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错过了清早的晨曦,错过了正午的骄阳,错过了夕阳的绚烂,错过了暮色中的朦胧,也许还会错过迷人的月色. 错过了春日的烂漫,错过了夏季的奔放,错过了秋天的丰硕,错过了冬日的凛冽,也许还会错过春夏秋冬转换的空隙.  相似文献   

到目前为止,信息化取得的成效为:一是通过特级资质考评提高了企业对信息化的认识,认识到信息化的重要性,认识到实施信息化的难度,认识到信息化是一个大趋势.二是建设了必要的基础设施,购买了硬件,建起了网络,购买了软件.三是健全了相应的组织,有的企业在高层设了CIO,建立了信息化部门.四是通过特级资质的应用,取得了一定的效果,比如,提高了风险管控的水平,为企业的高层提供了非常有用的信息,规范了日常的管理并使之标准化,等等.  相似文献   

马林哭了,刘国梁哭了、陈忠和哭了、杜丽哭了、张宁哭了、陈中哭了…第29届奥运会上,眼泪比金牌更加打动了我。无论是金牌失而复得,或是奖牌得而复失,又或是曾经承受或正在承受沉重的压力……不同的理由,不同的赛场,但我分明从泪水中看到了一种共同的昂然挺立的奥林匹克精神。  相似文献   

本文介绍了MTBE合成装置反应器特点以及阳离子交换树脂催化剂的使用性能,分析了影响异丁烯转化率的各种因素。并以此为理论进行工业试验,完善了MTBE合成装置反应器的工艺条件优化及工艺指标,提高了异丁烯的转化率,并且使催化剂的选择性增强,减少了副反应的发生,提高了MTBE的产品质量。在异丁烯资源有限的情况下,提高了MTBE的收率,增加了MTBE的产量。  相似文献   

前段时间在浙江参加了某品牌的订货会,这次采访让我看到了一个负责任的品牌对代理商的尊重。在订货会上,我认识了两位长期合伙的代理商。去年以来,在他们经营的市场有一批门店续签了合同,开发商把租金上涨了一倍。之后,由于渠道成本大幅上涨,公司业绩出现了持续亏损。在坚持了一段时间后,其中一人担心亏损无法控制,认为局面已经超出了心理承受范围,于是便产生了撤资的  相似文献   

清晨冷丁醒来,几点了?立马儿起身,跑向书房。匆忙中看了一眼方厅的钟,坏了,6点10分了,我的菜啊!打开电脑,上网。果不其然,我种的萝卜6点成熟,现在,过了十分钟,已经被网友偷了个够。自从弟弟去年十一来我家,教会了我在网上  相似文献   

2004年12月,洛轴引入战略合作伙伴永煤控股集团,成立了洛阳LYC轴承有限公司,承继了洛轴主营业务,标志着洛轴进入了新的发展起点。LYC公司通过三年多来的发展,不仅盘活了洛轴10亿元的资产,为我国装备制造业的振兴与发展做出了积极贡献,同时也提高了“LYC”这一民族工业品牌的知名度和美誉度,巩固了LYC在中国轴承行业的排头兵地位。  相似文献   

就像餐巾纸替代了手帕一样,书信也逐渐被手机和电话挤出了历史舞台。如今,亲朋好友之间很少用写信的方式来沟通和交流了。有事了,思念了,只要轻轻地按几个数字,便可听到对方的声音,快捷而便利。但是现代文明在给我们带来方便的同时,也让我在不知不觉中失去了许多人间最美  相似文献   

正我国现行的商标法颁布于1982年,自1983年实施以后,又进行了两次修订。第一次是在1993年2月修订,主要是增加了对于服务商标的保护,确立了撤销注册不当商标的制度。第二次是在2001年10月修订,主要是明确规定了驰名商标的保护和认定原则,规定了对于集体商标、证明商标和地理标志的保护,规定了自然人也可以申请商标注册,以及强化了对于商标的保  相似文献   

钱敏 《化工管理》2011,(2):56-59
<正>"生活都是黑暗的,除非有了希望;希望都是盲目的,除非有了知识;知识都是无用的,除非有了工作;工作都是空洞的,除非有了爱。"生活都是黑暗的,除非有了希望;希望都是盲目的,除非有了知识;知识都是无用的,除非有了工作;工作都是空洞的,除非有了爱。"——摘自《先知》  相似文献   

This study investigates the performance effect of scientific knowledge in the context of highly science‐dependent industry. Given the popularity of sourcing scientific knowledge from science community, the purpose of this study is to investigate which firms gain greater benefits from scientific knowledge. From the perspective of absorptive capacity and combinative capability, we argue that both knowledge accumulation and knowledge combination moderate a firm's ability to capture value from scientific knowledge. Empirical data come from paper and patent citations and financial information in biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms. Results show that scientific knowledge alone has a positive effect on firms' financial performance. A firm's tendency to combination familiar and older technological knowledge amplifies the positive effect of scientific knowledge. However, knowledge accumulation, including R&D investment and patent stock, does not boost the positive effect.  相似文献   

恩格尔定律:19世纪德国统计学家恩格尔根据经验统计资料对消费结构的变化提出的一条规律,即一个家庭收入越少,家庭收入中或总支出中用来购买食物的支出所占的比例越大;一个国家越穷,每个国民的平均收入中或平均支出中用来购买食物的费用所占比例越大;随着家庭收入的增加,收入中或家庭支出中用来购买食物的支出所占比例将会下降,这个定律用公式表示:食物支出对总支出的比率=食物支出变动百分比/总支出变动百分比,或=食物支出变动百分比/收入变动百分比,从而得出恩格尔系数=食物支出金额/总支出金额.  相似文献   

Research summary : When faced with a new technological paradigm, incumbent firms can opt for internal development and/or external sourcing to obtain the necessary new knowledge. We explain how the effectiveness of external knowledge sourcing depends on the properties of internal knowledge production. We apply a social network lens to delineate interpersonal, intra‐firm knowledge networks and capture the emergence of two important firm‐level properties: the incumbent's internal potential for knowledge recombination and the level of knowledge coordination costs. We rely on firm‐level internal knowledge networks to dynamically track the emergence of these properties across 106 global pharmaceutical companies over a 25‐year time period. We find that a firm's success in developing knowledge in a new technological paradigm using external knowledge sourcing is contingent on these internal knowledge properties . Managerial summary : Incumbent firms in high‐tech industries often face competence‐destroying technological change. In their effort to adapt and develop new knowledge in a novel paradigm, incumbent firms have several corporate strategy options available to them: internal knowledge development and a wide array of external knowledge sourcing strategies, including alliances and acquisitions. In this study, we make an effort to address a critical question: How effective is external knowledge sourcing under different internal knowledge generation regimes? We find that external sourcing strategies are less effective when firms can already internally generate new knowledge or if they have high internal coordination costs. Therefore, when considering external sourcing, managers must carefully weigh the benefits of it vis‐à‐vis its commensurate costs as the benefits of external sourcing may be overstated . Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines how existing knowledge base (i.e., knowledge breadth and depth) interacts with knowledge integration mechanisms (i.e., external market knowledge acquisition and internal knowledge sharing) to affect radical innovation. Survey data from high technology companies in China demonstrate that the effects of knowledge breadth and depth are contingent on market knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing in opposite ways. In particular, a firm with a broad knowledge base is more likely to achieve radical innovation in the presence of internal knowledge sharing rather than market knowledge acquisition. In contrast, a firm with a deep knowledge base is more capable of developing radical innovation through market knowledge acquisition rather than internal knowledge sharing. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Design knowledge was reused for innovative design work to support designers with product design knowledge and help designers who lack rich experiences to improve their design capacity and efficiency. First, based on the ontological model of product design knowledge constructed by taxonomy, implicit and explicit knowledge was extracted from some design cases. The design knowledge was expressed using a constructional organization. With the knowledge map, design knowledge was illustrated to help novice designers reconstruct specific design cases, thus, encouraging innovative design. Four groups of designers were invited to participate in an experiment for the design knowledge map system. The experiment results verified the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

Although there is a general agreement amongst scholars that international joint venture (IJV) is a vehicle to acquire technology and knowledge from foreign parents, key factors differentiating high knowledge acquirers from low knowledge acquirers are not yet conclusive. For the purpose of this study, the samples are divided into two groups based on the extent of knowledge acquisition using cluster analysis. Then the two groups are examined to identify the main factors classifying the groups by using logistic regression. This study finds that managerial knowledge that has more sticky characteristics than technology is acquirable know-how. It also shows that trust between parents, international experience of IJV employees, and foreign parent’s support in various managerial functions will considerably increase the extent of knowledge acquisition for IJVs. In conclusion, based on the findings from this study, this paper offers suggestions to IJVs and multinational enterprises investing in Korea.  相似文献   

标准是指在一定的范围内获得最佳秩序,对活动或其结果规定共同的和重复使用的规则(如规程、规范和导则等)或特性的文件.该文件经协商一致后制定,并经一个公认机构的批准.标准应以科学、技术和经验的综合成果为基础,以促进最佳社会效益为目的.  相似文献   

Research Summary: The literature on technological alliances emphasizes that search for knowledge drives alliance formation. However, in conceptualizing technological knowledge, prior work on alliances has not made a distinction between domain knowledge—knowledge that firms possess in distinct technological domains—and architectural knowledge—knowledge that firms possess about how to combine elements from different technological domains. We argue that firms seek partners that are similar in domain knowledge to deepen their knowledge, and partners that are dissimilar in architectural knowledge to broaden their knowledge. Our results indicate that the likelihood of alliance formation increases when two firms are similar in domain knowledge and dissimilar in architectural knowledge. Further, our results show that these effects are positively moderated by the degree of decomposability of a firm's knowledge base. Managerial Summary: In dynamic environments, companies need to continually deepen and broaden their technological knowledge, and they often look for alliance partners who can provide them that knowledge. For knowledge deepening, companies are more likely to form alliances with those companies that have expertise in similar technological fields. For knowledge broadening, they are more likely to form alliances with those companies that have expertise in the same technological fields, but have different recipes for combining knowledge from those fields. Furthermore, a company with a modular knowledge base is more likely to seek a partner that has expertise in similar technological fields or whose recipes for combining knowledge from different technological fields are different from the recipes it has.  相似文献   

李正 《中国纺织》2004,(3):132-133
“大朗杯”首届全国高等院校服装文化知识邀请赛虽已结束,但在参赛的高校引起了不小的学术探讨高潮。被邀请参赛的高校要由衷地说声:谢谢主办单位给我们院校提供了这样一个相互交流相互学习相互促进的机会。这次文化知识大赛在客观上推动了高校学生的学术气氛,促进兄弟院校间的交流和竞赛,也为社会和纺织服装企业了解大学生,了解高校搭建了一个很好的平台。  相似文献   

建筑业与知识经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界多级化和经济全球化趋势,科技进步的突飞猛进和知识经济初见端倪,正在深刻地改变着整个世界的政治、经济面貌。建筑业是一个传统产业,也是一个新兴产业,如何实现传统产业与新兴产业的对接,如何迎接知识经济的挑战,是摆在全体建设工作者面前的现实问题。1 知识经济的兴起及其主要特征在美国,从50年代中期起就开始从以体力劳动、制造实物产品为主的社会,向以依靠脑力、处理信息运用知识为主的社会转变,其标志是白领工人超过蓝领工人人数。鉴于美国在全世界率先出现经济结构的深刻变化和社会结构发生根本性转型,1962年美国经济学…  相似文献   

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