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投资商品期货能不能给投资者带来效用改善?为了回答这个问题,本文在回顾国内外已有研究文献的基础上,首先采用张成方法检验商品指数基金和单种商品期货是不是股票和债券资产的张成,从而初步回答本文的基本问题。然后考察了商品指数基金和单种商品期货的引入对传统资产组合有效前沿的影响,直观地比较了加入商品资产前后投资组合的绩效表现,此外还考虑风险厌恶因素对投资组合构成的影响。最后是本文的结论部分。  相似文献   

钟腾  汤珂 《金融研究》2016,430(4):128-143
在全球大宗商品金融化的背景下,商品期货逐渐成为一类重要投资性资产。本文旨在从风险溢价、风险分散和风险因子这三个方面探讨我国商品期货的投资属性。测算显示,我国商品期货的风险溢价为正,说明期货多头获得风险补偿,支持正常贴水理论。与美国类似,近十年来我国商品期货市场与股票市场高度正相关,意味着分散股市风险的功能较弱;进一步研究表明,通货膨胀和经济周期是产生这种正相关的主要渠道。另外,我们发现美国商品期货市场上常用的风险因子在中国并不适用。  相似文献   

期货商品是进行风险管理的载体,高效的期货商品上市机制是发挥期货交易规避风险功能的重要保障和推动力。本文基于目前我国期货商品上市机制现状及存在问题,借鉴国外成熟期货市场的上市经验,提出我国期货商品上市机制改革方向,促进我国期货市场的发展和完善。  相似文献   

商品期货一周点评市场概况当周,受国际大宗商品市场大幅波动影响,国内期货市场剧烈振荡,且走势分化。在周度振幅方面,各品种的周度振幅均超过2%。周度振幅排名位居前列的品种依次为PTA、铅、黄金、橡胶、锌、铝、铜、沪深300指数期货、聚乙烯、白砂糖、聚氯乙烯和棉花,其周振幅均超过6%。  相似文献   

倪伟杰  熊耀鹏 《中国外资》2012,(12):239-240
文章将就商品期货投资基金进行定义和介绍,并通过分析商品纳入投资组合的可行性以及投资组合的效果,说明商品期货投资基金的优势和意义。然后结合我国相关市场的基本情况,分析商品期货投资基金对于我国市场的实际意义,最后对我国现有的市场基础进行分析,得出关于我国推出商品期货投资基金的结论及建议。  相似文献   

文章将就商品期货投资基金进行定义和介绍,并通过分析商品纳入投资组合的可行性以及投资组合的效果,说明商品期货投资基金的优势和意义.然后结合我国相关市场的基本情况,分析商品期货投资基金对于我国市场的实际意义,最后对我国现有的市场基础进行分析,得出关于我国推出商品期货投资基金的结论及建议  相似文献   

在终期效用最大化约束条件下,参与商品期货市场的标的商品的生产商、加工商和投机者等三类交易主体存在最优期货头寸持有量.通过联立证券、商品期货和现货三个市场,一个商品期货合约定价的两期静态模型得以确立.商品期货合约价格由资本市场系统风险溢价和非市场风险溢价两个部分构成,其绝对值与参与商品期货交易的投机者数量呈反比,投机者数量越多,商品期货合约价格的绝对值越小,表明商品期货交易风险越小,商品期货价格越平稳,价格发现功能越突出.  相似文献   

一、国内商品期货国内商品期市在节前最后一个交易周显得较为冷清,多数品种成交量和持仓量双双下滑,节前效应明显。具体来看,前期因资金推动走强的沪油在获利了结及疲软需求的打压下重归跌势,周下跌2.11%,收于2963元。经济持续下  相似文献   

通货膨胀通常会导致财富缩水,有必要通过适当的工具对冲通货膨胀的影响。由于商品期货本身不同于普通资产的属性以及我国期货市场的日益成熟,商品期货成为对冲通货膨胀的一种可选工具。本文采用了相关文献中常用的通胀对冲能力的衡量指标,对我国不同类型商品期货的通胀对冲能力进行实证研究。结果显示,所有类型的商品期货均可以有效对冲预期通货膨胀,其中农产品期货还可以对冲未预期通货膨胀,是良好的通胀对冲工具。  相似文献   

按照持有期货合约的部位,将商品期货交易者细分为:标的商品生产商、加工商和投机者。在满足终期效用最大化的条件下,通过联立商品期货、现货和证券市场,推导出一个商品期货投资收益模型,证明了商品期货投资收益由期货市场的系统性风险溢价和非系统性风险溢价两部分组成,并解释了“持有期成本套利”、“现货一期货溢价”和“资本资产定价”三种理论适用于确定商品期货投资收益的前提条件。根据国内商品期货市场与证券市场之间存在负相关性的实证结论,说明发展商品基金、减少证券一商品期货市场跨市场投资的交易成本等措施有利于我国资本市场的发展和完善。  相似文献   

This paper presents a model in which safe assets are systemic because they are the medium of exchange in risky assets. It connects the literature from banking and finance on safe assets to the monetary literature on alternative monetary systems involving commodity money, interest bearing money, and private money creation. Because safe assets have intrinsic value, changes in their supply lead to changes in market efficiency. Additionally, because safe assets are costly to produce, there is overproduction of safe assets relative to the social optimum. When the model is calibrated to plausible liquidity premiums the resulting inefficiencies are not large.  相似文献   

We reexamine commodity futures returns for evidence of fractional integration utilizing two estimators based on wavelets. We summarize basic wavelet methods for signal processing and decompose commodity futures returns by wavelet scale. We find the evidence for long memory is not conclusive based on visual inspection of the wavelet decomposition, but formal statistical tests suggest evidence of long memory, in the form of antipersistence, in about half of agricultural commodity futures. We find little evidence of long memory in metal futures. Our results are useful in interpreting previous disparate findings based on frequency domain estimators.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between the commitments of three of the largest groups of futures traders and the abnormal price movements in five agricultural commodities. The general evidence suggests that the commitments of futures traders have been increasing over time, whereas the frequency of price jumps have not. Regression results indicate a negative relationship between price jumps and the commitments of speculators and small traders. There is also evidence of a negative relationship between the number of speculators and cash market volatility, consistent with a host of speculation-based theories.  相似文献   

We identify two types of risk premia in commodity futures returns: spot premia related to the risk in the underlying commodity, and term premia related to changes in the basis. Sorting on forecasting variables such as the futures basis, return momentum, volatility, inflation, hedging pressure, and liquidity results in sizable spot premia between 5% and 14% per annum and term premia between 1% and 3% per annum. We show that a single factor, the high‐minus‐low portfolio from basis sorts, explains the cross‐section of spot premia. Two additional basis factors are needed to explain the term premia.  相似文献   

商品期货市场尾部相关性初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对上海期货交易所与伦敦金属交易所铜期货价格的尾部分布与相关特性作了研究,发现:两交易所的日间收益率数据的样本峰度比正态分布要高,尾部呈现Frechet分布(或厚尾)特征,而且伦敦金交所的厚尾特征比期交所的更明显;两序列的右尾有限相关度显著,但渐进不相关.而它们的左尾不仅有限相关度显著,也表现出很强的渐进相关度.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the producer's optimal use of commodity futures in hedging. The framework for analysis is an intertemporal consumption and investment model. The producer makes his production decisions at the beginning of the period and realizes his return at the end of the time interval. During the period, he faces both price and output uncertainties. In applying stochastic dynamic programming methods, this paper shows the effect of these risks on his consumption behavior. Further, the paper investigates his optimal hedging positions in the futures market over time and his optimal production decisions. Finally, implications of these results on the futures markets are discussed.  相似文献   

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