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渠道问题是营销中的基本问题,这是因为渠道是联结消费者和生产者的桥梁,是制造商实现价值和目标并获得收益的关键环节.营销渠道决策是管理者面临的最重要的决策之一,企业所选择的渠道将直接影响其他营销决策.图1表示了营销渠道的过程.  相似文献   

渠道问题是营销中的基本问题.这是因为渠道是联结消费者和生产者的桥梁.是制造商实现价值和目标并获得收益的关键环节。营销渠道决策是管理者面临的最重要的决策之一.企业所选择的渠道将直接影响其他营销决策。图1表示了营销渠道的过程。  相似文献   

在渠道一体化进程日益加快的零售环境下,渠道整合质量已经成为零售商吸引用户注意力、优化用户体验和提高用户满意度的重要因素之一。本文基于S-O-R理论,构建渠道整合质量—消费者感知价值—消费者行为意向模型,实证研究显示:渠道整合广度、渠道服务透明度、信息的一致性和过程一致性等渠道整合质量多维度正向影响消费者的行为意向,并通过消费者的感知价值影响消费者的行为和决策。基于研究结论,多渠道零售企业应从提高渠道广度、优化购物过程、提升渠道管理能力等方面,增强消费者的感知价值,提升消费者的行为意向,促进消费者积极的消费决策和消费行为,满足消费者更深层次的消费。  相似文献   

渠道问题是营销中的基本问题,这是因为渠道是联结消费者和生产者的桥梁,是制造商实现价值和目标并获得收益的关键环节。营销渠道决策是管理者面临的最重要的决策之一,企业所选择的渠道将直接影响其他营销决策。图1表示了营销渠道的过程。渠道活动往往始自上游的制造商,依次流动到下游的经销商和消费者。制造商可选择垂直一体化,集生产、批发、零售于一身,以通路③的方式直销给消费者。但由于当地经销商凭借自己的各种联系、经验、专业知识,以及活动规模,往往会比生产企业的直销做得更加出色。因此企业为了更加有效地推动商品广泛地进入目标…  相似文献   

刘莉 《江苏商论》2011,(1):20-23
论文通过实地调研,对消费者购买数码相机中的信息来源渠道、信息搜集内容以及信息搜集成果进行了分析.研究发现,不同信息来源渠道对消费者购买行为的影响体现在不同方面;在各种评价标准中,消费者最为关注数码相机的售后服务,多使用补偿性规则进行选择;信息搜集的成果体现在获取产品及市场知识、帮助消费者进行合理决策及提高购买满意度三个...  相似文献   

曹艳爱 《江苏商论》2007,(10):155-156
渠道权力的动态研究发现随着时代的变化,渠道权力由初期的生产商拥有过渡到发展时期的中间商拥有,最终在步入成熟期时将由消费者拥有,整个演变过程呈对角线状态。家电渠道的整个演变过程遵循这一规律,按照这一规律,笔者预测家电渠道商的未来发展方向是向消费者提供个性化的家电产品和解决方案。  相似文献   

李栋 《致富时代》2011,(8):119-119
进入WTO之后,企业与国际接轨,进行着花样百出的,没有硝烟的战争,价格战、概念战、品牌战等,另一方面,在对于渠道的竞争也日益激烈。有所谓“得渠道者得天下的感觉”。实际上市场营销的渠道决策是一个非常繁复的过程。对于企业来说,实现市场的营销目的,关键在于对市场营销的渠道决策是否正确,产品从生产再到进入消费者的手中,是通过一定的渠道最终实现销售的。因而在市场营销中的渠道管理是非常重要的。该文就想探究市场营销中的渠道管理。  相似文献   

本文通过对营销过程中消费者的决策心理分析,发现消费者在做消费决策时存在许多心理误区如联合评估效应、定位调整偏见、损失规避效应、合算交易偏见和易评价线索偏差。这些心理误区会直接影响到消费者的消费倾向。本文以通俗易懂的论述方式,探讨企业如何在渠道选择、商品定价、产品组合及促销等方面利用人们的这些决策误区,达到更好的营销效果,提出了一些具体的解决方案。  相似文献   

顾玲 《商》2013,(14):75-76
根据美国市场营销学权威菲利普·科特勒的定义,营销渠道是指商品和服务从生产者向消费者转移过程的具体通道或路径。在现代社会里,大多数商品都要通过一定的渠道从生产者流通到消费者手中,保险作为一种商品也不例外。营销渠道的选择直接制约和影响着其他营销策略的制定和执行效果。因此,怎样选择保险营销渠道,就成为保险企业的重要决策之一。目前我国主要的保险营销多采用传统的渠道模式,分为保险营销员营销的直接营销模式和兼业代理机构营销的间接营销模式两类。  相似文献   

全渠道零售:演化、过程与实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,传统零售企业业绩持续下滑,迫使其重新思考并创新现有零售渠道模式,全渠道零售受到理论界及企业界越来越多的关注,但很少有学者对全渠道零售行为过程进行全面而深入的剖析。梳理零售渠道演化过程可以发现,全渠道零售是零售渠道从单渠道、多渠道向跨渠道发展演化的高级阶段,零售企业的零售过程可分布于不同的零售渠道类型中,且多个渠道的零售过程可以任意相互整合,最后构成消费者完整的全渠道零售购买过程。在全渠道零售中,消费者在购买过程的每个阶段都面临着多种类型的渠道选择,其排列组合非常复杂,以消费者为中心的全渠道零售的实施可以更好地契合新的消费行为,为消费者带来更高的体验价值。为更好地实施全渠道零售,全渠道零售企业可基于全渠道零售过程的各个阶段,从全渠道信息传递、全渠道订单管理、全渠道支付、全渠道物流配送、全渠道服务以及全渠道数字客户关系管理等方面入手加以改进和完善。  相似文献   

The theory of optimal choice is founded on the classic principles of maximization and rationality which are developed in economics and other social sciences. The principle of maximization is applicable to the analysis of consumers' choices in contexts ranging from individual consumer decisions to efficient operation of consumer markets in aggregate. Newer and revised formulations of maximization have evolved in the related concepts of satisficing behavior, efficiency of choice, decision quality and choice accuracy. This paper reviews the evolution of these concepts, with special attention to the context of optimal consumer choice at the individual level. Empirical measures of optimal consumer decision-making are also reviewed. Finally, optimal consumer decision-making is conceptualized both in terms of 1) optimal outcomes (choices) and 2) optimality of the actual decision-making process prior to choice.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to merge two strands of research that have evolved in tandem (a) the consequences of numeracy; and (b) the effect of information load on the consumer decision-making process. The study analyses the interaction effect between these two factors on decision accuracy and on a set of cognitive and affective variables of the decision-making process (namely, confusion, calibration, and emotion). We measured participants' numeracy and used an experimental design to manipulate the information load. The results showed that the effect of numeracy on decision accuracy was entirely mediated by cognitive and affective processes involved in decision-making. In particular, numeracy was found to have a negative relationship with the level of confusion, calibration, and emotions experienced during the decision-making process. The results also showed that information load interacted with numeracy, such that individuals with high numeracy maintained lower levels of emotion when placed under conditions of low information load. However, under these same conditions, individuals with low numeracy maintained positive emotions. The findings help to identify approaches that can contribute to reducing the negative effects of low numeracy among consumers, in a context where the online channel predominates (the tourism sector).  相似文献   

We propose a framework for the joint study of the consumer’s decision of where to buy and what to buy. The framework is rooted in utility theory where the utility is for a particular channel/brand combination. The framework contains firm actions, the consumer search process, the choice process, and consumer learning. We develop research questions within each of these areas. We then discuss methodological issues pertaining to the use of experimentation and econometrics. Our framework suggests that brand and channel choices are closely intertwined, and therefore studying them jointly will reveal a deeper understanding of consumer decision making in the modern marketing environment.  相似文献   

Animal companions play an increasingly important role in consumers' lives, and therefore many pets receive acceptance and treatment as members of the family. As the human-animal bond increases, so does consumer spending on pets, including that on high-dollar veterinary care. Unlike human health care, however, consumers must directly pay for the majority of high-dollar veterinary care. When an animal companion is ill, the consumer faces a stressful decision of whether even to engage in the treatment, along with the hardship of paying for it. Despite a rudimentary understanding of the factors relevant in the decision-making process regarding high-dollar veterinary care, knowledge is lacking about this often heart-wrenching choice. Using a depth-interview method, this study examines the decision-making process consumers go through when facing expensive medical treatment for their pets. The research results in an expansion of three a priori themes and the discovery and discussion of three factors that influence consumer decisions about veterinary care across all three themes.  相似文献   

The decision to engage in music piracy may be preceded by consumer consideration of a range of issues. The determinants of such piracy as embedded in a large matrix of acquisition-mode decision factors relevant to exchange theory, including economic, legal, ethical, network and consumer behavior aspects, are investigated here. This matrix depicts numerous interrelated factors and makes assessing the decision-making process regarding music piracy more contextual than previously considered. A study of 204 American business students was conducted to test this matrix and assess the impact of the various factors. Implications and future research regarding this decision-making matrix and exchange theory are provided. The significant factors predict whether an exchange takes place between music consumers and the music industry.  相似文献   

The use of mobile devices by consumers and the accompanying response by retailers is rapidly revolutionizing the retail environment. In the past, retailers have focused primarily on the outcome (to purchase or not to purchase) of the consumer decision process, but now mobile technologies give retailers the opportunity to more actively influence the entire consumer decision-making processes. The increasing use of mobile devices by consumers makes shopping a continuous rather than discrete activity that requires retailers to engage with their customers at critical touch points of the decision process in order to provide a more customer-centric experience. This change in focus from the decision outcome to the decision process signifies an important paradigm shift for the retailing industry. After an extensive review of the literature, we identify four pillars that form the foundation for the mobile shopping revolution and represent the essential ways and means through which retailers can engage with consumers during the decision process. We also discuss the different areas in which the pillars can enable retailers to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in the mobile shopping era.  相似文献   

The interrelations between individuals' learning styles and their consumer decision-making styles are explored. A Secondary Learning Styles Inventory is developed to measure six characteristics of learning, and a Consumer Styles Inventory is developed to measure eight characteristics of consumer decision making. Significant correlations between 21 of the 48 pairs of learning and consumer decision-making characteristics are found. Implications for the dissemination of consumer education and information are suggested.  相似文献   

Although energy efficiency of many products has been improving constantly, residential energy consumption is not decreasing as much as desired. Therefore, the goal of the European Union (EU) and many other countries is to promote energy-friendly product choices (i.e., choice of products with low energy consumption). In a purchase situation, consumers are confronted with a wide range of energy-related information that can influence the decision-making process. Understanding how consumers reach a decision based on the information provided and identifying decision-making strategies that are beneficial or destructive in terms of energy friendliness is crucial for the improvement of existing energy-policy measures and, consequently, for the successful achievement of target energy saving goals. This paper provides insights from an exploratory eye-tracking study (N?=?59) investigating consumers’ decision-making process. Participants were required to identify the most energy-friendly television (i.e., the television with lowest energy consumption). Cluster analysis revealed three consumer segments with different decision-making strategies: the energy-directed lexicographic, unsystematic lexicographic, and unsystematic exhaustive strategies. The energy-directed lexicographic strategy resulted in 60% optimal choices in terms of energy friendliness, unsystematic lexicographic in 33%, and unsystematic exhaustive in 38%. No decision-making strategy resulted in 100% optimal choices in terms of energy friendliness. Findings emphasize that lexicographic strategies can successfully identify energy-friendly products when the correct information (i.e., actual energy consumption) is used. However, a lexicographic strategy can be very misleading and result in non-optimal choices in terms of energy friendliness when it is based on ambiguous information (i.e., energy efficiency information) that does not enable a conclusive decision. Further, this paper discusses implications for policy-makers and marketers for the promotion of energy-friendly consumer behaviour.  相似文献   

To counter the growth in online retailing, high street retailers are increasingly adopting multichannel distribution strategies, seeking to target individual consumers via both physical and electronic channels as multiple routes to purchase. In order to develop successful marketing strategies within this environment, however, an understanding of consumer selection between available purchase channels is clearly needed. This paper explores the issue of shopping mode selection from an environmental psychology perspective, applying a traditional Belkian analysis of situational variables in a longitudinal study of consumer channel selection decisions. Preliminary findings from an empirical study of consumers of a leading UK fashion retailer are reported which reveal significant differences in the prevalence of different Belkian variables between shopping modes, suggesting a major role for situational influence during the channel selection process.  相似文献   

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