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张燕花 《价值工程》2015,(3):147-148
随着我国市场经济的逐步完善,我们在发展实体经济的同时,不能忽视虚拟经济发挥的积极作用。事实上,虚拟经济与实体经济之间是对立统一的关系,实体经济是虚拟经济的基础,虚拟经济对实体经济的发展具有正负、两个方面效应。所以,我们应该采取正确的方法处理实体经济与虚拟经济的关系,从而发挥虚拟经济的积极作用,规避虚拟经济存在的风险。  相似文献   

刘远新 《价值工程》2012,31(14):146-147
北京奥运会的成功举办给我国体育经济的发展到来了契机。文章首先简要概述了奥运经济的概念及其影响,其次,分析了目前我国体育经济的发展现状,并在此基础上提出了未来的发展策略。  相似文献   

对我国房地产业与国民经济投入产出的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李铁  马宇 《物流科技》2002,25(4):50-55
从我国投入产出的内容与发展,对其进行了结构分析。确定了房地产业在国民经济中比重结果。  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2004,28(5):9-13
China's boom has been a major pillar of the global economic recovery from early 2002 onwards. However, earlier this year fears that the economic boom was threatening to run out of control prompted the Chinese authorities to implement a number of targeted measures to try to restrain activity in the most overheated sectors. This article by Simon Knapp discusses both how much the UK has benefited from the China boom and how much it might be affected if the Chinese slowdown now becomes a hard landing. It argues that emerging Asia, Japan and raw materials producers have been the principal beneficiaries of the China boom, while the UK's gains have been small, because exports to the whole of Asia only account for 9% of the total. Equally, looking forward, the UK, and the UK's two major trading partners, the US and Eurozone, would only be relatively lightly affected if Chinese growth decelerated rapidly, as they would be helped by offsets such as lower oil prices and a lower interest rate profile. However, the current evidence suggests that the Chinese economy is slowing down in broadly the way the government wants, with the greatest deceleration in the previously overheated sectors but relatively little impact on the export and consumer sectors. An abrupt halt in bank lending could, however, still pose a significant downside risk.  相似文献   

郝洪涛 《价值工程》2012,31(22):166-167
随着经济货币化程度的不断加深和日益深化的金融改革,虚拟经济发展迅速。文章阐述了虚拟经济和实体经济的内涵和特征,分析了虚拟经济对实体经济产生的影响,并针对消极影响提出了我国发展虚拟经济的对策和建议。  相似文献   

丁立新 《价值工程》2013,(28):159-160
计划经济与市场经济有其内在的逻辑依据,计划经济追求公平和效率,但结果是既无公平又无效率;市场经济以其效率著称,其本身也有公平性。市场经济的失败或漏洞可以由政府来弥补而不是代替。  相似文献   

李新兰 《价值工程》2021,40(11):55-56
当前,我国经济快速发展期间,房地产行业为我国经济的发展做出了极大的贡献,然而在现阶段的发展中,我国房地产市场呈现着供大于求的趋势,因此,市场经济也逐渐面临着伴随着房地产泡沫而来的风险,因此,如何对房地产经济以及市场经济发展期间所存在的协调问题进行解决是目前必须要思考的重要问题之一.本文正是基于此,对房地产经济与市场经济的协调发展进行了全面的研究,以期指导实践.  相似文献   

研究目标:探究欧盟否认中国市场经济地位,对中国、欧盟及世界经济的宏观、产业以及贸易的影响。研究方法:将“非市场经济地位”折算为“反倾销等值税”,利用全球贸易分析模型针对欧盟对中国征收的进口关税进行计算。研究发现:欧盟否认中国市场经济地位不会缓解欧盟就业压力,反而使欧盟出口在中国总进口占比下降0.01个百分点;同时,全世界资源配置效率下降,进一步导致全世界整体福利下降;虽然欧盟否认中国市场经济地位使中国对欧盟出口减少约50.6亿美元,但中国向世界其他地区的出口量均有所上升;而且有利于中国产业结构优化,对供给侧改革有一定的激励作用。研究创新:将“非市场经济地位”折算为“反倾销等值税”。研究价值:在研究非数值变量时(如市场经济地位),可利用其直接影响的变量(反倾销)造成的直接经济损失,折算为适当的指标变量(等值关税)。中国对世界经济的贡献和影响巨大,市场经济地位不容否认。  相似文献   

The dominant obsessions to watchers of the world economy at the moment are the weakness of the US dollar and the fear that the world economy is stagnating. In this ‘Briefing Paper’ we seek to put both events into the same intellectual framework, and to show that they are the consequence of monetary policies which are not logically related to each other, nor to a common objective of bringing world inflation steadily down to an acceptable level. Specifically, the US - which for reasons outlined below can warrant monetary growth rather below the world average if it is to preserve some dollar stability - is showing an above average outturn in its monetary aggregates. Germany and Japan, which can accommodate increases well above the average, are in fact adopting monetary targets which are leading to exchange rate appreciation, arid a reduction in both countries' expectations for real growth. The dangers for the world economy in this situation are very serious, particularly at a time when further dollar devaluation could be risky both from the viewpoint of US inflation wide the dollar's role as the key reserve asset. It could lead at worst to US protectionism and a monetaryled recession, rein forcing the slow growth rates already being widely predicted in 1978 for many other industrial countries. However, we show in this ‘Briefing Paper’ that this is not a necessity outcome of the present situation, given three vital perceptions. The first, required by statesmen as much as by technicians. is that the recent stagnation in European & Japanese output and exchange rate instability are essentially a monetary phenomenon, requiring essentially monetary (rather than fiscal) remedies. The second is acceptance of the need and practicability of some monetary consignation, based on reasonably common objectives among the major countries regarding inflation, bands for exchange rate movement and red rates of growth. the third, at the most practical level, is agreement on the actual monetary numbers which broadly reconcile these objectives and also take account of the very different ‘unwanted’ rates of monetary growth between countries which reflect their different underlying conditions of output, productivity and demand for money. It is the (ambitious) aim of this ‘Briefing Paper’ to substantiate these perceptions and to provide the numbers mound which a consideration of monetary policies can be framed. The numbers are necessarily based on trends established over a number of years and need to be supplemented by detailed understanding of each country's financial status But the monetary targets provided do, in our judgement, embody trade-offs between inflation, growth and exchange rate movements which should broadly satisfy national ambitions, and reset the world economy on a worthwhile growth path during 1978 or 1979.  相似文献   

Unemployment turned out to be far less influential in deciding voting patterns in the election than Labour and Alliance leaders had predicted. This may have been because the real volume of unemployment is far less than the official figure. Kent Matthews presents evidence, based on the Liverpool University economic model, that true unemployment may be as little as 1.8 million, with the other 1.4 of registered unemployed hard at work in the black economy. In the world of knowledge, the last thing to be perceived and only with great difficulty is the essetial form.  相似文献   

本文针对“以人为本”这一现代管理理念 ,结合我国市场经济运行进行了较全面地阐发。“以人为本”应分为两个层面 ,管理的以人为本就是尊重员工合法权益 ,关心员工精神需求 ,通过技术培训与企业价值观的培育 ,全面提高员工素质 ,激发员工的主动性、创造性。公有制实现形式的实质是把权、责、利落实到每个职工身上。经营的以人为本即以市场为本 ,在经营中始终贯彻尊重、理解、培育消费者和用户的理念  相似文献   

作为美国历史上历时最持久的战争,越南战争对美国影响深远。至今为止,人们仍然对美国在这场战争中到底扮演了一个什么样的角色而争论不休。从参加这场战争的动机来看,有一点可以肯定的是,经济原因不是这场战争的主要原因。可是,由这场战争引发的经济问题还是令人深思的。在这场漫长的战争中.美国到底是受益者还是受害者?有统计数字表明,美国从过去的“一战”和”二战“中获得了巨大的经济利益。  相似文献   

2008年是极不寻常的一年.面对南方部分地区严重低温雨雪冰冻灾害、四川汶川特大地震、国际粮食市场波动、三鹿婴幼儿奶粉事件、国际金融危机等一系列突发事件,各级政府和农村广大干部群众在党中央、国务院的领导下,在社会各界的支持下,克服重重困难,保持了农村经济的稳步发展,圆满地完成了保障农产品有效供给的艰巨任务,为国民经济稳定发展作出了重要贡献.  相似文献   

当前国际上出现了一种“企业规模无关论”的新观点,与我国目前盛行的“唯规模经济论”截然相反。笔者以为,上述两论都失之片面,正确的理论是在承认的前提下,将规模经济分为两类:专业规模经济和综合规模经济。前者因专业化分工效应而扩大产销规模与市场份额;后者因企业(集团)内部协调成本小于市场交易成本而获得效应。随着市场发育和市场交易成本下降,拥有专业规模经济的企业集团,比之拥有综合规模经济的企业集团更能适应市场的变化与竞争。  相似文献   

汪伟民 《价值工程》2014,(29):152-153
由于铁路交通运输业深受传统计划经济的影响,其适应市场经济条件的能力还不高,因此铁路交通运输业必须以经济管理着手,提高铁路交通运输管理模式的创新,以此适应市场经济发展的要求,满足人民群众日益增长的对铁路交通运输的现实需求。  相似文献   

姜曼 《价值工程》2012,31(25):164-165
结合我国的目前发展形势,就发展低碳经济的重要意义、低碳经济对可持续发展的作用、如何走可持续发展之路、可持续发展对现代企业发展的要求进行了分析,同时也根据当今形势为企业的可持续发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Abstract . Thorstein Veblen's case for a Technocracy, “The Engineers and the Price System,” has long posed an enigma: Why would a thinker as radical as Veblen align himself with a group as conservative as engineers? But engineers themselves had developed a political economy with important points in common with Veblen's analysis. Starting from their positions as technological experts in corporations, engineers came to believe that business methods were not efficient for production; this belief led them to develop systems of scientific management as an antidote to old-style management. Later, they expanded these ideas into a system of social management called Technocracy. This system of Technocracy represented an engineering effort at formulating an industrial democracy, with the cooperation of labor. Veblen was able to write a more systematic version of these ideas, because they fit in well with his own theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

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