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本文首先分析了现代生物技术在食品检验中应用的意义,明确现代生物技术的重要性;然后分析了具体生物技术在食品检验中的应用,期望能够加强对现代生物技术的应用,提高食品检验的精确度,从而更好地确保食品安全;最后简单介绍了现代生物技术在食品检验中的发展趋势,表明技术未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

我国发展现代生物技术的比较优势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代生物技术我国未来的经济发展与技术进步均具有重要意义,我国所具有的比较优势为我国发展现代生物技术奠定了良好基础。文章首先研究现代生物技术的特点,然后站在管理的视角,从生物多样性、市场多元性、技术现状与潜力、社会背景等多个方面分析了我国发展现代生物技术所具备的比较优势。  相似文献   

肖哲 《消费导刊》2013,(4):149-149
食品生物技术也就是在生物技术的五大方面下进行了具体发展。食品生物技术主要包括了食品发酵和酿造等最古老的食品加工方法,也有现代生物技术的应用,改良食品原料的基因和制造食品添加剂等。食品生物技术不仅促进了传统的食品加工、制造,更可以促进新兴食品产业的发展。  相似文献   

随着现代生物学和分子生物学的不断发展,基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程等各种现代生物技术工程领域也受到其重要的影响,现代生物学和分子学的技术在食品发酵的生产中应用也越来越广泛。本文主要从基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程等现代生物技术在食品发酵业的应用进行阐述。  相似文献   

现阶段,人们的生活质量水平得到了进一步提高,对食品安全愈加重视。为了保障食品安全,就要采取相应措施检验食品安全。将现代生物技术应用在食品检验当中,能起到积极作用,食品安全检验的效率比较高,技术应用也较方便。本文主要阐述了食品检验中现代生物技术应用重要性和主要生物技术,对现代生物技术的应用和发展趋势详细探究。希望能借此理论研究,对现代生物技术科学应用起到一定促进作用。  相似文献   

生物检测技术凭借迅速、准确和安全等优势开始在食品安全检测中得到广泛运用,逐渐成为食品安全检测中的主要手段。目前食品检验中使用的生物技术包括生物芯片、PCR、免疫学探测和生物传感器等技术,本文将分析几种主要的生物技术在食品检验中的应用,并指出现代生物技术在食品检验中的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文重点论述了现代生物技术应用于石油化工领域的发展现状及发展趋势,指出利用生物技术深度开发石油、天然气资源将极大地推动石油化工工业的发展,石油、天然气资源的生物技术利用是新世纪生物技术重点开发方向。  相似文献   

生物技术产业是21世纪最具潜力的产业,其发展之迅速,能够之剧烈,以及对传统农业生产影响之大,都是前所未有的.如今,生物技术被世界各国视为高新技术,它对提高综合国力,帮助解决人类所面临的食品短缺、健康、环境及经济问题至关重要,所以许多国家将生物技术确定为增强国家经济实力和综合实力的关键性技术之一.近20年现代生物技术的发展取得了世人瞩目的成就,在农业生产领域战士了广阔的发展前景.目前,世界正面临着人口剧增和食品短缺的严重危机,农业生产受到的压力也日益增强,发展和应用现代生物技术,是解决当前世界所面临的粮食、人口、污染等重大问题,发展现代化农业的必由之路.  相似文献   

现有的食品检测采用传统仪器、化学、物理等多种基础检测方法,存在检测结果不够精准等问题。随着我国现代科学技术的不断发展,各种生物检测技术已广泛应用于食品安全质量检测中。通过充分运用现代生物技术,可以有效提高食品检验水平,为食品监督管理工作提供技术保障。食品检验中生物技术应用广泛。本文着重描述了生物分析技术的类型、在食品安全检测中的发展现状及其作用和重要性。  相似文献   

董蒙 《消费导刊》2013,(2):152-152
生物技术集合了现代生物学及其相关学科的特点,并以其独有特性和发展潜力成为国家新的经济增长点,然而当前生物技术产业的发展还存在着很多的问题。因此,可以利用健全和完善管理体制、进行战略布局调整,加强企业凝聚力、以市场为主导,重点突破、加大政府投资,完善建立产业政策扶持等措施来促进生物技术产业的发展。  相似文献   

发酵工程在生物技术中占有重要地位,只有通过发酵工程,才能使基因工程或者细胞工程获得的特殊性状的细菌实现工业化生产,最终获得生物技术的生产效益和经济价值,即发酵工程是生物工程产业化的基础。发酵技术虽然古老,但是由于现代物技术研究成果的转化,为其注入新的内容,使传统的发酵工艺焕发新的生命力,使微生物发酵制品的品种不断增加。基于此,简要综述现代发酵工程技术在食品领域的应用及进展。  相似文献   

The use of biotechnology in food production has generated considerable debate involving the benefits and risks associated with its use. Consumer acceptance of genetically modified foods is a critical factor that will affect the future of this technology. Using data from a national survey, this study examines how public acceptance of food biotechnology is related to consumers’ socioeconomic and value attributes as well as the benefits associated with the use of this technology. Empirical results suggest that consumer acceptance of food biotechnology increases considerably when the use of this technology brings tangible benefits for the public. Consumers with different socioeconomic and demographic attributes have diverging views of food biotechnology only when its use brings specific benefits to them. When the use of genetic technology confers no additional benefit, public attitudes towards genetically modified foods are driven primarily by their scientific knowledge, views of scientists and corporations associated with biotechnology as well as public trust and confidence in government.  相似文献   

The Dynamics of Industrial Clustering in Biotechnology   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
This paper is a study of the process by which industrial clusters form. It identifies the forces of attraction to new companies to a cluster in biotechnology in the U.S. as it grows. It uses a model of entry of new firms into the industry to measure the degree of attraction to those new firms of the presence of an existing cluster at a particular location. The paper finds that the main agent of attraction to new firms to enter the biotechnology industry is the presence of a strong science base at that location. This provides a greater magnet than the strength of any particular sector of the industry. In terms of attraction between different sectors within the industry, the paper finds that there is positive attraction and feedback between a group of sectors in the biotechnology industry – namely the therapeutics, diagnostics and the equipment/research tools sector. However in other sectors of the industry – chemicals, food and to some extent agriculture – there is much less attraction and interaction between them. This implies that clusters of firms tend to develop only in particular sectors of the industry and positive feedback mechanisms do not extend to other parts of the industry.  相似文献   

Using data from a national survey, this study analyses US consumers’ acceptance of genetically modified foods that provide additional nutritional benefits. Using an ordered probit model, this study examines the relation between the willingness to consume genetically modified foods and consumers’ economic, demographic and value attributes. Empirical results suggest that despite having some reservations, especially about the use of biotechnology in animals, American consumers are not decidedly opposed to food biotechnology. Consumers’ economic and demographic variables are only weakly related to their acceptance of food biotechnology, especially when technology involves plant‐to‐plant DNA transfer. However, public trust and confidence in various private and public institutions are significantly related to their acceptance of food biotechnology. Overall, consumer acceptance of bioengineered foods is driven primarily by public perceptions of risks, benefits and safety of these food products.  相似文献   

This article examines the strategic use of mandatory labeling of biotechnology products, such as genetically modified food. A foreign dominant firm produces a biotechnology product and foreign competitive firms produce a conventional one. It is shown that if other trade measures such as tariffs are also available, the government of an importing country may impose mandatory labeling even in the case where there is no quality difference between biotechnology and conventional products. A combination of a discriminatory tariff on the biotechnology product and mandatory labeling shifts rents from the foreign dominant firm to the domestic economy.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the following subjects: biotechnology and consumers, concern about risks, consumer acceptance, labelling of foods produced using biotechnology, the legal approach to consumer protection, and consumer protection policies relating to biotechnology products in the European Union, the United States, Turkey and global institutions such as the Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). It is likely that biotechnology will gain ground much more rapidly in the twenty‐first century than in the past. Despite rapid, detailed and precise advances in gene technology, its applications have not been the received with a great deal of consumer enthusiasm. Consumers have approached genetically modified foods with considerable apprehension and opposition. Consumer concerns about bioengineered food products focus on the questions of human health, environmental and social risks and benefits. The most important stages in the process of marketing new foods produced using biotechnology are to demonstrate user need and consumer acceptance. Generally, the technical complexity of biotechnology makes it difficult for consumers to understand details of the product and the specific attributes of biotechnology applications. Scientific uncertainty, the nature of consumer concerns and general reluctance to accept biotechnology products, increase the importance of consumer protection. Legal protection is a very important factor in the solution of new social problems related to technological advances. More specifically, consumer and environmental law support consumer protection related to foods produced with biotechnology. The basic principles of consumer law can be re‐formulated as consumer rights. Environmental law is a new phenomenon, but precautionary principles and public participation in decision‐making for environmental law are relevant to consumer protection relating to bioengineered food products.  相似文献   

在食品科学技术发展与对外贸易不断扩大的背景下,食品检测与分析工作在保证食品安全中的地位越来越高。面对日渐严苛的食品检测要求,以生物技术取代传统分析方法是一种趋势,比如DNA探针技术、PCR技术和免疫学技术等。  相似文献   

An online survey method was used to collect data regarding the concern and attitude of UK consumers towards genetically modified (GM) food labelling. Questionnaires were sent to 9000 participants of the online panel via emails, and 2568 consumers completed the online survey. The response rate was 29%. This study found that more than 75% of the consumers questioned were concerned about the labelling of food products with GM ingredients. Eight perceived risks and benefits of agro‐biotechnology were identified to be associated with consumers’ attitude towards GM food labelling. Among them, three were perceived benefits, such as reduced use of chemicals in crop production, improved nutritional content, and increased yields. The five perceived risks were health risks, environmental risks, moral considerations, image of multinational corporations as the primary beneficiaries of biotechnology, and growing control of multinational corporations over farming. While all five perceived risks from GM food played a statistically significant role in shaping the overall attitude towards GM labelling, improved nutritional content due to application of biotechnology was the only benefit that was statistically significant. Age of the respondents was the only demographic variable playing a statistically significant role in shaping the attitude of respondents towards GM food labelling. Older respondents were more likely to be concerned about the existing GM labelling practices than younger respondents.  相似文献   

This paper presents a basic framework for how people make decisions about products that may have been produced with biotechnology and examines how decision makers form their quantitative risk estimates. It also reviews several studies which argue that the acceptability to consumers of foods produced with the use of biotechnology is influenced not only by their perceptions about the magnitude of the risks involved, but also by the qualitative characteristics of the potential risks. The paper concludes with a suggested approach to enhancing communication between risk communicators and the public regarding the role of biotechnology in the food and other sectors.  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对食品的关注重点也从"吃饱"向"吃好"转变,对"舌尖上的安全"有了更高的要求。于是促进了有机农业、生态农业、自然农业、再生农业等一系列关乎自然环境、生态文明建设的新型农业领域的兴起。国家"十三五"对于食品安全提出了更高要求,要求建立食品安全全程可追溯体系,建立"一站式"食品安全监测平台,使食品安全检测海量信息实时传输、存储、分析、运用成为可能。对食品安全进行风险监测、评估和预警,也必将促进我国在保障食品安全问题上又上一个新台阶。  相似文献   

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