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While access to private equity funds (PEFs) provides a unique opportunity for firms to set up sturdy growth paths, how PEFs select companies is an unknown process to entrepreneurs and business owners. This study aims to offer insights regarding the private equity market to entrepreneurs searching for external capital. We analyzed a novel dataset of 240 pre-deal negotiations between small- and medium-sized Italian companies and a closed-end fund. Results indicate that the successful closing of a deal depends on more than just the target firm's equity-worthiness (i.e., the company's ability to meet the expectations of a private equity investor). In fact, there is another dimension: the target firm's equity-willingness (i.e., the company's motivations to accept an outside equity investor). We summarize the results of our study by building a 2x2 positioning matrix on the basis of the target firm's equity-worthiness and equity-willingness. This matrix enables entrepreneurs to grasp how private equity investors evaluate their firms.  相似文献   

Extant studies on private regulation have not reached a sufficient understanding about the interplay between private and public regulations, due to underdeveloped theoretical framework and the lack of large-sample empirical investigations. Leveraging ISO 14001 adoption among Chinese firms as the research context, the current research draws on the institutional theory to examine how firm’s adoption of ISO 14001 standard, as a specific form of private regulation, affects the incidence of public environmental inspections. To test our arguments, we conduct two empirical studies. Study 1 uses the first-hand data of a corporate social responsibility survey on Chinese manufacturing firms, whereas Study 2 deploys the second-hand longitudinal archival data of the government environmental inspections on Chinese listed firms. Both of the two studies reveal consistent findings that ISO 14001 adoption decreases the incidence of government environmental inspections, and that the effect of ISO 14001 adoption becomes stronger in state-owned enterprises and firms with top management team’s political ties. Our findings are suggestive of a complementary relationship between private and public regulations, in a sense that private regulations can compensate for the weaknesses of public regulations by offering faster, more flexible and cost-efficient means of enforcement, which allows the public authorities to economize on the deployment of public resources to monitor the rest non-compliant firms.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of private equity firms on the investments and financial constraints of their portfolio firms. We use dynamic panel data techniques to account for unobserved firm heterogeneity and endogeneity of private equity backed buyouts and expansion financing, and apply our framework to a large panel data set of firms in the UK and France. In both countries, we find that portfolio firms are characterized by higher investment levels and fewer financial constraints after expansion financing. In the UK, private equity backed buyouts outperform non-private equity backed firms in terms of both indicators.  相似文献   

This study addresses an important neglected question: To what extent do geographic clusters promote outward foreign direct investment (ODI)? We find evidence that clusters do promote ODI and so support Porter's argument that advantages gained in clusters can be the foundations of successful internationalisation. Digging deeper, we find that certain cluster incumbents promote more ODI than others, with more experienced firms and firms with stronger resource bases accounting for more ODI. We also find that firms located in clusters within major global nodes/cities engage in more ODI. Finally, we find that both localisation and urbanisation economies promote ODI. However, the former, within-industry effects, are more important. Overall, this study echoes Dunning's call for more focus on the ‘L’ component of the ownership, location, internalisation (OLI) paradigm and particularly on the advantages that reside in clusters that make them not only attractive destinations for foreign direct investment (FDI) but also fertile environments from which FDI can spring.  相似文献   

Theoretically grounded in the ownership, location, and internalization (OLI) paradigm and institutional theory, this article investigates major macro‐level factors that determine cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (CBMAs) by Chinese firms in developed markets. Using panel data of Chinese CBMA deals in developed markets from 1996 to 2012, we found that market size, natural resources, and strategic assets of host advanced economies positively affected the number of Chinese CBMAs in the developed markets. With regard to institutional variables, the overall economic freedom of host countries positively affected Chinese CBMAs, whereas the host government effectiveness negatively influenced the number of Chinese CBMAs. Furthermore, the above hypothesized effects were significantly strengthened by the home country's government involvement mainly through ownership. Finally, we found that significant factors to explain Chinese overall outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) are not necessarily applicable to explain Chinese CBMAs. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The motives and characteristics of western MNEs' foreign direct investment (FDI) in Turkey are considered in terms of Dunning's ownership, location, internalization (OLI) paradigm for a sample of 98 firms. A parsimonious set of motives is identified by means of factor analysis. Binomial logit regression models are used to test a set of hypotheses concerning the relative importance of FDI motives and the sample characteristics. The findings are that the relative importance of the OLI factors vary most with the industry of the investment, to a moderate extent with the size of the investment and to a modest extent with the ownership pattern of the investment (wholly owned subsidiary or joint venture). © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examines the governance attributes of post-IPO (initial public offering) retained ownership of private equity in business group constituent firms in contrast to their unaffiliated counterparts, in 202 newly listed firms in 22 emerging African economies. We adopt an actor centered institutional-theoretic perspective in rationalizing institutional voids and the advantages of maintained governance by both business angels (BA) and venture capital (VC) private equity. Our findings reveal private equity retain higher post-IPO ownership in business group constituents compared to unaffiliated firms and that this is inversely moderated in the context of improving institutional quality – where this is particularly strong in case of foreign VC as opposed to domestic VC or BA. Our result adds to the literature on multifocal corporate governance mechanisms and the institutional determinants of private equity investment.  相似文献   

We apply the OLI framework, first, to examine the motives of Russian cross-border (CB) M&A activity in the period 2007–2013 and, second, to analyze the ownership preferences of Russian multinationals abroad. We test our first set of models using panel data of 322 country/year observations and the second set of models using cross-sectional firm-level data of 318 M&A deals. Our analysis shows that traditional investment motives provide a limited explanation of what attracts or deters Russian acquirers abroad. We extend our base-model to include institutional distance and find that it plays a critical role on Russian CB M&A activity. As a second step, we employ state ownership as a specific type of institutional ownership advantage and discover that partial state ownership discourages Russian firms from pursuing full-ownership in CB M&As. Moreover, Russian multinationals benefit from internalization advantages (full M&A ownership) in tandem with location advantages derived from natural resource endowments.  相似文献   

Digital forces and digital global connection weaken traditional ownership, location and internalization (OLI) advantages and intensify new OLI advantages (open resources, linkages and integration). However, by building on the resource-orchestration theory, we raise the question of how digitalization (utilization and orchestration of digital resources) and internationalization (firm-level outward internationalization and country-level inward internationalization) affect firm performance. We introduce the degree of outward internationalization and home-country inward foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows as moderators in achieving firm performance as a result of digitalization. Using a panel dataset of 571 U.S. manufacturing firms, we find a curvilinear relationship between digitalization and performance. The top quartile of digitalization efforts is rewarded by significant profitability. Moreover, high levels of outward internationalization and high net-FDI inflows increase the performance gains attributable to high levels of digitalization. Overall, the resource-orchestration theory complements new OLI advantages in explaining firm performance in the digital world.  相似文献   

This paper explores the nature of the relationship between a firm's internationalization and performance (I–P) and provides interesting evidence on the moderating role of the firm's characteristics on this relationship. First, the paper investigates two modes of internationalization by firms: exports and foreign direct investment (FDI). The study anticipates the I–P relationship to be different for these two modes owing to the differences associated with market-seeking and strategic asset/resource-seeking motivations among internationalizing Indian firms. Drawing on these differing motivations, the study theorizes a positive linear I–P relationship with export intensity and a negative linear I–P relationship with FDI activity and finds strong support for the latter. Second, the study argues for the contextual nature of the I–P relationship and attempts to integrate the role of organizational characteristics such as business group affiliation, firm size, and firm age in influencing the I–P relationship. The study finds that business group affiliation and firm age positively moderate the I–P relationships, which signifies deeper institutional, resource-based, and legitimizing effects. These results are indicative of the need for greater mid-range theorizing to forge a more robust understanding of the role various organizational characteristics play in influencing the I–P relationship.  相似文献   

China's rapid economic growth has presented numerous opportunities and challenges for foreign firms there. As firms have increased their presence in China, their concerns are increasingly focused on implementing successful human resource management (HRM) practices. To shed light on effective HRM for foreign firms in China, we conducted interviews with senior managers, private equity specialists, and management consultants there. Using a framework of human resources deliverables, we propose several keys to successful HRM in China. HRM is crucial for firms' success in post‐WTO China, and managing human resources there poses distinctive challenges to commonly held “Western” assumptions about effective HRM. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Venture capitalists and private equity funds are often considered experts at investing in high‐risk projects and firms. To be successful investors, venture capitalists and private equity funds must therefore manage the many aspects of risk associated with investing in unlisted small and medium‐sized enterprises. This study examines how Indian venture capital and private equity firms manage several dimensions of risk. We analyze risk management preferences in Indian venture capital and private equity firms. A comparison between Indian and U.K. funds is presented. The results are discussed in detail. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Integrating the behavioral theory of the firm and the OLI paradigm, this paper studies how performance feedback affects the location choice of emerging market firms between developed countries (DCs) and less developed countries (LDCs) during the process of internationalization. Using the sample of 1,306 Chinese public listed firms which established new foreign subsidiaries between 2008 and 2019, we find that the further a firm’s performance is below aspiration, the more likely it will invest in LDCs than DCs, whereas the further a firm’s performance is above aspiration, the more likely it will invest in DCs than LDCs. In addition, technology-based capability and labor intensive production capability have moderating effects on the relationship between performance feedback and location choice between DCs and LDCs. This paper complements and extends the OLI paradigm by injecting dynamic and non-economic factors to explain OFDI location choice.  相似文献   

We contend that young start-up firms requiring external capital are able to differentiate themselves from competitors through their choices of investors and financing mechanisms. Private placements of equity convey efficient signals to markets for several reasons. They are (short-term) irreversible, occur after a more rigorous analysis than public offerings provide, contain governance mechanisms, and are generally observable by outsiders. The disclosure that investors possess a superior reputation for evaluative ability conveys an additional, endorsing signal of the firm's prospects. This proves especially valuable for younger firms, less capitalized firms, and firms that have more recently received private equity from an experienced investor. Using an event history analysis on a sample of 329 publicly held biotechnology firms, we find firms that are perceived to be more uncertain and that disclose the presence of more prominent investors are better able to attract subsequent financing.  相似文献   

Multiproduct firms and product turnover are widespread phenomena. This paper develops a theoretical framework that links advantages in R&D and variable costs with firm's ability to expand its portfolio of products. The framework is then applied to explain systematic differences in product introduction by affiliates of multinationals and firms that only operate domestically. Using firm-level data for the Chinese manufacturing sector during 1998-2000, I compare the performance of foreign and domestic firms in terms of the new varieties that they introduce and I estimate the quantitative relevance of technological factors as a determinant.I find that firms with more than 50% of foreign ownership introduce on average more than twice as many more new varieties of goods as private domestic firms. Advantages in productivity account for 32 to 62% of the difference in the number and sales of new varieties, while advantages in the cost of development account for 3 to 6% of these differences.  相似文献   

This paper, on the basis of a sample of Chinese listed firms, investigates the relationship between both real and accrual-based earnings management activities and firms' capital investment behavior. We apply the threshold model proposed by Hansen (1999) and find firms managing earnings can either over or underinvest, depending upon firms' return on equity (ROE) level. The study results show an inverted relationship between earnings management and firms' investment, which changes from negative to positive with ROE rising beyond certain threshold levels. We also find that the level of ROE affects whether managers use real and accrual manipulations jointly or as substitutes in affecting firms' investment. Our evidence is important because it sheds new light on the relationship between earnings management activities and firms' investment behavior by showing that ROE may act as an important determinant in this relationship. This finding has important implications for policymakers such as the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) as it shows that the regulatory benchmarks they set may have a significant impact on firms' investment behavior.  相似文献   

Despite increasing attention paid to China's enterprise reform since the late 1970s, relatively little is known about the performance of reformed state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and newly formed private firms vis-à-vis foreign firms in China. In this study, we examine the performance of domestic Chinese firms in various ownership categories versus foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) based on two nation-wide surveys conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics in 1998 and 2002. We found that both domestic non-state-owned firms and foreign-invested enterprises performed better than state-owned enterprises. Meanwhile, three categories of Chinese firms—privately owned, collectively owned, and shareholding—had higher performance levels than the foreign-invested enterprises.  相似文献   

The eclectic paradigm has been one of the leading frameworks for explaining multinational activity over the past two decades. Yet recent trends in international business pose a challenge to the explanatory power of the paradigm. Strategic management theory, with its focus on performance differences between firms, provides a useful complement to the OLI framework in understanding the activities of the modern multinational. In particular, global competition and the management of a firm's global stocks and flows of knowledge merit closer attention.The advent of global competition requires us to shift from the existing institutional perspective of comparisons of firms and markets or of foreign firms and local firms to a firm-level perspective of comparisons of the multinational firm to its global competitors. It also necessitates a focus on firm-level capabilities in knowledge management relative to competitors, the development of these capabilities involving both macro and micro co-evolutionary processes. Our arguments incorporate these changes to extend the OLI paradigm to accommodate both an economic and a strategic management perspective.  相似文献   

By modeling an international industry where developed and developing countries’ firms reciprocally trade differentiated goods under global pollution and the incomplete internalization of the pollution externality, we examine the firms’ dumping and anti-dumping duty (ADD). We assume that the product quality, pollution emissions, and consumer's pollution internalization are worse in the developing country. We find, among others, that the developing country's firm always conducts dumping, but the developed country's firm only does so under a certain condition and that if the two countries’ internalization degrees of the pollution externality are the same, the firms’ dumping disappears, regardless of product qualities and units of pollution emissions. We also show that a rise in the developed (developing) country's ADD decreases (increases) global pollution and that a rise in a country's ADD always decreases its rival country's welfare, but there is the possibility that it also reduces its own welfare in a certain case.  相似文献   

李小军 《财贸研究》2007,18(6):90-93
将控制权收益引入Myers-Majluf模型中,本文建立了一个企业融资方式选择模型。模型预测,由于控股股东和外部投资者的利益冲突,选择股权融资的上市公司存在过度投资行为,而选择负债融资的企业一般不存在过度投资行为;进一步的研究表明,控股股东的控制权收益加剧了企业股权融资偏好和过度投资行为。  相似文献   

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