力和非凡的通融性,它体现着"天人合一"的哲学思想和"以人为本"的人文精神.中国传统雕塑艺术表现为"灵动之美"且以平面方式表现时空,它是一种物化了的生命实体且记载着文明的印痕.城市雕塑既是一个国家或城市的文明标志和文化产物,同时也是一个地方的生命缩影.可见,城市雕塑的营建应注重人性化理念,并倡导中国古代环境艺术中所崇尚的"天、地、人"三位一体的审美境界.  相似文献   

廉春雨 《价值工程》2011,30(27):218-218
问题是思维的核心,一切探究、发现和创新都是围绕问题展开的。传统教育长期形成的教师权威定势、书本定势和从众定势,导致学生严重缺乏问题意识,制约了学生的认知发展、良好个性以及创新能力的发展。  相似文献   

Which factors facilitate the identification of business opportunities for sustainable development? To answer this question, we develop a process model of sustainable opportunity identification. We argue that sustainable opportunity identification is a process with transitions from problem to solution identification and from solution to sustainable opportunity identification. Moreover, the transitions are facilitated by two factors—awareness of adverse consequences and entrepreneurial attitude—providing motivation and direction in the process. We tested our model in a field study (N = 107) and two experiments (N = 53 and N = 69). Our findings show that awareness of adverse consequences and entrepreneurial attitude influence the process of sustainable opportunity identification, explaining under which conditions people are more likely to identify business opportunities for sustainable development. Our study thus contributes to the field of sustainable entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This paper uses a causal map methodology to consider the contrasts between entrepreneurial intentions and outcomes. In evaluating a series of propositions drawn from the extant literature the study finds that the elicited causal maps are consistent with contrasts in entrepreneurial intentions, but not outcomes. This suggests that the existing emphasis on entrepreneurial strategies being deliberate, conscious processes may be misplaced: non-deliberate, emergent strategies may be just as influential in producing entrepreneurial outcomes. The study develops a series of output propositions suggesting that entrepreneurial outcomes are associated with causal maps which connect the internal operations of the business with the external environment. This implies that entrepreneurial success may be a result of intuitive systems thinking in which connections are made between the environment and the internal operations of the business.  相似文献   

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal - Extant literature looks at entrepreneurial exit strategies (e.g., stewardship—family succession; financial harvest—sale of the...  相似文献   


The integration of the Internet and the real economy has propelled the formation of a new economy. Internet cultural industries—defined as a collection of industries that engage in creative cultural content, production, circulation, and services based on Internet technology and core digitization—are a critical part of this new economy. This study argues that the development of Internet cultural industries has created a new entrepreneurial ecosystem, which is a dynamic and open ecosystem impacted by numerous factors. Using a structural equation model (SEM) method, we empirically examine the factors impacting the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Internet cultural industries. We find that both external ecosystem factors, including politics, the economy, sociocultural activities, and technological environments, and internal ecosystem factors, including netizens, governments, enterprises, and media and industry associations, are verified to significantly affect the entrepreneurial ecosystem performance of Internet culture industries. Most interestingly, we find that the political environment is the most crucial factor impacting the entrepreneurial ecosystem performance of Internet cultural industries. Thus, Internet cultural industries should prioritize the improvement of good government governance. Overall, our study deepens the research on the Internet entrepreneurial ecosystem by identifying its internal and external determining factors in the context of emerging economies.


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