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正地址:上海市昭化路515号邮编:200050电话:021-62513784(总机)传真:021-62400193网站:www.sh-huayang.comPMS网络化点检管理系统是一套基于Internet/Intranet的网络化设备状态巡检系统。无需安装客户端软件,授权用户可在任何PC机上通过IE浏览器完成设备状态监测和故障诊断工作,同时也能确保企业中高层管理人员随时动态掌握设备状况,制定合理的设备运行和维护计划。  相似文献   

首先声明一点:本文不是介绍如何分期付款购买PC。 在信息化大潮的推动下,许多企业都把自己的发展战略建立在广泛深入地应用信息技术的基础上,纷纷建设和扩展自己的信息系统。纵观当前各个厂商提出的企业级解决方案,其系统平台本质上都是由3个层次组成——即强大的企业级服务器、连接企业内外的企业网和遍布企业各处的桌面PC机。为了成功地实施企业级解决方案,企业的有关负责人通常会对网络的设计、服务器的选型进行周密地考虑,但是对于桌面的PC机的选购,却往往存在着一些误区——例如,过分压缩PC方面的投资。  相似文献   

以Internet为基础的电子商务就是企业利用计算机技术和网络通讯技术进行商务活动的方式。它为企业与企业之间(B2B)、企业与消费者(B2C)之间提供了一种新型的商务活动模式。基于Internet的企业网站作为企业进行电子商务活动的窗口,是实现这一梦想的基础。 目前,已有越来越多的企业开通了自己的网站,希望通过网站能更好地宣传自己,提高企业知名度,进行有效的网络营销,使企业的客户可以查询并了解企业各种产品的性能、价格等详细资料,企业能通过网站给客户提供各种服务,进而使企业的合作伙伴可以很快获取企业的各种生产及经营信息。  相似文献   

IBM 320 PC服务器,类型为:m/t8640-2do,机内另加安装一块多用户卡,联接八个终端用户,其故障是服务器不能与终端联机工作,开机时可以看到服务器的基本配置:  相似文献   

WEB应用的发展及研究方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本世纪迅速发展和普及的Internet/Intranet正在改变着人们的生活、工作和学习等各种生活方式,人们可以在Internet上建立一个虚拟的电子世界,在这个世界里,人们的思想和概念可以在几分钟内传遍全世界。全球的商家们也拥有了一个比传统方式更为灵活和快速的媒体,通过它商家可以与它们自己的员工、潜在的客户乃至世界上任何一个人沟通,电子商务的概念也随之而来。借助于WWW通过动态的交互式信息发  相似文献   

电子商务时代、Internet经济,这一系列名词的出现似乎都导致着服务器的重要性在不断飙升。Intel已宣布转型为Internet公司,并于10月初针对高端服务器领域,发表该公司第一颗64位的微处理器ITANIUM(也就是原来的Merced)。 作为服务器产品的重量级选手,IBM自然也不甘寂寞,近日也打出两记分量不轻的左右钩拳。  相似文献   

根据潜油电泵机组结构和工作状态,应用可靠性分析理论和方法,建立了无参数统计处理方法和有参数分布类型统计处理方法,并在PC机上开发了Epsras.exe软件,为潜油电泵机组失效分析提供了理论方法和计算软件。  相似文献   

就绝大多数用户而言,上网除了(使用 Internet Explorer── IE)查询、浏览所需的网上信息之外,另一个重要而又常用的功能便是收发电子邮件(即伊妹儿: e- Mail)。   收发电子邮件,最常用的工具便是微软公司提供的 Outlook Express。   Outlook Express是基于 Internet标准的电子邮件和新闻阅读程序。   要使用 Outlook Express阅读电子邮件,必须使用支持 SMTP和 POP3(或 IMAP)协议的邮件系统。如果你不知道自己的电子邮件系统是否支持 Outlook Express,你可以使用 IE登录到的为你提供电子邮件服务的 ISP( I…  相似文献   

几个知识管理的实例 广州市国税局下辖多个区级分局和众多处室机构,每个处室、部门及分局都有大量种类繁多、使用频繁的文档。原先各处室、分局都各自采用文件柜管理自己部门的纸质文档,电子文档保存在服务器上不同目录下或用户自己的PC中,但这样的文件储存方式,带来管理上的极大不便,文档的安全性得不到保证,而且用户使用也不方便,经常不能及时找  相似文献   

近日,Oracle公司发布了新的旗舰数据库产品——Oracle8i。字母“i”表明Oracle8i是一个面向Internet计算环境的数据库,它改变了信息管理和访问的方式,将一些新的特性融入到了传统的Oracle服务器之中,从而成为一个面向Web信息管理的数据库。 Internet计算环境 Oracle8i中包含了被称作Oracle WebDB的方式工具集,可以快速、方便地访问具有Web功能的  相似文献   

需求诱导、技术独立与产业环境——中国短信产业透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过观察和对比中外短信产业的发展,认为短信产业成长中的技术创新不是外生决定的,而是对价格和市场需求的动态反应,中国的短信与通话价格之间的较大差异、中国巨大的人口基数所产生快速网络效应,强有力的“用中学”效应和向快速增长的短信业务靠拢的相关产业技术创新现象等都是中国短信产业发展的重要原因;产业领先和快速发展是实现技术独立发展不可忽视的重要条件,产业环境与技术独立发展也可以促进产业快速发展,它们构成一个相互支撑的动态发展体系。  相似文献   

In this discussion of the growth of personal computer use in the USA, and the increasing interest in linking these computers into networks, the author describes the expansion of personal computing in the USA since 1975, and cites a number of estimates, surveys, and market research studies concerning projected growth. The activities of the Personal Computer Network (PCNET) are discussed, from its founding in May 1977 to initial experimental operation in early 1978. A number of options for network link media are dealt with, including the dial telephone system and various radio link designs. These various network architectures lead to several policy issues: How will the standards for telephone system use interact with increasing use of personal computer-based telecommunications? How will the cost of telephone service (particularly off-peak hour rates) influence the growth and use of personal computer networks? Could, and should, the telephone carriers and/or the value-added carriers offer a packet-switched service to residential subscribers? What current restrictions are faced by personal computer users in networking via CB and amateur radio? Bandwidth for digital block radio can materially improve the cost-effectiveness of personal computer network activity — what frequencies would be suitable, and what usage restrictions would be appropriate? What are the societal consequences of personal computer networks?  相似文献   

目前,生态产业科技创新供需及服务主体失衡,已经成为制约我国生态产业发展和农民增收的结构性瓶颈.造成生态产业科技创新及服务供需主体失衡的原因,主要来自由传统的“城市——政府”单一中心治理模式引发的3个“短板效应”:短板效应Ⅰ——生态产业科技创新及服务供给主体科研考核标准机械化;短板效应Ⅱ——生态产业科技创新及服务需求主体分散化;短板效应Ⅲ——生态产业科技创新及服务供需主体耦合机制低效化.要从根本上解决生态产业科技创新及服务供需失衡的问题,应该在生态文明社会内涵的主导下,在制度层面上完备生态产业科技创新及服务供给主体激励机制、优化生态产业科技创新及服务需求主体结构和健全生态产业科技创新及服务供需主体耦合机制,进而建构生态产业科技创新及服务多中心治理体制.  相似文献   

This study investigates how important it is for a firm to select what turns out to be a dominant design in a technology‐driven industry. Using the personal computer industry as a case study, this research shows that firms are not doomed when their entry design choices turn out to be ‘wrong.’ For early entrants, we found that switching to the dominant design is associated with increased chances of survival and market share. Contrary to our expectations, we found that even later entrants that switched to the dominant design also enjoyed higher survival rates and greater market position. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

AI climate-driven service analytics capability has been anecdotally argued as a viable strategy to enhance service innovation and market performance in B2B markets. While AI climate refers to the shared perceptions of policies, procedures, and practices to support AI initiatives, cognitive service analytics capability refers to the analytical insights driven by AI climate and augmented by both machines and humans to make marketing decisions. However, there is limited knowledge on the antecedents of such analytics capabilities and their overall effects on service innovation and market performance. Drawing on service analytics literature and the microfoundations of dynamic capability theory, this study fills this research gap using in-depth interviews (n = 30) and a survey (n = 276) of service analytics managers within the AI climate in Australia. The findings confirm the five microfoundations of cognitive service analytics capabilities (cognitive technology, cognitive information, cognitive problem solving, cognitive knowledge & skills, cognitive training & development). The findings also highlight the significant mediating effect of service innovation in the relationship between analytics climate and market performance and cognitive service analytics capability and market performance.  相似文献   

勾智楠 《河北工业科技》2012,29(2):82-85,97
针对用户兴趣提供个性化的搜索服务一直是搜索引擎系统追求的目标。提出了基于用户兴趣的多属性效用算法,该算法使用效用性算法并结合了实体多个属性偏好因子和遗忘因子,更好地表达用户的兴趣偏好并实现动态更新,提高检索的准确性,实现搜索过程的个性化服务。  相似文献   

The authors describe a field study of computer-based aids in the office. The study was based on the assumption that a computer system should prove itself under realistic everyday conditions. The results show that advanced technology can be effectively applied at the executive level, where unstructured and variable activities are to be supported. Thus the authors do not confine themselves to technical issues - personal and organizational factors are also taken into account. The main aspects examined are system utilization, training and introduction strategy.  相似文献   

In this article, we argue in favor of a macro-societal approach to protect people from the potential harms of personal information online. In the tension between information and privacy, “the right to be forgotten” is not an appropriate solution. Such a micro, individual-based answer puts the burden of protection on each person instead of on external entities that can abuse such knowledge. The personal responsibility to delete personal data is challenging because of the leakage of data that happens through the connections we have with others, many of whom do not share the same privacy preferences. We show that effective deletion is almost impossible (the eternity effect), and is unfair due to the resource burden it entails when users try to achieve it, while at the same time ensuring the potential benefits we can derive in the future from having personal information online. In addition, deletion requests can negatively affect other people who are in the same location and time frame and may not want to have their information deleted. Collectively, we argue also that society is worse off because these circumstances lead people to construct sanitized personas while perpetuating a culture of distrust. Given that the harm is real, we describe technology, societal norms, and the implementation of an anti-discrimination directive for the right to a personal life, and we provide evidence on how anti-discrimination efforts in the past have succeeded when legislation leads to the development of infrastructures that help to enforce them. The dissemination of personal information through public sites and social media is, as Mozart suggested in Cosi fan tutte, gradually educating humanity about human weaknesses.  相似文献   

文章分析了一种创新性计算机服务器技术的企业社区——刀片服务器行业组织Blade.org。它是拥有100多个企业成员的成功社区,从事各种形式的合作,以开发创新产品和服务,并扩大其市场覆盖范围。Blade.org是有意设计的企业社区,仿效个人社区的很多核心功能和进程。企业社区是新的组织形式,对持续创新具有理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

介绍了利用地理信息技术、计算机技术、数据库技术构建管道检测数据管理系统,实现管道检测工作采集,储存、管理和应用分析一体化管理,给各级领导生产经营决策提供快速、准确、详实的检测信息,为生产、管理提供数据支持和分析依据。  相似文献   

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