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The advent of the Internet has revolutionized the way companies advertise, develop and distribute products. Firms can now customize their advertising messages and products to the particular characteristics and needs of customers. Customers themselves can create their own products. We investigate investments by firms in product-customization capabilities within a duopoly model of horizontal product differentiation. We find that (i) if brand name effects are not too strong, one firm emerges as a leader in product customization—firms make asymmetric investments in product-customization technologies in order to reduce price competition, (ii) if brand name effects are strong, both firms make extensive investments in product customization, and (iii) the possibility of product customization can raise industry profits if brand names are weak, but not when they are strong.  相似文献   

To understand the drivers of product innovation at the firm level, I compare the effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) and exporting on product innovation using a rich firm‐level database of manufacturing and industrial enterprises. The article focuses on product innovation, as it is vital to economic development. Estimates from linear regressions and propensity score matching tests show that learning‐by‐exporting is a stronger predictor of product innovation. Firms that receive foreign investment also tend to engage in more product innovation, but not at the same level as the firms that export. Additional tests confirm that as they start and stop exporting, firms change their patterns of investment in the drivers of product innovation—fixed capital and research. (JEL D22, F14, F23, L25, O31)  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the influence of market rivalry on firm‐level exchange rate pass‐through. Similar to Bloom et al. Econometrica, 80 , 1347–1393 (2013), we define market rivalry as product market proximity, and expect the cross market spillovers, that is, through leaked information or reputation, to affect firm‐level export price. Using a comprehensive dataset from Chinese exporters for the 2000–2007 period, we find that in response to a higher degree of market rivalry firms are less responsive to exchange fluctuations. This unresponsiveness suggests a higher degree of exchange rate pass‐through. The influence of market rivalry is stronger among firms that export consumption and heterogeneous products, and to developed countries. Our results are robust to different measures of market rivalry and specifications.  相似文献   

I study a horizontal differentiation model in which one of two attributes of a product, product fit and price, is more salient for a consumer than the other and different consumers can find a different attribute salient. The attribute that is more salient is determined by relative differences between the two products and is determined endogenously as a result of firms' pricing strategies. High (low) marginal costs soften (toughen) price competition between firms. Pass-through rates are greater than 1 for some parameter values. Both industry- and firm-level cost increases may be beneficial for firms.  相似文献   

We introduce asymmetric information about consumers’ transportation costs (i.e., the degree of product differentiation) in the model of Hotelling. When transportation costs are high, both firms have lower profits with asymmetric information than with perfect information. Contrarily, if transportation costs are low, both firms may prefer the asymmetric information scenario (the informed firm always prefers the informational advantage, while the uninformed firm may or may not prefer to remain uninformed). Information exchange is ex‐ante advantageous for both firms, but ex‐post damaging if transportation costs turn out to be low. If the information is unverifiable, the informed firm does not represent a reliable source of information, since it always prefers to announce that transportation costs are high and there is no contract that induces truthful revelation.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper sets up a general oligopolistic equilibrium model with multi‐product firms and union wage setting. In this model, we conduct two policy experiments. First, we show that deunionization induces a general decline in firm scale and scope, the respective reduction being more pronounced in non‐unionized industries. Second, we study the consequences of trade liberalization, and show that access to foreign markets lowers firm scope in all industries as well as the scope differential between unionized and non‐unionized firms. Adjustments in firm scale turn out to be less clear‐cut and, inter alia, depend on the degree of product differentiation.  相似文献   

Abstract Recent theoretical work predicts a new margin of firm adjustment to trade liberalization; that is, multi‐product firms alter their product mix to focus on their core competencies in response to trade liberalization. Using detailed product data from U.S. public firms, I find strong empirical support for this prediction. Specifically, import competition leads multi‐product firms to drop peripheral products to refocus on core production. The weaker the linkages that a peripheral product shares with the core (as measured by the extent of joint sales, joint procurement, joint production, and joint sectorship), the more likely the peripheral product is to be divested in response to import competition.  相似文献   

This paper examines an industry‐level model developed to analyze the impact of affiliates of multinational firms (MNFs) on the host country's revealed comparative advantages (RCAs), which predicts that the referred impact is given by both technology service and industry orientation. Based on Brazilian manufacturing industries during the import‐substitution industrialization, panel data estimates show that MNFs negatively affected RCA, which is explained by location advantages in industries presenting comparative disadvantages, as reinforced by a location model. Two other important results are: (i) import protection had a stronger anti‐export effect on multinationals than on national firms; (ii) MNFs were concentrated in industries with lower world‐export growth.  相似文献   

We endogenize product design in a model of sequential search with random firm-consumer match value à la Wolinsky (Quart J Econ 96:493–511, 1986) and Anderson and Renault (RAND J Econ 30:719–735, 1999). We focus on a product design choice by which a firm can control the dispersion of consumer valuations for its product; we interpret low-dispersion products as “generic” and high-dispersion products as “nichy.” Equilibrium product design depends on a feedback loop: when reservation utility is high (low), the marginal customer’s match improves (worsens) with more nichy products, encouraging high (low) differentiation by firms. In turn, when firms offer more nichy products, this induces more intense search; depending on search costs, this could raise or lower consumers’ reservation utility. Remarkably, when the match distribution satisfies a hazard rate condition, firm and consumer interests align: equilibrium product design always adjusts to the level that maximizes utility. When this condition is not met, either multiple equilibria (one nichy, the other generic) or one asymmetric equilibrium (generic and nichy firms coexist) can arise; we argue that the former is more likely for common specifications of consumer preferences.  相似文献   

We develop Lancaster's model of consumer behaviour under product differentiation to analyse Schumpeterian creative destruction. Launching new products with novel characteristics enables firms to temporarily steal market share from rivals. Product launch is monitored by using trade marks, patents and research and development. The dataset covers a large sample of UK service and manufacturing firms. We find that stock market value is positively associated with own trade mark activity and trade mark‐active firms achieve significantly higher value‐added. Greater trade mark activity by competitors reduces net output of firms, but raises their stock market value. This is consistent with the Schumpeterian process of competition through innovation.  相似文献   

When firms make decisions about which product to manufacture at a more disaggregated level than observed in the data, measured firm productivity reflects both characteristics of the firm and attributes of the products that are non‐randomly chosen by the firm. This paper develops a model of industry equilibrium in which firms endogenously sort across products and characterizes the resulting bias in measured firm and aggregate productivity. Calibrating the model's parameters, we show that endogenous product selection can have quantitatively important effects on measured firm and aggregate productivity and their response to changes in parameter values.  相似文献   

This paper develops a general equilibrium model to examine the short‐run and long‐run optimal privatization policies. By assuming that all firms are public firms initially, the paper focuses on how the degree of product differentiation γ and the average efficiency of the industry influence the determination of the optimal privatization policy. The paper shows that privatization decreases the more efficient firms' outputs while increases the less efficient firms' outputs in the short run, and reduces all firms' outputs in the long run. The paper also shows that the larger is γ and the smaller is the number of firms, the more privatized will be the public firm in the short run. Moreover, as γ or the entry barrier fE is sufficiently small, full privatization is the best policy in the long run. On the contrary, as γ and fE are large enough, partial privatization is optimal.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the 529 College Savings Plan market using a plan level panel data set covering the years 2002–2006. The results show evidence of limited market competition and a positive relationship between state tax benefits and 529 plan fees. A $100 increase in potential taxable income benefit from investing in a 529 plan is associated with a 3–6 basis point increase in investment management fees for direct‐sold 529 College Savings Plans. This suggests that government policies designed to make college more affordable could enable investment firms to charge excess fees. (JEL G11, H24, I22)  相似文献   

Abstract This paper develops a two‐country, general equilibrium model of oligopoly in which the degree of horizontal product differentiation is endogenously determined by firms’ strategic investments in product innovation. Consumers seek variety and product innovation is more skill intensive than production. Stronger import competition increases innovation incentives, and thereby the relative demand for skill. An intra‐industry trade expansion following trade liberalization can therefore increase wage inequality between skilled and unskilled workers. As long as some industries remain shielded from international competition, the welfare implications of globalization are found to be generally ambiguous.  相似文献   

Abstract We analyse a very rich and unique panel database that provides information on exports at the firm‐product level. Motivated by the recent theory of multi‐product firms, we investigate what determines the survival of products in the export mix to find that, in export dynamics, characteristics of the product as well as that of the firm matter. In particular, firm productivity as well as product scale and tenure are associated with a higher export survival rate. This suggests, in line with theory, that there are firm‐ as well as firm‐product‐specific competencies that are important for shaping firms’ export mix.  相似文献   

石盛林  薛锦 《技术经济》2011,(4):32-35,85
以272家江苏省民营制造企业为研究对象,实证研究了企业的竞争战略与技术创新的关系。研究发现:实施低成本战略的企业进行工艺创新和产品创新的倾向均不明显,实施差异化战略的企业倾向于进行产品创新,实施混合战略的企业进行工艺创新和产品创新的倾向都明显,且实施强度显著高于实施低成本战略和差异化战略的企业;总体来看,所有企业的工艺创新强度都要高于其产品创新强度,产品创新强度整体偏低,这意味着企业转型升级的重点应放在产品创新上。  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore whether higher corporate tax rates, because they lower the after‐tax returns to productivity‐enhancing investments, reduce the speed with which small firms converge to the productivity frontier. Using data for 11 European countries, we find evidence that their productivity catch‐up is slower when the statutory corporate tax rates are higher. In contrast, we find that large firms are instead affected by effective marginal rates. Using the reduced‐form model of productivity convergence of Griffith et al . (2009, Journal of Regional Science 49 , 689–720), our results are robust to a host of robustness checks and a natural experiment that exploits the 2001 German tax reforms.  相似文献   

Since Vives (1984 ), Cheng (1985 ) and Okuguchi (1987 ), the equilibria in Bertrand and Cournot oligopolies with product differentiation have been known to differ. Okuguchi (2005 ) has shown that Bertrand price‐adjusting oligopoly with product differentiation and symmetric firms is quasi‐competitive but not perfectly competitive in the limit state of infinite number of firms. This paper formulates and analyzes two types of Cournot output‐adjusting oligopoly with product differentiation and symmetric firms, in one of which symmetric firms producing the same goods are assumed to collude, and in the other, collusion is ruled out. The limit states are shown to be different in two oligopolies but they are both quasi‐competitive.  相似文献   

Firms undertake different kinds of R&D activities. They do product R&D (R&D aimed at improving the quality of existing products, and creating new products). They also do process R&D (R&D aimed at lowering the cost of making existing and new products). Moreover, firms often do both product and process R&D simultaneously. As far as the objective of firms is concerned, this need not be limited to profit-maximization only. Rather, firms may have a broader objective, where they care about profits as well as consumer surplus. This paper studies effects of a firm having a general objective function (that takes into consideration both profits and consumer surplus) on its product and process R&D choices, and corresponding implications.I consider product and process R&D choices of firms in an infinite horizon set-up with discrete time. Firms in my framework can simultaneously do both product and process R&D in every period, face a discrete-choice model of consumer demand with vertical product differentiation, and maximize a discounted, weighted sum of their profits and consumer surplus over the infinite time horizon.I show how process and product R&D differ from each other in my framework, and the role of a firm's objective function in this regard. I compare process and product R&D choices across firms that differ in their objective function, and illustrate effects of providing general R&D subsidies (subsidies given for any R&D, regardless of whether it is product or process R&D) to firms. I also characterize how in my framework, the choice of process R&D in total R&D — R&D composition — by an individual firm varies over time, and how process and product R&D choices, process and product R&D productivity, and the choice of R&D composition vary across firms that differ in size but are otherwise similar.  相似文献   

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