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Journal of Business Ethics - Persistent and pervasive rudeness and lack of respect are unfortunately common in workplaces today. The deleterious effects of this incivility at work may be even worse...  相似文献   

Individuals in managerial and professional jobs now work long hours for a variety of reasons. Building on previous research on workaholism and on types of passion, the results of three exploratory studies of correlates of work-based Passion and Addiction are presented. Data were collected in three samples using anonymously completed questionnaires: Canadian managers and professionals, Australian psychologists, and Norwegian journalists. A common pattern of findings was observed in the three samples. First, respondents scoring higher on Passion and on Addiction were more heavily invested in their work. Second, respondents scoring higher on Passion also indicated less obsessive job behaviors, greater work satisfactions, and higher levels of psychological well-being. Third, respondents scoring higher on Addiction indicated more obsessive job behaviors, lower work satisfaction, and lower levels of psychological well-being.  相似文献   

Individuals in managerial and professional jobs now work long hours for a variety of reasons. Building on previous research on workaholism and on types of passion, the results of three exploratory studies of correlates of work-based Passion and Addiction are presented. Data were collected in three samples using anonymously completed questionnaires: Canadian managers and professionals, Australian psychologists, and Norwegian journalists. A common pattern of findings was observed in the three samples. First, respondents scoring higher on Passion and on Addiction were more heavily invested in their work. Second, respondents scoring higher on Passion also indicated less obsessive job behaviors, greater work satisfactions, and higher levels of psychological well-being. Third, respondents scoring higher on Addiction indicated more obsessive job behaviors, lower work satisfaction, and lower levels of psychological well-being.  相似文献   

Behavioral integrity (BI) is the alignment pattern between an actor??s words and deeds as perceived by another person. Employees?? perception that their leader??s actions and words are consistent leads to desirable workplace outcomes. Although BI is a powerful concept, the role of leader referents, the relationship between perceived BI of different referents, and the process by which BI affects outcomes are unclear. Our purpose is to elaborate upon this process and clarify the role of different leader referents in determining various outcomes. To understand the impact of referents, we explicitly compared the BIs of two leader referents: senior management and supervisor. In contrast to previous research findings where supervisory BI was found to have a stronger relationship with outcomes than senior management, we find that both referents are important. However, their impact varies based upon the outcome studied. Only senior management BI predicted organizational commitment, while senior management BI, supervisory BI and supervisory trust predicted organizational cynicism. Only trust in supervisor, and not supervisory BI, impacted organizational citizenship behaviors. When senior management is the referent, trust and not BI might play an important role for outcomes that require extensive employee investments, such as organizational commitment. In contrast, when the outcome measured does not require employee investments, BI might have a direct impact on the outcome. We also uncovered that trust in supervisor substantially influences the trust employees have in their senior management.  相似文献   


This study applies the basic concepts of relationship marketing, including involvement, knowledge, moral intensity, satisfaction and trust in the non-profit environment, specifically in a university setting. These relational concepts are employed in the development of a relational model used in an exploratory investigation. Results indicate significant relationships between the constructs, emphasizing the importance of relationship management for non-profit and public sector entities. Results, managerial implications and research implications are included.  相似文献   


Although researchers in the area of channel behavior have examined issues of dependence and trust on satisfaction, commitment and cooperation independently, the joint effects of dependence and trust on the listed dependent variates have received little attention in the literature. This study seeks to fill that void via an experiment conducted in Singapore. Extending on the work of Andaleeb (1996), an experimental design to create treatment groups with differing levels of dependence and trust was used to establish the relationships between the dependent and independent constructs. Research results highlight the important mediating effect of trust on dependence in determining attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. Specifically, all three dependent constructs were rated highly under conditions of high trust, regardless of the level of dependence, pointing to the overbearing influence of trust in shaping channel dynamics.  相似文献   

What does it mean to be honorable in an international business context, and why is it important? The history of business honorability is discussed in addition to its applicability to today's expectations. A solution of trust bridges is suggested to find commonalities between two parties in order to strengthen their network and relationship with one another. These postulates were investigated during the American Marketing Association's Special Interest Group conference on “The Honorable Merchant in International Marketing” hosted in Cancun, Mexico, in the spring of 2014. At the conference, a three‐round Delphi study was conducted to analyze the various global perspectives participants had on honorable practices in academia and business and their relation to international marketing. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Group Decision and Negotiation - Building long-term trustful relationships with counterparts is a crucial objective for many negotiators. Despite numerous “snapshot” trust studies,...  相似文献   

A viral advertising message has two different sources: the advertiser as the message creator and a sender as the message distributor. This study examined the influence of sender trust and advertiser trust on four stages of viral advertising effects. Results from a field experiment demonstrated that sender trust and advertiser trust have differential influences on effect stages. Significant interaction effects show that if a viral ad is sent by a trusted sender, the influence of advertiser trust becomes non-significant or reduced, suggesting that a viral ad from a trusted sender can overcome the handicap a less trusted advertiser might have.  相似文献   

This study explores the direct and interactive effects of individual differences in interpersonal trust and negotiation style on ethical decision-making processes across commonly faced negotiation situations. Individual differences influence basic ideas about legitimate negotiating behaviors, affect behavioral intentions directly, and interact with the favorability of negotiating situations, resulting in direct, indirect, and interactive effects on ethical decision-making processes. Using a sample of 298 participants in executive education workshops, the study analyzes the relationship between interpersonal trust, competitiveness, moral judgment, and behavioral intentions in different negotiating conditions through a series of structural equation models and regression analyses. Our results suggest that individual difference variables exert a significant influence not only on how managers assess the morality of ethically ambiguous negotiation practices but also directly on their behavioral intentions, and that this effect changed across specific negotiation situations. We discuss these results in terms of their usefulness in explaining ethical decision-making processes in negotiations.  相似文献   


This article reports the results of a global survey that explored the relationship between country of origin and brand trust in 22 product categories. The product categories of interest ranged from high involvement, durable goods (refrigerators, washing machines) to low involvement, fast moving consumer goods (chocolate bars, yogurt, disposable batteries). Respondents included consumers from the United States, Nepal, India, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Bulgaria. Country-of-origin effects yielded the research's most interesting finding: Global brands might have a regional, or meso level, component which brand trust has uncovered for the first time.  相似文献   

Most prior research into customer loyalty emphasizes the effects of the dimensions of online satisfaction and trust. However, research into how customer involvement moderates this relationship model – in the online environment – has been less than conclusive. On the basis of a satisfaction–trust–commitment model, and given that involvement is a significant precondition to customer loyalty, this paper explores the interaction effects of customer involvement on the evaluation of e-banking services.Empirical results were collected from an online survey in electronic financial forums, Usenet and mailing lists. Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used to estimate the parameters of the interaction effects model.The results support most of the hypotheses and, in particular, confirm the moderating role of customer involvement. The influence of online satisfaction on commitment was significantly stronger for highly involved users; conversely, the effect of satisfaction on trust was weaker. However, customer trust had a stronger effect on commitment for customers with high purchase involvement, and a weaker effect for highly ego-involved customers. The interaction role of customer involvement thus offers a more complete view of the satisfaction–trust–commitment model, providing an initial test of the efficacy of using involvement to understand online decisions. Implications for online marketing management and future research in this area are discussed.  相似文献   

Today's consumer is expected to make health-care decisions that have serious implications for their welfare. However, a major barrier to these decisions is a basic lack of understanding of health insurance. A critical first step is to examine drivers of health insurance literacy and in turn offer interventions that can have a positive impact on consumer welfare. This article explores the relationship between relevant consumer psychographics, financial knowledge, and demographics with health insurance literacy. Results indicate that while demographics play a role, the degree to which consumers believe a situation or event is under their own control (i.e., locus of control), how they process information (i.e., cognitive style), and consumer's financial confidence (i.e., subjective knowledge) is a critical indicator of their health insurance literacy. Cluster analysis reveals three “faces” of health insurance literacy.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine three types of conflict (task, relationship, and process) and four dimensions of conflict (emotions, norms, resolution efficacy, and importance) in decision making groups. We also investigate emergent states (e.g., trust, respect, cohesiveness; Marks et al. 2001; Acad Manag Rev 26: 530–547) as mediating the effects of the conflict types and dimensions on group outcomes (productivity and viability). All three types of conflict decreased positive emergent states in groups and this led to a decrease in group viability (the ability of a team to retain its members through their satisfaction and willingness to continue working together; Balkundi and Harrison 2006; Acad Manag J 49: 49–68). This effect was alleviated by resolution efficacy (the belief that the conflict can be easily resolved) regarding process conflict, but could be exacerbated by any negative emotion associated with relationship conflict. Norms that encouraged task conflict also increased positive emergent states within groups, which marginally and positively influenced group performance.  相似文献   

如何预防品牌危机成为当前重要而又紧迫的课题。本文认为,品牌危机是信任上的危机,建立和增强品牌信任是构筑心理防线、预防品牌危机的有效途径,并依据人际交往理论提出了品牌信任的互动创建模式。本文通过结构方程模型分析得出,企业可以借助与顾客互动减少其感知风险,增加感知价值,提高品牌信任,从而降低危机预期,减少危机诱因在公众中的扩散程度及触发品牌危机的可能性。  相似文献   

基于先行研究文献,本文开发了一个构筑Internet网上顾客忠诚的概念化模型,界定了价值感知、满意体验和信任作为影响顾客忠诚的主要前提心理变量,并对该模型及各变量间的动态因果关系进行了实验性验证。结果显示,本文提出的概念化模型和绝大部分研究假设获得了实证研究的支持。这些研究结果在理论上有助于深化对网上顾客忠诚构筑的认识,在营销实践中对网络零售商开发和实施网上顾客忠诚战略具有启示意义。  相似文献   

Improving financial and health literacy is an important step in reducing economic vulnerability in older age, yet the means by which individuals accumulate these types of human capital remains an open question. This article evaluates the impact of online search activities on the levels of financial and health literacy. We find that using the internet for such information increases literacy significantly: doing so frequently (versus not at all) increases financial literacy by 16%, and health literacy by 12%. Our results are robust to alternative measures of financial literacy. They are also robust to an instrumental variable approach using other web skills such as email use to proxy for how individuals use the internet.  相似文献   

Trust is a critical component of marketing for both brands and consumers. Competing theories suggest that high-religiosity consumers could be either more or less trusting of marketing. Thus, this article explores religiosity's influence on broad marketplace trust that influences more specific relational trust in the context of advertising messages. Study 1 shows that marketplace and relational trust positively mediate the relationship between religiosity and product evaluations. Studies 2 and 3 test moderators to this relationship based on three dimensions of religiosity: affective, behavioral, and cognitive.  相似文献   

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