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构建支持农村生物质能源发展的政策体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发展农村生物质能源具有能源替代、环保、促进农民增收和全面促进社会主义新农村建设等多重效应.在我国,不仅具有广泛的生物质能源资源优势,而且开发生物质能源的相关技术条件和法律环境也已经具备.然而,发展农村生物质能源面临着技术研发费用成本高、投资风险大和能源使用价格高等市场障碍,大力发展农村生物质能源离不开政府有效的经济激励政策支持,这也是国外开发生物质能源的重要经验.本文基于上述分析,初步提出了政府支持农村生物质能源发展的政策思路,特别是提出了相关的财税政策措施.  相似文献   

建造于化石能源基础之上的世界经济正面临资源枯竭和环境污染的双重挑战,新能源成为拯救人类工业文明社会的必然选择。阐述了我国发展生物质能源产业的战略意义,分析了目前我国发展生物质能源产业的相对优势和面临的挑战,提出了加快我国生物质能源产业发展的路径:构建分布式能源体系,推动能源产业体制机制改革,完善农村新能源市场建设。  相似文献   

生物质能源作为源于植物的低碳、可再生能源已经成为我国新能源战略和战略性新兴产业的一个重要组成部分,但目前我国生物质能源产业及其企业却面临资源利用效率不高和产业吸引力不大等诸多挑战。文章采用企业资源生态分析与动态效率分析相结合的方法从微观视角分析生物质能源企业的资源与环境效率问题,通过对案例企业的资源构成以及生产效率、配置效率和资源利用的环境影响效率进行量化分析找出其中的主要影响因素,并由此提出了提高生物质能源企业的资源与环境效率以促进生物质能源产业持续健康发展的建议。  相似文献   

福建省生物质能源政策永续发展模型建构与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合生物质能源政策永续发展的目标,构建了一个由四个层次指标构成的生物质能源政策永续发展评价指标体系,以此反映生物质能源政策永续发展的本质特征、内在规律和演变趋势。福建省生物质能源政策永续发展评价结果显示:福建省生物质能源政策的整体绩效水平尚处于永续发展的起步阶段,政府在生物质能产业有效规制与激励方面应加强能源市场机制建设,努力发展绿色能源消费,这也是最优先推动的永续能源策略之一。此外,推动生物质能的教育宣传与科技研发、加大政府公共研发、强化公众参与、提高人力资本素质是未来的努力方向。  相似文献   

以位于京津冀腹地的河北省无极县为研究对象,采用随机抽样方法对其农村居民的生活能源消费现状进行了问卷调查。采用相关分析、方差分析等统计分析方法对调查数据进行了较为深入的分析。分析发现:生物质能源利用不充分、利用方式不科学导致目前农村居民家庭能源消费向化石能源转变;农村居民对生物质能源的认知程度有显著提升,对生物质能源也有较大需求,这为生物质能源产业发展奠定了良好的市场需求基础;生物质能源产品与化石能源产品的能质差异、两类能源利用便捷度的差异、生物质燃料供应的持续性以及政府宣传和政策支持力度,是制约农户以生物质能源替代化石能源的主要因素。最后,有针对性地提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

面对全球性的减少化石能源消耗,控制温室气体排放的形势,利用生物质能资源生产可替代化石能源的可再生能源产品,已成为我国应对全球气候变暖和控制温室气体排放问题的重要途径之一,国家出台了具体的补贴措施,并且规划到2015年,生物质能发电将达1300万千瓦的目标.然而受原料收集难、政策补贴不到位等难题,生物质能源产业的发展规模和水平远远低于风能、太阳能的利用.如何发挥生物质能企业的生产积极性,尽快解决这些难题,为此,本刊记者采访了中国农村能源行业协会生物质专委会秘书长肖明松,国家发展和改革委员会能源研究所研究员秦世平教授,以及可再生能源学会生物质能专业委员会秘书长袁振宏.  相似文献   

生物质能是一种脱颖而出的新能源,生物质发电产业前景广阔.中国生物质发电产业蜿蜒前行,任重道远.为了促进生物质发电产业在中国健康持续、又好又快地发展,笔者建议:第一,做好资源调查和评价,精心编制发展规划;第二,培育生物质发电产业链;第三,完善生物质发电的标准与规范;第四,完善我国生物质发电定价和费用分摊机制;第五,推行并完善绿色配额制度;第六,制定促进生物质发电产业发展的财税政策和投融资政策,建立稳定的投入机制;第七,支持技术研究开发和设备制造,加强生物质发电产业技术创新;第八,开展生物质发电的宣传和培训工作,等等.  相似文献   

我国寻求新的可再生能源特别是开发利用生物质能尤为重要。欧盟在发展生物质能源时通过制定相应的法律、财政政策及其它政策,形成了一整套的政策法规和实施体系,促使欧盟成员国内生物质能逐渐市场化。本文分析我国与欧盟在发展生物质能源上的差异,提出推动我国发展生物质能源的政策建议。  相似文献   

我国节能减排困境、成因及应对策略分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
首先阐述节能减排与发展循环经济的内在联系,然后针对我国节能减排的严峻形势,剖析了我国节能减排的内外部制约因素,具体包括人的观念、法律法规、产业结构和资金技术等。最后,为消除制约因素的影响,提出建立全新的节能减排观念、健全法律法规体系和财税政策体系、重视非工业领域的节能减排、扶持节能服务产业、加大节能减排的技术产品研发、进行产业与能源结构调整、兼顾大中小企业的节能减排等应对策略。  相似文献   

国际能源市场动荡和日益严重的全球性环境问题,引发了人们对新能源发展的关注.在我国,新能源产业是发展低碳经济的必然要求,也是转变经济发展方式的重要动力.我国的能源中长期发展规划已经制定,但目前尚未形成健全的能源财税政策体系,这使得新能源财税政策在时间和内容上存在滞后和不合理的现象.文章通过对我国新能源领域财税政策进行梳理,分析其存在的问题,并提出有针对性的政策建议.  相似文献   

捆绑小型清洁发展机制项目的相关问题研究与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
充分利用清洁发展机制(CDM)所带来的资金和技术,发展小水电、风能和生物质能等可再生能源的小型CDM项目对于提高中国农村地区的能源服务质量,增加就业,促进节能减排工作等方面具有重要意义。本文从分析中国CDM项目的开发现状入手,探讨小型GDM项目开发和捆绑的相关问题,并最终提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Access to modern energy is one of the most basic requirements for development. In rural areas of developing countries, there are a large number of people who do not have access to LPG and depend on traditional biomass such as wood, crop, and dung for cooking. In addition, energy has numerous and complex links with poverty reduction. Therefore, it is important to estimate the impacts of energy access improvement on socio-economic situation in the rural areas of developing countries quantitatively. This study focuses on socio-economic impacts of cooking demand through changes in stoves adopted by the rural households. We have developed an energy-economic model of rural areas in India to analyze the links between energy, income, and health hazard, applying both opportunity cost for using fuelwood and exposure to Resipirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM). As a result of the analysis, there is a positive relation between the opportunity cost and the average RSPM exposure of women in the rural areas. Following to increase in the opportunity cost, that is, income, the cost of an improved wood stove becomes relatively lower first than that of a traditional wood stove, and then a gas stove attains price competitiveness. It is achieved that the average RSPM exposure is below the WHO and Japanese criteria for Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), 190 and 100 [μg/m3], at the opportunity cost of US$9 and 15/GJ, respectively.  相似文献   

生物沼气为生物质能源中最为普及的一种,由于其分散性、小型化和就地取材适合农村发展。文章运用成本——效益函数,通过将农村沼气发展具有代表性地区的实地调研情况与函数的理论前提进行对比分析后发现,发展大中型沼气项目更适合农村实际,从而提出下一阶段农村沼气的发展模式。  相似文献   

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in Africa and has faced significant deforestation over the years. This paper seeks to examine the nature of the relationship between poverty and forests in Malawi. We try to answer three sets of questions: a) what is the extent of biomass available for meeting the energy needs of the poor in Malawi and how is this distributed? b) To what extent does fuelwood scarcity affect the welfare of the poor? And c) do households spend more time in fuelwood collection in response to scarcity? We answer these questions by matching household surveys with remote-sensing data.Our analyses suggest that biomass scarcity is associated with small but significantly lower household welfare, particularly for the rural poor. At current high levels of scarcity, 80% of rural poor households are likely to benefit from an increase in biomass in the community. Rural women spend more time on fuelwood collection where biomass is scarce. The small decrease in welfare associated with biomass scarcity suggests that households cope with scarcity in a variety of ways. Any effort to reduce degradation and deforestation in Malawi has to build on a clear understanding of household adaptation to fuelwood scarcity.  相似文献   

介绍了中国生物质发电产业的市场环境和政策环境。基于此,识别生物质发电产业发展的内生动力因子和外源动力因子,并利用计量经济学理论对动力因子的相关性进行分析。建立解释结构模型研究动力因子之间的关系,分析经济要素之间的作用机理。结果表明:所有的动力因子通过不同的途径和方式最终指向政策和资源禀赋因子;能源安全因子、环境保护因子、农村发展因子影响电力需求,投资影响电力供给;合理的要素成本价格需要科学的政策组合进行有效支持。  相似文献   

Development of renewable energy resources, such as wind farms and hydro-electric schemes, are being promoted as a new method of expanding and diversifying employment in rural areas. However, such energy projects are associated with a range of environmental impacts which might be detrimental to other economic activities, such as those based on nature tourism. The authors use a Choice Experiment to quantify peoples' preferences over environmental and employment impacts that may result from the deployment of renewable energy projects in rural areas of Scotland, focussing in particular on any differences between the preferences of urban and rural dwellers, and on heterogeneity within these groups. Rural and urban households are shown to have different welfare gains which are dependent on the type of renewable energy technology and on the scale of project under consideration.  相似文献   

This article is first to model energy poverty in Chinese households using an Engel curve approach. To analyse the determinants of energy poverty and energy expenditures across households, we avail the 2015 wave of the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS). Possible presence of endogeneity is accounted for in the model specification as well as by using the Lewbel heteroscedasticity identified endogenous variables estimator. In addition, we are the first to scrutinise disparity and discrimination by conducting the Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition of energy poverty model by gender, ethnicity, region (Eastern vs. non-Eastern provinces), and urbanisation status (rural vs. urban residents). Our analysis shows: (i) education is the key determinant of various energy poverty measures and energy expenditure shares across Chinese households; (ii) other determinants including fossil fuel mix and electricity price discrimination are found to worsen energy poverty, on average. However, fossil fuel mix is found to increase expenditure share of total energy, electricity, and coal and decrease that of biomass; and (iii) the Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition analyses show no statistically significant gender or ethnic discrimination in energy poverty rates. However, there is substantial divide between Eastern and non-Eastern provinces and between rural and urban households—with these groups also discriminated against when accessing clean cooking fuels and technologies. The Blinder–Oaxaca results also generally support the logistic and the Lewbel energy poverty model findings.  相似文献   

选取1987—2009年中国工业部门能源需求的时间序列数据,利用修正的AES模型和MES模型,实证研究了中国工业部门中生物质能对化石能源的内部替代问题。结果显示:中国对生物质能的需求量会随其自价格弹性的降低而增加;传统化石能源(石油、煤炭)的价格和需求量的同向变化表明,不能依靠价格诱导降低其需求,但价格诱导可促进生物质能对石油和煤炭等传统化石能源的替代。据此得出:中国的石油和煤炭两类化石能源呈现出"吉芬物品"或"低档物品"的特性,作为可再生能源之一的生物质能则表现出"正常物品"的特性;生物质能是传统化石能源的有效替代品。  相似文献   

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