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武淑平 《江苏商论》2014,(10):11-14
产品伤害危机是企业危机中经常存在且最为致命的一种危机,其发生与企业内外部多种因素有关,这些因素伴随着产品伤害危机产生、发展的全部过程,从演变机理来看,这个过程构成了一个多米诺骨牌模型。产品伤害危机形成机理的多米诺骨牌模型为企业有效控制产品伤害危机的发生和扩展提供了有益的借鉴,根据该模型,企业可以从加强管理提升产品质量、积极主动承担一切责任、增强危机公关能力等方面对产品危机进行有效管理和控制。  相似文献   

文章认为产品危机导致了一种特殊的渠道情境,会对分销商反应方式及渠道氛围产生影响。通过对模型的构建与验证,文章的二十项假设有十三项获得支持,显示产品危机特征、供应商对产品危机的响应特征及危机前的渠道氛围能够影响分销商实施建设性反应方式和破坏性反应方式的可能性,而分销商的反应方式又影响到危机后的渠道氛围。研究中既考虑了产品危机对分销商反应方式这种短期行为的影响,又考虑了其对渠道氛围这种长期关系基础的影响,实现了对产品危机短期与长期影响后果的综合考虑。  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the role of food product attributes on consumer choices focusing on different production processes, labeled as ‘traditional’ or ‘industrial’. More specifically, we aim at documenting a novel halo (positive) effect of the Tradition label versus a horn (negative) effect of the Industrial label on the implicit and explicit perceptions of healthiness and tastiness of a food product using an experimental design as well as potential moderation effects of pro-environmental beliefs. In four studies, we manipulated the label of two brands of cheese regarding their production process (Study 1 and Study 2: traditional vs. industrial, Study 3: traditional vs. no label, Study 4: industrial vs. no label) and we measured implicit (with SC-IAT in Study 1, SA-IAT in Study 2, and IAT in Study 3 & 4) and explicit (self-report) perceptions of healthiness and tastiness. Results showed a Tradition halo effect and an Industrial horn effect on explicit perceptions of tastiness and healthiness. Results on implicit perceptions of healthiness seem to depend to some extent on pro-environmental beliefs. Results suggest that tradition-labeled food should be introduced in conventional supermarkets instead of investing in the opening of new specialized stores.  相似文献   

This research investigated inferences consumers make about restaurants that market their use of locally sourced food (LSF) ingredients using the halo effect as a theoretical foundation. Food produced and sold within a certain geographical radius (typically under 400 miles) is considered LSF. Hypothesized was that simply labelling a restaurant as using LSF would create a positive halo effect (a positive perceptual bias) and promote beliefs about the restaurant’s attributes that were unrelated to LSF. The results of an experiment with 313 participants suggest that LSF labeling in restaurants produces a positive halo effect. Participants assumed that a restaurant using LSF was more environmentally friendly, served a healthier/more nutritious menu, was more conveniently located, and was more likely to use natural/organic ingredients than was a similar restaurant that did not use LSF. Additionally, participants’ food-related lifestyles were significant moderators, with those most concerned about (1) the healthiness of the food they eat, and (2) the joy they get from eating and socializing over food, being most strongly influenced by the positive LSF-halo. Overall, the results indicate that restaurants may benefit from the positive glow created from the halo effect of sourcing food locally.  相似文献   

以170篇《学姐来了》文章为样本,探讨中青年科普作品的特点,考察其内容亲和力和感召力,重点分析科学精神和科学家精神的传播情况。利用质性数据分析方法,对科普内容作高频词分析、内容分类和交叉分析等。研究发现,《学姐来了》科普作品的主要特征是,围绕孩子、健康养生等科学话题,通过良好的衔接、幽默的用语方式,将理性逻辑和求真批判的科学精神与协同、育人等科学家精神传播给中青年群体;样本内容的亲和力主要通过语言的衔接性和幽默来实现;样本中体现科学精神的内容多于体现科学家精神的内容,二者的出现具有正相关性;随着时间的变化,样本的亲和力波动幅度很小,而感召力的波动较大。因此,科普内容应适当增强“爱国”“奉献”等体现科学家精神的感召力;中青年群体科普的“二重性”和可能存在的科普需求年龄后移趋势值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

开展科学普及工作是推动科技发展和促进文明进步的重要举措。通信技术的发展让网络平台成为大众获得科学技术资讯的首要来源和主要渠道。为公民科学素质的增长提供了有效的助力。基于互联网的交互式传播,持续影响着科技传播的格局和态势,是新时代高效推进科普工作的利器,本文立足2020年公民科学素质调查的相关结果,围绕基于互联网交互式传播展开讨论,分析了目前存在的主要问题,并探讨了应对方法。基于互联网的交互式传播是助推科技创新的有力工具,但需要在健康良性的传播环境中运行才能充分发挥作用,这需要专业化的科普团队、有影响力的媒介和完善的监督审查机制共同发力。  相似文献   

在中国,科普的内涵和外延随着时间的推移、时代的进步而不断发展,尤其在改革开放以来,我国与世界的交流融通越发广泛、深入、频繁和紧密,在科普领域也出现了公众理解科学、科学传播和公众参与科学等新提法和新理念。文章综述了科普在国内外的形成和发展过程,在科学传播与科普的争论中,作者建议中国科普在国际交流中应直接使用“Kepu”一词取代其它译文,并进一步在国家发展的总体布局下提出新时代科普内涵及科普外延拓展应体现的价值要求,以便我们更好地了解中国科普,实现科普的价值与功能拓展。  相似文献   


Previous work suggests that corporate reputation generates a ‘halo effect’ where products from companies with better reputations are more likely to be chosen. We argue that corporate reputation plays a more expansive role, proposing that consumers will be less price-sensitive to offerings endorsed by companies with good reputations and that it moderates the marginal utility of product features with high clarity. We also propose that an individual’s knowledge of a company increases the likelihood its products will be purchased. Using a choice model incorporating an individual SEM-based reputation measure, we find support for these hypothesised effects in the context of television choices. The results suggest that corporate reputation warrants more attention by marketing managers to increase preferences for their products through these mechanisms.  相似文献   

Intergenerational research on sustainable consumption remains scarce, particularly in relation to which factors may affect the level of intergenerational similarity and the direction of intergenerational transmission. The present study addresses these gaps and adds to the growing body of literature in environmental consumer socialization by examining intergenerational influence on sustainable consumer attitudes and behaviors in a sample of 146 dyads comprised of mothers and college-age daughters. In the domain of intergenerational influence, we study two potential moderating factors suggested in past consumer research: communication effectiveness and peer conformity. Using the co-orientational model and nominal dyad method, we reveal the existence of intergenerational similarity in dyads' sustainable consumer attitudes and behaviors—after accounting for nominal effects— and show that stronger parent–child communication between mother–daughter pairs leads to greater intergenerational similarity, whereas stronger peer influence on daughters reduces intergenerational agreement. Our analysis further suggests the presence of reverse environmental socialization, in which intergenerational influence predominantly occurs from daughter to mother. Dyads' subjective knowledge regarding sustainable consumption provides empirical insights for this co-orientational model finding on reverse intergenerational transfer. Overall, outcomes of this study encourage marketing managers to leverage young-adult offspring in the process of communicating sustainable marketing strategies.  相似文献   

微视频是当前风头强劲的传播新形态,丁香医生作为健康领域新媒体的代表,在微视频制作和传播方面表现突出,但其传播效果如何则有待验证。选取丁香医生健康类微视频作为研究对象,通过实证研究的方式,一方面,从内容分发平台入手,结合平台内2017-2018年790份健康类微视频样本的用户的点赞量、转发量和评论量以及评论内容,考察丁香医生健康类微视频的浅层传播效果;另一方面,以“知信行”模式为基础,通过357份问卷调查,评估丁香医生健康类微视频在用户心理、态度和行为层面的深层次传播效果。在对丁香医生健康类微视频传播效果分析的基础上提出有针对性优化策略。  相似文献   


From focus groups to clinical interviews to cognitive, neurological and biological approaches, market research borrows heavily from the behavioural sciences. Borrowing ideas and methods from other disciplines, often with adaptations, while clearly valuable, also brings a significant risk of ‘getting it wrong’. Problems arise when researchers do not follow best practices carefully developed in the originating discipline. To maintain competitive advantage, marketing researchers often ‘black box’ the details of how they apply those procedures of method design and analysis. This lack of transparency provides little evidence that best practices are followed. This, in turn, raises questions about the validity and reliability of the resulting insights and their implications. To illustrate this issue, we examine two domains where there is strong evidence to suggest that current practices are not best (or even good) practices – implicit association testing and neuroscience.  相似文献   

This article investigates a mechanism named the selfie effect. By their frequent sharing of selfies on social media, perhaps displaying their cool new fashions or newly acquired tattoos, young people—unintentionally—help providers to promote their products and services, and thereby contribute to the commercial pressure. The existence of a selfie effect builds on hypotheses originating from a pilot interview study concerning how young adults master the consumer role. In this article, the existence of a selfie effect is investigated in a nationally representative web survey with 1,707 respondents aged 16–60, living in Norway. While 59% of the teenagers said they were posting selfies weekly or more often, only 2% among those in their fifties did. The multivariate quantitative analyses support the idea that teenagers and young adults, frequently online, become vulnerable in the consumer role. Particularly posting selfies and following bloggers increase consumer detriment and overconsumption.  相似文献   

科研价值观作为对科学活动必然产生影响的因素,是科学活动主体承载的价值理念。虽然科研价值观是全世界科学共同体共同秉持的信念,近年来美国等发达国家却把自身倡导的科研价值观当作压制中国在内的广大发展中国家和新兴经济体学术界的手段,不断挑起争端。本文通过文献和案例研究,研判美欧国家在科技外交中强化本国本民族特色的科研价值观的策略,重点分析欧盟在推进共同科研价值观领域的做法,并以此为鉴提出全世界在面临动荡变革期之时,应该大力倡导世界科学共同体守护和遵守国际科学界共同秉持之科研价值观。  相似文献   

Concepts of media efficiency and media richness are employed to describe the impact of communication media on two key aspects of negotiation behavior—reducing uncertainty about the task, and managing equivocality about negotiator's bargaining orientation. A controlled experiment was conducted to examine how the use of either audio or text forms of verbal communication, and the presence or absence of visual communication, impacts negotiation performance in a bilateral monopoly task. Each member of a pair of negotiators received private instructions either to maximize joint profit (a cooperative bargaining orientation) or to maximize individual profit (an individualistic bargaining orientation). Negotiation performance was measured via the total amount of relative cooperativeness of verbal communication and joint profit. In the audio mode as opposed to the text mode, the total amount of verbal communication and joint profit was increased. In the presence of visual communication the relative cooperativeness and joint profit of pairs of individualistic negotiators was less than that of cooperative negotiators. In the absence of visual communication the relative cooperativeness and joint profit of pairs of individualistic negotiators was no less than that of cooperative negotiators. In sum the findings suggest that uncertainty regarding the logical structure of the task was reduced primarily via verbal communciation, while equivocality regarding the bargaining orientation of the other negotiator was reduced primarily via visual communication. The implications for group decision and negotiation research and practice are explored.  相似文献   

Product line extension, the introduction of new products under the same brand name in a given product category, is a growing practice of product innovation in many industries. However, when companies launch line extensions, information of the new products positively or negatively affects consumer evaluations of the parent products in the same line, generating the so-called spillover effects. Through two experimental studies, the current research explores how marketers can employ appropriate communication strategies and message types in advertising to induce favourable spillovers or to avoid negative spillovers in product line extensions. Experiment 1 investigates the interaction between communication strategy and line extension type. Results reveal that for vertical high-end extensions and for horizontal line extensions, ads using relational strategy that focuses on the relatedness between products in the line increase consumer valuation of the parent product; for vertical low-end extensions, ads with elaboration strategy that stresses the uniqueness of the extensions avoid negative spillovers on parents. Experiment 2 further examines how message type moderates the spillover effects in elaboration ads. Results show that, compared with numerical messages, literal messages engender smaller valuation decreases on the parents and consequently alleviate undesirable spillover effects for most types of product line extensions.  相似文献   

针对海上低截获通信应用,提出了一种低截获卫星通信技术并分析了其抗侦测性能。通过宽频带、低信息速率实现高增益扩频,系统设计上综合高工作频率、高增益天线等措施,降低卫星通信信号的功率谱密度;结合卫星链路计算,重点分析在同步轨道、低轨道电子侦察卫星侦测时的抗截获性能。理论分析和数值计算结果表明,增大扩频增益和天线增益可有效对抗同步轨道电子侦察卫星天线增益优势,对抗低轨道电子侦察卫星轨道优势,实现卫星低截获通信。  相似文献   

以某型甚高频(VHF)通信电台为试验对象开展了闪电间接效应试验及失效分析。试验结果表明,通信电台的音频响应、谐波失真、发射功率、频率稳定度和调制深度对闪电电磁脉冲的敏感性较低,而接收灵敏度较为敏感,接收灵敏度的显著退化可作为VHF通信电台在闪电作用下发生失效的典型判据之一,VHF通信电台接收功能较发射功能更容易受到闪电影响。设备失效分析表明,闪电作用下VHF通信电台发生失效的主要机理为射频前端低噪声放大器失效和射频前端滤波器对地电感器与电容器熔融烧毁。  相似文献   

This study’s purpose was to assess the impact of temporal, seasonal and calendar effects, on guests’ comments in hospitality. The current study analyzed the differences in food and service quality using guests’ comments collected by a national restaurant firm over a period of one year. Comments were analyzed for season of the year, weekend versus weekday, busy versus slow days, and day of the week. Findings included statistically significant differences of (positive and negative) comments between day of week and busy/slow periods. Most notably, positive food quality comments were submitted more often during busy periods, indicating a possible need for training of employees who work during slow periods.  相似文献   

Despite a growing demand worldwide, organic food remains a niche category, with consumers only purchasing it some of the time. This study examines the mediating effects of consumers’ perceived clarity of organic food-related communication, trust for, and perceived health benefits of organic foods in the relationship between controlled and uncontrolled communication stimuli and organic food purchases. We test our hypotheses on a sample of 1011 Australian organic food consumers using Structural Equation Modeling. We find that all mediators except perceived communication clarity perform as hypothesized, with the latter not mediating the relationship between uncontrolled communications and perceived health benefits of organic foods. The results suggest that marketers should ensure clarity in controlled organic food communications, signal health benefits of organic food and build consumer trust to generate organic purchases.  相似文献   

By applying the functional matching effect to the domain of cause-related marketing (CRM), this study examined the conditions under which the CRM message matching to attitude bases would elicit greater persuasion. In this study, a matched (or mismatched) CRM message is represented by the ad message featuring an argument that matches (or mismatches) consumers' primary motivation for purchasing the product supporting a social cause. Using a before-and-after experimental design, the perceived message quality and consumer skepticism about CRM practices were tested as moderators of the relationship between the functional matching of arguments and persuasion. This study assessed persuasion by measuring attitudes toward the CRM ad and the brand, and purchase intention. As expected, the functionally matched message appeared to generate greater persuasion when the argument was perceived to be strong. Additionally, low skeptics showed more favorable responses to the matched message compared to high skeptics. Theoretical and managerial implications were discussed to enhance the persuasiveness of CRM messages.  相似文献   

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