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The implications of centralised wage setting for the relationship between taxation, wages and employment are studied allowing for endogenous adjustment in work hours. We show that centralisation promotes wage moderation, makes wages and employment less sensitive to changes in wage taxation and reduces the hours worked. With an individual supply of working hours, a wage tax can even improve employment if wage setting is centralised and marginal utility from a public good is sufficiently high. Moreover, if a profit tax is used to finance public expenditure, higher tax reduces wages and improves employment.  相似文献   

潘丽丽 《经济地理》2005,25(6):928-932
影视旅游的现象比较普遍,但相关的研究还不多见.文章采用案例分析的方法,分析外景地旅游发展过程中影视的特殊作用.案例地为浙江省的两个典型的影视旅游地,即新昌和横店,采用文献、报纸、网络、统计数据等资料作为分析根据.结果表明,影视拍摄能够增强外景地的旅游感知形象,增加游客数量,促进旅游景区和旅游接待业发展,增加旅游就业.但是,影视拍摄也能给外景地带来一些问题,如投资成本过大、促销策略倾斜、旅游发展时空集聚、同类外景地的品牌竞争.  相似文献   

土地供应对住房价格影响的实证研究——以上海市为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以上海市为例,采用Granger因果关系检验和基于预期的房地产价格模型分析土地供应对住房价格的影响.研究结果是:土地供应能通过预期作用对住房价格产生负影响;土地供应对住房价格影响的弹性系数为-0.01.研究结论为:为抑制住房价格过快上涨,政府增加土地供应的措施是可行的;稳定土地供应有助于稳定房价;土地囤积将减弱住房价格对土地供应变化的时效,应抑制土地囤积行为.  相似文献   

高速铁路对区域可达性的影响研究--以沪宁地区为例   总被引:43,自引:5,他引:43  
作为一种新型快捷交通方式,高速铁路的建设将对沿线地区的交通运输、经济发展、人们的生产生活带来深远的影响。文章以沪宁地区为例,探讨了高速铁路影响下沿线地区可达性的变化,采用了有效评价旅行时间、经济潜力、日常可达性三类分析指标,初步得出不仅沿线地区将产生深刻变化,且临近区域也受益匪浅的结论,从客观上论证了修建京沪高速铁路的可行性和重要性。  相似文献   

都市区空间范围的划分方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王国霞  蔡建明 《经济地理》2008,28(2):191-196
都市区已成为中国城市化快速发展的重要载体,但其地域空间范围划分标准尚不明晰,从而影响到空间规划的科学性和空间管治的可操作性。在对国内外都市区定义及划分方法的简要评述基础上,考虑到我国都市区发展所处的阶段,提出产业经济空间和人口经济空间两种划分方法。研究认为由于城市产业经济活动的多样性及其产业活动影响范围的差异性会导致产业经济空间的划分方法难以具体实施,推荐以核心城市人口经济活动的空间范围来划分都市区。在此讨论基础上,对全国尺度上的大都市区空间范围进行了大致匡算和划分,目前全国共有30个大都市区;并以北京市作为案例点,利用GIS技术,考虑道路交通系统,更为具体详细地对北京市都市区范围进行了界定,都市区地域空间形态表现为明显的锯齿状。  相似文献   

We present an overview of models of long-term self-enforcing labour contracts in which risk-sharing is the dominant motive for contractual solutions. A base model is developed that is sufficiently general to encompass the two-agent problem central to most of the literature, including variable hours. We consider two-sided limited commitment and look at its implications for aggregate labour market variables. We consider the implications for empirical testing and the available empirical evidence. We also consider the one-sided limited commitment problem for which there exists a considerable amount of empirical support.  相似文献   

Organ transplantation holds the potential to substantially restore the health of many otherwise terminally ill patients. That potential, however, is currently being denied full realization by a chronic and severe shortage of cadaveric organs that are made available for this use. In recent years, medical practitioners, social scientists, and others have debated the virtues of allowing markets for cadaveric organs to form as a way to end the current shortage. In this debate, market opponents have argued, inter alia, that (1) organ collections may fall with payment of positive prices and (2) the price required to equilibrate organ supply and demand would be high. On the other hand, proponents of organ markets have argued that financial inducements could save many lives and that the equilibrium price is likely to be low. While dozens of papers have been published debating this issue, to date no one has provided any empirical evidence to resolve these important questions of supply. This paper provides preliminary evidence suggesting that potential donors would be relatively responsive to financial inducements and, accordingly, that the price required to eliminate the current shortage of organs is surprisingly low. (JEL 118, L50)  相似文献   

The widespread externality produced by the sentiment of envy is modelled in this paper. We show its specific structural properties, the conditions of its existence, the various reasons for its normative relevance, the basic tool of its analysis ("envy-free preferences") and its crucial relation with the property of equality of liberty ("equity"). We then show that the envy externality respects the efficiency of classical allocative processes in the relevant conditions (competitive markets with not too unequal incomes, cases with indivisibilities, equal-freedom individual choices, etc.). We in particular derive conditions of consistency between efficiency and the vanishing of the envy externality, as well as the effects of actual envy on "divide and choose" processes, preferences to reassignment, multidimensional maximin, "egalitarian equivalence", degrees of envy in society and the rationality of choices.  相似文献   

毛蒋兴  阎小培 《经济地理》2005,25(2):185-188,210
在评述国内外城市交通系统对土地利用影响作用研究的基础上,以广州为案例,利用有关政府部门资料、统计资料和实地调查资料,引入定量分析和GIS、RS空间分析技术,系统全面地研究了我国高密度开发城市交通系统对土地利用的影响作用。首先论述了城市交通系统发展对城市空间格局演化的引导作用;接着应用GIS和RS技术分析论证了城市交通系统建设对土地利用开发的刺激作用;然后应用GIS技术和多元统计分析方法探讨了城市交通系统对土地利用价格的影响作用;最后阐明了城市交通系统对广州各类用地布局的影响。  相似文献   

Economic costs are relevant to endangered species protection in both theory and practice. Recovering endangered Snake River salmon will require modifying public land use, restricting fishing and hatchery production, reducing water for agriculture, and altering the operation of hydroelectric dams. The economic costs are estimated to range from $246 million to $359 million per year. While the estimated cost is not matched by the estimated increased value of fishing, the nonuse value of salmon recovery may be very large. Better economic and biological information is needed to assure that decisions for salmon species protection are reasonably cost effective. ( JEL Q28, H43)  相似文献   

This article utilizes a unique data set to examine the relationship between a group of potential explanatory variables and educational corruption in Ukraine. Our corruption controls include bribing on exams, on term papers, for credit, and for university admission. We use a robust nonparametric approach in order to estimate the probability of bribing across the four different categories. This approach is shown to be robust to a variety of different types of endogeneity often encountered under commonly assumed parametric specifications. Our main findings indicate that corruption perceptions, past bribing behavior, and the perceived criminality of bribery are significant factors for all four categories of bribery. From a policy perspective, we argue that when bribe control enforcement is difficult, anti‐corruption education programs targeting social perceptions of corruption could be appropriate. (JEL K42, J16, C14)  相似文献   

Despite the rising prominence of economic education scholarship, little work has been done to document how economic education scholarship is faring in the academic world. Unlike prior research in this genre, this study assesses the relative impacts of economic education scholarship by examining published research in (strictly) economic education journals. In order to do so, we use the Harzing database of citations to articles published in (strictly) economic education journals from 1990 to the present. Supporting some of the measures found in prior research, we find that the Journal of Economic Education (JEE) is unambiguously the dominant source of influential scholarship in the field of economic education. Interestingly, the JEE's closest competitors among active economic education journals are the International Review of Economics Education and Computers in Higher Education Economics Research, both of which are published under the auspices of the Economics Network, which is located in the UK. Following these two journals in our ranking is the Journal of Economics and Finance Education, a relatively new journal launch.  相似文献   

信息网络对企业空间组织的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
信息网络是信息社会的主要基础设施,本文从信息网络的概念、分类和形状入手,讨论了信息网络对企业区位和劳动空间分工的影响,并举例加以说明,最后对地理学开展新的空间经济发展研究提出了思路.  相似文献   

中吉乌铁路建设对新疆经济的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在西部大开发和沿边开放的关键时期,中吉乌铁路这个运输大动脉的贯通将会形成新的亚欧大陆桥的一条南通路,改变新疆现有的交通格局,为新疆的外运提供一条方便、快捷、安全的运输大动脉和新的能源通道,对新疆的产业结构、边贸、边境旅游、服务业和城镇布局产生很大的影响。同时,探讨了新疆的社会和生态环境保护、人才配置等方面将会面临新的形势和挑战,并对未来经济发展提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文结合世界银行关于中国中小企业的调查数据和中国银监会发布的银行业分布数据,分析了银行业结构与中小企业融资的关系。本文发现:银行业结构与中小企业受到信贷配给的概率呈现“U型”关系,即存在最优水平的银行业集中度使中小企业受到信贷约束的概率最低。根据本文研究,我国银行业集中度总体上高于最优水平,但不同地区又有所差异。本文还发现,考察银行业集中度不能只关注国有大型商业银行比重的下降,大型股份制商业银行比重的替代性上升也没有有效解决中小企业融资难的问题。因此,鼓励发展中小金融机构,才是支持中小企业融资的有效途径。  相似文献   

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