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所有金融诈骗罪的共同点是都需要以客观推定主观,以非法占有目的为主观要件。不同点在于对“非法占有”的界定,对不同的金融诈骗所要求的推定之“基础事实”也应不同,但均应具备推定的常态联系性和可反驳性。在基础事实与待证事实间具有常态联系的基础上,允许并保障被告人的反驳权,如果其不能提供证据或提供的证据不能使法官对待证事实产生任何合理怀疑,方能认定推定成立。  相似文献   

浅谈银行票据诈骗新动向及其防范措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银行票据诈骗,是指以非法占有为目的,利用银行票据进行诈骗活动,骗取财物数额较大的犯罪行为。随着经济与科技的发展,银行票据诈骗的行为也日趋猖獗.范围不断扩大.严重扰乱了金融秩序和银行的正常经营活动。笔者结合自身工作实践,简要谈谈当前银行票据诈骗的新动向及其防范措施。  相似文献   

近年,一些不法分子针对社会保险金的违法犯罪时有发生,但对诈骗社保基金的行为如何处理,司法实践中做法不一,有的行为人得到刑事处罚,有的被给予行政处分,还有的在被追回社会保险金后没有受到任何处罚。为了统一司法实践,打击诈骗社会保险金的违法犯罪,十二届全国人大常委会第八次会议审议通过了法律解释认为,以欺诈、伪造证明材料或者其他手段骗取养老、医疗、工伤、失业、生育等社会保险金或者其他社会保障待遇的,属于《刑法》第二百六十六条规定的诈骗公私财物的行为。  相似文献   

方艳  方方 《理财》2001,(10):34-34
合同诈骗罪,是指以非法占有为目的,在签订、履行合同过程中,骗取对方当事人财物数额较大的行为。合同纠纷,是指行为人有履行或基本履行合同的诚意,只是由于客观原因而未能完全履行合同而形成的纠纷。区分合同诈骗罪与合同纠纷两者界限的关键是行为人的主观目的。行为人是以骗取财物为目的,还是通过履行约定的民事法律行为而获得经济利益。而要判断行为人的主观目的,必须从主体资格是否真实、是否具有履行合同的能力、有无履行合同的行为、违约的原因及违约后的表现等几方面进行判断。#$主体资格是否真实,是否采取了欺骗手段利用合同…  相似文献   

白海娟 《金卡工程》2010,14(7):196-197
合同诈骗罪,是指以非法占有为目的,在签订、履行合同的过程中,骗取对方当事人数额较大的财物的行为。本文旨在阐明在合同诈骗罪的认定中,如何界定"合同"的含义,如何对合同诈骗罪的犯罪数额进行认定,以及如何区分本罪与相关民事纠纷。  相似文献   

近年来,利用银行承兑汇票进行诈骗活动日益猖獗,有必要加强防范。 一是客户经理要根据企业实际的销售和需求,合理核定票面额度,重点关注出票人的保证金是否由供货方提供,是否存在套取信用社资金的行为,申请承兑业务的用途是否符合规定,所购货物是否符合法律法规允许的范围。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的迅速发展,合同诈骗罪的社会危害性日益严重,合同诈骗罪是指以非法占有为目的,在签订、履行合同的过程中,采取虚构事实、隐瞒真相的方法,骗取对方当事人财物,数额较大的行为.然而关于合同诈骗罪的认定理论界和实务界尚存争议,本文主要围绕下列若干问题予以探讨,以期有助于司法实践.  相似文献   

金融诈骗是一种以金融机构作为犯罪对象,以非法占有国家资金为目的,用虚构事实、隐瞒真象的方法骗取较大金额资金或盗用银行名义进行诓骗的违法活动。金融诈骗活动严重侵害我国的社会主义财产所有权关系,阻碍经济的正常发展,败坏银行的信誉,必须严惩。近年来,伴随着改革开放的深化,金融诈骗活动出现了一些新的特点: 一是诈骗手段多样化。随着改  相似文献   

<正>2022年9月2日第十三届全国人大常委会第三十六次会议通过《中华人民共和国反电信网络诈骗法》(以下简称《反电信网络诈骗法》),自2022年12月1日起实施。该法注重源头治理与综合治理,对商业银行健全反电信网络诈骗内控制度,强化银行账户、外部欺诈、反洗钱等事项的合规管理提出更高要求。一、《反电信网络诈骗法》出台的背景与内容(一)《反电信网络诈骗法》的相关背景电信网络诈骗指的是以非法占有为目的,利用电信网络技术手段,通过远程、非接触的方式,诈骗公私财物的行为。当前我国电信网络犯罪形势严峻,在刑事案件犯罪当中占据很大比重,根据公安部数据显示,仅2021年,全国公安机关就破获电信网络诈骗案44.1万余起,  相似文献   

论保险表见代理行为的认定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保险公司是否承担以及如何承担行为人无权代理产生的法律责任,一直是公众关注的焦点。正确运用保险表见代理制度,合理认定保险表见代理行为,对有效保护保险消费者利益,提高保险机构责任意识,规范保险代理人展业行为,维护交易秩序,实现交易稳定具有重要意义。  相似文献   

民间借贷发轫于民间,其建立在个体信用基础之上,这种基于血缘、亲缘、地缘、业缘关系的个体信用容易监督,具有稳定性但不具有成长性。非法集资是以非法占有为目的,以虚构事实、隐瞒真相、虚假宣传的欺骗方法向不特定社会公众集资的犯罪行为。在我国,非法吸收公众存款、集资诈骗、高利转贷等相关联罪名均被列入非法集资。民间借贷与非法吸收公众存款、集资诈骗等刑事纠纷交织在一起,使当事人之间法律关系的性质难以准确判断,因此,民间借贷和非法集资刑民交叉案件成为司法实践中的"疑难杂症",回答这个现实问题,会受到如金融机构、市场、监管机构、公安机关、司法裁判机构等一系列因素的影响。本文从交叉案件现象、交叉案件实体法律关系研究、交叉案件程序处理方式研究、交叉案件裁判研究四方面展开,归纳民间借贷和非法集资刑民交叉案件的法律要点和裁判要旨,形成判断罪与非罪、罪轻与罪重的司法指引。  相似文献   

针对新农合欺诈风险具有"低频高损"和"高频低损"的特征,运用两阶段损失分布法(PSDLDA)测度新农合欺诈风险损失TailVaR值,以2004~2012年媒体公开报道的新农合欺诈损失数据为样本进行实证研究,计算了欺诈风险损失纯保费,并探讨了在新农合欺诈风险定价、风险准备金计提、风险补偿机制的建立以及欺诈风险预警等方面的应用。  相似文献   

Insurance Fraud   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Insurance fraud is a major problem in the United States at the beginning of the 21st century. It has no doubt existed wherever insurance policies are written, taking different forms to suit the economic time and coverage available. From the advent of “railway spine” in the 19th century to “trip and falls” and “whiplash” in the 20th century, individuals and groups have always been willing and able to file bogus claims. The term fraud carries the connotation that the activity is illegal with prosecution and sanctions as the threatened outcomes. The reality of current discourse is a much more expanded notion of fraud that covers many unnecessary, unwanted, and opportunistic manipulations of the system that fall short of criminal behavior. Those may be better suited to civil adjudicators or legislative reformers. This survey describes the range of these moral hazards arising from asymmetric information, especially in claiming behavior, and the steps taken to model the process and enhance detection and deterrence of fraud in its widest sense. The fundamental problem for insurers coping with both fraud and systemic abuse is to devise a mechanism that efficiently sorts claims into categories that require the acquisition of additional information at a cost. The five articles published in this issue of the Journal of Risk and Insurance advance our knowledge on several fronts. Measurement, detection, and deterrence of fraud are advanced through statistical models, intelligent technologies are applied to informative databases to provide for efficient claim sorts, and strategic analysis is applied to property‐liability and health insurance situations.  相似文献   

This case describes a fraud committed at a public authority which operated a municipal facility that was used for sporting events and concerts. The fraud was committed by the authority’s chief accounting officer who stole tens of thousands of dollars in cash over a period of several years. The case describes how the cash was stolen and concealed by the authority’s chief accountant. Case questions ask students to identify internal control weaknesses that allowed the fraud to be committed, recommend improvements to internal controls, and identify how the auditor should have searched for the fraud. Assessment evidence indicates that the case is effective in meeting identified learning objectives. The case has been used in the first auditing course, and it would also be suitable for use in a forensic accounting course.  相似文献   


The UK government’s response to fraud cannot be disentangled from its broader ‘serious and organized crime’ (SOC) strategy. In order to explore whether fraud should—in public policy, criminal justice and law enforcement terms—be seen primarily as an SOC issue, there is a need to consider questions about whether or not ‘SOC’ is a sensible object of policy-making in the first place. Several arguments in favour of an SOC policy are identified in the paper. However, the notion of an overarching SOC policy is problematic for three reasons. First, SOC is a fundamental misrepresentation of reality, which does not correspond to a real social problem. Second, SOC policy can limit the development of more problem-specific crime strategies, Third, the ‘SOC’ label can negatively transform how social problems are perceived over the long term. If fraud is to be better understood and dealt with, it may therefore be necessary to extract it from its current inclusion within wider SOC strategy.  相似文献   

Hypothesis generation is considered to be critical to the effectiveness and efficiency of diagnostic processes in auditing. Using a between-subjects experimental design, this work examines the impact of fraud risk and the availability of a non-misstatement management explanation on auditors' hypothesis generation performance. The context is when managers undertake analytical procedures at the planning stage of the audit. The results indicate that auditors are sensitive to increased fraud risk by generating more fraud hypotheses, while the number of misstatement hypotheses generated is not affected by fraud risk. The availability of a non-misstatement management explanation was found not to interfere with auditors' hypothesis generation performance, but facilitated the generation of proportionately more misstatement and fraud hypotheses from the same transaction cycle as that indicated by the management explanation. Together, these findings provide some insights on the sensitivity of auditors' hypothesis generation to fraud risk and whether this sensitivity could be undermined by the availability of management representations.  相似文献   

In this article we extend the work of Loebbecke et al. (1989 ) and illustrate the use of an evidential reasoning approach for developing fraud risk analysis models under the Bayesian framework. New formulations facilitating fraud risk assessments are needed because decision tree approaches previously used to develop analytical models are not appropriate in complex situations involving several interrelated variables. To demonstrate the evidential reasoning approach, a fraud risk assessment formula is derived and illustrated. The fraud risk formula captures the impact of the presence or absence of and interrelationships between the three ‘fraud triangle’ risk factors: Incentives, Attitude and Opportunities. The formula includes the impact of risks and controls related to these three fraud risk factors as well as the impact of forensic audit procedures and relevant analytical and other procedures that provide evidence for the presence or absence of fraud. This formula may be used in audit practice both to help plan the audit and to assess fraud risk sequentially as audit evidence is obtained.  相似文献   

There is widespread agreement that insurance fraud is a major problem in the United States. There is little agreement, however, in what constitutes insurance fraud in the many articles and research papers published on the subject during the past ten years. The term ‘‘fraud’’ carries the connotation that the activity is illegal and, hence, that prosecution and conviction are potential outcomes of a specific fraud. Accepting that premise allows us to adopt the legal definition of fraud in the insurance context and to examine the experience of dealing with insurance fraud in terms of property‐liability insurance lines. Specifically, we examine ten years of data on referrals and disposals of incidents of suspected fraud as processed by the Insurance Fraud Bureau of Massachusetts to provide estimates of the distribution of types of people who perpetrate a variety of insurance frauds. We compile conviction rates, sentencing outcomes, and recidivism rates in detail to illuminate the law enforcement process and to gauge the deterrent effect of prosecuting insurance fraud in the criminal courts. The Massachusetts data lead us to conclude that the number of cases of convictable fraud is much smaller than the prevailing view of the extent of fraud; that the majority of guilty subjects have prior (noninsurance) criminal records; and that sentencing of subjects guilty of insurance fraud appears effective as both a general and specific deterrent for insurance fraud but ineffective as a specific deterrent for other crime types, as the recidivism rate appears no different from the general property criminal's recidivism rate.  相似文献   

刑事涉财产执行程序因采取移送执行模式而被误认为不存在申请执行人,使得刑事涉财产执行程序及其衍生的案外人权益救济程序过分依赖执行法院的职权主义。在刑事附带民事诉讼裁判、追缴或责令退赔违法所得并返还被害人判项、责令被免予刑事处罚的被告人赔偿被害人损失判项的执行程序中,案外人权益救济程序原则上应以被害人为申请执行人,并参照适用民事强制执行程序中的案外人权益救济制度。其他刑事涉财产执行程序应以检察机关为申请执行人。除非出现被执行人逃避执行或者案外人对执行标的提出排除执行请求等特殊情形,作为申请执行人的检察机关通常无须现实参加执行程序。  相似文献   

周铭川 《当代金融研究》2021,2021(1):155-167
刑法拟制的本质是对法律效果的拟制,是对A类型的事实适用A罪的构成要件进行评价,但适用B罪的罪名和法定刑定罪量刑——既不是对事实要素的假定而将A类型的事实认定为B类型的事实,也不是为B罪创设一种新的犯罪构成。除了窝藏赃物型抢劫罪等少数条款具有拟制的正当性之外,其他拟制条款均不具有正当性,应当尽快废除。根据条文规定的明确程度以及可解释为注意规定的余地大小,可以将刑法学界通常所认为的刑法拟制划分为明文规定的拟制、比较明显的拟制、形似的拟制、解释的拟制四种类型,由于大多数“拟制”条款都存在违背罪刑法定、实质正义和责任主义等问题,因而应当将形似的拟制和解释的拟制解释为注意规定,以尽量缩小刑法拟制的条款范围。  相似文献   

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