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我国已经胜利加入世界贸易组织。在WTO框架下,各成员国之间进行国际贸易活动时,不得采取非正当手段进行竞争或扭曲竞争,从而实现公平贸易。然而,在当前国际贸易中,一些发达家为了自己的经济利益,打着“实现公平贸易”,“维护公平竞争环境”的旗号,挥舞起“反倾销”大棒,对发展中国家的正常贸易进行制裁,造成大量摩擦,实质是典型的贸易保护主义。一、国际贸易中的倾销与反倾销倾销是指一出口国以低于正常价值的价格将本国产品销售到另一国,造成进口国相同行业受到巨大损失,是一种价格歧视和掠夺行为,一旦把进口国的同类产品…  相似文献   

为了适应并促进社会主义市场经济的发展,财政部出台新企业会计准则,引入公允价值计量模式,并在上市公司范围内实施.本论文结合新颁布的企业会计准则和企业实际情况,分析公允价值应用可能出现的问题并提出了相应的解决建议.公允价值是指资产和负债按照在公平交易中,熟悉情况的交易双方自愿进行资产交换或者债务清偿的金额.公允价值计量运用问题近十几年来一直是国际会计前沿中一个富有挑战性的热难点问题.  相似文献   

我国保税区始建于1990年,最初的功能定位是“仓储、转口和加工”,实际上是以物流为主。我国政府批准设立的保税区目前共有15个,其功能借鉴于西方的自由贸易区、自由贸易港,所以国内在翻译其英文名称时一般都称为:FreeTradeZone或BondedZone。中国加入世贸组织,机遇与挑战并存,在新的市场形势下,已经有10多年历史的中国保税区面临的压力也是前所未有的。曾经为改革开放立下汗马功劳的保税区究竟要如何行动,才能在充满挑战的今天争得自身生存与发展的能力?一、中国保税区发展过程中的误区1.政策拉动误区保税区和其他经济特区一样是我国改革…  相似文献   

2001年12月11日中国正式成为世界贸易组织的成员,这是我国在改革开放与现代化建设事业中迈出的重要的一步,它势必给我国的经济发展带来空前的机遇与挑战。为了适应和利用加入世贸组织给我国带来的发展机会,笔者认为我国的政府与企业在充分学习与研究WTO的相关规则与条文的同时也必须重视与研讨生态环境问题对我国对外贸易所产生的影响以及应采取的应对的措施。一、绿色壁垒的由来应该说,世界贸易对生态环境问题的影响是一个新兴的课题,在很长的一段时间里人们都没有注意到贸易会对生态环境问题产生什么影响,然而随着人类社…  相似文献   

海关是国家的进出境监督管理机关,是国家经济大门的卫士,长期以来有力地维护了正常的进出口秩序和经济安全。随着经济全球化和区域经济一体化进程加快,特别是我国加入WTO,面对新形势,海关必须占据新的管理制高点,同时也就面临诸多必须解决的课题。  相似文献   

加入WTO后政府与商会的职能如何互补   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This paper analyzes the escape-entry incentive for innovation by incumbent firms. The threat posed by the possibility of leading-edge firms entering the market influences incumbent innovation. To overcome problems of endogeneity, we apply an instrumental variable approach to analyze a rich firm-level dataset (1987–2000) for Germany. We find evidence that domestic entry has a negative effect on incumbent product innovation, which is a strong indication of new entrants’ comparative advantage in commercializing new ideas. In contrast, domestic entry has a positive effect on incumbent process innovations, an effect also known as the escape-entry effect.  相似文献   

On the use of the social contract model in business ethics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The paper develops a theoretical approach to the boundaries of the multi-national firm in the context of institutional constraints in host countries, focusing especially on corruption. The model incorporates two types of corruption: petty bureaucratic corruption and high-level political corruption. The model predicts that-in the absence of corruption-multinational firms will prefer FDI (internal expansion with strong control rights) to debt (arm's length expansion with loose control rights), the weaker the host country's ability to commit. However, both types of corruption shift the trade-off marginally toward debt. Cross-country panel empirical evidence supports these conclusions. Corruption has a second order marginal effect and matters mostly through its interaction with political risk.  相似文献   

This paper examines the policies adopted by host governments to regulate the entry of multinational enterprises (MNEs). The conflict between host governments and MNEs over the choice of entry strategies is demonstrated. The theoretical underpinnings of host governments’ regulations on MNEs’ entry are provided and the restrictive policies adopted by host governments are assessed. In general, prohibiting an MNE to sign a licensing agreement with its own partially owned subsidiary generates a higher level of national welfare. If the size of the host market is large enough to support several efficient plants, encouraging MNEs to license their technologies to several local firms will also increase national welfare.  相似文献   

The attraction effect illustrates a violation of the regularity assumption in consumer choice. This effect increases the share of a target brand, relative to a competitor, when a third alternative is added to the choice set such that the target dominates the third alternative completely but the competitor does not. The effect has important marketing implications for design and presentation of choice sets to consumers. This paper studies the influence of sequential product entry and exit on the attraction effect; specifically, it focuses on the differences among simultaneous entry, delayed product entry, and product exit. Using two experiments, the paper shows that even sequential actions, such as entry or exit of products, predictably produce the attraction effect.  相似文献   

We examine how the entry timing of targets influences the initial and the post-entry percentage of ownership acquired by multinationals. We argue that targets that have entered earlier into the market launch signals of lower uncertainty in contexts where first-mover advantages exist. As a consequence, multinationals are willing to buy higher levels of ownership in these early entrant targets and to increase their participation in the subsidiary equity in the post-entry stage. Finding support for these relationships, we study how market age and innovative behaviour of the target reduce the importance of leading time as determinant of the ownership decision.  相似文献   

The majority of past studies on the foreign market mode of entry have focused on manufacturing industries. Although some studies have explored the entry mode decisions of the banking industry, most of them have adopted the case study method, and systematic studies have been relatively few. This study intends to fill this gap through an investigation of 7041 Asian and Latin-American bank branches covering the period from 1999 to 2005. The analytical results demonstrate that both Asian and Latin-American banks are market seekers. However, Latin-American banks are not customer followers. In addition, the larger the scale of the bank or the greater the net interest margin the more likely it is that high-control entry modes will be adopted. In contrast, in countries in Asia with a greater cultural distance, banks tend to establish low-control entry modes to avoid uncertainty. However, this does not apply in the case of Latin America.  相似文献   

一、老工业企业的一般现状 黑龙江省老工业企业在国民经济中仍具有举足轻重的地位,形成了一个门类齐全的地域比较集中、产业资源雄厚的、强大的老工业基地。据《2002黑龙江年鉴》统计,全省共有国有控股大中型工业企业458户,占全省规模以上工业企业的80.1%,职工人数129.6万人,占73.1%;2002年实现产品销售收入1938.4亿元,利税700.6亿元,其中利润482.5亿元,分别占规  相似文献   

This paper analyses the choice of full versus shared ownership of the production affiliate made by Italian multinationals in Asia, based on an entirely new firm-level dataset, constructed by the author. The decision to internalise production, rather than relying on a local partner, is driven by the threat of Dissipation of Intangible Assets, both at a theoretical and an empirical level. In particular, we show that full ownership is more likely to emerge in Asia for Italian firms endowed with better technology and human capital, or belonging to high tech sectors.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a two-country monetary model with firm entry as a means for alleviating the comovement puzzles in international business cycle models. It shows that business formation can generate fluctuations in output, employment, investment and trade flows close to those in the data while at the same time providing positive international comovements. Simulations show that the presence of imported investment goods is essential for replicating these facts.  相似文献   

The paper presents a new sectoral taxonomy, which classifies industries according to the opportunity and cost of experimentation. Econometric tests show for a sample of 24 countries that in the 1990s ‘entrepreneurial’ industries with a mutable and growing firm population experienced the highest growth in terms of value added and employment, but also the lowest growth of labour productivity. ‘Entrepreneurial’ industries generally earned a better profit-ratio than ‘routinised’ industries with an inertial population. The results are consistent with entrepreneurial theories of market competition, which suggest that entry follows profit opportunities but does not deplete them.   相似文献   

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