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Because of the high degree of interdependence in the livestock sector, the endogenous variables of econometric models should be simultaneously determined. This paper describes the specification, estimation and evaluation of a model of the UK dairy sector in which the herd size, number of culls, replacement heifer price and milk price are determined simultaneously. The major policy conclusion that emerges from the model is that any attempt to increase the price of milk received by farmers via a structural change in the policy rule used to fix the price will be offset by over 50% as a result of increases in the supply of milk.  相似文献   

A model to simulate the costs and returns of an individual dairy cow over 14 years under various assumptions of genetic potential, health status and management was developed especially to evaluate the effects of diseases that reduce production and reproduction efficiency and to evaluate alternative management interventions. Data were collected from the Food Animal Health Resource Management System (FAHRMX), Today's Electronic Planning (TELPLAN), Today's Electric Farm Accounting (TELFARM) databases and secondary sources at Michigan State University. A case study of cystic ovaries was analysed using the model. The results showed that it is more economical to treat cystic ovaries than not to treat, and treatment with Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GNRH) was superior to Human Chrionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Four to five lactations were the optimum for keeping a dairy cow to replacement and it was estimated that there is a loss of US$0.45 per day of extended calving interval (days open beyond the optimal 70 days).  相似文献   

Two methods of evaluating (the net social benefits of the dairy herd-improvement scheme operated by the New South Wales Department of Agriculture are described. The first involves derivation of 'an input demand' function for the herd-recording aspect of the scheme and use of this function to estimate the economic surplus (net of both private and public costs) provided by the service. The second approach involves deriving a production function for milk from which it is possible to estimate the contribution herd-recording and artificial breeding have made to increasing milk yields per cow. Social benefits are shown to have been less than social costs for herd-recording, however dairy farmers have made net private gains. The herd-recording scheme has contained a regressive subsidy element. The production function approach show that artificial breeding and herd-recording were profitable complements in production.  相似文献   

Replacement brood cows are among the most significant investments for cow-calf operations, thus crucial to profitability. Many cow-calf producers find it cost effective to purchase replacements from a reliable replacement heifer seller, though by doing so they increase risk of reproductive inefficiency due to unknown characteristics of the heifers. When important information about a product is missing to buyers, a seller can build a reputation over time that acts as signal for quality. Previous work has explored reputation effects in feeder cattle markets, but to our knowledge we are the first to explore reputation effects in bred replacement cattle markets. Using data from an annual replacement heifer sale, we analyze the values of heifer characteristics and test for premiums from reputation development. After controlling for reproductive practices, breed, and other characteristics, we find reputation does not play the role that Shapiro theorized. In this sale, the lot order is strategically chosen and may indicate bred heifer quality to buyers, replacing the need for reputation as a signal. This study highlights the importance of quality signals and regional preferences in bred replacement cattle marketing and lays the empirical groundwork for future studies to test Shapiro's theory.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the economic worth of forestry projects in the United Kingdom by using two different public sector investment appraisal criteria; the traditional discounted cash flows and the recently-established sum of discounted consumption flows. In the latter, in view of the intergenerational distribution aspect of government projects, the conventional rules are modified, enabling the decision-maker to treat all generations, present and future, in an equitable manner. Forestry is an excellent example to highlight the issue that many public sector investment projects re-distribute income between generations. Its long gestation periods make it obvious that there is more than one generation involved in the venture. In this analysis a one hectare plantation of Sitka spruce, class 20, is considered for a single 50-year rotation. Three different interest rates, 10 per cent test rate of discount, 5 per cent required rate of return, and 3 per cent forestry target rate are used under 4 different assumptions regarding the future price of timber.  相似文献   

[目的]乳业振兴战略实施以来,国内乳业从饲草布局、奶牛养殖、原料乳加工、市场格局等迎来大发展的利好时机。产业集聚是当前乳业发展的重要特征,研究乳制品产业集聚的溢出效应对分析区域经济增长与产业竞争力等具有重要的参考价值。[方法]文章利用1992-2017年中国省域乳制品产业相关面板数据,运用空间杜宾模型,研究中国乳制品产业集聚带来的经济增长、产业发展及乳制品安全等溢出效应及其作用机理。[结果]乳制品企业、奶站、奶农等利益相关主体的集聚增加了乳制品产业内各环节的关联性,显著增加区域经济的增长,提高乳制品产业竞争力,为乳制品产业发展提供内源性动力,最后在微观层面,各利益相关主体的集聚程度在一定程度上有助于改善乳制品质量安全水平。[结论]在此基础上,从打造乳制品产业集聚区、乳业振兴及质量安全管控等方面提出政策建议,进一步发挥产业集聚的辐射能力、提高产业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

A stochastic dynamic programming model is designed to determine the economic optimal replacement policy in swine breeding herds. This optimal policy maximises the present value of net revenues from sows present in the herd and from subsequent replacement gilts over a given planning horizon. The model also calculates the total extra profit to be expected from trying to retain an individual sow until her optimal lifespan and not replacing her immediately. This total extra profit is an economic index which makes it possible to rank sows within the herd on future profitability and, therefore, can be used as a management guide in culling decisions. For typical Dutch values the optimal replacement decisions result in an average herd life of 3.43 parities. The maximum economic life of sows of average productivity turns out to be 10 parities. All data can easily be adjusted to represent a specific herd or a different region of the world.  相似文献   

This paper describes an economic evaluation of planting under the Farm Woodland Scheme in Scotland based on the calculation of the Scheme's net UK Exchequer cost (NEC) and its relationship to the benefits observed through a survey of first-year Scheme entrants. It was found that the motivation in planting was primarily for ‘environmental’ benefits such as landscape, amenity, wildlife and sport. Income and timber production were much less important. On average, payments under the Scheme under-compensated farmers for their direct and opportunity costs associated with planting. When based on agricultural savings in the year of planting, the annual NEC was #58 per ha, but this cost increases substantially if the additionality principle is applied. Anticipated benefits in terms of farm output reduction, income diversification, employment and timber production are identified but the effects are not large. Environmental benefits were not included in the evaluation and these may provide greater justification for the expenditure.  相似文献   

An examination of the economic impacts of Bovine‐Leukosis virus indicated that reduced milk production, attributed to the presence of Bovine‐Leukosis virus in dairy cows, reduced consumer surplus by 2.7 ± 2.3 billion US$ (bUS$), and resulted in a total partial equilibrium loss of 720 ± 560 million US$ (mUS$) to the U.S. economy in 1996. Most of the economic surplus lost by consumers was transferred to producers, whose economic surplus increased by 2.0 ± 1.8 bUS$ as a result of reduced milk production attributed to the presence of Bovine‐Leukosis virus in dairy cattle. Uncertainty analysis showed that an estimate of the milk‐production decline per percent increase in the prevalence of Bovine‐Leukosis virus in dairy cows accounted for most of the uncertainty in the economic‐impact estimates. If Bovine‐Leukosis virus had not been present in U.S. dairy cows, then milk production would have increased by 2.0 billion ± 1.5 billion kg, the price would have fallen by 3.8 ± 3.2 cents/kg, and the value of the milk produced would have decreased by 2.1 ± 1.9 bUS$. Guidelines delineated by the International Organization for Standardization, for evaluating and expressing uncertainty in measurement, are discussed and proposed for use in the context of broad national estimates, for which the economic impacts of Bovine‐Leukosis virus serve as an example. The principal advantages of the methodology are the clarity and transparency of results, and the ability clearly to identify major uncertainty contributors.  相似文献   

采用回归分析的方法,对果用林的经济寿命进行量化分析,以果用林的果实连年产量和年均产量为指标,建立数学模型并求出经济伐期,为合理利用林地资源,延长果用林的经济寿命,增加单位面积产量,提高经济效益提供依据。  相似文献   

The paper estimates the impact of milk quotas on the UK economy using a modified SAM-based Leontief model. Since milk quotas involve the control of gross output as opposed to final demand, it is argued that the traditional form of a Leontief model needs to be adapted so as to make the output of dairy producers exogenous to the system. Modifications to both the demand-driven and supply-driven Leontief model are suggested thus allowing the estimation of both the backward and forward linkage effects of quotas. The results suggest that, in total, the backward linkage effects of milk quotas are more significant than the forward linkage effects, with the magnitude of the latter constrained by the pattern of milk marketing. Taking both types of linkages into account, it is estimated that the potential 3 per cent further reduction in quota levels being discussed in the context of CAP reform threatens a total of 11,000 jobs in the economy.  相似文献   

We assess the impact of innovation on Irish dairy farm economic sustainability by focusing on profitability, productivity of land and market orientation. A generalised propensity score method is applied to a representative sample of 342 Irish dairy farms. Our empirical findings reveal that innovation increases economic sustainability, but not in a linear way. More specifically, economic gains depend on the level of innovation. Small efforts to increase innovation can lead to economic gains of over €200 per hectare. The results also reveal that innovative farmers can achieve higher economic gains by further innovation. Overall, our findings support the current focus of the Irish extension system on fostering the uptake of innovative technologies and practices in order to achieve an economically sustainable expansion of the dairy sector.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the sensitivity of longevity-adjusted measures of income, which have become increasingly popular as indicators of basic standards of living. For that purpose, longevity-adjusted income measures are computed for post-war Japan under various sets of postulates, concerning the temporal horizon regarded as relevant for the measurement of welfare, the ethical treatment of age structures, the degree of endogeneity of longevity, the value of a statistical life (VSL) used in the calibration of preference parameters, and preference parameters themselves (for a given VSL). Pictures of Japan's development are significantly sensitive to those postulates, suggesting that longevity-adjusted income measures should be computed under not one—as is usually done—but several assumption sets, to account for the difficulty of solving the income/longevity weighting problem. Hence, this study casts new light on the trade-offs raised by the aggregation of economic and demographic achievements into a preferences-based composite indicator.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a production function for milk using ageneralised method of moments estimator to avoid the endogeneityproblem. Using the first-order conditions for profit maximisation,the economic effects for individual Dutch dairy farms of the2003 EU dairy policy reform are analysed. With an expected milkprice decrease of 21 per cent, profit decreases on average by22 per cent. EU direct payments compensate for roughly 53 percent of this fall in profit. The profit reduction means that69 per cent of all small farms have negative income from farming,compared with 15 per cent in the initial situation.  相似文献   

A dynamic program was used to establish the optimum replacement policy for dairy herds, taking into account subclinical mastitis caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. This particular pathogen is resistant to normal drug therapies and therefore culling is the major method of control. Methods are described to account for output losses due to yield loss and a reduction in milk price caused by extra somatic cells secreted into the milk by infected cows. Extra culling was justified in both infected and control herds in order to reduce the level of infection in the herd. The method described allows replacement policy to be treated as control expenditure rather than an output loss in the economic analysis of farm animal disease. This approach will become even more important as consumers demand an alternative to the prophylactic use of antibiotics in agriculture without compromising food quality and safety.  相似文献   

A model and associated formulae are developed to estimate the size and distribution of benefits generated by different types of research for the Australian dairy industry. Particular attention is given to the influence of policy interventions on the estimates. The estimates of aggregate research benefits differ for free market assumptions versus current policy assumptions, but quantitatively the differences are small. By contrast, estimates of the distribution of benefits between different groups of consumers and farmers are significantly altered by the policy interventions.  相似文献   

From recent projection studies it can be concluded that future dairy exports by the EEC to the Less Developed Countries (LDCs) will increase. The self-sufficiency ratio for dairy products in the EEC will increase because of strong, technologically induced, growth of production potential. On the one hand, surplus production in the EEC will be difficult to curtail as the unfavourable conditions of the general economy will impede outmigration of inputs. Import demand, on the other hand, is projected to increase as many populations will be moving into stages of higher growth of income. Thus, input restrictions of agriculture in industrialised countries may be unnecessary. In this paper some agricultural economic aspects of the implied trade relationships are discussed. It is concluded that LDCs are not likely to benefit from gains of trade as predicted by theory of free trade and international specialisation. From projections by model studies, however, no consensus emerged. Projection and model studies seem hardly suited to provide insight in the effects of international trade under conditions of imperfect competition.  相似文献   

In this paper an investment demand function is estimated, making use of some particular characteristics of data on the sales of agricultural equipment in the UK. The characteristics are that, first, much of agricultural equipment is deliverable quickly from stock and does not appear to be supply-constrained, thus allowing equality of actual and desired capital stocks as a working hypothesis. Second, frequent replacement of machinery leads to depreciation rates which are high and variable. A method is presented to calculate a variable depreciation rate for each period and the resulting estimates are superior to the same model with a conventional, fixed depreciation rate.  相似文献   

Recognizing the lack of realism in optimal replacement analyses that assume constant prices and yield patterns over time, a stochastic model appropriate to rubber production is developed. Data drawn from Peninsular Malaysia are used to implement the model. The results suggest that efforts should be directed towards establishing bench mark maximum annuities as guides to more economic replanting decisions rather than emphasizing earlier replanting per se. The significance of price stabilization policies also becomes evident.  相似文献   

This research reports buyers’ perceptions of and willingness‐to‐pay for replacement heifers produced through a rigorous, third‐party verified production protocol. Survey respondents attended and registered to purchase heifers at sanctioned Missouri Show‐Me‐Select Replacement Heifer Program® sales between 1997 and 2002. Responses indicate that pen uniformity, artificially inseminated to calving ease bull, synchronized calving, and heifer size are perceived as important, and their willingness‐to‐pay for these characteristics is economically significant. Though prior research suggests willingness‐to‐pay estimates particularly for inexperienced consumers may be biased, we find little difference between inexperienced and experienced buyers and also little difference from hedonic estimates of heifer characteristics’ value.  相似文献   

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