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This paper examines the link between the profitability of the 52-week high momentum strategy and investor sentiment. We hypothesize that investors' investment decisions are subject to behavioral biases when the level of investor sentiment is high, resulting in higher profits for the 52-week high momentum following high-sentiment periods. Our empirical results confirm this prediction. In addition, we find that the significant profit of the 52-week high momentum following high-sentiment periods persists up to five years. Further investigations show that the strong persistence of the 52-week high winners (losers) is concentrated in stocks with higher (lower) earnings surprises, especially during periods following high sentiment. Overall, our results provide supportive evidence for the anchoring biases in explaining the 52-week high momentum, especially when the role of investor sentiment is taken into account.  相似文献   

We propose a new momentum strategy based on the timing of a stock’s 52-week high price. We find that the stocks that attained the 52-week high price in the recent past significantly outperform the stocks that attained the 52-week high price in the distant past. In particular, the top 10% of the stocks with the most recent 52-week high price outperform the bottom 10% of the stocks with most distant 52-week high price by 0.70% per month. Further, conditioning on the recency of 52-week high price significantly increases the profitability of momentum strategy based on the nearness of current price to the 52-week high price. Specifically, the average monthly return of this strategy is about twice as large for stocks with recent 52-week high price as compared with stocks with distant 52-week high price.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between monetary policy and investor sentiment across conventional and unconventional monetary policy regimes. During conventional times, we find that a surprise decrease in the fed funds rate leads to a large increase in investor sentiment. Similarly, when the fed funds rate is at its zero lower bound, research results indicate that expansionary unconventional monetary policy shocks also have a large and positive impact on investor mood. Together, our findings highlight the importance of both conventional and unconventional monetary policy in the determination of investor sentiment.  相似文献   

This is the first study to investigate the profitability of Barroso and Santa-Clara’s [J. Financial Econ., 2015, 116, 111–120] risk-managing approach for George and Hwang’s [J. Finance, 2004, 59, 2145–2176] 52-week high momentum strategy in an industrial portfolio setting. The findings indicate that risk-managing adds value as the Sharpe ratio increases, and the downside risk decreases notably. Even after controlling for the spread of the traditional 52-week high industry momentum strategy in association with standard risk factors, the risk-managed version generates economically and statistically significant pay-offs. Notably, the risk-managed strategy is partially explained by changes in cross-sectional return dispersion, whereas the traditional strategy does not appear to be exposed to such economic risks.  相似文献   

Using the Investors' Intelligence sentiment index, we employ a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity-in-mean specification to test the impact of noise trader risk on both the formation of conditional volatility and expected return as suggested by De Long et al. [Journal of Political Economy 98 (1990) 703]. Our empirical results show that sentiment is a systematic risk that is priced. Excess returns are contemporaneously positively correlated with shifts in sentiment. Moreover, the magnitude of bullish (bearish) changes in sentiment leads to downward (upward) revisions in volatility and higher (lower) future excess returns.  相似文献   

Investor sentiment has become an important factor affecting oil price volatility and extreme risk. Therefore, we utilise a VaR-GARCH model to detect the extreme risk of the crude oil market during 2007–2017, and then explore the causality between investor sentiment and extreme risk in the crude oil market, and their lead-lag and co-movement relationships in the time-frequency domain. The empirical results show that: firstly, investor sentiment leads downside risk but lags the upside risk in the crude oil market; secondly, in the time domain, there is a co-movement between investor sentiment and extreme risk in the crude oil market, in particular, investor sentiment may Granger cause extreme risk in the crude oil market at the 1% significance level but not vice versa; thirdly, in the frequency domain, weak coherence can be found in high-frequency bands but increases in low-frequency bands during the whole sample period, which indicates that the impact of investor sentiment on extreme risk in the crude oil market will last for a long time, although the affected period tends to decrease.  相似文献   

A study of investor behavior, using four investor groups (local, foreign, institutional, and dealer's accounts) on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). The daily net purchases of each group are used as leading indicators for sentiment. The sentiments are examined with relation to each other and market returns. Eight proven macroeconomic factors with known cross-sectional relationships and known to forecast with returns are examined as a benchmark for the newly proposed sentiment factor model. Retesting the factors allows for an apples to apples comparison with the proposed sentiment factors. Using a VAR framework this research finds that dealers predominantly sell to institutional accounts, creating a negative correlation between the two groups, in addition to strong institutional herding which is all indicative of potential agency problems on the exchange. Also find that local individual accounts practice negative feedback trading and the other groups practice positive feedback trading. Of the four groups, the only group that influences the SET is the local individual group of investors. The foreign investor is found to be the least significant group on market returns, provide market liquidity to locals, and be the least responsive to daily market changes-following the prudent man rule. Lastly, propose a simple model, using investor behavior to accurately predict the market's direction for the following day 76 percent of the time with market timing ability (66 percent in Malaysia). This can be useful for buying and shorting the market.  相似文献   

The short of it: Investor sentiment and anomalies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study explores the role of investor sentiment in a broad set of anomalies in cross-sectional stock returns. We consider a setting in which the presence of market-wide sentiment is combined with the argument that overpricing should be more prevalent than underpricing, due to short-sale impediments. Long-short strategies that exploit the anomalies exhibit profits consistent with this setting. First, each anomaly is stronger (its long-short strategy is more profitable) following high levels of sentiment. Second, the short leg of each strategy is more profitable following high sentiment. Finally, sentiment exhibits no relation to returns on the long legs of the strategies.  相似文献   

2011年8月以来,CPI同比涨幅持续回落,全年CPI上涨5.4%。从2012年物价走势看,受政策滞后效应和上年同期基数效应影响,上半年物价有望延续回落趋势,而随着政策微调和宏观经济回升,下半年物价重拾升势的可能性较大。预计2012年全年CPI涨幅为3.6%左右。综合考虑我国工业化发展阶段、刘易斯拐点与资源品价格市场化改革等因素来看,中长期内物价仍存在上涨压力。  相似文献   

证券投资基金根据组织形式的不同,可以分为公司型基金和契约型基金。目前,公司型基金在我国的立法和实践中尚未得到认可。但从整个国际趋势来看,公司型基金是一种不可或缺的主要基金组织形式,其在美国、英国、日本等国家都有了迅速而健全的发展。其中日本在1998年导入被称为证券投资法人的公司型投资基金制度,2000年又将其修改为投资法人制度,弥补了单一基金形式的不足,极大地促进了基金品种的创新,更全面地保护了投资者的利益。投资法人制度与其原有的契约型投资基金制度共同推动着日本投资基金业的发展。本文在考察分析日本投资法人制度的基础上,探讨该制度对当前我国《证券投资基金法》修改的借鉴意义以及在投资者保护方面的积极作用。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether and how futures market sentiment and stock market returns heterogeneously affect the trading activities of institutional investors in the spot market in Taiwan. Our empirical results suggest that foreign investors are net sellers whenever futures market sentiment is bullish and net buyers when investor sentiment is bearish. The two types of domestic institutional investors have poor sentiment timing abilities and the price-pressure effect may account for the behavioral differences among institutional investors. In addition, all three institutional investors are momentum traders. Nevertheless, the momentum trading of foreigners is consistent with an information-based model and that of two local institutional investors, as behavior-based models suggest. This indicates that the same trading momentum strategy can lead to different outcomes for different investors, and both information- and behavior-based momentum trading can exist contemporaneously in the Taiwanese stock market.  相似文献   

Using a sample of countries that require timely disclosures of insider trades, I investigate the effect of country‐level institutions that promote transparency on the extent to which aggregate insider trades predict market returns. I find that financial information transparency mitigates the predictive content of aggregate insider trades when markets are more likely to deviate from fundamentals (i.e., during market fads), and when there is greater co‐movement in stock prices. In contrast, there is some evidence that governance and investor protection mitigate the association between aggregate insider trades and future earnings surprises. Hence, holding constant the timely disclosures of insider trades, other capital market institutions play complementary roles in mitigating the informational frictions that give rise to the predictive content of aggregate insider trades.  相似文献   


Although extensive literature has suggested that investor sentiment may be one of the most important factors in explaining investor trading frequency and trading strategies, how individual investors are significantly influenced by sentiment remains underexplored. The feature of numerous individual investors in the Taiwan stock market provides an avenue to examine the relationship of investor sentiment to trading frequency and positive-feedback trading according to intraday data. Using a vector autoregression model to measure feedback trading in one-minute intervals, we find that trading frequency appears to increase in periods of rising market, suggesting that investor sentiment–driven trading increases market trading frequency without relying on past experiences to conduct trading behavior.  相似文献   

This study examines the inferential bias due to the failure to control for self-selection when studying the market's reaction to management earnings forecasts. The analysis is conducted by controlling for self-selection and comparing the results to those obtained when self-selection is not controlled. This comparison suggests that the overall inference of a market reaction to the management forecast issuance does not change. However, the statistical significance declines when self-selection is considered. Since the issuance of a management forecast is an obvious self-selection, the results of this study suggest that self-selection should be considered and evaluated in quasi-experimental studies in accounting and finance.  相似文献   

Several empirical studies reveal that holidays generally create positive sentiment in the stock market, whereas negative events, such as wars or disasters, are accompanied by negative sentiment. However, what happens if a negative event occurs on a holiday? In such a case, we expect two conflicting sentiment effects, which may cancel one another out or, alternatively, one effect may dominate the other. The stock market in Israel provides a unique laboratory in which to test these two conflicting effects, as Israel faced a horrible war on the Yom Kippur holiday in 1973—a war whose influence is still strongly felt today. Indeed, we find two robust effects: A strong and significant positive holiday sentiment effect; and a negative war sentiment effect, which dominates the positive holiday effect. These results, which show how sentiment effects are created, are general and can easily be applied to other events and other markets when conflicting sentiment effects occur.  相似文献   

This article empirically explores the effects of oil price on the Korean economy using a Global VAR model. First, we evaluate the average connectedness of oil price with the Korean domestic variables over the precrisis period. We then investigate the time-varying contribution of oil price to the Korean financial and real sectors during and after the global financial crisis through recursive estimation. It is found that the contribution of oil price becomes very large in the case of real exports, equity prices, and real output, but plays a much less prevalent role in the remaining cases. In the meantime, the time-varying contribution of oil price to the Korean economy has not changed during and after the global financial crisis. Interestingly, we find that the Korean economy is affected mostly by overseas financial conditions in the short-term but it becomes more susceptible to oil price fluctuations in the long run, suggesting that Korea’s reliance on energy imports leaves the economy exposed to volatility in energy prices.  相似文献   

This paper examines the performance of a 'composite' model of earnings prediction that integrates current earnings and current price as predictors of next year's earnings. The results show that current earnings (current price) play a key role in predicting future earnings when the ratio of earnings variance to price variance is low (high). The composite model is superior to univariate time-series models in out-of-sample predictive accuracy for the overall sample, and is substantially so for the group of firms with a high ratio of earnings variance to price variance.  相似文献   

Prior research demonstrates that a strong institutional infrastructure in a country moderates self‐serving behavior of market participants. Cross‐country economic activities have increased significantly, presenting a research opportunity to examine the relative influence of local versus foreign institutional infrastructure on individual market participants. We utilize variation in analyst‐country location relative to covered firm location to examine institutional determinants of optimism in analyst research. Focusing on target prices, where persistent optimism is well documented, we find that analysts domiciled in countries with stronger institutional infrastructures exhibit significantly attenuated target price optimism and more value‐relevant target prices. Our results demonstrate the importance of domestic country‐level institutional factors in moderating self‐serving behavior of market participants engaged in cross‐country activities.  相似文献   

The intertemporal risk-return relation and investor behavior are both important pricing factors that jointly determine the expected market risk premium. Using the price adjustment process as a control variable, we find that the intertemporal risk-return relation is positive conditional on bad market news, but is non-positive conditional on good market news. This implies that good (bad) market news weakens (strengthens) the positive risk-return relation. The pattern in the distortion of the risk-return relation is consistent with short-term mispricing in which investors overvalue (undervalue) the stock market in reaction to good (bad) market news. We also show that ignoring the price adjustment process in the estimation of the risk-return relation leads to model misspecification and induces an upward (downward) bias in estimates of the relative risk aversion parameter conditional on good (bad) news. Our model of the asymmetric risk-return relation along with the price adjustment process is capable of generating the return dynamics that is attributable to technical trading profits. We suggest that the profitability of technical trading rules is not a violation of market efficiency, but a consequence of trading rules exploiting the asymmetric effect of price changes on the risk-return relation, along with the persistence property of price changes.  相似文献   

潜力  龚之晨 《金融论坛》2021,26(2):47-58
本文通过雪球网数据构建投资者网络沟通质量指标,并结合分析师预测特色数据,实证检验投资者网络沟通行为对股价同步性及特质性波动的影响。研究发现:网络沟通与股价同步性之间呈U形非线性关系,而与股价的特质性波动呈正相关;分析师预测特色数据通过投资者网络沟通行为进入股票市场,其中网络沟通质量与分析师乐观度的交互项同股价同步性呈负相关,而与股票特质性波动呈正相关。进一步细分市场发现,投资者网络沟通在牛市和熊市中对于股价同步性及特质性波动的影响是非对称的。  相似文献   

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