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This paper constructed a pricing model for the asset with multi‐risks by specifying the risky factors (i.e., interest rate and termination hazard rates) to follow gamma distributions. The model not only avoids the possibility of the termination hazard rate taking an irrational (i.e., negative) value, but it also makes it easier to derive a valuation formula for a risky asset. Our model can also effortless apply because the parameters of the gamma distribution can easily be estimated from market data. An example using Taiwanese bond data illustrates how the model can be utilized for practical applications. To facilitate understanding of how accurately the different models price risky bonds, we compare their out‐of‐sample pricing errors for different hazard rate specifications assuming normal and gamma distributions. The results show that our pricing formula is realistic and accurate in its applications. Therefore, it should help market participants to accurately price risky assets and to effectively manage complicated portfolios.  相似文献   

The allocation of financial assets among securities with different levels of risk is an essential topic in the study, analysis, and strategic use of derivative securities and markets. In a recent paper, Browne (1999) determined the optimal allocation strategy for dividing investments between a risky stock and a risky bond. In this note, Browne's equation determining the optimal strategy is studied and some methods are described for solving it. In addition, some useful rules‐of‐thumb, computational methods, and approximation techniques are presented. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 21:1181–1196, 2001  相似文献   

随着中国经济金融化程度的不断加深,金融资产已经成为实体企业资产的重要组成部分,对企业价值的创造具有重要影响.本文以2007-2016年中国A股非金融上市公司为研究样本,通过构建不同持有动机下的计量模型,实证分析金融资产配置与企业价值之间的关系.研究结果表明,企业金融资产配置在整体上显著降低了企业价值,对于融资约束程度不同的公司,企业金融资产比重与企业价值之间并不存在显著相关关系;而对于市场套利动机越强的公司而言,企业金融资产比重与企业价值之间的负向相关关系越显著.进一步研究发现,企业配置金融资产对研发投入和资本投资产生“挤出效应”,而且显著抑制了企业经营业务全要素生产率的提升.最后,本文针对“脱实入虚”“实体部门金融化”等现象从政府和企业两个层面提出了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to extend research which has looked at moral judgment. Specifically, the study examines the impact of moral judgment on the budget allocations made by government budget officers. Additionally, and as a result of previous research findings, the study looks at the relationship between political ideology, gender, age, profession and moral judgment.Results support prior research which has found an association between political ideology and moral judgment, and between gender and moral judgment.There was no indication that the level of moral judgment among accountants is different from that of other individuals serving as budget officers, or that age is significantly related to moral judgment. Additionally, the study finds that an individual's level of moral judgment has less of an impact on the individual's actions than does political ideology. Study results contribute to an understanding of the relationship of moral judgment to accounting, and the relationship of moral judgment to behavior. The study also adds to research into the relationship of political ideology and moral judgment.  相似文献   


This article reports the findings of a study of heavy equipment distributors and their decision criteria for purchasing a critical add-on attachment. A key question is the extent to which basic value is the controlling factor, in comparison with value-adding services and capabilities. When customers are segmented according to their importance ratings for price and quality, significant differences in purchase decision patterns are observed. Implications for marketing strategy and tactics are discussed.  相似文献   

基于资产专有性的企业控制权配置   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主流的西方企业理论从资产专用性角度来研究企业控制权分配,无法很好解释企业控制权分配与企业参与者收益之间的相互关系.本文认为资产专用性和专有性是资产的二重性,资产专有性才是企业控制权的源泉,企业内部控制权在物质资本所有者与人力资本所有者之间分配取决于两者资产的专有性强弱,而不同资产所有者对企业控制权的实现形式取决于其资产拥有者行使控制权所获得收益和付出的成本大小.  相似文献   

我国推行普惠金融政策的初衷是给中小微弱提供有效的金融服务,提高微弱经济的活力,然而金融市场不完善以及中小企业自身局限性导致中小企业可能将政策扶持资金投资到不同类型金融资产.资产配置有效性对普惠金融政策实施效果至关重要.通过对关键词普惠金融在各个省政府信息公开平台的搜索,我们创新性地构建了普惠金融政策指标,并利用我国新三板2007-2017年的企业数据,探讨了普惠金融政策下中小企业金融资产配置有效性.研究发现,在地方政府推行普惠金融政策后,中小企业减少了安全金融资产的配置,提高了风险金融资产的配置.中小企业提高风险金融资产的配置对企业正常经营形成挤出,本末倒置的资源配置行为使普惠金融政策产生扭曲.进一步研究普惠金融政策扭曲过程中的金融环境传导路径和企业内部传导路径发现,市场分配经济资源比重越低、银行活跃程度越低、中小企业盈利能力越弱以及企业自身信用水平越低,则普惠金融政策扭曲越严重.本文从金融资产配置的角度为普惠金融政策实施有效性提供了直接证据,为政府引导企业脱虚向实,优化资源配置提供了理论参考,同时也丰富了宏观政策与微观企业行为的研究.  相似文献   

分析比较了中国大陆、日本和台湾地区婚姻状态改变(有偶率下降)、有偶率下降速度、TFR达到更替水平时的有偶率水平的异同.分析了有偶率变动对生育水平的影响.目前的生育小高峰很可能已被有偶率的下降所抵消,有偶率下降已成为影响我国人口均衡发展的重要因素并为人口政策的调整留出了足够的空间.  相似文献   

以中老年人群为研究对象,运用CHARLS数据,构建金融资产选择因素模型,重点研究计算能力和记忆力度量的认知能力与社会互动水平对家庭金融资产配置的影响.结果表明:由于风险金融资产的高信息密度,基础数学计算能力对风险金融资产持有的影响并不显著,但记忆力无论在全样本还是区分人群样本中均显著促进了家庭金融资产的配置;与内在的认知能力相比,外在的社会互动对家庭金融资产配置的促进作用更加明显,特别是老年家庭的风险资产持有.该结论对不断完善资本市场、加强养老保障体制中“社区养老文化”建设、普及金融素养教育以及金融机构养老理财产品的设计具有很强的现实意义.  相似文献   

上世纪末,国家为了处置国有商业银行不良资产、促进国有银行和国有企业改革,先后成立了信达、华融、东方、长城四家金融资产管理公司。经过10多年的运营,银行资产质量显著改善,为改制上市和提升盈利能力创造了条件。新的时期,随着金融资产管理公司政策性使命的结束,四家资产管理公司已开始了商业化转型。其发展方向主要是以资产管理业务为主,开展以投资银行、金融租赁、担保、信托、期货等业务为依托的综合性金融业务,逐步向金融控股公司的目标迈进。  相似文献   

通过对新疆2013-2017年的居民家庭金融总资产以及投资和储蓄的分析,从宏观的家庭金融资产视角使用Markowitz的投资组合的均值-方差模型在风算预算的基础上,进一步计算出实际新疆居民每年应当用于储蓄或者用于投资与固定风险和较大风险的比例,即得出风险资产的配置,从而提高新疆居民的储蓄向投资的转化,加强居民金融资产的管理和风险资产的分配,提高居民的风险收益,为新疆居民家庭获取更多金融资产投资于风险性收入提供更好的政策建议。  相似文献   

以2000年全国人口普查资料1‰原始数据为基础,结合上海市闵行区独生子女调查资料,采用对数线性回归模型,定量分析了独生子女在年龄、教育、职业、行业、独生子女身份等方面的婚姻匹配状况。同类婚是独生子女婚配的主要形式,独生子女强化了门当户对的习俗。这种强化将对社会结构产生深刻影响,加深社会阶层之间的隔离,降低了社会开放度,但在一定程度上缓解了当前严格的一孩政策。  相似文献   

基金收益波动分为时间序列波动和横截面数据波动,两种波动下用BHB模型分别测算战略性资产配置因素(既不选时也不选股)、选时因素、选股因素对于开放式基金收益率的影响程度。实证结果显示:和国外成熟资本市场相比,我国开放式基金长期战略性资产配置水平相对偏低,选时、选股等短期投资波动的影响相对较大。  相似文献   

我国城镇独生子女婚姻匹配状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2000年全国人口普查资料1‰原始数据为基础,结合上海市闵行区独生子女调查资料,采用对数线性回归模型,定量分析了独生子女在年龄、教育、职业、行业、独生子女身份等方面的婚姻匹配状况.同类婚是独生子女婚配的主要形式,独生子女强化了"门当户对"的习俗.这种强化将对社会结构产生深刻影响,加深社会阶层之间的隔离,降低了社会开放度,但在一定程度上缓解了当前严格的一孩政策.  相似文献   

The recent rise of consumer virtual reality (VR) hardware raises important questions in the field of online marketing: what makes 3D VR more informative and playful than conventional 2D media such as a still image and a video, and how it affects the online purchase decision-making process. In this study, we mainly focus on three interface features—interactivity, visual–spatial cues, and graphics quality. We explore how each of these three interface features enhances playfulness and informativeness of shopping interface and further influences subsequent product evaluation and purchase intention. The results of the study provide two meaningful insights. First, interactivity and visual–spatial cues significantly enhance perceived informativeness and playfulness; however, the role of graphics quality was found to be more critical for 2D displays than for 3D VR environment. Second, informativeness and playfulness influence the purchase decision-making process in distinct ways. More specifically, a playful interface may enhance consumers' preference for hedonic product benefits (e.g., a stylish and attractive design), whereas informativeness is a more important explanatory variable for subsequent purchase intentions. We discuss the theoretical contribution and managerial insights the research provides for online retailers and designers.  相似文献   

This paper uses National Child Development Study data for a large cohort of British individuals, to explore the influence of education, inheritance and other background characteristics on the propensity to become self-employed; and also on subsequent success, as measured by job and wealth creation. For the first time, we study the effects of our regressor variables on our success measures via disaggregation of our sample by gender – and, in this way, reveal striking differences between the determinants of male and female entrepreneurial performance.  相似文献   

This study examines asset allocations of near‐elderly couples when spouses have different longevity expectations. Since the risk‐adjusted return on equities increases with investment horizon, a spouse who expects longer retirement period has an incentive to hold riskier portfolio. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study, we show that portfolio riskiness increases with the subjective survival probability of the decision‐making spouse. As predicted by the bargaining model, portfolio outcomes are uncorrelated with the horizon of the spouse who has less bargaining power. Results also show that the extent expected horizon is incorporated into asset allocation depends on the decider's gender. The share of equities depends on the husband's expected horizon when he leads decision making but not on the wife's horizon when she has more power. These findings contradict the prediction that wife‐led households may hold more equities than do husband‐led households because of their longer lifespan.  相似文献   

在实体经济“冷”与虚拟经济“热”的大背景下,中国实体企业投资于金融资产的比例快速提升,经济金融化格局正在加速形成。本文试图从金融部门的人力资本配置视角对实体企业金融资产配置的形成逻辑进行诠释。本文以人均受教育年限来衡量金融部门的人力资本配置,采用2008年经济普查微观数据库的数据构造地级市层面的度量指标,并匹配至2009—2018年非金融类上市公司进行实证检验。计量结果显示,金融部门的人力资本水平越高,实体企业金融资产配置越多,且该效应在信息不对称企业中尤为显著。进一步的机制检验发现,在金融部门人力资本提高的条件下,实体企业债务期限显著缩短,具体表现为短期负债增加而长期负债减少。本文研究结论表明,人力资本偏向金融部门增强了其在信贷合约中的市场势力,信贷供给短期化是实体企业金融化的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

我国资产证券化发展的现状与风险防范分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
证券化已成了世界现代经济生活中的普遍现象,对现代经济产生了巨大影响。我国从2005年12月起对银行业信贷资产进行证券化试点,正经受着"美国次贷危机"经验教训的洗礼。本文介绍了我国大陆在资产证券化领域近12年的摸索、讨论和试点情况,并在分析了资产证券化对我国金融体制建设的现实意义之后,提出了我国目前信贷资产证券化及资产支持证券风险防范的6个主要方面。  相似文献   

周晋  虞斌 《财经论丛》2015,(9):27-33
基于生命周期理论的长期资产配置模型是研究社会保障与居民家庭资产配置之间关系的重要框架,本文指出相关研究存在社会保障影响未完整体现、缺少居民家庭调查数据的直接支持等薄弱环节。因此,本文构建了引入社会保障、未来预期的单期模型,并进行问卷调查和统计分析,得到了丰富的结论。统计显示,显著多数的受访者对未来支出会有预期,并明显影响其资产配置决策;受访者预期未来支出的时间长度满足泊松分布,其预防性储蓄有一定的统计特征;受访者的未来预期和预防性储蓄决策受到多方面因素影响,且上海和其他地区户籍的受访者在若干相关性上存在明显差异。本文的主要创新之处在于构建了反映社会保障整体影响的长期资产配置模型,同时通过问卷调查提供了来自居民家庭实际数据的支持,揭示了影响其资产决策的多方面因素。  相似文献   

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