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随着全球经营活动竞争的日趋激烈,外派管理的有效性逐渐成为国际商业运作成败的关键因素。本文通过对跨国公司外派人员归国适应的影响因素分析,从组织支持的角度提出外派人员归国适应的人力资源管理策略。  相似文献   

理论界从社会资本视角探讨外派适应的研究仍处于探索阶段。本文在回顾相关文献的基础上,首先,构建了中国企业外派人员社会资本对外派适应影响的理论框架;其次,采用问卷法进行调查,获取255份有效问卷;再次,采用探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析和层次回归等多种统计方法对这些问卷进行,结果显示,外派人员与东道国居民的工具性关系对一般适应和互动适应有显著正向影响,在工作适应中,仅外派人员与母国其他外派人员的情感性关系发挥显著作用;最后,根据研究结论,本文提出相应的建议,希望能为跨国公司外派实践提供帮助。  相似文献   

现在越来越多的客户将其部分或全部的IT运维工作交给外部的专业服务提供商。IT外派人员长期在客户的现场提供服务,这也导致了外派人员对母公司缺乏组织归属感。本文选择了四个涉及IT外派人员的IT运维外包项目进行案例研究,试图探寻影响外派人员对母公司组织归属感的影响因素。本文发现影响外派人员组织归属感的因素主要包括沟通、公平、员工关怀和稳定预期,但是在不同的心理契约情境下影响外派人员组织归属感的因素各不相同。  相似文献   

为研究承包商外派人员心理韧性影响因素,本文采用文献综述法,从个人、工作、组织、社会4个方面总结出13个外派人员心理韧性影响因素。首先,通过层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)建立心理韧性影响因素指标体系;其次,通过确定各层次的指标权重值,对承包商外派人员心理韧性影响因素进行重要度分析。本研究旨在为承包企业加强外派人员心理韧性、提高外派成功率提供参考意见。  相似文献   

在推进“一带一路”建设背景下,国有企业贯彻落实“走出去”的积极性不断提高,外派员工规模与日俱增。实际上,很多国有企业外派员工的派驻国并不属于发达国家,派出员工需要面对条件艰苦的自然环境、风险较大的政治局势、文化矛盾、家庭关系不稳定等不安定因素产生的心理健康问题,从而大大影响了国有企业员工承担外派任务的积极性,进而降低了外派人员在外的工作质量和效率。本文分析了国有企业外派员工心理健康问题的影响因素,并深入探讨了国有企业加强外派员工心理健康管理工作的有效对策。  相似文献   

随着全球经济和知识经济的迅速发展,外派回任人员知识转移作为跨国公司知识获取的主要途径日益受到重视.通过对主要理论文献和最新实证研究的回顾和梳理,总结和回顾了外派回任人员知识转移的定义、所转移的知识分类、影响因素以及结果变量,形成包括社会层次、组织层次、工作单元层次、个体层次、工作单元和个体交互层次以及知识特征六个方面的影响因素系统框架,在此基础之上分析过去外派回任人员知识转移研究中存在的不足并为今后研究的发展提出建议.  相似文献   

雷晏 《人力资源》2012,(4):50-52
外派人员水平影响企业国际化进程外派人员(expatrlates,又称Internatlonalassignee),是指由母公司任命的在东道国工作的母国公民或第三国公民,也包括在母公司工作的外国公民,其中以在东道国工作的母国公民为主。外派人员可以分为外派经理(expatriate manager)和外派技术人员(expatriate technicians),其职责各有不同。  相似文献   

随着企业经营的全球化和国际化,外派人员管理已成为企业人力资源管理的关键环节。针对目前外派人员管理存在的问题,本文从外派人员的甄选、培训、监督与支持三维视角对做好这项工作进行了系统的探讨,提出了外派人员甄选的指标体系,外派人员培训内容、方式和外派人员管理的监督支持策略。  相似文献   

本文主要是根据笔者在国际工程承包中多年的工作经验,结合人力资源相关理论知识,具有针对性的对外派人员管理进行初步的探索。本文主要在分析了外派失败的各种影响因素基础上,探索了防止外派失败的策略。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,许多外贸企业相继在海外投资办企业,设立“窗口公司”,为企业扩大出口,增收外汇起到了积极的作用。但随着我国市场经济的发展和海外经营环境的日益复杂化,一些窗口公司作为计划经济条件下的产物,已不能适应经济发展的需求,经营陷入困境,存在的问题主要有: 一、主管部门及投资单位管理薄弱,是影响企业健康发展的重要因素 (一)外派人员知识结构陈旧技能单一 外派人员一经派出,便与再教育无缘,整日忙于业务,现有知识不能及时更新,难以满足经济发展的需要。 (二)外派干部定期轮换尚未形成制度,人员结构老化问题…  相似文献   

Public professionalism is increasingly subject to organizational and societal pressures, which has led to ambiguity concerning its nature. Professionals face conflicting situations due to potential clashes between multifaceted professional, organizational, and societal factors. This raises questions about how these factors affect professional work, how professionals experience conflicts and how they cope. We investigate such conflicts, confusion, and coping strategies in a group of veterinary inspectors. Using semi-structured interviews, we analyse their work and link the resulting insights to different perspectives on professionalism. We show that workers experience conflicts as less stressful when they accept organizational factors, or when they are able to enact a more integrated set of professional/organizational work principles. We call this organizing professionalism. We trace factors that hinder and favour such organizing coping strategies.  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的日益激烈,物流企业在经营管理的过程中面临的风险因素也日益增加,如果更合理的针对物流业务流程设计的险种,使物流企业根据自己运营过程中的风险进行投保,使物流企业把风险转嫁出去,轻装上阵,全身心地投入物流本职工作,这样必然会对现代物流业的发展起到很好的促进作用。  相似文献   

Many service-oriented firms face demand/work load variations that occur both within and between days, and seasonally during the year. These service firms tend to develop staffing plans based on peak periods, resulting in substantial idle time during low demand periods. To counter this, some firms hire part-time employees to work peak periods to improve productivity. In this way, the cost per customer/transaction (unit) can be reduced.However, the staffing decision is more complex than just determining the number and timing of the work force. The development of good staffing plans must consider the impact of available work stations like telephone consoles and data entry terminals. To use effectively more personnel during peak periods, the firm must have sufficient work stations to assign this work force. Effective staff scheduling must consider simultaneously the work load variations, employ capabilities, and equipment requirements. This article presents a model that incorporates these factors into the decision-making process and examines their interaction.The model analysis illustrates how uncertainty in work load forecasts and staffing flexibility influence expected cost performance and equipment requirements. A set of computer simulation experiments are conducted using operating data from the proof and encoding departments for Ohio National Bank and Chemical Bank. The results suggest that increased staffing flexibility reduces the needed equipment investment, since part time staff can be scheduled more conveniently to meet varying work loads. Also, basing capital equipment decisions on peak work load levels can substantially increase total operating costs. With these costs explicitly estimated, managers can weigh them against desired service level goals to determine the appropriate balance.  相似文献   

Whilst paid informal work has been conceptualized as a form of paid employment imbued with solely economic motivations, this article critically argues that such a market‐­oriented reading fails to take into account alternative explanations for the existence of informal work practices. Using evidence from 50 interviews conducted within a Pakistani urban community in a northern UK city, this article, uses a mixed‐embeddedness perspective to highlight the importance of predominantly socially and culturally driven motives in the decision to engage in informal work. The findings highlight that participation in informal work, whilst a product of marginalization due to certain institutional and structural factors, is also driven by a range of non‐monetary motives—a result of certain socially embedded work relations between ethnic minority workers and their employers. It is this social embeddedness of the employer–employee relationship in the Pakistani ethnic minority community that explains the continuation of informal work practices in the face of prevailing laws and regulations. The findings add weight to the understanding of informal work as being about more than just economics and constraints, offering these ethnic minority workers opportunities, even status, and giving them agency in an otherwise disempowered situation.  相似文献   

煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故的预防是煤矿安全工作的重点。针对影响下峪口煤矿采煤风工作面安全的因素具有随机性、模糊性和不确定的特点,利用层次分析法构建采煤面的安全评价指标体系,确定各指标的权重,并采用灰色评价法建立了评价模型,对其进行综合评价。评价结果表明计算得到的结果与实际情况相符,表明灰色层次分析法对煤矿安全发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

郑韬 《价值工程》2011,30(31):213-214
面对竞争日趋激烈的社会环境,青年馆员越来越容易陷入"职业倦怠"的困境当中,严重的影响了工作积极性,对图书馆的未来发展也埋下了隐患。本文分析了青年馆员职业倦怠的成因、探讨了预防、减轻青年馆员职业倦怠的对策及对策的局限性。  相似文献   

王涛 《价值工程》2010,29(30):89-89
全面分析综放工作面煤炭损失,提出了提高综放工作面顶煤回收率的有效途径及管理方法,总结了姚桥矿提高综放工作面顶煤回收率的经验。  相似文献   

企业内部审计风险的成因及控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济的发展、企业规模的扩大及经济业务的复杂化程度的提高,推动着越来越多的企业开始关注企业内部控制机制的建立,内部审计作为内部控制制度的一部分也引起了人们的关注;同时,由于经济环境的变幻使得经营活动的不确定性增加,因而怎样降低内部审计风险更好的提高企业内部控制机制的效益也引起了人们的思考。本文拟就企业内部审计风险的成因、特点及其控制做一简要的探讨。  相似文献   

During the last 25 years the neoliberal institutional turn and globalization have caused profound structural changes and challenged our theoretical understandings. In this article the emerging structure of the Norwegian home‐building industry is presented, with a focus on the interaction between different actors in the different stages and functions of the home‐building network. The structure of employer–contractor relations in the liberalized housing market is disclosed and used as a basis for discussing the theoretical perspectives developed by Amin and Thrift’s work on circulation and distanciation and by Castells’ work on the network enterprise and space of flows. The questions asked are whether these trends are seen in the Norwegian home‐building industry. From the analysis we learn that home‐building is considered a local business due to: a capacity restraint regarding local market knowledge; the interaction with local planning authorities; face‐to‐face meetings; and social relations. On the other hand, there are a set of factors that tell a ‘circulation’ story: an increasing number of participants, especially in design and planning; a more complex market structure; and a need for developer’s knowledge on trends in design and construction. In sum, the analysis discloses a structure of increasing circulation but without a corresponding distanciation, and from Castells’ perspective there is an emerging space of flows, but still a rather local geometry; a pattern probably prone to change in the years to come.  相似文献   

王新 《价值工程》2011,30(4):298-298
当前高等学校建设飞速发展,各层次高等教育办学都面对着较为严峻的压力,而教育工作者的思想相比之下更加复杂和活跃,在此形式下对高等学校的纪检监察工作的要求也不断提高。  相似文献   

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