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《The Economic record》1989,65(1):85-106
Book reviewed in this article:
Growth Receiving: Economic Change in World History , by E. L. Jones (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1988)
Review of the State Tax System: Tax worm and NSW Economic Development , New South Wales Tax Task Force (NSW Government Printer, Sydney, August 1988)
Incentive Cooperation and Risk Sharing: Economic and Psychological Perspectives on Employment Contacts . by H.F., Nalbantian (Rowman and Littlefield, New Jersey, 1987)
Alternative Systems of Buaivss Organization and Worked Remuneration . by J.E. Meade (Allen & Unwin, London. 1986)
The Costs of Academic Libraries An Econometric Interpretation . by John R. Brockman (Curtain University of Technology, Perth, 1988)
socialism, Economics and Development . by A. Nove (Allen & Unwin, London. 1986).
Stock Market Anomalies , edited by E. Dimson (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988)
The Flow of Funds in Theory and Practice: A Flow-Constrained Approach to Monetary Theory and Policy , by J. Cohen, Financial and Monetary Policy Studies 15 (Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, 1987)
Technological Change Development and the Environment Socio-Economic Perspectives , edited by Clem Tisdell and Riyatosh Maitra (Routledge, London, 1988)
Dynamic Economic Analysis , by Milton Harris (Oxford University Press, New York. 1987)
Elements of Econometrics , by J. Kmenta (MacMillan. New York. 1986)
The Theory of International Trade , by J.R. Markusen and J.R. Melvin (Harper & Row, New York 1988)
An Assessment of Agricultural Research Priorities: An International Paspective , by J.S. Davis, P.A. Oram and J.G. Ryan (Australian Centre for International Research, Canberra. 1987)
A History of Economics The Past as the Present , by John Kenneth Galbraith (Hamish Hamilton, London 1987)  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1970,46(2):271-290
Books reviewed in this article:
Economics–Australian Edition . By P. A. S amuelson , K. H ancock , and R. W allace
The Traditional Trade of Asia . By C. G. F. S imkin
A Theory of Economic History . By J ohn H icks
The Structure of Earnings . By H. L ydall
Economic Interdependence in Southeast Asia . Edited by T. MORGAN and N. SPOELSTRA
Economic Institutions and Policy . By J. McB. GRANT, A. J. H agger and A. H ocking
Credit Unions in the South Pacific . Edited by >N. R uncie
Elementary Statistical Method . By J. LUMSDEN
Economic Theory: Equilibrium and Change . By M. L. BURSTEIN
Manual of Industrial Project Analysis in Developing Countries . By I. M. D. L ittle and J. A. M irrlees
Balance-of-Payments Policy . By B. J. C ohen
Economic Analysis and Industrial Structure . By D. N eedham . (Holt, Rinehart and Winston  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1976,52(1):111-131
Book reviewed in this article:
Essays on John Maynard Keynes. Edited by M. Keynes.
In Search of a New World Economic Order. Edited by H. Corbet and R. Jackson.
Aboriginals and Islanders in Brisbane. By J. W. Brown, R. Hirschfeld, and D. Smith, under the supervision of E. Chamberlain.
Poverty Among Aboriginal Families in Adelaide. By F. Gale and J. Binnion.
The Australian Workforce 1910-11 to 1960-61. By M. Keating.
The Theory of Environmental policy:Externalities, Public Outlays, and the Quality of Life. By W. J. Baumol and W. E. Oates.
Competition in Australian Bookselling:Resale Price Maintenance and After. By J. P. Nieuwenhuysen assisted by E. E. Oakley.
The Theory of Joint Maximization. By P. B. Dixon.
Normative Economics:An introduction to microeconomic theory and radical critiques. By F. J. B. Stilwell.
The International Division of Labour Problems and Perspectives:International Symposium. Edited by H. Giersch.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1969,45(3):463-478
Book reviewed in this article:
Australia in the World Economy. By J. O. N. P erkins .
Economics at Large. By C. G. F. S imkin .
Effects of U.K. Direct Investment Overseas. By W. B. R eddaway , S. J. P otter and C. T. T aylor .
Input-Output Analysis and Resource Allocation. By B. C ameron .
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia: Origins and Early History. By R. G ollan .
Australian Economic Policy Discussion. By W. M. C orden .
Australian Trade Unions: Their Development, Structure and Horizons. Edited by P. W. D. M atthews and G. W. F ord .
Economic Policy in Australia: The Case for Reform. By B. M c F arlane .
The Battle for the Banks. By A. L. M ay .
Consumption and Production of Petroleum for the Australian Mainland 1968–1990. By K. S tacey .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1972,48(2):298-314
Book reviewed in this article:
Australian Trade Practices :Readings. Edited by J. P. N ieuwenhuysen .
Manufacturing in Melbourne. By P. J. R immer .
Freight Forwarding in Australia. By P. J. R immer .
Retailing in Melbourne. By R. J. J ohnston and P. J. R immer .
Land Tenure in the Pacific. Edited by R. C rocombe .
The Reinterpretation of American Economic History. Edited by R obert W illiam F ogel and S tanley L. E ngerman .
International Trade Theory and Regional Income Differences, United States 1880–1950. By E. O lsen .
Soviet Economic Development. By R. H utchings .
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1930–1945. By A nthony C. S utton .
The Economic Analysis of Labour. By M alcolm R. F isher .
Money and Banking. By D. F isher .
Planning Investments with Economies of Scale. By L arry E. W estphal .
Economic Growth and Development:A Mathematical Introduction. By P hilip A. N eher .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1959,35(72):438-453
Book reviewed in this article:
The Welfare State in New Zealand. By J". B. C ondliffe .
Portrait of a Modern Mixed Economy: New Zealand. By C. W eststrate .
Housing Finance in Australia 1945–1956. By M. R. H ill .
Social Structure and Personality in the Factory. By P aul L afitte .
The Development of Australian Trade Union Law. By J. H. PORTUS.
Public Administration in Australia. Edited by R. N. SPANN.
Fiscal Policy and Politics. By PAUL J. STBATER.
Possibilities of Economic Progress. By A. J. YOUNGSON.
Canada's Economic Development 1867–1953 (Wealth and Income Series VII). By O. J. F irestone .
Indian Economy Since Independence. By H. V enkatasubbiah .
Three Essays on the International Economics of Communist China. Edited by C. F. REMER.
Economic Survey of Europe in 1958. By T he R esearch AND P lanning D ivision of the E conomic C ommission for E urope .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1994,70(208):97-117
Book reviewed in this article:
Gain from the Pain: Australia Recovers from Its Economic Boom-Bust, Australian Financial Review , Economics Extra 2, by Michael Stutchbury.
What's Really Happening: Australia's Business World , by Robert Gottliebsen.
From Boom to Bust: Trial and Error in British Economic Policy , by David Smith.
False Promises: The Failure of Conservative Economics , edited by Robert C.
Demand and Exchange in Economic Analysis, A History from Coumot to Marshall , by John Creedy.
In Reserve: Central Banking in Australia, 1945-75 , by C.B. Schedvin.
Imperfect Competition, Differential Information, and Microfoundations of Macroeconomics , by Kiyohiko Nishimura.
Corporatization and Privatization Lessons from New Zealand , by Ian Duncan and Alan Bollard.
Modelling Individual Choice: The Econometrics of Corners, Kinks and Holes , by Stephen Pudney.
Inequality Re-examined , by Amartya Sen.
The Japanese Enterprise System. Competitive Strategies and Cooperative Structures , by W. Mark Fruin.
Efficiency Wages: models of unemployment, layoffs, and wage dispersionj , by Andrew Weiss.
International Trade Theory and Policy: Selected Essays of W. Max Corden , by W. Max Corden.
Corden, W.M. (1953), 'The Maximization of Profit by a Newspaper', Review of Economic Studies .
Inside the Bank: The Role of the Reserve Bank of Australia in the Economic, Banking and Financial Systems , by J. Linklater.
The Economics of Australian Labour Markets , by Keith Norris.
R iach , P.A. and R ich , J.(1987), 'Testing for Sexual Discrimination in the Labour Market'.
Responding to Unemployment: Perspectives and Strategies , edited by Ann Hodgkinson, Di Kelly and Nadia Verrucci.
Managing Government: Labor's Achievements and Failures , by Fred Gruen and Michelle Grattan.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1968,44(2):254-273
Book reviewed in this article:
Production, Employment and Prices in Australia, 1958-59 to 1963-64. By B. C ameron .
Taxation in New Zealand. Report of the Taxation Review Committee.
Competition and the Law. By A. H unter .
Butter and Margarine—A Comparative Study. By G. M arais .
Investment Risk and Uncertainty: A Practical Approach for Australian Companies. By P. S pry -B ailey .
Distribution of Groceries. By D. H. B riggs and R. L. S myth .
An Interindustry Study of the Western Australian Economy. By M. L. P arker .
Econometric Models and Methods. By C. C hrist .
Soviet Economic Controversies. By J. L. F elker .
Foreign Ownership of Canadian Industries. By A. E. S afarian .
The Australian Economic Review. 1st Quarter 1968. I nstitute of A pplied E conomic R esearch , U niversity of M elbourne .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1977,53(2):272-288
Book reviewed in this article:
Trade, Policy and Economic Welfare. By W. Corden
Australian Competition and Prices Policy:trade practices, tariffs and prices justification. By J. P. Nieuwenhuysen and N. R. Norman
Australian Labour Market Economics. By Robert V. Horn
International Money—Experiments and Experience:Papers and Proceedings of the Port Stephens Conference. Edited by W. Kasper
Rationality and the Social Sciences:Contributions to the philosophy and methodology of the social sciences. Edited by S. I. Benn and G. W. Mortimore
Readings in Political Economy. Vols. 1 and 2. Edited by E. L. Wheelwright and F. J. B. Stillwell
Beyond Economic Man:A New Foundation for Microeconomics. By Harvey Leibenstein  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1970,46(1):131-144
Books reviewed in this article:
Australian Securities Markets . By P. J. R ose
Experimental Research and Farm Production . By B. R. D avidson and B. R. M artin
A Guide to Economic Policy in Australia . By J. M artin
Public Expenditures in Communist and Capitalist Nations . By F. L. P ryor
Money and the Balance of Payments . By T. S citovsky
Society and Pauperism . By J. R. P oynter
Exports and Economic Growth of Developing Countries . By A. M aizels
The Economics of Unemployment Insurance . By M. M. H auser and P. B urrows  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1959,35(71):278-292
Book reviewed in this article:
The Australian Wool Market, 1840–1900. By ALAN BARNARD.
Australian Banking (Third Edition). By J. K. GIFFORD, J. VIVIAN WOOD and A. J. REITSMA.
Minerals in the Development of Australia.
Land Utilization in Australia. (Third Edition.) By SIR S amuel W adham , R. K ent "W ilson and J oyce W ood .
Atlas of Australian Resources: Five maps with commentaries.
Early New Zealand. A Dependency of New South Wales 1788–1841. By E. J. TAPP.
Selected Studies of Migration Since World War II: Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual Conference of the Millank Memorial Fund, held October 30–31 at the New York Academy of Medicine.
Population Growth and Economic Development in Low Income Countries: A Case Study of India's Prospects. By A. J. C oalb and E. M. H oover .
The Strategy of Economic Development. By A lbert O. H irschmak .
International Trade and Economic Growth. By H arry G. J ohnson .
The Economic Theory of Fiscal Policy. By BENT HANSEN.
Policy Against Inflation. By R. P. HABROD.
Business Enterprise: Its Growth and Organisation. By RONALD S. EDWARDS and HARRY TOWNSEND.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1984,60(1):90-101
Book reviewed in this article: The Deterioration in Economic Performance: A Study of the 1970's with Particular Reference to Australia, by W. E. Norton Unemployment, Inflation and New Macroeconomic Policy, by T. D. N. Perkins Australian Social Welfare Finance, edited by R. Mendelsohn Wage Indexation: A Study of Australian Wage Issues, 1975–1980, by David H. Plowman Agriculture in the Australian Economy, edited by D. B. Williams Anticipations of the General Theory? And Other Essays on Keynes, by D. Patinkin The Theory and Experience of Economic Development: Essays in Honor of Sir W. Arthur Lewis, edited by M. Gersovitz Alfred Marshall:Critical Assessments, edited by John C. Wood  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1964,40(92):600-617
Book reviewed in this article:
Industrial Development in Australia 1920–1930. By C olin F orster .
Remembered, Days. By "W. S. K elly .
A Guide to Australian Economic Statistics. By G. R. P almer .
Money and Banking in New Zealand. R eserve B ank of N ew Z ealand .
Industrial Growth and World Trade. By A. M aizels .
International Economic Instability. The Experience after World War II. By J. D. C oppock .
A History of Interest Rates. By S. H omer .
An Introduction to Positive Economics. By R. G. L epsey .
Economic Development with Special Reference to East Asia. Edited by K. B errill .
The Economics of Take-off into Sustained Growth. Edited by W. W. R ostow .
Planning Economic Development. Edited by E. E. H agen .
Money, Capital and Prices. By G. Horwich.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1987,63(3):281-287
Book reviewed in this article:
Analyzing Redistribution Policies: A Study Using Australian Data . by Nanak Kakwani (Cambridge University Ress, Cambridge, 1986)
Wealth and Welfare: Collected Essays on Economic Theory, Volume 1 . by J. R. Hicks (Blackwell, Oxford, 1986)
India's Economic Development Strategies , edited by 3. N. Mongia (Allied Publishers. India, in co-edition with D. Reidel, Dordrecht. Holland, 1985)
Farm Policy in Australia , by R. K. Hefford (University of Queensland Press, St Lucia. 1985)
New Developments in Applied General Equilibrium Analysis , edited by J. Piggott and J. Whalley (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986)  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1976,52(3):378-394
Book reviewed in this article:
Economics of Markets:An Introduction to Economic Analysis. By C. A. Tisdell.
Migrants and the Legal System. By A. Jakubowicz and B. Buckley. Australian Government Commission of Inquiry into Poverty:Law and Poverty Series.
Welfare of Migrants. By D. Cox and J. I. Martin.
The Indian Economy:Performance and Prospects. Edited by J. C. Sandesara.
India's Development Experience. By T. Singh.
Direct Taxation and Economic Growth in India. By H. N. P. S. Suman.
Exports of Manufactures from India. An Appraisal of the Emerging Pattern. By R. Banerji.
Industrial Development Policies for Indonesia. By J. B. Donges, B. Stecher and F. Wolter.
The Economics of Inequality. By A. B. Atkinson.
Technical Change, Relative Prices, and Environmental Resource Evaluation. By V. K. Smith.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1942,18(1):94-139
A History of Economic Ideas. By Edmund Whittaker
Monopoly. By E. A. G. Robinson
Labour Supply and National Defence. By International Labour Office
Economics of Labour. By R. A. Lester.
Labour Economics and Labour Problems. By Dale Yoder.
Unused Resources and Economic Waste . By David Rockefeller.
The Cambridge Economic History of Europe
The Agrarian Life of the Middle Ages. Edited by J. H. Clapham and Eileen Power.
Survey of British Commonwealth Affairs , Vol. II; Problems of Economic Policy, 1918-39, Part I. By Professor W. K. Hancock.
Historical Records—Australia and New Zealand.
Pragmatism and Pioneering in Benoy Sarkar's Sociology and Economics. By Nagendra Nath Chaudhury.
The Population Studies of Benoy Sarkar . By Sachindra Nath Dutt.
Postwar World Economy, A General Survey. By Benoy Sarkar.
Antoine-Elisée Cherbuliez et la Propriété Privée, 1779–1869. By William E. Rappard.
Farmers in a Changing World–Year Book of Agriculture
Food Production in Western Europe. By P. Lamartine Yates.
Atlas of Western Australian Agriculture. By J. Gentilli.
Deficit Spending and the National Income. By H. H. Villard.
Ceylon Currency and Banking . By R. B. Shenoy.
The Australian Economy: Simple Economic Studies. By Professor D. B. Copland.
Profits and Price Control, By Professor D. B. Copland and Sir Marcus Clark.
Towards Economic Reconstruction. By F. R. E. Mauldon
Europe's Trade.
Federal Union in Practice. By H. R. G. Greaves.
Canadian War Economics. Ed. J. F. Parkinson.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1963,39(88):489-511
Book reviewed in this article:
The Coalminers of New South Wales. By E. G ollan .
C ommittee for E conomic D evelopment of A ustralia Public Investment in Australia. An Outline of the First C.E.D.A. Research Project. By R. M athews .
Journeys Towards Progress. Studies of Economic Policy-Making in Latin America. By A. O. H irschman .
Economic Philosophy. By J oan R obinson
International Economic Papers No. 11. Edited by A. T. P eacock , W. F. S tolper , R. T urvey and H. L iesner
What Keynes Means. By A. M urad .
The Nature of Price Theory. By H. H. L iebhafsky .
Unemployment and Structural Change. Studies and Reports
The British Economy in the Nineteen-Fifties. Edited by G. D. N. W orswick and P. H. A dy .
History of Stockholm's Enskilda Bank to 1914. By O. G asslander .
The Demand for Canadian Imports 1926-55. By M urray C. K emp .
Explanation in Social Science. By R. B rown .
The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. Vol. III:Economic Organizations and Policies in the Middle Ages. Edited by M. M. P ostan , E. E. R ich and E. M iller .
The Progress of Economics. A History of Economic Thought. By W. B. C atlin .
The Development of Firms. By A. S. M ackintosh .
Institutional Economics:Veblen, Commons and Mitchell Reconsidered. By J. D orfman and others .
State and Regional Income Estimation. By A lex K err .
Economic Trends in the Soviet Union. Edited by A. B ergson and S. K uznets .
Asset Prices in Economic Analysis. By S. B. C hase , J r .
Disarmament and the Economy. Edited by E. B enoit and K. E. B oulding .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1988,64(2):136-151
Book reviewed in this article:
Mesoeconomics: A Micro-Macro Analysis , by Yew-Kwang Ng
Markets and Famines , by Martin Ravallion
The Economics of Industrial Society , by Michio Morishima
Dynamic Programming: Applications to Agriculture and Natural Resources , by John O.S. Kennedy
Developments of Control Theory for Economic Analysis , by C. Carrara and D. Sartore
Finance of Old Age , edited by R. Mendelsohn
Balance of Payments Adjustment, 1945 to 1986, The IMF Experience , by M.G. dc Vries
Takeovers and Corporate Control- Towards a New Regulatory Environment , Centre for Independent Studies and the New Zealand Centre for Independent Studies
Financial Markets, Interest Rates and Monetary Economics , by D.J. Juttner
Pre-Classical Economic Thought , edited by S.T. Lowry, Recent Economic Thought Series  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1983,59(3):295-307
Book reviewed in this article:
Asset Accumulation and Economic Activity, by James Tobin
Beyond Positivism: Economic Methodology in the Twentieth Century, by B. J. Caldwell
incomes Policy in Australia, edited by Keith Hancock
Equity and the Impact an Families of the Australian Tax-Transfer System, by P. Saunders
Small Business in Australia: Problems and Prospects. by B. L. Johns and W. J. Sheehan
The Indonesian Economy during the So eharto Era, edited by A. Booth and P. McCawley
The European Miracle: Environments. Economies, and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia, by E. L. Jones
The Nature of Mass Poverty, by John Kenneth Galbraith  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1981,57(3):288-294
Book reviewed in this article:
Money, Finance and Development, by P. J. Drake
Development and Dependency:The Political Economy of Papua New Guinea, by A. Amarshi, K. Good and R. Mortimer
Essays in the Political Economy of Australian Capitalism:Volume Four, edited by E. L. Wheelright and Ken Buckley
Australia's Resources and Their Development, by R. K. Wilson
Economics for Historians, by G. R. Hawke
Conference in Applied Economic  相似文献   

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