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This study uses data from the 2009 and 2012 waves of the National Financial Capability Study to examine the effects of neighborhood characteristics on financial literacy. Controlling for individual characteristics, multivariate regression analysis shows that a zip code's education level has a significant impact on financial literacy. This finding is consistent with social learning as a mechanism of financial knowledge acquisition, with neighborhood education serving as a proxy for the level of financial knowledge of one's social network. Although social effects are not the only possible explanation for this finding, the result is robust even after controlling for a host of other factors such as getting advice from financial professionals, receiving financial education, and living in a zip code with greater employment in the financial industry. This study additionally documents that zip code education effects are present with various savings and credit measures.  相似文献   

随着美国住房价格逐渐回落,利率不断上升,次贷的借款人越来越难以按期偿付贷款,导致次贷及相关的证券投资产品损失严重,一些贷款机构、投资银行、对冲基金纷纷出现巨额亏损,甚至倒闭,由房价引发次按贷危机的爆发。次按贷危机暴露出评级机构对结构性金融产品信用评估体制上的缺陷和中间人的道德风险严重。次按贷危机对全球各种金融产品价格产生很大的冲击.并从各个方面都对全球经济产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

This study investigates whether financial performance is affected by corporate violations of laws and regulations. In a sample of 128 publicly traded banks that were subject to enforcement actions by US regulatory authorities over a 20-year period, we observed a significant negative market reaction pursuant to the violations. However, the market reaction did not vary meaningfully in accordance with the severity or repetitiveness of the violation. The results of this study are in conformity with previous research on industries other than banking, notably with regard to negative market reaction. This confirms that shareholders in the banking industry react in a manner considerably similar to their counterparts in other industries.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the role of local factors associated with the financial literacy of Italian adults (no. 945). Using a multilevel regression model, together with the common socioeconomic and sociodemographic variables already used in previous studies, we also add certain environmental variables at the local level. We separately analyze the three indexes that define the OECD financial literacy index—Financial Attitude Index (FAI), Financial Knowledge Index (FKI), and Financial Behavior Index (FBI)—because they show a dynamic of their own in each region. Our findings confirm that the FKI and the FAI are associated to some extent with environmental traits, while the FBI is not. We conclude that not only the sociodemographic and socioeconomic conditions of individuals but also certain features of the regional context where they live have an impact on their financial literacy. Consequences for financial education programs are highlighted.  相似文献   

We examined financial literacy among the young using the most recent wave of the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. We showed that financial literacy is low; fewer than one-third of young adults possess basic knowledge of interest rates, inflation and risk diversification. Financial literacy was strongly related to sociodemographic characteristics and family financial sophistication. Specifically, a college-educated male whose parents had stocks and retirement savings was about 45 percentage points more likely to know about risk diversification than a female with less than a high school education whose parents were not wealthy.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a controlled field experiment designed to estimate the short‐term effects of a 45‐minute financial education program on the financial literacy and savings behavior of children in Dutch primary schools. Among fifth and sixth graders, the program led to a pre‐ to posttest improvement in financial literacy on almost one of eight questions, with about one‐third of the increase in correctness attributable to the program. It also raised the probability of willingness to save by 4 percentage points. Nonetheless, whereas the program appears effective in respect to questions that explicitly address program content, its significant effects on financial literacy seem primarily driven by the results for girls, although we cannot reject homogeneous treatment effects with respect to gender.  相似文献   

景区决策者过度自信对旅游供应链运作的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

金融素养是近年来消费者金融研究的一个新兴领域,这不仅仅是消费者金融知识的积累,更是消费者进行金融实践的指向标,能够促使消费者做出正确的金融决策并实现其财产的保值升值。文章以西宁市为例,通过问卷调查分析发现居民家庭金融素养的总体水平偏低,金融知识匮乏,缺少必备的金融技能,并针对此问题提出相关对策。  相似文献   

美国次贷危机及其引发的会计计量改革与争论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了美国次贷危机的发生发展过程,对次贷危机引发的公允价值会计计量模式与会计改革争论进行了说明与探讨。本文认为公允价值会计在金融产品价值信息披露方面具有不可替代的作用。最后简要分析了公允价值的计量层次和会计计量如何恰当应用。  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest in and funding for financial literacy and financial education programs in the private and public sectors, the field of financial literacy still has a major obstacle to overcome: the lack of a widely disseminated measure of financial literacy, developed through rigorous psychometric analyses. In this article, we develop such a measure, focusing specifically on financial knowledge. Using item response theory (IRT), we analyze items from three national surveys, resulting in a psychometrically sound 20‐item financial knowledge scale. By using IRT, the current analysis uses individuals' answers to inform which questions to include in the scale in the first place, rather than simply confirming relationships between these answers and other financially relevant outcomes post hoc. Widespread use of this index and the continued use of modern psychometric techniques would allow for the comparison of financial knowledge, measured consistently and reliably, across studies, populations, and programs.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to test the notion that the use of digital payment methods, such as paying with a mobile phone, increases the risk of financial vulnerability. Research from the USA indicates such a relationship, and we study whether this finding can be generalized to other countries. Motivated by recent changes in EU legislation related to financial transactions, we also examine willingness to use social media companies for money transfers along with sharing bank account information with third-party financial services. Exploiting data collected from a representative sample of the Norwegian adult population (n?=?2202), we identify differences in financial behaviour and characteristics between users and nonusers of different digital payment methods. In contrast to US studies, we find that mobile payment users were less financially vulnerable than nonusers and those women were more likely users of digital payment technologies than men. Younger generations and those with low financial literacy were more financially vulnerable than others, although we did not find this to be related to the use of mobile payment or other digital payment methods. The results show that there is a need for more research from different countries outside of the USA to obtain an understanding of the consequences of increased digitalization of financial services. In addition, as COVID-19 has shifted a vast amount of spending online and these newer payment technologies have become more available, we need to gain a better understanding of how they influence financial behaviour.


This study investigated the effects of a financial education program on high school students' knowledge of personal finance. A comparison of pretest and posttest scores achieved on a reliable and valid thirty-item instrument suggested that the Financing Your Future curriculum increased financial knowledge across many concepts. The scores increased regardless of the course in which the curriculum was used and across student characteristics. The assessment contributes to the growing literature showing that a well-specified and properly implemented program in financial education can positively and significantly influence the financial knowledge of high school students.  相似文献   

公司金融中介理论综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司金融中介行为指公司销售商品,同时允许买者在未来的一个时期延期付款的经济现象。公司金融中介理论包含:金融优势论;降低交易成本论和质量保证论。公司金融中介行为的货币交易中介功能可能弱化货币政策的有效性。高度依赖于公司金融中介行为的国家存在较高的产出增长率,这主要来自于现存的企业增长,而不是公司数目的增长。次贷危机下公司金融中介存在放大和缩小危机机制。公司金融中介危机是次贷危机的衍生发展,为此,政府应该直接向相关公司提供信用担保。  相似文献   

吴琼 《市场研究》2005,(7):14-16
Tweens,源自teens和between的合成词,意为刚刚步入青少年时期的新新人类,本所写的“职场Tweens”指刚刚迈入工作岗位的职场新人(工作年限两年之内)。有别于未工作的年轻人,他们开始真正接触社会,为自己的职业生涯铺下第一块砖;有别于工作多年的老员工,他们的价值观还未定型,变数尚多。年龄和社会角色的差异使这一群体有自己独特的化与消费特征。  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of the effectiveness of the US unilateral trade and financial sanctions on Iran. To assess the trade sanctions’ effect, the US–Iran historical trade data are examined, and the economic cost of trade sanctions is measured by applying the concept of welfare loss. The financial sanctions’ impacts are evaluated by assessing the extra charges Iran has paid on its foreign debt obligations and for financing its oil development projects. At the end, the efficacy of the US sanctions policy towards Iran is evaluated. It is found that the financial sanctions have had a more powerful impact than the trade sanctions. The analysis also shows that the unilateral import sanctions on the fungible crude oil have been ineffective. It is concluded that, overall, the sanctions’ economic effect has been significant, while its political effect has been minimal. This article suggests that targeting the sanctions towards the ruling clergy can improve their effectiveness while lessening their side effects on the Iranian population. Precise smart sanctions to force the ruling clerics to step down will calm down Islamic fundamentalisms throughout the region and will contribute to peace and better relations with the West.  相似文献   

目前,美国金融危机所产生的影响仍未消除,对外开放程度越高的国家受到的影响越严重。金融危机包括货币危机、外债危机、银行业危机以及资本市场危机,四种危机之间相互感染,通过金融、贸易、心理等渠道将其传导到不同的地理空间及市场或领域之中。危机的传导在时间和空间上是同步进行的,并产生"连锁反应",对世界各国的影响极为严重。世界各国应健全金融法规,加强投资者的教育,并加大各国之间的经济交流,以更好的防范金融危机,共谋世界经济平稳健康地发展。  相似文献   

Although the effect of knowledge miscalibration (i.e., the inaccuracy in subjective knowledge relative to objective knowledge) on consumer purchase decisions has been investigated, its effect in the usage stage of consumption is little understood. This paper examines the effect of knowledge miscalibration in terms of both overconfidence (i.e., when subjective knowledge is inflated) and underconfidence (i.e., when subjective knowledge is deflated) on the dimensions of consumer value (i.e., efficiency, excellence, play, and aesthetics). The paper makes the case that overconfidence and underconfidence should be treated separately as they trigger different consumption consequences. Several hypotheses are tested through two studies: a covariance‐based study (Study 1) and an experimental study (Study 2). In Study 1, overconfidence and underconfidence are measured, while in Study 2 they are experimentally manipulated. Findings of both studies show that underconfidence negatively influences efficiency, excellence, and aesthetics, and overconfidence negatively influences play. Also, Study 1 finds a negative effect of underconfidence on play and Study 2 finds a negative effect of overconfidence on excellence and aesthetics. Findings reveal that knowledge miscalibration negatively impacts consumers’ usage experiences. This implies that in designing product or service experiences suppliers benefit from ensuring that consumers achieve a reduced level of knowledge miscalibration.  相似文献   

苏岚岚  孔荣 《财贸研究》2021,32(7):42-55,110
探索性构建了要素流动视角下金融素养—农地转入—农地抵押融资的理论框架,阐释了农民金融素养、农地转入与农地抵押融资交易之间的关联机理,采用陕西、宁夏、山东农地经营权抵押贷款试点地区1947户农户调查数据,运用工具变量法实证探究了金融素养对农民农地转入和农地抵押融资交易的影响,并运用中介效应模型实证检验了农地转入在金融素养影响农民农地抵押融资交易关系中的中介作用.研究结果表明,金融素养对农民农地转入参与及其规模、农地抵押融资参与及其规模均发挥显著促进作用.研究还证实,农地转入规模显著促进农民农地抵押融资交易,且在金融素养影响农民农地抵押融资关系中具有部分中介作用.据此提出系统推进农民金融素养培育工程、协调深化农地经营权流转改革和抵押融资改革等政策建议.  相似文献   

During the Asian financial crisis, the exchange rate of Thai baht against U.S. dollar grew by 17%. The rate of Korean won against U.S. dollar skyrocketed to a record high of 1008:1 and that of Indonesian rupi-ah against dollar even crossed the 10000:1 mark. However, after the international financial crisis broke out in 2008, the dol-lar index turned out to rise dramatically. On November 21, 2008, the dollar index reached 88 points, rising by 23.3% over the 71 points on April 22, 2008. Conven-tional wisdom is that a currency should depreciate when the economic fundamen-tals are in a downturn. Then how do we explain the substantial appreciation of the U.S. dollar?  相似文献   

We examine financial literacy and the returns to financial literacy education, specifically focusing on the racial financial literacy gap. We confirm evidence that whites have higher financial literacy scores relative to minorities and that financial literacy increases with participation in financial literacy education. However, we find the benefit of participation in financial literacy education is higher for whites than that for minorities. Thus, the impact of being white alone persists, indicating a racial financial literacy and/or behavioral difference despite financial literacy education. Our findings have implications for policymakers interested in narrowing the racial wealth gap via financial literacy education.  相似文献   

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