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All financial practitioners are working in incomplete markets full of unhedgeable risk factors. Making the situation worse, they are only equipped with imperfect information on the relevant processes. In addition to the market risk, fund and insurance managers have to be prepared for sudden and possibly contagious changes in the investment flows from their clients so that they can avoid the over- as well as under-hedging. In this work, the prices of securities, the occurrences of insured events and (possibly a network of) investment flows are used to infer their drifts and intensities by a stochastic filtering technique. We utilize the inferred information to provide the optimal hedging strategy based on the mean-variance (or quadratic) risk criterion. A BSDE approach allows a systematic derivation of the optimal strategy, which is shown to be implementable by a set of simple ODEs and standard Monte Carlo simulation. The presented framework may also be useful for manufacturers and energy firms to install an efficient overlay of dynamic hedging by financial derivatives to minimize the costs.  相似文献   

保险公司资产组合与最优投资比例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保险公司收益主要来源于承保利润和投资收益,其中承保利润受政策变动、市场条件等外部环境的影响较大,而投资收益则更多地取决于保险公司的投资能力,因此保险公司如何构建资产组合、如何确定最优投资比例就是获取投资收益最大化的重要因素。本文通过理论推导得出了保险公司的资产组合模型并运用非线性规划求解出最优投资比例,进而根据保险公司的投资数据进行了实证研究,为我国保险公司的资产组合及最优投资比例提供了一个可借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

Studies conducted in the past have identified inefficiencies in the market for Closed-End Investment Company (CEIC) shares. In addition, studies have demonstrated the potential for trading strategies to exploit these inefficiencies. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility of achieving excess returns through the utilization of relatively simple strategies not requiring continuous monitoring of discount(s) or frequent trading. Our investigation demonstrates that realizing excess returns through the use of simple mechanical trading strategies will not be possible.  相似文献   

保险资金投资组合整体上受本轮危机冲击不大,其中美国寿险公司通用账户的整体表现最好。其原因有:险资对次贷关联资产风险暴露十分有限且各类安全性指标出淤泥而不染;对受牵连的高风险资产,险资配置股权比例也低且私募股权账面值不受股指下跌拖累;债券方面,风险溢价上升与基准利率下调产生抵消作用,国企债在很多险资企业债中占上风。主要启示包括:险资资产配置要与波动性承受能力相适应,尤其主力资产要坚守传统安全资产、系统重要性资产。  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a contingent claim model to evaluate the equity and liabilities of a life insurance company. The limited liability of shareholders is explicitly modelled. We focus on a specific type of life insurance policy—namely, the profit-sharing policy. In this policy, the policyholder is entitled to a guaranteed interest rate and a percentage of the company's yearly financial revenues. The implicit equilibrium interest rate and profit-sharing ratio are derived and analyzed. We finally discuss regulatory measures frequently encountered in the life insurance business such as rate ceilings, capital ratios, and asset restrictions.  相似文献   

在竞争激烈的保险市场上,作为盈利的两大支柱之一,保险公司资产管理的能力日趋重要,而保险公司资产配置是保险资产管理的核心,其研究意义就显得尤为重要。本文首先给出保险资产配置的意义与总体原则,然后从保险资金的来源和特性入手,在详细分析了美国、中国不同经济周期和市场周期下大类资产风险收益特性的基础之上,给出保险公司资产负债管理和资产配置的战略决策建议。  相似文献   

保险集团财务管理模式探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐凝 《保险研究》2009,(8):96-99
近几年来我国保险企业集团化快速发展,财务管理如何适应集团化的需要成了一个亟待研究和解决的问题。本文从分析集团企业不同财务管理模式的利弊入手,全面分析了影响保险集团财务管理模式的各种因素,明确了集团财务管理的基本要求,对保险集团不同发展阶段财务管理模式的选择提出了建议。  相似文献   

陈醒 《国际融资》2006,(1):58-59
安永最新全球调查研究报告显示:创新依然是科技行业赢得竞争力的最关键因素。然而,大多数科技公司仍旧缺乏有效的方案管理科技创新流程,妨碍他们成功创造佳绩。安永认为:如果公司决定严格管理创新投资流程,引入财务人员的参与和使用客观及有效的分析工具,将能够取得更好的成绩  相似文献   

刘文鹏 《保险研究》2011,(1):98-102
企业业绩评价模式大致经历了财务导向模式、经济价值(内含价值)导向模式和战略执行(平衡计分)评价模式的演变,本文通过对以上三种模式的在保险公司运用的研究,分析了不同评价模式的在保险公司应用的演进脉络与评价重点,提出了按评价目标需求出发的整合评价模式是最佳业绩评价实践的观点.  相似文献   

Profound changes are occurring in medicine. These changes are in both medicine itself and also in the economic and social context. The driving forces for change include health care reform, sophisticated consumers, new technology, information explosion and ethics of controlling human biology.  相似文献   

Insurance claims fraud is counted among the major concerns in the insurance industry, the reason being that excess payments due to fraudulent claims account for a large percentage of the total payments each year. We formulate optimization problems from the insurance company as well as the policyholder perspective based on a costly state verification approach. In this setting??while the policyholder observes his losses privately??the insurance company can decide to verify the truthfulness of incoming claims at some cost. We show simulation results illustrating the agreement range which is characterized by all valid fraud and auditing probability combinations both stakeholders are willing to accept. Furthermore, we present the impact of different valid probability combinations on the insurance company??s and the policyholder??s objective quantities and analyze the sensitivity of the agreement range with respect to a relevant input parameter. This contribution summarizes the major findings of a working paper written by Müller et?al. (Working Papers on Risk Management and Insurance (IVW-HSG), No. 92, 2011).  相似文献   

《德国保险合同法》和我国《保险法》的最新修改都集中体现了对消费者的保护。《德国保险合同法》订立原则放弃了保险单模式,采取申请模式或邀请模式;全面改进了保险人和中间人的指导义务和信息义务,增强了保险透明度;统一规定了书面的义务履行方式和保险人与中间人的文献资料义务,有助于减少证明困难;确立了投保人的撤回权,在归责原则上放弃了全有全无原则,采取比例规则,极大地提高了对消费者的保护。我国新《保险法》虽然改善了对消费者的保护,但不尽如人意之处仍然很多。《德国保险合同法》的具体制度规定给我们提供了很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

保险业的发展不仅带动了我国经济的进步以及基础建设的稳步前行,同时对稳定居民生活、保障国民的生命和财产安全起着不可替代的作用。在这种形势下,以顾客满意度为导向的质量成本管理对保险业的健康稳定发展意义重大,对保险业质量成本管理进行分析也就非常重要。本文在总结国内外研究基础上,引出了保险业的质量成本管理问题。针对保险业的特殊属性,本文建立了以顾客满意度为导向的质量成本管理模型,构建了保险业质量管理的项目设置及成本核算方式,并选取35家寿险公司作为样本,对保险业的质量成本管理模型进行了验证,并给出了加强保险业质量成本管理的建议。  相似文献   

保险公司集团化战略发展模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集团化已经成为我国大型保险公司发展的重要战略选择。而集团化战略的成功,首先取决于企业要拥有优良的品牌声誉和一致明确的企业文化等无形资产、可以共享的客户群及有效的销售渠道等有形资产、以及卓越的战略眼光和组织能力。而在具体实施过程中,必须统筹考虑产业发展策略、资本金补充机制及合理的管理模式,从而通过产业发展的差异化和多元化实现核心竞争力的扩张和价值链内的快速布局和业务增长,提升公司的竞争能力。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to identify fair equity-premium combinations for non-life insurers that satisfy solvency capital requirements imposed by regulatory authorities. In particular, we compare target capital derived using the value at risk concept as planned for Solvency II in the European Union with the tail value at risk concept as required by the Swiss Solvency Test. The model framework uses Merton’s jump-diffusion process for the market value of liabilities and a geometric Brownian motion for the asset process; fair valuation is conducted using option pricing theory. We show that even if regulatory requirements are satisfied under different risk measures and parameterizations, the associated costs of insolvency – measured with the insurer’s default put option value – can differ substantially.  相似文献   

张铁铸  周红 《保险研究》2011,(1):117-127
基于ISIS全球保险公司数据库收录的美国寿险公司数据资料,本文研究了美国寿险公司的不动产投资情况.研究发现,从美国寿险公司的资产组合构成来看,不动产投资所占的比重还很低,且在次贷危机前后不动产投资在整个资产组合中所占的比重没有很大的变动.在美国房地产市场顶峰期的2005年,寿险公司所持有的不动产投资反而是最低的.但是,...  相似文献   

We analyse the performance and performance persistence of US socially responsible investment (SRI) managers from a managers’ perspective, differentiating between specialist managers (only running SRI mutual funds) and non-specialists (running SRI and conventional mutual funds). We find that the SRI fund nature has a significantly negative influence on the non-specialist performance. Furthermore, top managers of both groups persistently outperform SRI funds. However, non-specialist managers obtain superior performance to specialist managers, perhaps because of learning synergies in both fund niches. Results also show more persistence with non-specialists, especially with regard to conventional mutual funds.  相似文献   

保险公司治理评价:指标体系构建与评分计算方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
保险公司治理评价是保险公司治理理论与实践的重要组成部分。本文构建了一个涵盖股东权益机制、董事会治理、监事会治理、经理层治理、信息披露机制、利益相关者治理、公司治理文化、公司社会责任等8个一级指标以及与之相关的33个二级指标和117个三级指标的保险公司治理评价指标体系。本文基于层次分析法对保险公司治理评分的计算方法进行了探讨,并籍此对保险公司治理评分进行了算例分析。该保险公司治理评价指标体系与评分计算方法有利于促进保险公司自身的治理诊断控制,并能为保险公司的股东、债权人、员工、客户等各类利益相关者的相关决策及政府的监管提供有益的指导与参考。  相似文献   

建立市场化、专业化的保险公司风险处置机制是保险业转变发展方式,实现可持续发展的必由之路和紧要任务。其中,处置措施的衡量与相机抉择是处置的核心问题,成为监管机构和学界关注的焦点。本文首先探讨了保险公司风险处置的内涵,然后在梳理国内外风险处置成本研究文献的基础上,创造性地提出了处置效益的概念,并虚拟了一产险公司进行模拟测算。  相似文献   

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