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Abstract:   Boudry and Gray (2003) have documented that the optimal buy‐and‐hold demand for Australian stocks is not necessarily increasing in the investment horizon when returns are predictable. Such finding is in contrast with Barberis (2000) who shows that positive monotonic horizon effects predominate for US stocks. Using a closed‐form approximation to the asset allocation problem, this paper relates the return dynamics to the investor's portfolio choice for different investment horizons. In the special case of a single risky asset, it is shown that return predictability under stationarity may induce both positive and negative horizon effects in the optimal allocation to the risky asset. The paper extends previous empirical results by solving for the optimal portfolio when two risky assets with predictable returns are available for investment.  相似文献   

Insider Trading, Investment, and Liquidity: A Welfare Analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We compare equilibrium trading outcomes with and without participation by an informed insider, assuming inflexible ex ante aggregate investment choices by agents. Noise trading arises from aggregate uncertainty regarding other agents' intertemporal consumption preferences. The welfare levels of outsiders can thus be ascertained. The allocations without insider trading are not ex ante Pareto efficient, because our model differs from standard ones with negative exponential utility functions and normal returns. We characterize the circumstances under which the revelation of payoff-relevant information via prices—arising from insider trading—benefits outsiders with stochastic liquidity needs, by improving risk-sharing among them.  相似文献   

Real estate investment trust (REIT) provides a unique laboratory to study the relation between insider ownership and firm value. One, a REIT has to satisfy special regulations which weaken alternative mechanisms to control agency problems. Empirically, I find a significant and robust nonlinear relation between Tobin's Q and REIT insider ownership that is consistent with the trade-off between the incentive alignment and the entrenchment effect of insider ownership. Two, many REITs are Umbrella Partnership REITs (UPREITs) which have dual ownership structure. They have both common shares and Operating Partnership Units (OP units). Property owners can contribute their properties to the UPREIT in exchange for OP units. Their capital gains taxes remain deferred as long as they hold onto their OP units and the UPREIT does not sell the properties they contributed. OP units owners are locked in with the firm and have incentive to monitor firm management, but their interests diverge from the common shareholders because their tax bases are much lower. Consistent with the trade-off between positive monitoring effect of OP units and tax-induced agency costs, I find that UPREIT's firm value increases with the fraction of OP units, but the effect is significantly weaker for the UPREITs where insiders hold OP units.  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid in the literature to the impact of different investment horizons on the portfolio compositiondespite its importance to portfolio managers. One exception isthe study by Gunthorpe and Levy (1994) on the U.S. stock market.Our paper extends the same study to the stock markets of Japan,Hong Kong and Korea. Using 40 individual stocks in each market,our results support those of Gunthorpe and Levy (1994) in thatthe composition of an optimal portfolio depends heavily on theinvestment horizon. When the investment horizon lengthens, theproportion of defensive stocks becomes larger while that ofaggressive stocks becomes smaller.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the questions of dynamic portfolio selection and intertemporal hedging within a Markovian regime‐switching framework. The investment opportunity set is spanned by a well‐diversified home‐market portfolio and the risk‐free asset. Our results highlight the economic importance of regimes, as optimal portfolio weights are clearly dependent on the prevailing regime. We present evidence that the question of intertemporal hedging is a more complex issue than is hinted in the previous literature, since demand for intertemporal hedging is present in some regimes, but not in others. Finally, our main findings are qualitatively unchanged across the four largest stock markets in the world.  相似文献   

This paper presents a three‐period model featuring a short‐term investor in the over‐the‐counter bond market. A short‐term investor stores cash because of a need to pay cash at some future date. If a short‐term investor buys bonds, then a deadline for retrieving cash lowers the resale price of bonds for the investor through bilateral bargaining in the bond market. Ex‐ante, this hold‐up problem explains the use of a repo by a short‐term investor, the existence of a haircut, and the vulnerability of a repo market to counterparty risk. This result holds without any uncertainty about bond returns or asymmetric information.  相似文献   

We revisit the information content of stock trading by corporate insiders with an expectation that opportunistic insiders will spread their trades over longer periods of time when they have a longer-lived informational advantage, and trade in a short window of time when their advantage is fleeting. Controlling for the duration of insiders' trading strategies, we find robust new evidence that both insiders' sales and purchases predict abnormal stock returns. In addition, we provide evidence that insiders attempt to preserve their informational advantages and increase their trading profits by disclosing their trades after the market has closed. When insiders report their trades after business hours, they are more likely to engage in longer series of trades, they trade more shares overall, and their trades are associated with larger abnormal returns. Finally, we show how accounting for these trading patterns sharpens screens for corporate insiders who trade on infor- mation.  相似文献   

<正>从事股票交易的人都知道,他投资的公司任何可能影响股票价格的动态都是极其宝贵的,因为它或是带来丰厚的利润,或是造成巨大的损失。因此,股票持有人要随时把握公司的财政动态,及时买入或卖出股票。但是,如果有人利用工作之  相似文献   

We examine the weekly trading activities of institutional investors in the Korean stock market. First, we find that average net trades by institutional investors this week are negatively related to one-week lagged returns, suggesting that they could be contrarian traders. Second, our finding shows that institutional investors’ net trades this week are positively related to the net trades next week, consistent with persistent trading and/or herding behavior. Third, we find that institutional net trades are positively related to the post one-week returns. Finally, our findings are most pronounced in the group of short-term institutional investors.  相似文献   

Insider trading in the credit derivatives market has become a significant concern for regulators and participants. This paper attempts to quantify the problem. Using news reflected in the stock market as a benchmark for public information, we find significant incremental information revelation in the credit default swap market under circumstances consistent with the use of non-public information by informed banks. The information revelation occurs only for negative credit news and for entities that subsequently experience adverse shocks, and increases with the number of a firm's relationship banks. We find no evidence, however, that the degree of asymmetric information adversely affects prices or liquidity in either the equity or credit markets.  相似文献   

We derive conditions under which permitting manager “insiders” to trade on personal account increases the equilibrium level of output and the welfare of shareholders. These increases are produced by two effects of insider trading. First, insider trading impounds information about hidden managerial actions into asset prices. This impounding of information allows shareholders to make better personal portfolio-allocation decisions. Second, allowing insider trading can induce managers to increase, on average, the correlation between their personal wealth and firm value beyond the level dictated by the employment relationship alone. This increased correlation increases managerial incentives. When these two effects are only weakly present, permitting insider trading harms shareholders, because insider trading reduces shareholder control over the performance–compensation relationship. In addition, when managerial effort incentives are high and corporate governance costs are low, managers may prefer insider-trading restrictions because such restrictions force shareholders to offer them a larger fraction of output through the employment relationship.  相似文献   

New Horizon     
Sichuan Meifeng Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., ZOOMLION Heavy Industry & Science, Cathay Industrial Biotech Ltd., Goldwind Science and Technology Co., Ltd., KingsoftCorporation Limited, Shineway Group, SinoCells BioTechnologies Co., Ltd, Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited., Jiangsu Yanshen Biological Technology Stock Co., Ltd., Tianhe Titanium Industry Co., Ltd., etc., the majority of them have became the representative of Chinese excellent enterprises, no matter from the aspect of outstanding achievement, industrial leadership, management level, or development potential.  相似文献   

Insider Trading and Earnings Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  This paper analyzes the relationship between earnings management and insider trading, specifically investigating whether discretionary accruals are related to insider trading and valuation. We find strong evidence of insiders managing earnings downward when buying and managing earnings upward when selling. On the marginal basis, value (high book-to-market value) firms manage their earnings upward compared to growth (low book-to-market value) firms, consistent with a signaling hypothesis. However, the opposite is true on the average basis, consistent with an opportunistic hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper is a continuous time version of Holden and Subrahmanyam (Economics Letters 44 (1994) 181). The paper extends Kyle (Econometrica 53 (1985) 1315) by introducing risk aversion on the side of the monopolist informed trader and allows for the liquidity traders instantaneous demand to depend on cost of trading, as well as on the risk of the stock. The main result of the paper is that, in equilibrium, the price pressure decreases with time regardless of the elasticity of the liquidity demand function.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether insiders in loss firms trade their company stock differentially around new loss and loss reversal earnings announcements. Research suggests that the likelihood of litigation influences managers' stock trading decisions prior to material events. I hypothesize and find that insiders reduce their net stock sales in a monotonic manner before a new loss announcement presumably to avoid improper trading allegations before bad news. This decrease is more pronounced if the new loss is the start of a multiple loss sequence. In contrast, there is no significant change in net trading patterns in the quarters prior to a loss reversal announcement irrespective of whether the loss reversal is the start of a single profit or multiple profit sequence indicating that insiders seem less concerned about legal implications when trading before good news. The results suggest that insiders in loss firms perceive asymmetric litigation risks to trading stock in the quarters before bad news relative to good news and act accordingly.  相似文献   

Insiders with nonpublic information that their firms are acquisition targets can profit by purchasing their firms' stock or by delaying planned sales of their firms' stock. Under current securities laws, insiders who execute the former strategy expose themselves to civil and criminal liability, whereas insiders who execute the latter strategy do not. Using a sample of bank mergers, we find that target bank insiders significantly decrease both share purchases and share sales before merger announcements. These findings suggest that securities laws effectively deter some forms of illegal insider trading and that insiders exploit opportunities to profit legally from nonpublic information.  相似文献   

我国上市公司中屡见不鲜的一个问题是内部人控制现象。现代企业理论认为,所有与经营(内部人)之间实质上是一种委托代理关系,双方作为理性的经济人具有不同的效用目标,都力图使自己获得最大效用。当所有缺位或其目标非理性时,来自公司外部的和内部的对经营  相似文献   

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