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Relatively few studies have examined the importance of an entry's sequential position to the choice of foreign entry mode. We use a dynamic model to analyze sequential entries into the United States from 1975 to 1992. Our findings show that several independent variables which explain a firm's initial mode of entry do not explain the modes of subsequent entries. These findings underscore the importance of experience in foreign investment, as companies learn from early entries and adapt the modes of subsequent ones. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The licensing of technology entails a trade‐off: licensing payments net of transaction costs (revenue effect) must be balanced against the lower price–cost margin and/or reduced market share implied by increased competition (profit dissipation effect) from the licensee. We argue that the presence of multiple technology holders, which compete in the market for technology, changes such a trade‐off and triggers more aggressive licensing behavior. To test our theory, we analyze technology licensing by large chemical firms during the period 1986–96 for 107 chemical products. We find that the rate of technology licensing displays an inverted U‐shaped relationship with the number of potential technology suppliers and is negatively related to the licensor's market share and to the degree of technology‐specific product differentiation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interaction effects of institutional differences in the cognitive, normative, and regulatory domains on cross‐border acquisition and alliance formation. Using a sample of 673 cross‐border acquisitions and alliances conducted by multinational corporations (MNCs) from the manufacturing sector of six emerging economies (EEs) over the period 1995–2008, we find significant mimicking (cognitive domain) of local firms' choice of ownership modes by EE firms. We also find that regulatory distance (regulatory domain) moderates the mimicking of both foreign and local firms while normative distance does not have any moderating effect. These findings contribute to our understanding of how EE MNCs mimic ownership modes in foreign market entry and how the interaction of this mimetic tendency with other institutional pillars affects these decisions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

作为世界贸易组织的成员 ,我国今后的利用外资工作要符合国民待遇原则 ,但是目前在对外资国民待遇原则的认识上 ,依然存在一定的误区 ,本文澄清对国民待遇原则认识的误区 ,并就如何贯彻国民待遇原则提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

This study examines influences on the level of corruption in countries from a strategic perspective. Corruption is one of the country‐level influences on market entry, investment, and other decisions fundamental to strategic management at the international level. The study examines the impact on corruption of change in levels of foreign direct investment (FDI). It uses the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) scores computed by Transparency International for 1999 and 2000. Results indicate that the more rapid the rate of change in FDI, the higher the level of corruption. Higher levels of perceived corruption are associated with each of two dimensions of national culture: uncertainty avoidance and masculinity. Research and managerial implications are also discussed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops an explanation for the mode and sequence of entry that firms select for their international research and development activities. The hypotheses are based on the internalization and evolutionary theory perspectives. I first hypothesize that there is a sequence to the mode of foreign research and development activities initiated. I then discuss two firm capabilities and alternatives which might cause firms to omit parts of the sequence. The context of the study is the foreign research and development activities of incumbents and recent entrants to the Japanese pharmaceutical industry. The results indicate intriguing differences between the motivations of established firms and new entrants in establishing foreign research and development activities. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We argue that foreign firms operating in a host country generate information spillovers that have potential value for later foreign direct investment. We test two predictions. First, we expect foreign direct investments by firms with experience in a host country to be more likely to survive than investments made by first-time entrants. Second, foreign direct investments will be more likely to survive the greater the foreign presence in the target industry at the time of investment, subject to two contingencies. The first contingency is that the relationship will be weak or nonexistent among firms with no experience in the host country, because these firms have difficulty evaluating and taking advantage of the information spillovers. The second contingency is that the presence of other foreign firms will not affect investment survival among firms that already have a presence in the target industry and undertake expansion. These firms already possess general information about the target industries and are unlikely to gain additional benefit from information spillovers. We find supportive evidence based on the survival to 1992 among 354 U.S. investments undertaken by foreign firms in manufacturing industries during 1987. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The rise and decline of foreign entry strategies in transition economies is an important yet largely overlooked issue in the literature. This study is a step toward filling this gap by examining how mimetic entry within reference groups and the emergence of a competing strategy affect the bandwagon phenomenon of a dominant strategy in the context of China, where international equity joint ventures (EJVs) used to be a dominant entry strategy among foreign firms in the 1990s. Findings from a sample of 1,123 EJVs formed in China's non-restricted industries from 1990 to 2003 show that the impact of home and host-country industry effects are not symmetric between the EJV rise and decline periods. Cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) as a competing strategy has an important impact during the EJV decline period but not the rise period. The interactive effects between EJV and M&A strategies occur only in the host-country industries. We discuss such results and offer suggestions for future research. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of an investigation of the impact of conflictive and cooperative political events in 62 host countries on Japanese foreign direct investments during the period 1965 to 1980. In addition, the study provides evidence of the relative importance of economic conditions and intergovernmental relationships as determinants of foreign direct investments by Japanese firms. It is argued that in analyzing the effect of political events on foreign direct investments, one must not only take into account the conflictive political conditions within the host countries, but also cooperative political developments and changes in intergovernmental relationships. The findings of this study are compared with the results of investigating the impact of political events on foreign direct investments by United States and German multinational firms. Similarities and differences are highlighted as well as their probable causes. As such, this study makes a contribution to the conceptualization of political risk in an international business context.Dr. Hans Schollhammer is Associate Professor and Chairman of the International Management Program, Graduate School of Management, UCLA; Dr. Douglas Nigh is Assistant Professor of International Business, Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania. The authors acknowledge with gratitude the financial support provided by the United States-Japan Friendship Commission for this research project.  相似文献   

In light of increasing licensing, we challenge the common assumption that product development and technology licensing are substitutes. We develop a resource‐based framework, which distinguishes a firm's technological resource base and technology exploitation processes. We further combine survey, patent, and financial data of 228 medium‐sized and large industrial companies to examine the interactions of firms' product development processes and technology licensing processes in order to explain heterogeneity in new product revenues, licensing performance, and firm performance. The results underscore that product development, which indicates innovative capacity, and technology licensing, which indicates desorptive capacity, are complements rather than substitutes in integrated knowledge exploitation in medium‐sized and large firms. This complementarity is particularly pronounced in firms with an emphasis on cross‐licensing and with a strong patent portfolio. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the strategic interaction between a foreign direct investor and a host country. We analyze how the investor can use his control rights to protect his investment if he faces the risk of “creeping expropriation” once his investment is sunk. It is shown that this hold-up problem may cause underinvestment if the outside option of the investor is too weak, and overinvestment if it is too strong. We also analyze the impact of spillover effects, we give a rationale for “tax holidays” and we examine how stochastic returns affect the strategic interaction of investor and host country.  相似文献   

An overlooked aspect of agglomeration economies, which are positive externalities that stem from the geographic clustering of industry, is that firms contribute to the externality in addition to benefiting from the externality. This insight suggests that if firms are heterogeneous they will differ in the net benefits they receive from agglomerating. We argue that firms with the best technologies, human capital, training programs, suppliers, or distributors will gain little, yet competitively suffer when their technologies, employees, and access to supporting industries spill over to competitors. Therefore, these firms have little motivation to geographically cluster despite the existence of agglomeration economies. Conversely, firms with the weakest technologies, human capital, training programs, suppliers, or distributors have little to lose and a lot to gain; therefore, these firms are motivated to geographically cluster. As a result, when firms are heterogeneous we expect agglomeration to be characterized by adverse selection. We find supportive evidence of these arguments by examining the location choice and survival of foreign greenfield investments in U.S. manufacturing industries. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, strategy researchers have sought to understand the ownership structure of firms' foreign direct investments (FDI) as reflected in entry mode and equity level. However, prior FDI research has ignored the interrelated nature of these key FDI decisions. In addition, prior research does not fully account for the fact that individual ownership structure decisions occur within the context of a firm's broader FDI portfolio, and thus reflect a wide and frequently unobserved range of parent firm and host nation effects. Our research seeks to address both of these limitations. Using a rich dataset of 4,459 subsidiaries established by 858 Japanese firms across 38 countries over a 9‐year period, we specify a conditional bivariate, cross‐classified multilevel model of FDI ownership structure. Our model enables the joint estimation of entry mode and equity level, accounts for the portfolio nature of FDI, and compares the relative predictive power of transaction cost‐ and experience‐based explanatory variables across both facets of ownership structure. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To address concerns of opportunism, outsourcing firms are encouraged to deploy contractual and relational governance. The individual and collective effects of these mechanisms have been previously examined but not in specific contexts. This study examines the effects of contractual and relational governance on provider opportunism, incorporating the moderating influence of a “shift parameter”—national culture. Our results reveal that contractual governance is more effective in individualistic and low uncertainty avoidance cultures. Relational governance is more effective in collectivist and high uncertainty avoidance societies. The individualism–collectivism dimension also moderates the joint effect of these mechanisms. While the mechanisms are generally complementary in mitigating opportunism, a singular focus on either contractual or relational can be just as effective under situations of high individualism and collectivism, respectively. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The integration of R&D and marketing in new product development (NPD) is an important contributor to NPD performance. Of the mechanisms developed to aid functional integration, many have been developed in western cultural environments and may not have applicability in other national cultural settings. Using a sample of NPD workgroup personnel in New Zealand (NZ), the western cultural environment, and Singapore, quantitative and qualitative data have been used to measure national culture and determine the applicability of different organization integration mechanisms. Results show key differences between the two samples, indicating a link between formalization, centralization, role flexibility and interfunctional climate mechanisms with the Hofstede dimensions of Power Distance, Masculinity and Uncertainty Avoidance of national culture. Managerial implications are that national cultural values and settings of the respondents are important when determining best integration mechanisms.  相似文献   

We consider the effect of national culture and corporate culture differences on the management of international strategic alliances (ISAs). Findings are based on the perceptions of a relatively large sample of Chinese partner firms in ISAs with foreign partners. We find that differences in national culture and corporate culture have contributed to a similar extent to differing views on ISA management. However, findings indicate that differences in national culture and corporate culture have a differential impact on aspects of ISA management. Perception of national culture and corporate culture differences and the contribution of those differences to differing views on the management of ISAs are greater in relatively younger ISAs compared with older ISAs. Managers in equity-based ISAs report fewer problems with culture related impediments to managing ISAs than managers in non-equity-based ISAs.
Keith W. GlaisterEmail:

Li Dong   is a Lecturer in International Business at School of Management, Royal Holloway, University of London. He received his MSc in International Management from University of Reading, UK. He previously worked in a major global bank in China, and holds a professional certification in International Banking. His current research interests include strategic and managerial issues pertaining to international strategic alliances, the management of multinational enterprises, direct foreign investment, and business strategies in China. Keith W. Glaister   is Dean of the Management School, University of Sheffield, and Professor of International Strategic Management. His main research focus is on the analysis of the formation, partner selection, management and performance of international joint ventures and strategic alliances.  相似文献   

针对建筑业常见的利益冲突问题及对抗性的项目文化,提出了建设基于信任、合作的项目文化的重要意义。从项目文化磁场的角度分析了项目文化的形成机理,得出通过项目文化建设来加快制度建设与实施新型项目管理模式的可行性,并以此为基础,从项目核心文化建设、组织模式变革及信息技术应用、组织文化塑造等方面提出了项目文化建设的对策及建议,旨在促进传统项目管理模式的变革,提高项目管理水平。  相似文献   

本文从国家的产业政策,全球并购的产业趋势,以及外资在国内投资的特征,分析了外资并购中外商投资的新趋向.  相似文献   

We develop an institutional change perspective to examine the tension that can exist between evolving external environmental influences and internal organizational influences on foreign entry attempts. Using data on the entries of 215 U.S. public firms made into 11 Central and Eastern European transition economies during the period of 1990–2003, we find that shifts in national institutional environments, from a socialist to a market economy, reduce the extent of challenges encountered to make a hierarchical entry, which leads to an increase in foreign hierarchical entry attempts but not necessarily to a decrease in relational entry attempts as institutional transformation. We find evidence of inertial influences as experienced entrants tend to follow their previous decisions when making subsequent entry attempts. Further, they are less responsive in their foreign entry strategies to the institutional transformation in a given host country than inexperienced firms. We also find that the experience gained from relational entries results in more hierarchical entry attempts, but hierarchical entry experience results in fewer relational entry attempts. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

跨国公司在华投资市场导向与绩效关系实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以往文献多是从研发投入、技术转让、知识产权保护导致交易费用不同的角度研究市场导向与外资企业绩效之间的关系,本文则从外资企业功能定位、资源要求、市场机会、风险暴露以及不同动机的成本节约差异入手研究外资的市场导向对绩效的影响。相对出口导向型外资企业而言,市场开拓型外资企业在价值创造中承担了更多的功能、投入更多的资源、面临的市场机会更多、风险更小,并且成本节约更大,这些因素使其绩效好于出口导向型外资企业的绩效。我们通过江苏省苏州地区4026家生产性外资企业2003-2007年数据进行实证研究支持了这一结论。同时,实证研究发现市场导向与绩效之间的关系受到进入方式的调节作用,在合资与独资两种不同进入方式下,市场导向与绩效之间的关系在方向上表现不一致,而且在强度上也存在很大差别,合资的市场开拓型在华子公司的绩效要好于独资的出口导向型在华子公司的绩效。基于该研究结论我们提出相应的管理启示和政策建议。  相似文献   

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