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诺基亚手机不再可能成为人们选择手机的第一品牌。近期接连看到诺基亚智能手机的广告,如诺基亚N9、701、700和603。像N9这样的主打产品如果能够早点进入市场,或许诺基亚帝国不至于如此快地走下坡路。 相似文献
正如果说埃洛普的最大失败就是错失安卓,那么而今诺基亚的浪子回头或许已难挽颓局。过去三年里,围绕史蒂芬·埃洛普的争议始终是诺基亚落寞的一个重要注脚。就在去年微软收购诺基亚手机业务后,作为前任CEO的埃洛普所拿到的1880万欧元的离职补偿金,还曾一度让整个芬兰愤怒。 相似文献
近来公布的一份十年内可能消失的十个品牌的名单里,诺基亚赫然在列。一种夹杂着怀旧的伤感和无奈的割舍的情绪萦绕在很多人心中。然而,这个中国人曾经最钟爱的品牌已经不懂现在的中国了。市值蒸发、高层变动、退出日本,诺基亚会成为下一个摩托罗拉吗? 相似文献
Microsoft+Nokia能否搅动智能手机行业的现有格局?微软是诺基亚的救世主,抑或是另一个失败者伸出的软弱援手?2011年1月的某一天,瑞典斯德哥尔摩机场的候机厅里,一位焦急而缄默的旅客地安静等待着自己的航班。广播里忽然念出他的名字,通知一则关于机票的小差错,这让他和伙伴轻轻的吃 相似文献
<正>从"台湾之光"到业绩惨跌宏达电是台湾著名企业家王永庆之女王雪红于1997年创立的一家手机设计制造公司,由于不屑走以往台湾企业大多为国际著名厂商代工的老路,因而自创HTC品牌。2011年第一季度,宏达电手机销量达到970万部,一跃成为全球第四大手机制造商,其税后净利润达到148.3亿元(新台币,下同),同比增长192%;市值一度达到338.8亿美元,是5年前的30倍以上,首度超过手机业巨头诺基亚(328.4亿美元)与 相似文献
今年的智能手机行业显然步入了多事之秋。这厢黑莓的出路还是个未知数,那厢老牌智能手机品牌诺基亚就被收购了。9月3日一早,微软宣布以总价54.4亿欧元(合71.7亿美元)的价格收购了诺基亚的手机业务部门,预计此项交易将于明年一季度完成,届时包括CEO埃洛普在内的3.2万名员工将加入微软。 相似文献
诺基亚,在中国这片土地上,将它的绿色经济经营得有声有色,不仅没赔本,还回本盈利赚了吆喝。诺基亚的中国CSR(企业社会责任)之路,或许会给本土企业一些启示 相似文献
穷怕了的中国人拼出老命在工业化的道上迅跑,却不想又出现工业污染、人口膨胀和资源枯竭;各式各样的多元文化变成了“兰色牛仔裤和可口可乐”这一惟一的文化模式;信仰危机使城市人一窝风跑到故乡和古镇想寻找规范自己德行的传统教义,但是 相似文献
The article considers the problems of the transition from the stage of making innovation decisions during the implementation
of fundamental research and the exploratory studies for the practical development, creation, and introduction of innovations.
It is noted that many of the accumulated problems were inherited from the Soviet times and that some emerged after the disintegration
of sectoral research. It is proposed to use the experience of developed countries (Japan, South Korea) in addressing these
issues with allowance for the specifics of the Russian applied sector. The suggested approach is called the “two-way innovation
transition” where, on the one hand, the key role is assigned to management companies, which are set up as public-private partnerships
and on the basis of chain organization provide the implementation of innovation projects and support the setting up of small
innovation businesses, and, on the other hand, the promotion of a state-funded wide network of engineering centers oriented
to the application of licenses and patents, including foreign ones, as well as to the maintenance of the imported technical
facilities, equipment, and technologies. 相似文献
Jerry Evensky 《Southern economic journal》2001,67(3):497-517
This piece outlines Adam Smith's moral philosophical vision. It traces the central role he ascribed to civic ethics as an antidote to the incentives for rent-seeking and thus as a key element in the successful development of a constructive, cohesive liberal society. The case is made that standard neoclassical analysis, as represented by the work of Gary Becker, identifies no such antidote and thus cannot model the constructive liberal case. The best modern work on the issue is that of Amartya Sen and of James Buchanan. Sen's work and its relation to Smith's vision are examined. 相似文献
Environmental sustainability innovations in the accommodation sub-sector: Views from Lilongwe,Malawi
Lameck Zetu Khonje Mulala Danny Simatele Regis Musavengane 《Development Southern Africa》2020,37(2):312-327
ABSTRACTRising calls on sustainable practices ignited the need for hotels to develop innovative and sustainable ideas and approached to conserve the environment. This paper examines and discusses the existence and application of innovative sustainable environmental practices within Malawi hotels. Qualitative approaches were adopted to collect the data from public and private actors in the accommodation sub-sector. The Rogers Diffusion of Innovation Theory was used to determine the most prevalent reason for adopting an innovation strategy within some of the hotels in Lilongwe. It is reviewed that to a lesser extent some hotels adopted innovative strategies in water and energy use, waste management and hotel design. The collaborative effort between the government and private sector and the strengthening of the implementation of sustainability policies is recommended to promote environmental sustainability innovation. These views have been discussed within the broader discourse on environmental sustainability and innovations within hotels, in the Sub – Saharan African context. 相似文献