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在车站电气集中联锁失效情况下,为有效地防止错办进路、确保行车安全,应用单片机技术研制了“车站无联锁进路检查显示系统”。阐述了该系统功能、特性及主要技术指标。  相似文献   

根据高速铁路客运站的特点,提出相适应的到发线运用方案确定方法及接发车进路排列的仿真方法,具体包括数据库信息的录入与更新,确定到发线运用方案,实现分段解锁进路的方法和计算最大数量进路的方法.研究提出实现分段解锁功能的道岔分组原则,计算机仿真的接、发车进路排列方法,并用“最大数量进路”作为选择接发车进路的标准,设计实现高速铁路客运站通过能力的计算机仿真.  相似文献   

在借鉴已有车站作业仿真研究的基础上,对客运专线车站的列车接发进路排列的优化算法进行研究.针对客运专线车站的特点,研究列车接发仿真中进路排列的优化算法,建立车站网络描述图形,从数学规划的角度建立进路选择模型,运用贪婪算法的思想求近似最优解,在此基础上通过仿真客运站计算车站接发车能力.  相似文献   

进路准备是电气集中设备车站联锁失效后影响行车工作的关键。工作中要充分利用现有通信联络设备,如手信号、无线对讲机、便携式道岔电话等,实现命令的布置、接收、汇报,结合站场岔区布局,采用不同的进路组织模式,安全、快速、准确地准备进路,从而有效压缩进路准备时间,提高区段通过能力。  相似文献   

对现场使用的 6502 电气集中联锁设备中,由于操作人员对取消进路概念不清造成的作业隐患进行了分析,认为取消正在排列中的接近区段有车占用的调车进路时,必须确认调机有无移动,并应通知有关调车人员后才能办理。并据此提出有关改进建议。  相似文献   

匈塞铁路采用欧盟铁路互联互通技术规范和匈牙利铁路技术标准,为开发满足匈牙利需求的计算机联锁系统,需要全面分析匈牙利计算机联锁系统与国内计算机联锁系统的差异性,结合我国计算机联锁的技术特点来消化吸收欧盟铁路技术。以保护进路功能为例,从列车、调车保护进路的设置原则,保护进路的分类,保护进路的功能原理等方面,分析匈牙利计算机联锁系统保护进路功能需求。提出不同站场情况下保护进路的选择和敌对关系,保护进路与主进路以及信号开放之间的关系,以及保护进路的建立和解锁过程,为后续开发适应欧盟技术规范和匈牙利技术标准的铁路计算机联锁系统软件提供技术支持,为加快推进匈塞铁路项目提供有益帮助。  相似文献   

通过对铁路车站班计划编制过程和数据结构的研究,抽象出班计划数据结构的实体和属性,并分析实体之间的对应关系,建立关系数据结构模型。经过设计一个结构合理、适合计算机调用的班计划数据结构,以Microsoft Visual C++作为数据库应用系统的开发平台,创建了班计划数据库应用系统,实现了车站班计划作业图表的自动编制。  相似文献   

车站列车进路语音提示与报警系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
车站办理列车进路时,由于微机监测系统无法将某些影响因素考虑到进路安排中,人工考虑难以避免错漏情况。为此基于SST89单片机和ISD4003语音芯片技术,研制了列车进路办理语音提示与报警系统,采用隔离的RS422接口与TDCS通信,自动从列车调度指挥系统获得拟定进路信息,对进路上的各区段进行核查,并以屏幕提示和语音报警的形式提醒调度人员注意确认,从而提高车站列车进路办理的安全性。  相似文献   

针对电气集中操作手册中“长短进路”定义,结合工作实践及对事故的调查研究,提出以是否达到调车目的地为界标来重新规定“短进路”、“长进路”概念,为“禁止排列短进路调车”纳入规章提供了理论基础,并建议排列调车“短进路”时应采取调车书面计划再辅以口头修正计划方式,以保证铁路作业安全,提高运输效率。  相似文献   

基于混合禁忌搜索算法的物流配送路径优化问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对配送路径优化问题进行描述的基础上,建立物流配送路径优化问题的数学模型,提出了一种求解车辆路径问题的混合禁忌搜索算法。在该混合算法中,通过车辆—任务分配结构的划分,将大规模问题拆分成可并行计算的若干小规模问题,减少了算法的计算时间。并通过理论分析和仿真算例,证明了该混合禁忌搜索算法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于反映旅客出行链的有向换乘服务网,采用一种拼接和去冗相结合的K最短路算法,设计并实现客运服务网络路径搜索系统.该系统可根据客流计划和列车开行方案,以多种路径搜索模式得到合理的乘车方案.以某高速铁路及相关路网的列车开行方案和相应的客流计划为例,对客运服务网络路径搜索算法进行测试,取得了预期的结果,但需在乘车效用的丰富和优化方面进行深入研究.  相似文献   

Although rarely considered a touristic phenomenon, themed touristic routes are a growing. Since 1975, numerous cities and villages between Hanau and Bremen have joined the working group ‘Deutsche Märchenstrasse.’ Unlike other themed auto routes in Germany, the Fairy Tale Route focuses not on architectural or agricultural aspects of the cultural landscape, but rather invites travellers to ‘the homeland of fairies and princes’ and to a romantic landscape experience on the traces of the Brothers Grimm. Based on a summary of the extant literature on the history of touristic longings for landscapes, this study explores the practices and experiences of individuals engaged in creating the ‘aura’ of the Fairy Tale Route. By analysing the landscape performance and biographical background of ‘Dietrich the Knight’, this article characterises the conditions for a successful, socio-culturally sustainable form of the cultural marketing of regions. The article concludes with one of the current conflicts played out between the extant fairy tale tourism imaginary and a new touristic foil that is being promoted by a new, supraregional tourism director in order to point to the frailness of the Fairy Tale Route's potential sustainability model.  相似文献   

In hub and spoke airline networks, flight arrivals and departures generally have a bank structure to increase connections among spoke cities through a hub airport in order to provide cheaper service for higher volumes of air traffic. In this study, we introduce the airline bank optimisation problem with a novel mathematical model for improving flight connection times. The mathematical model aims to minimise the total connection times for transfer passengers and generates flight schedules regarding slot capacities in the hub airports. Since the problem is a combinatorial optimisation problem NP-hard and computational complexity increases rapidly for real-world problems, we employ the simulated annealing and the tabu search algorithms to achieve better solutions in a reasonable time. We generate sub-problems using real-world data and investigate the effectiveness of the algorithms. Finally, we present the results of a real case study of a Turkish airline company which has a hub airport connecting the flights between Middle Eastern and European cities.  相似文献   

分析在多种交通方式存在情况下乘客的交通选择行为,并基于随机效用理论和层次分析法构造了综合运输体系下客运结构合理配置模型及算法。考虑到我国现阶段收入水平是影响旅客交通方式选择的主要因素,将旅客划分为4类,并计算分析得到各类旅客的出行选择结果。该模型可用于客运市场份额预测,为优化配置交通运输资源提供理论依据。  相似文献   

通过对铁路计算机基层网拓扑结构的分析,根据基层网规划和建设原则,提出采用串联环路和汇接星型网络拓扑结构相结合模式的基层网技术方案。在确定基层网拓扑结构、主要设备配置和安全策略的基础上,结合北京铁路局京广线的实际,论述了方案的技术性、可靠性和经济效益。  相似文献   

目前国际通用的工作分解结构(WBS)技术是将主要的项目可交付成果分解为较小的且更易于管理的单元。在论述工作分解结构的作用和优点的基础上,给出项目成本WBS设计方法、设计步骤、工作包分拆原则和结构设计等,以及成本WBS的编码设计。  相似文献   

为科学、合理地对铁路枢纽编组站的改、新建进行决策,提出应用模拟技术,建立模型,对一些局部问题准确求解。斯洛伐克和中国等国专家研发了模拟软件VirtuOS,并应用该软件对欧洲、亚洲和我国牡丹江编组站进行实际模拟,取得成功。VirtuOS按照实际系统的作业方法、线路结构变化条件,采用反复迭代式的逼近,研究出多种方案,并在某种条件下进行分析、设计和优化,不仅能预先知道决策的结果,还能在节省资金的情况下,用现有可行经验求出最优的解决方案。铁路枢纽采用模拟软件VirtuOS研究解决方案和建议内容含线路布局、资源的规模和项目、技术服务目标、决策的制定、路网的变化等规划的基础。  相似文献   

The field of aviation research is entering the era of big data. While data-driven advancements in aviation have clearly brought about applicable models and results with immediate implications, we argue that the influx of aviation data should be better characterized and documented to enable more efficient and standardized usage. To this end, we examine 200 well-cited research articles from sub-disciplines ranging from revenue management to air traffic control published on or after 2010 in order to analyze the diversity, availability, tractability, applicability, and sources (DATAS) of data utilized in aviation research. We find high levels of data diversity within aviation research, with 16 data categories ranging from air traffic flow management-type data to data from distributed sensors in line with the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm. We identified a dominance of proprietary, non-public data in aviation research, with 68% of the 200 research articles utilizing solely proprietary data in deriving their results, and a further 8% utilizing a mixture of proprietary and publicly available data. The pervasiveness of proprietary data has implications on reproducibility and extending research results. We also highlight the increasing tractability of the data by surveying the computational power required to process the data sets, and present vignettes of applications and results that stem from these data-driven studies. Finally, we propose several recommendations regarding standardizing data source nomenclature as well as increasing the availability of and usage of publicly available data.  相似文献   

This study tested a structural model which investigates the effects of perceived authenticity, motivation, information search behaviour and destination imagery on tourists' behavioural intentions to consume cultural attractions. Data were collected at selected cultural and natural heritage sites in the island of Mauritius (N?=?600). The sample was split into two data sets. Structural equation modelling and hierarchical multiple regression were employed to test the hypothesised relationships. Findings revealed a significant positive relationship between perceived authenticity and cultural behavioural intentions of tourists. Destination imagery had an influence on tourists' cultural intentions. Information search behaviour was found to exert a negative influence on tourists' cultural intentions while motivation did not have any influence on the latter. Perceived authenticity was seen to exert a moderating effect on the respective relationships between motivation, information search behaviour, destination imagery and cultural behavioural intentions of tourists. The theoretical and managerial implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

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