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This study evaluates extraordinary and exceptional items (EI) disclosed in financial statements by Hong Kong companies from 1989 to 1993, prior to revision of SSAP 2. The results indicate that disclosures of positive EI were associated with market expectations of profit before taxes. If market expectations were higher than profit before EI and taxes (PBEI), positive EI (gains) were likely to be disclosed to adjust PBEI upwards and thus reduce the gap between reported and expected profits.
The results relating to negative EI (losses) showed that if companies had low historical economic performance they were more likely to disclose negative EI. Because weak historical economic performance is likely to be associated with low market expectations, management used this opportunity to 'spring clean' in order to show better economic performance in future years.
These findings suggest that managers engage in earnings management through disclosure of extraordinary items when they have flexibility to do so. In order to improve quality of financial disclosure, better accounting standards need to be developed for disclosures of extraordinary items, especially by newly developed and developing countries where accounting standards are at the formative stage.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of a recent experimental study into the materiality-disclosure problem. Thirty case situations involving losses and gains on the sale of business assets were presented to 150 individuals and they were asked to state whether they would call for separate disclosure of the losses/gains as extraordinary items in the annual financial statements. Significant differences in the responses of the individuals were found and the results indicated that some consideration should be given by the professional accounting bodies to giving more guidance on materiality — disclosure decisions.  相似文献   

Although the financial statements of an organization are considered a product of management, prior research suggests that a company's financial statements may be affected by the negotiation strategy employed by the auditor when resolving audit differences with management. However, little subsequent research discusses the potential strategies that auditors may employ during the negotiation process. Our study extends the literature by investigating, in a post–Sarbanes‐Oxley environment, whether auditors will employ a reciprocity‐based strategy for the resolution of audit differences and what client characteristics (client management's negotiating style and client retention risk) increase the extent to which it is utilized. Further, we explore the potential effect of a reciprocity‐based strategy on the quality of the financial statements. Such a strategy involves bringing inconsequential items to management and subsequently waiving these items in an effort to encourage management to be more cooperative in the posting of significant income‐decreasing adjustments. The results of experiment 1 indicate that client management's negotiating style and retention risk have an interactive effect on auditors' use of a reciprocity‐based strategy. Specifically, auditors are more likely to utilize a reciprocity‐based strategy when management's negotiating style is competitive and client retention risk is high. Experiment 2 findings suggest that the auditor's use of reciprocity during negotiation can actually result in more conservative financial statements by helping the auditor manage perceived client pressures to waive or reduce proposed adjustments.  相似文献   

The Value Relevance of Multiple Occurrences of Nonrecurring Items   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Discontinued operations, special items, or extraordinary items typically are nonrecurring items in firms' income statements. As such, prior research has theorized that these items are of minimal relevance to market valuation of the firm, since they are transitory in nature. Moreover, anecdotal evidence in the financial press is supportive of this notion. We examine firms that report either single or multiple occurrences of such items over a rolling six-year period between 1977 and 1996 and find in both cases that such items are value-relevant. When multiple occurrences are not partitioned by type (discontinued operations, special items, or extraordinary items), the more recent such event in the series has a negative effect upon market value of equity, whether it has had a positive or negative effect upon net income.This is consistent with at least two possible explanations, multiple occurrences of such items indicate firms in financial difficulty, or multiple occurrences indicate firms whose managers have engaged in repeated attempts at earnings management, and that the most recent attempt is being devalued by the market. We find patterns of discretionary accruals consistent with managers engaging in upward earnings management prior to multiple write-downs using special items. We also find that firms with multiple write-downs are more likely to go into liquidation or bankruptcy within the next five years. We find that single occurrences also are value-relevant and are positively correlated with market values. Tests on the sample when partitioned by type lead to similar results, though signs of the effects upon net income change in some instances.  相似文献   

In this case students explore the financial statements of Alcoa as an example of a consolidated company with minority interest in order to understand minority interest and the differences among the concepts of accounting for consolidated enterprises: economic-unit, parent-company, and proportionate concepts. Unlike other Fortune 500 companies, Alcoa presents sufficient footnote disclosures to approximate financial statements based on each theoretical concept. Although Alcoa, and most public companies, primarily follow a mix of parent-company-concept and economic-unit-concept, students need to understand all three concepts discussed in FASB Discussion Memorandum Consolidation Policy and Procedures (FASB, 1995) because accounting for consolidated enterprises is changing in the 1990s and will surely continue to evolve during their professional careers. By transforming Alcoa's financial statements to be consistent with each accounting concept and evaluating the usefulness of these statements, students expand their understanding of minority interest and consolidated financial statements from a user's perspective and gain insight into accounting theory.  相似文献   

The impression management literature suggests that managers often resort to biased disclosures. However, there is little systematic evidence on what types of strategies management uses to achieve this bias. Do managers simply lie? Or, do they use more subtle ways of introducing positive bias into corporate narratives, such as selecting specific information items which result in a more positive impression (‘selectivity’) or by keeping their narratives vague and general (‘vagueness’)? In order to differentiate between the two scenarios, I re-examine the positive forward-looking statements examined by Schleicher and Walker (2010) and compare, across firms with improving and deteriorating financial performance, the managerial choices made in relation to eight forecast attributes.

I make two observations. First, there are significant differences in the characteristics of good- and bad-news firms’ positive statements. In particular, bad-news firms’ positive statements involve more non-specific time horizons, more segmental forecasts, and more references to conditions and aims and objectives, but fewer directional forecasts, fewer numbers, and fewer reinforcing qualifiers. Second, the identified differences in good- and bad-news firms’ positive statements can be exploited for classification purposes: including into a classification model additional regressors that measure a positive forward-looking statement's level of selectivity and vagueness significantly increases the model's ability to separate firms with improving financial performance from firms with deteriorating financial performance. Overall, my results are consistent with (a) impression management operating predominantly through selectivity and vagueness and (b) selectivity and vagueness being an important signal for future financial performance.  相似文献   

Historically, Japanese accounting standards have been quite distinct from International Accounting Standards (IASs) which have been perceived as being modelled on British-American accounting standards. However, in the 1990s, after the publication of E32 in 1989 and the IASC-IOSCO Agreement in 1995, the Business Accounting Deliberation Committee (BADC), the standards-setting body in Japan, has pursued a policy of harmonization with IASs. Accounting standards relating to consolidated financial statements of companies that make cross-border offerings of securities or operate worldwide are being revised drastically. This paper focuses on the development of international accounting harmonization and its impact on Japan.  相似文献   

SFAS No. 115 requires firms to recognize available-for-sale (AFS) securities at fair value with accumulated unrealized gains and losses (AUGL) recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income. Firms reclassify AUGL to net income when they realize gains and losses. We refer to the amount reclassified each period by “RECLASS.” As of 1998, SFAS No. 130 requires firms to present RECLASS prominently in their financial statements. We investigate the incremental explanatory power of RECLASS for banks’ market values and market-adjusted returns. In the market value analysis, we control for AUGL, other components of book value of equity, net income before extraordinary items and RECLASS (NIBEXother), and other components of comprehensive income. In the returns analysis, we control for ΔAUGL, ΔNIBEXother, and extraordinary items. We find high positive coefficients on RECLASS in both analyses, consistent with investors pricing RECLASS as a relatively permanent component of net income. Exploring possible explanations for these pricing implications, we find no evidence that they are attributable to RECLASS remedying unreliable fair value measurement of AUGL. We provide three distinct analyses indicating that RECLASS’s pricing implications are explained in significant part by it helping investors predict banks’ future performance. Our results illustrate that an important type of amortized cost accounting information, realized gains and losses, remains highly useful to investors despite the overall fair-value-accounting framework for AFS securities.  相似文献   

公允价值会计涉及的三个层次基本理论问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为公允价值计量模式是与财务报告的决策有用性目标相一致的,如果财务报告决策有用性的目标不能被推翻,则公允价值计量模式不会被取消。但是公允价值计量模式在短期内不会成为唯一的计量模式,21世纪将是混合计量模式的时代。既然混合计量模式将是未来相当长时期内的主要会计计量模式,那么各财务报表项目采用何种计量属性应以财务报表需达到的质量要求为判断依据,采用公允价值计量的项目应提高其信息质量。  相似文献   

The concept of public accountability promotes the need for a comprehensive set of performance‐related information to satisfy the information needs of a diverse stakeholder interest group. However, literature concerned with the scope of information to be disclosed, and in particular within the context of a developing country, is limited. This paper identifies the information set which stakeholders of Malaysian local authorities consider relevant in the monitoring and assessment of local authority performance. Stakeholders indicated strong interest in performance information that is not traditionally disclosed in the financial statements: non‐financial information particularly performance measurement of outputs, outcomes, efficiency and effectiveness. Disclosures in the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure and forward‐looking information are generally regarded as the most important disclosures. The results of the study also indicate differences amongst stakeholders as to the level of importance that they place on certain items especially items related to internal policies and governance and financial position of the local authorities. The findings will be of significance to policy makers interested in improving the performance reporting of Malaysian public sector entities, particularly local authorities.  相似文献   

This paper uses the quarterly conference call as a disclosure metric to examine whether firms with less informative financial statements are more likely to respond by providing additional voluntary disclosure. After controlling for other characteristics of a firm's information environment, I find a significant inverse relation between measures of the informativeness of a firm's financial statements and the likelihood that the firm will use a quarterly conference call. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis in Verrecchia (1990) that the probability of disclosure of management's private information is negatively related to the precision of prior public information on firm value.  相似文献   

This paper uses a valuation framework to examine whether exceptional and extraordinary items (as traditionally defined) have the same valuation implications with income from ordinary activities. British company data covering an 11-year (1980–90) period are used. The empirical model used in the study posits a log-log relationship between income from ordinary activities, exceptional and extraordinary items, and book value of equity at the previous accounting year-end and market prices. There is some evidence that both exceptional and extraordinary items are priced by the market and that extraordinary items may not be combined with exceptional items or with income from ordinary activities.  相似文献   


This paper develops a structural system for estimating accounting variables, within which the deterministic relationships inherent in financial statement articulation are clearly defined in the econometric model. The key proposition of the paper lies in the treatment of the financial statements as a matrix of codetermined information constrained by double entry, where the expected value of each of the individual items that comprise the financial statements will be mirrored elsewhere in the system with a different sign. Given that the change in net operating assets shares the same variation as the change in net financial claims, it is shown, by formally identifying the articulation, that empirical application will yield increased precision and improved efficiency by comparison to the more traditional methods that fail to specify the structural double entry property.  相似文献   

Previous research (Rendleman, Jones, and Latane [1987]; Freeman and Tse [1989]; Bernard and Thomas [1990]; and Ball and Bartov [1996]) indicates that security prices do not fully reflect predictable elements of the relation between current and future quarterly earnings. We investigate whether this finding also holds for the special items component of earnings. Given that special items are prominent in financial analysis and are assumed to have relatively straightforward implications for future earnings (special items are assumed to be largely transitory), one might expect that prices would fully impound the implications of special items for future earnings. Based on the "two-equation" approach used in Ball and Bartov [1996] and other studies (e.g., Abarbanell and Bernard [1992]; Sloan [1996]; Rangan and Sloan [1998]; and Soffer and Lys [1999]), we find that while prices reflect relatively more of the effects of special items compared to other earnings components, we still reject the null hypothesis that prices fully impound the implications of special items for future earnings. The "two-equation" approach assesses the consistency of coefficients in a pair of prediction and pricing equations, and thus depends on an assumed functional form. However, a less structured abnormal returns methodology like that used in Bernard and Thomas [1990] also supports the conclusion that the implications of special items are not fully impounded in prices. Specifically, a trading strategy based only on the sign of special items earns small but statistically significant abnormal returns during a 3-day window four quarters subsequent to the original announcement of special items.  相似文献   

Harmonisation between the Australian accounting standards applicable to the public sector and Government Finance Statistics is the highest priority for Australian public-sector reporting. The objective of harmonisation is to achieve a standard for a single set of government reports which are auditable, comparable between jurisdictions, and in which the outcome statements are directly comparable with the relevant budget statements. The result will be an improvement in the quality, clarity and transparency of government financial statements, and will remove the source of confusion as to which set of financial reports presents a more reliable portrayal of financial results.  相似文献   

Provisions of AAS 27 significantly expanding the recognition of assets in local government financial statements have proven to be controversial, particularly through their application to items of infrastructure. In one instance, state legislation was amended to overrule the standard. More recently, the standard itself has been amended to extend the relevant transitional provisions. To assist in explaining why an accounting issue ostensibly resolved through the due process of standard-setting continues to generate controversy, the responses to the exposure draft (ED 50) that preceded the standard were reviewed and analysed. This led to the conclusion that any inference that respondents to ED 50 generally supported the proposals relating to accounting for infrastructure items is, at best, problematic. This paper provides insights to standard-setting processes, particularly the workings of the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board and the extent of its responsiveness to parties affected by its deliberations.  相似文献   

Harmonisation between the Australian accounting standards applicable to the public sector and Government Finance Statistics is the highest priority for Australian public-sector reporting. The objective of harmonisation is to achieve a standard for a single set of government reports which are auditable, comparable between jurisdictions, and in which the outcome statements are directly comparable with the relevant budget statements. The result will be an improvement in the quality, clarity and transparency of government financial statements, and will remove the source of confusion as to which set of financial reports presents a more reliable portrayal of financial results.  相似文献   

Using a sample of Italian firms, this paper investigates whether separate financial statements are useful to capital market investors, and whether International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are more value-relevant than domestic generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). These issues are key in evaluating the decision made by some states in the European Union to extend the use of IFRS to separate financial statements. The study provides evidence that separate financial statements are value-relevant, regardless of the accounting standard set. However, contrary to expectations, separate financial statements under IFRS do not have incremental information content beyond domestic GAAP. There is even some evidence that domestic GAAP financial statements are more value-relevant than IFRS. Finally, this paper documents the important role of model specification in value-relevance studies.  相似文献   

The fact that auditors are paid by the companies they audit creates an inherent conflict of interest. We analyze how the provision of financial statements insurance could eliminate this conflict of interest and properly align the incentives of auditors with those of shareholders. We first show that when the benefits to obtaining funding are sufficiently large, the existing legal and regulatory regime governing financial reporting (and auditing) results in low quality financial statements. Consequently, the financial statements of firms are misleading and firms that yield a low rate‐of‐return (low fundamental value) are over‐funded relative to firms characterized by a high rate‐of‐return (high fundamental value). We present a mechanism whereby companies would purchase financial statements insurance that provides coverage to investors against losses suffered as a result of misrepresentation in financial reports. The insurance premia that companies pay for the coverage would be publicized. The insurers appoint and pay the auditors who attest to the accuracy of the financial statements of the prospective insurance clients. For a given level of coverage firms announcing lower premia would distinguish themselves in the eyes of the investors as companies with higher quality financial statements relative to those with higher premia. Every company would be eager to pay lower premia (for a given level of coverage) resulting in a flight to high audit quality. As a result, when financial statements insurance is available and the insurer hires the auditor, capital is provided to the most efficient firms.  相似文献   

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