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Meta‐regression analysis (MRA) can provide objective and comprehensive summaries of economics research. Their use has grown rapidly over the last few decades. To improve transparency and to raise the quality of MRA, the meta‐analysis of economics research‐network (MAER‐Net) has created the below reporting guidelines. Future meta‐analyses in economics will be expected to follow these guidelines or give valid reasons why a meta‐analysis must deviate from them.  相似文献   

Geographical clustering of economic activity and business firms was first incisively and extensively analyzed by Alfred Marshall in his seminal text on economics (1890). However, Porter's Diamond model (1990, 1998 ) remains the paradigm model for cluster formation in modern economies. Developments in the economics of geography, institutional economics, and strategic management indicate that Porter's and others' models of cluster formation may be incomplete. The Global Economic Management System (GEMS) model of cluster formation and sustainability extends scholarly work in this area by outlining a comprehensive model of cluster formation and testing its robustness against data collected from a sample of global cluster managers. The results indicate the significance of a number of hitherto ignored factors in cluster success and provide guidelines for policy makers, cluster managers, and international firm managers for location decisions and cluster formation.  相似文献   

This article reviews strategic suggestions for heterodox economic journals and heterodox economists relating to quantitative indexing. It contains a critique of Thomson Scientifics “Journal Impact Factor” as well as an integrated discussion of general strategic guidelines and specific strategic suggestions accounting for the special paradigmatic position of heterodox economics.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the two economic perspectives underlying the contradictory results of existing studies regarding the relationship between diversity and performance and integrates them using the dynamic capability approach. Transaction cost economics suggests that knowledge diversity has a negative impact on cost-saving performance, whereas evolutionary economics suggests that knowledge diversity has a positive impact on value-creation performance. According to the dynamic capability approach, the perspective of transaction cost economics is shown to relate to ordinary capabilities, whereas the perspective of evolutionary economics is shown to relate to dynamic capabilities. The former should be pursued in subservience to the latter.  相似文献   

与国外对城市社会问题的经济学研究已步入较为成熟阶段的状况相比,我国学者在城市社会问题的研究领域里,还刚起步。这种状况,与有效解决我国快速城市化带来的严重城市社会问题的迫切要求差距甚大。本文的一个有限的目标,是把我国目前值得关注的城市社会问题当作问题导向,有针对性地选择国际上有关城市社会问题的理论研究成果、主要研究期刊和研究机构,较为系统地把它们介绍给关心中国城市社会问题的读者,以方便进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

This might be the most opportune time for Human Resource Management (HRM) to benefit from psychometric meta-analysis. Explosion of empirical research, often with conflicting results, hide important takeaways that can guide evidence-based applications of HRM. The science of HRM can turn to meta-analyses and meta-analytic thinking as the antidote to the so-called replication crisis afflicting social sciences in general. In this paper, we focus on issues and potential problems that may threaten the veracity and usefulness of contemporary meta-analyses in HRM. We contend that these problems must be correctly tackled for meta-analyses to realize their full potential in advancing HRM science and practice. We address the problems of identification and inclusion of all relevant effect sizes, as well as appropriate corrections for unreliability and range restriction. We offer concrete proposals to enable inclusion of unpublished, practitioner research and data in HRM meta-analyses.  相似文献   

The other articles in this special issue of Human Resource Management Review present meta-analyses of specific topic areas, or articles on methodological issues associated with meta-analyses, within the human resources management field. Ours is a bit different in that we do not present actual meta-analytic results, but instead conduct a thorough review of the field in order to identify areas where meta-analyses have not been conducted. Then, we discuss why such analyses have not been provided, suggestions for how we might like to see research proceed in such areas, and also implications for theory development in these areas of the field. We conclude our paper with some additional thoughts on issues to keep in mind as we seek to utilize meta-analysis to its fullest potential, and thus yield the best results possible.  相似文献   

As evidenced by the publication of three meta-analyses in 2013, the importance of collective turnover is garnering increasing attention. Although each of these meta-analyses delivers a unique and significant impact to the HR literature, there remain opportunities to expand and build upon their contributions. In a comparison of the three extant meta-analyses, we found over 90 unique papers that were included in only one of each of the three studies, and > 10 new studies published since 2013. We combined and expanded the existing meta-analyses, offering a comparison of results, as well as contributing to a greater understanding of the role of collective turnover. In the most comprehensive analysis to date, analyzing 2149 effect sizes from 159 studies across 150 articles, we find both support for and divergence from several previously examined relationships, as well as evidence of a curvilinear turnover-performance relationship and of the contagious influence of turnover.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper analyses what makes a great journal great in economics. Alternative research assessment measures (RAM) are discussed, with an emphasis on the Thomson Reuters Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Science database. ISI RAM that are calculated annually or updated daily are defined, including the classic 2‐year impact factor (2YIF), 5‐year impact factor (5YIF), immediacy (zero‐year impact factor (0YIF)), eigenfactor score, article influence, citation performance per paper online, h‐index, Zinfluence, PI‐BETA (papers ignored ‐ by even the authors) and two new RAM measures, self‐citation threshold approval rating and impact factor inflation. The data are analysed for the most highly cited journals in economics, management, business and business–finance on the basis of 2YIF. In addition to evaluating research in the most highly cited journals in economics, management, business and business–finance, the paper evaluates alternative RAM, highlights similarities and differences in RAM criteria, finds that several RAM capture similar performance characteristics, and finds that immediacy and PI‐BETA are not highly correlated with other RAM. Harmonic mean rankings of the 12 RAM criteria are also presented. Emphasizing 2YIF to the exclusion of other useful RAM criteria can lead to a distorted evaluation of journal performance and influence.  相似文献   

朱金娣 《价值工程》2014,(1):152-153
心理学和经济学为现当代重要的学科门类,两者在很大程度上存在关联,相互交叉。近年来,心理学的新发现对经济学的发展有了实质性的推动。本文就波普尔和索罗斯的哲学理论及其对当代西方经济学的贡献作进一步的完善和梳理,深入探讨心理学对西方当代经济学的影响及意义,在探寻心理学与经济学两者关系的同时,展望经济学发展的新方向。  相似文献   

Abstract Experimental economics has grown as a discipline from near non‐existence 50 years ago to a full‐fledged field within economics in the present. Much of experimental economics research involves experimental methods as a tool, applied to problems in other fields of economics. However, some of this research is inward looking, focusing on questions of the methodology of experimental economics. In this note, I briefly discuss two methodological issues in experimental economics that might benefit from meta‐analysis: the pool from which experimental participants are drawn (university undergraduate students versus other populations) and the scale of monetary incentives faced by participants (large, small or hypothetical).  相似文献   

In this article I claim that the Nobel Prize in Economics has not only set the economics discipline on a path‐dependent trajectory, but is itself an apotheosis of a development of what I would like to refer to as ‘the statistical turn in economics’. The case of Jan Tinbergen illustrates the argument and sketches the stages within the statistical turn in economics. The Nobel Prize in 1969 acknowledged this character of economics, and justified the continuation of this approach for the generation to come.  相似文献   

Transaction cost economics is a key topic in many conversations in business and economics related disciplines, much as a result of Oliver Williamson's intellectual crusade. By claiming a “distinct worldview,” he develops arguments of association and differentiation to established worldviews, like traditional microeconomics, earlier institutionalism, Austrian and radical economics, and also within the new institutional economics itself, in order to advance his theory. His resourcefulness defies straight argumentative decisions, catering to different audiences whilst trying to break new ground. Surely Williamson has not pleased everyone, but his discourse is greatly responsible for placing TCE in the everyday parlance of economics.  相似文献   

赵云燕 《价值工程》2010,29(33):223-224
随着经济全球化和全球信息化的快速发展,社会对经济与管理类专业人才的需求越来越迫切。但是,要培养出大量合格的、具有创新精神和实践能力的经济与管理类专业的高素质人才,必须要有高水平的实验室作为保障。如何培养和造就厚基础、宽口径、高素质、强能力、重实践、重个性的经济管理类应用型人才成为经济管理类院校的新课题。而加强实验室建设,则成为使学生既了解经济及管理科学的理论,又掌握动手实践的技能的有效路径。  相似文献   

张岩  张人广 《城市发展研究》2007,14(1):74-76,96
科学发展、和谐发展与资本主义的"资本奴役劳动"、"强国奴役弱国"和所谓的"自由民主发展"观之争,决定了两种制度安排取向和对立的发展结果.因此,主要为资本利益服务的所谓"主流经济学"正面临一场深刻而重大的变革,发展中的社会主义经济学任重而道远.西方经济学"理性经济人"假说和市场中心论必须有新的扬弃与变革,而立足于科学与和谐发展框架的城市经济学变革需求紧迫、任务艰巨、意义重大,至少有十个方面发展中的难点、热点必须尽快取得突破与发展.  相似文献   

A bstract In his early work. Talcott Parsons severely criticized Old Institutional Economists like Thorstein Veblen and Clarence Ayres. Parsons'main objection was that institutional economics had a misconceived view on the scope of economics: institutions, being the embodiment of values, were the proper subject of sociology rather than economics. By arguing for a clear-cut division of labor between economics and sociology. Parsons legitimated the divide between the two disciplines that came into being in the years to follow. Recently however, the relationship between economic-sociology and institutional economics has changed dramatically. New Economic Sociology (advocated by scholars like Mark Granovetter and Richard Swedberig) rejects the division of labor proposed by Parsons. By-providing substitutes rather than just complements to economics, it tries to counter economic imperialism. This creates significant similarities between New Economic Sociology, Old Institutional Economics and the recent return of institutionalism in economic theory. However, the quest for a division of labor between economics and sociology remains unfinished.  相似文献   

李旭 《价值工程》2012,31(1):217-218
本文介绍了高等学校经济管理类专业多媒体电化教学的优势,并结合湖北经济学院经济管理类专业的实际调查结果,以及其它高校的实践成果,并结合相关的理论研究,深入分析了高校经济管理类专业多媒体电化教学存在的问题,最后,探讨了高校经济管理类专业多媒体电化教学问题的对策。  相似文献   

A bstract This essay tries to put Georg Simmels The Philosophy of Money into the context of current monetary discussions in economics. Part I looks at the contribution of Georg Simmel in context and offers remarks about the changing structure of economics as a discipline composed of many different subdisciplines. It is argued that Simmel is able to transcend subdisciplinary borders, to great benefit for today's scholar. Part III explains Heinsohn and Steiger's recent contribution to monetary economics in terms of transactions and property rights; although the contribution has been made more in the context of post-Keynesian economics, this is the only way to comprehend and integrate it into the mainstream of scholarly discourse. This examination shows that Simmels approach, transgressing interdisciplinary borders, has merits even today. Part IV looks at the perplexing phenomenon of European monetary integration with a similar interdisciplinary perspective in mind. In this case, it is not monetary economics but constitutional political economy which is the unifying concept to explain the peculiar features of European monetary integration.  相似文献   

For nearly half a century since Keynes's supposed rebuttal of classical economics, economists and politicians have been pre-occupied with 'demand side' efforts to maintain full employment and output by spending more than they can raise in taxes. The evident failure of 'demand side' economics has at last reached the Keynesian economists. Some are beginning to reject 'demand side' economics as inadequate and to argue for the return of 'supply and demand'.  相似文献   

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