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Propensity to plan is an indicator of financial capability that contributes to consumer financial well‐being. Previous research has shown that propensity to plan is positively related to objective financial well‐being but little research was found to examine its association with subjective financial well‐being. Using financial satisfaction to measure subjective financial well‐being, this study addressed this research gap and had three objectives: (1) to explore factors associated with propensity to plan, (2) to examine the association between propensity to plan and financial capability factors, and (3) to examine the association between propensity to plan and financial satisfaction. Using data from the 2015 US National Financial Capability Study, the results showed socioeconomic differences in propensity to plan. The results suggest consumers with more economic resources had higher scores in propensity to plan. In addition, propensity to plan was positively associated with financial capability factors, suggesting financial planning is a desirable financial behavior. Finally, propensity to plan made unique contributions to financial satisfaction after controlling for socioeconomic and other financial capability factors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore potential effects of financial education on the financial capability of American consumers. Data from the 2012 National Financial Capability Study were used to test the hypothesis that financial education is positively associated with financial capability. Four financial literacy and behaviour variables were used to form a financial capability index. Multivariate linear regression results showed that, after controlling for demographic and financial variables, respondents who ever received financial education had higher scores in all financial capability indicators (objective financial literacy, subjective financial literacy, desirable financial behaviour, perceived financial capability and the financial capability index). In addition, high school, college and workplace financial education variables showed positive associations with these financial capability indicators. Additional state comparison analyses provided evidence suggesting high school financial education may have direct impacts and spillover effects on consumer financial capability.  相似文献   

Using survey data from 730 undergraduates in Vietnam, we find that learning motivation and its components, especially self-efficacy, finance learning value, and achievement goals, significantly correlate with students' financial literacy performance. In addition, these correlations are moderated by student characteristics, among which academic seniority, university type, parents' education, and extra math study during high school matter the most. Our results raise significant implications to policymakers, researchers, and educators that include understanding the role of motivation and incorporating it in financial literacy education and intervention programs and considering the moderation roles that individuals' characteristics play in the motivation-financial literacy link. We encourage more research in these areas.  相似文献   

This study analysed the level of financial literacy among university students in Estonia, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation and Turkey. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of financial literacy among university students, and to find out the relationship between financial knowledge and demographic characteristics of students. Online survey instrument was used to collect data. 409 fully completed questionnaires were accepted for analysis. Logistic regression was used to analyse of impact of the demographic characteristics on financial literacy. Overall mean of correct answers for the survey was 72.2%. This result represents a medium level of financial literacy about personal finance. Results indicate that male students, business major students, PhD students, those who live in a rental house, those whose parents have high level income, those who get advice on financial matters from their friends, those who took financial course before, those who get financial information about financial issues from university education, and students from Poland are more knowledgeable on personal finance. More financial courses should be provided in university education programmes, which could help more students handle their finances better and improve their financial wellbeing. It should be taken into consideration that in recent years, environmental and technological influences on financial literacy may be more important than parental influence.  相似文献   

Emergency savings provide a buffer against financial shocks, particularly among low‐income households. Despite the importance of these funds in lessening financial hardship, many households have not set aside emergency funds. It has been suggested that financial capability may play a role in financial behaviour. Therefore, this study considers whether financial capability is associated with saving for emergencies and whether there are differences in factors that predict emergency savings behaviour among those living below and above the poverty line. Using data from a sample of South Africans, logistic regression is used to determine the predictors of emergency savings. The study finds that those with higher levels of financial capability, related to financial self‐efficacy and having access to a bank account, are more likely to have emergency savings compared with those with lower levels of financial capability. However, no evidence is found to suggest a relationship between objectively measured financial knowledge and emergency savings. Therefore, the findings suggest that self‐assessed financial ability, as measured by financial self‐efficacy, might be more important than objectively assessed ability in the context of individuals making responsible financial choices. Differences in the predictors of emergency savings for those living above and below the poverty line related to socioeconomic and demographic differences, whereas the same financial capability predictors were significant predictors in both samples. The study provides unique insights into the predictors of emergency savings in a developing market context and identifies the characteristics of those who are likely to be financially resilient to unexpected economic shocks. The importance of the broader financial capability construct in predicting emergency savings, for both those living above and below the poverty line, suggests that programmes aimed at encouraging emergency savings should focus on enhancing financial self‐efficacy and financial inclusion.  相似文献   

The authors suggest that the process of shopping for a home and choosing between alternative property features depletes individuals’ cognitive resources, which in turn results in sub‐optimal home financing decisions. Thus, in the span of time that follows the shopping experience, consumers will devote less attention to choosing a mortgage, resulting in a higher propensity to select higher‐risk, adjustable‐rate mortgage products. The results of two controlled experiments demonstrate that participants in an online house shopping simulation were more likely to select one of the high‐risk mortgage offers, and spent less time selecting a mortgage than participants in the control condition. In addition, contrary to expectations, warning participants about cognitive resource depletion exacerbated these effects. These findings imply that consumer decisions could be improved by imposing a temporal separation between shopping for a home and shopping for financing.  相似文献   

This paper provides insights into young adults' financial habits and decision-making considerations as they enter the workforce. We use 28 semi-structured interviews with Australian university graduates to explore how their motivation to engage with personal finances and their subjective financial literacy, i.e., self-reported, support healthy financial habits. Our findings show that a young adult's social context and exposure to financial hardship rather than their financial confidence determine the health of their financial habits. We observed research participants in a romantic partnership as more focused on their future. This future focus motivates them to engage more with their finances and manifests as explicit goal setting, formal budgeting, or adherence to strict bucket systems. These insights might be useful for policymakers and educators: social context matters when designing financial health interventions, while financial education programs predominately should aim at demystifying complex long-term financial decision-making such as investments and retirement.  相似文献   

如何提高非艺术类广告专业学生的设计能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
非艺术类广告学专业的学生是属于传播类的,一般是策划方向,在文笔上下的功夫比较多,而在设计能力的培养方面比较欠缺,如何在这方面找到突破点呢?本文认为,兴趣是一个技能掌握的推进器,接着是对艺术的认识,培养自身的审美能力,以及进行基本的构成训练,最后是计算机软件技术的掌握。这三方面对非艺术类广告学专业学生来说是很好的突破点。  相似文献   

金融部门对实体经济技术创新存在着主体功能和攫取两个方向的双重作用。主体功能作用通过甄别机制、监督机制、风险分散机制、人力资本积累机制等促进技术创新;攫取则是金融部门瓜分实体经济发展成果的过程,这对技术创新将会产生一定的阻碍作用。通过对中国省域数据的实证分析发现:金融资源动员能力和配置能力主要体现了金融的主体功能能力,金融机构的微观盈利能力则体现了金融部门的攫取能力;金融资源动员能力的提高会增强金融系统对高风险创新活动的包容性,金融机构攫取能力的提高对低端创新活动的抑制作用更显著,金融资源配置能力的提高则会使金融系统倾向于支持低风险技术创新。另外,东部地区虽然有充足的金融资源,但金融部门市场势力也更强大,对实体经济的攫取能力也更强;中西部地区则由于金融资源稀缺,金融基础设施薄弱,金融主体功能能力仍处在边际报酬递增的阶段。因此,中西部地区的金融体系建设应着重金融基础设施投资,提高金融系统的主体功能能力;东部地区则应强调市场改革,适当削弱金融机构的市场势力,抑制其攫取能力。  相似文献   


Based on the premise that financial literacy take place in networks to influence the level of financial inclusion, the study examined whether networks moderate in the relationship between financial literacy and financial inclusion among poor households in rural Uganda. Studies have revealed that financial literacy affects the level of financial inclusion. However, these studies have failed to incorporate the moderating role of networks in the relationship between financial literacy and financial inclusion. The results showed that networks positively and significantly moderates in the relationship between financial literacy and financial inclusion with both financial literacy and networks having direct and significant effects.  相似文献   

投资银行作为资本市场的主角与灵魂,其核心竞争力成为国内外学者关注的焦点。资本融资能力则是投资银行最为基础和重要的能力。本文通过对我国投资银行业市场集中度、资本规模状况,以及国外知名投资银行的比较分析,得出我国投资银行业资本规模偏小,市场竞争程度差的基本判断。面对全球金融一体化和入世后金融业全面开放所带来的机遇和挑战,进一步指出了提升我国投资银行资本融资能力的切实有效途径。  相似文献   

上市公司财务重述行为与管理层的盈余操纵动机紧密相关,意味着上市公司会计系统薄弱,并暗藏着可能发生的管理层及董事会的操纵利润行为。上市公司财务重述行为,从内部动因看,主要是高管薪酬契约引发的自利行为;从外部动因看,来自于资本市场的融资需求及监督部门对公司虚假信息陈述惩罚力度不够。只有从根本上准备把握上市公司财务重述行为产生的真正原因,才能更好地加强对上市公司财务重述行为的监管,防范上市公司操纵盈余,提高财务报告信息披露质量。  相似文献   

This study conducted meta-analyses of the relationships between financial literacy and both financial behavior and financial well-being. Peer-reviewed articles published on financial literacy in the field of consumer studies were collected by July 29, 2020. Fourteen articles were eligible for the meta-analyses. The results showed positive relationships of financial knowledge with desirable financial behavior and financial well-being. Our comparison of objective and subjective financial knowledge indicated that subjective knowledge had stronger relationships with both financial behavior and financial well-being than objective knowledge. These two types of knowledge also had different paths to financial well-being in that subjective knowledge had both direct and indirect effects on financial well-being through financial behavior, whereas objective knowledge only had an indirect effect. The relationship between financial knowledge and financial behavior appeared stronger in cross-sectional data than in longitudinal data. The implications of these results and possible directions for future consumer science research were discussed.  相似文献   

Today's changing market environment demands financial capability even from young consumers. This article concentrates on the perceptions of young people on the roles and responsibilities of school, public, private and non‐profit sector actors in promoting financial capability among the young. The qualitative data were collected via focus group discussions among young people aged 15–26 in schools and education institutions across Finland. Educational institutions play an important role in the everyday lives of the young but tend to focus on macro‐finance issues in financial education. Banks are seen as professional actors promoting financial capability to the young, but their activities are recognized as profit driven. Public sector and non‐profit organizations are less familiar to young people as providers of financial information but are considered impartial and reliable. It is apparently difficult for young people to differentiate between the activities of the various parties offering financial advice. They would welcome finance‐related information from several actors and from different perspectives. Financial education and financial matters are only interesting to the young when topical. In order to promote a financial capability among young people, the actors involved should become more proactive and cooperate with each other.  相似文献   

Recent advances in online game technology have set the pace for tremendous growth in the development of new entertainment applications. The authors study relationships among product capability, technology capability, perceived product innovation, user-centered design, attitude, and intention to play online games. They find that product capability, technology capability, and user-centered design influence perceived product innovation. Gamers want to interact with functional products designed with a deep understanding of customer needs. Moreover, user-centered design influences perceived product innovation, attitude toward playing, and behavioral intention to play. The study includes the user-centered design variable to reflect a unique characteristic of online games.  相似文献   

This study examined the association of earlier financial literacy and later financial behaviour of college students. Financial literacy was measured by both subjective and objective knowledge and financial behaviours were categorized into risky paying and borrowing behaviours. Based on data collected at two time points from a panel of college students at a major state university in the USA, the results showed that the association between earlier knowledge and later financial behaviours differed by the specific type of knowledge (subjective vs. objective), with stronger effect of subjective knowledge, compared with objective knowledge on both composite and individual measures of risky borrowing and paying behaviours. We found that only subjective knowledge was correlated with a reduction in both composite behaviours. Both subjective and objective knowledge, however, reduced some specific risky paying and borrowing behaviours. Finally, we found consistent differences for two of the control variables: higher GPA (Grade Point Average) was associated with fewer risky paying behaviours; and gender (male vs. female) was associated with more of both types of risky behaviours.  相似文献   

The requirement to build economic resilience in people has become a concern for the UK Government, regulators, and the financial services industry. Transposed to the realm of financial literacy education (FLE), the resilience doctrine performs particular effects in relation to the naturalisation and individualisation of financial market relations. At the same time, it tends to speak of the inevitability of market failures and crashes. I argue that based on these features, the effect of the resilience doctrine is to mask the “empty promise” of FLE programmes: the irreconcilable gap between the empowerment discourse surrounding what such agendas are meant to achieve for ordinary people and the latter's actual success in securing their security and well-being through financial markets. The paradoxical element of resilience talk is that it at once serves to further legitimise financial education attempts, while providing an opportune reason for failures judged even on its own terms.  相似文献   

Predator–prey dynamics are widely used in ecology but seldom utilized in economics and marketing, despite their ability to express financial market agents' behaviors when considered in combination with economic cycles and financial crises. This multidisciplinary article presents a stylized framework of a market cycle that combines the notions of supply and demand and predator–prey interactions between buyers and sellers of housing mortgages. We illustrate our framework using data from the Global Financial Crisis and a Lotka-Volterra predator–prey model. We find that with our framework we can capture the dynamics of the market, particularly the peak and decline in the number of sellers and sold subprime mortgages. Our framework sheds a new light on consumer behaviors, pinpointing how they can put themselves into vulnerable prey positions. This article is one of the first of its kind to propose market phases and predator–prey dynamics nested in economic cycles and consumer buying trends.  相似文献   

公共权力的行使原则上不受司法审查,司法对抽象的财政支出行为的规制乏力,由此,造成财政支出行为可诉性较弱的现象。引入司法权规制财政购买性支出执行行为,可以解决其可诉性的缺陷,以使其纳入法治财政的轨道,防止政府滥用财政支出的权力。司法规制财政购买性支出行为的制度进路,除了依仗救济私人经营者利益的直接诉讼机制外,还可考虑创建救济公共消费者利益的间接诉讼机制。可见,建构实现其可诉性的诉讼机制,可以均衡国家、私人经营者和公共消费者之间的经济利益。  相似文献   

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