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东亚投资合作亟待深化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
投资合作是东亚经济合作必不可缺的重要组成部分,它与贸易合作、金融合作共同形成东亚经济合作的三大基石,投资合作是贸易合作长期发展的必要支撑,相互投资的发展必将有力地推动区内贸易的长期持续发展,而且为金融合作奠定了需求,激励金融合作向前推进.目前,东亚投资合作已经滞后于贸易合作与金融合作,在当前投资合作需要更加迫切、合作条件更加成熟的形势下,亟待东亚各国政府采取更加有力的行动来进一步推动投资合作向前发展.  相似文献   

发展亚洲债券市场促进东亚投资合作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在目前的东亚,存在一个奇怪而独特的现象:一方面投资严重不足,另一方面资金又大量外流。这对东亚区内投资活动和经济发展产生了非常不利的影响。为了尽快改变这种状况,提高东亚各国投资合作水平,扩大区内投资规模,一个重要而且可行的途径就是,大力发展亚洲债券市场,为东亚的投资者和融资者搭起一座高效透明的桥梁,将东亚大量的闲置资金充分利用起来,使区内资金流向区内迫切需要的投资项目。一、东亚奇怪而独特的现象:投资严重不足与资金大量外流与区内成员之间的相互贸易蓬勃发展相比,东亚区内相互投资要薄弱得多。这主要表现在两个方面,一…  相似文献   

东亚:经济增长呼唤投资合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东亚是全球经济增长最快的地区。东亚经济的快速增长,主要是靠投资来推动的,东亚很难在近期根本改变“高投资推动高增长”的经济发展方式。为确保东亚经济持续、快速增长,必须通过区域投资合作,进一步改善东亚投资环境,以促进东亚投资的持续增长。一、东亚经济:高投资促成高增长东亚,作为一个整体,在过去很长时间一直是全球经济增长业绩最好的地区。1973—2003年30年间,全球实际G D P增长率平均为3.5%左右,而东亚则整整高出5个百分点,达到8.5%。金融危机曾一度给东亚经济造成巨大破坏,破坏最重的印尼、泰国、马来西亚和韩国,在1998年曾分…  相似文献   

加大投资力度,是拉动经济增长的重要手段,而启动民间投资则是当前形势下增加投资最现实、最具潜力的途径。近两年来,锡山市坚持眼睛向内,重视激发民间投资热情,以此培育新的经济增长点,促进经济社会全面发展。目前,一个由民间资本、法人资本和境外资本多元投入、共同支撑经济发展的新格局已经初步形成。 锡山市民间投资健康发展的实践,给我们以下四点启迪。  相似文献   

经济特区自创建以来,大幅度地引进了国外的先进技术设备.但是,对引进的先进技术的消化和吸收,效果还不甚理想.这除了主观原因外,也存在着如下客观上的困难:首先,现代技术的综合性和复杂性,非单个企业所能消化和吸收,这不仅仅受科研人力的限制,而且受到试验调测手段、资金和国内外技术信息的限制.横向合作为这些问题的解决开辟了广阔的前景.引进企业与其他企业、科研单位、情报信息机构之间进行广泛合作,各自扬长避短,互为补充,有利于克服  相似文献   

一、引言当前,经历了全球金融危机洗礼的世界政治经济格局正在进入大调整和大变革时期。在世界经济秩序重塑的过程中,一方面,以新兴经济体为代表的东亚地区表现抢眼,已经成为世界经济格局和全球经济治理模式(涵盖东亚10+3主要成员国在内的20国集团机制在美国匹兹堡峰会上已被界定为国际经济合作的主要平台)中新崛起的区域之一.  相似文献   

东亚地区吸引FDI成效卓著,但区内投资合作严重滞后。在当前世界经济一体化和区域经济集团化的背景下,东亚地区的区域经济合作需要全面展开,尤其在投资合作方面,在滞后于贸易与金融合作的情况下需要及时跟进。东亚投资合作具有坚实基础,东亚各经济体应该顺应这一潮流,采取有效的政策措施推进和强化东亚投资合作,以此来实现东亚经济的持续、快速增长。目前东亚总体投资环境还是良好的,这一点可以通过东亚地区FDI流入的情况得到证明。在世界FDI流入量自2000年以来呈逐年递减趋势下,东亚的FDI流入量却自2002年呈现出逐年递增趋势。2003年中…  相似文献   

冀港加强合作大有可为□胡冬原一、冀港加强合作是双方共同心愿(一)河北有着与香港进一步加深合作的内在要求和迫切愿望1本世纪末和下个世纪初,是河北经济高速增长时期,河北面临着基本实现现代化、成为经济强省的任务。在这一过程中,支撑我省经济高速增长的生产要...  相似文献   

<正> 世界银行11月初发布的东亚和太平洋地区经济半年报《在变局中前进》指出:2002年上半年全面展开的东亚复苏目前遇到了来自全球、地区和国内各种不确定因素的综合挑战,凸现了政府决策者推进改革以加强公共安全,减少外来冲击的危害,培育国内生产率增长点的迫切性。  相似文献   

As Asian economies have become more connected through physical and institutional infrastructure, the region's trade has grown and changed. Intraregional trade has increased its share, in large part through the expansion of trade in intermediates in connection with development of global value chains. At the same time, as part of the same process and as part of the structural transformation that underlies most economic development, the share of services in Asia's trade has risen. Policies that support the development of regional infrastructure and the flow of goods and services, as well as factors of production, can increase the benefits from connectivity. Meanwhile, regional cooperation has a key role to play in mitigating negative impacts that may arise from the vulnerabilities that accompany greater connectivity.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to analyze the relationships between the ASEAN-5's business cycles. We examine the nature of business cycle synchronization trying to disentangle between intraregional and interregional synchronization by considering the important role of China, Japan and the US in synchronizing the activity within the ASEAN-5. We employ a time-varying transition probability Markov switching framework in order to allow the degree of synchronization to fluctuate across the phases of the business cycles. We provide evidence that the signals contained in some regional and global leading business cycles can impact the ASEAN-5's business cycles.  相似文献   

Japan's Security Policy in East Asia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Japan's strategic thinking has been driven by three main factors: a fear of isolation, calculation of the geopolitical strength of China (and to a lesser extent, Korea), and accommodation to the prevailing international power structure. During the Cold War Japan aligned with Washington, but maintained sufficient distance to explore a mutually beneficial relationship with China based on Japan's dominant economic position. As Chinese power has grown and Japan's own economic tools for statecraft have slowed, Tokyo has moved closer to the United States to balance Chinese power. Japan has also had to seek new ways to shape the security environment in Asia, turning to multilateral diplomacy such as the Changmai Initiative. Where Japan's diplomacy in Asia in the 1980s and 1990s emphasized Japan's unique ability to champion "Asian" values with the West, increasingly Tokyo has emphasized its unique ability to champion universal values of democracy and rule of law in Asia. This theme has been used by conservative governments to improve Japan's brand over China, but also builds on a tradition of Japanese diplomatic efforts to take a lead in rule-making in the region. Prime Minister Koizumi's assertive foreign policy helped to reinvigorate Japan's international position, but he moved from the traditional three part formulation of Japan's orientation – the U.S. alliance, the UN system and Asia – to a simpler two part formulation of "the U.S.-Japan alliance and international cooperation." The lack of focus on Asia has contributed to growing tensions with South Korea and China over history issues, even as Japan's global and broader regional standing has increased according to most opinion polls. These regional challenges will continue to confront future Prime Ministers well past Koizumi.  相似文献   

Surveys of economists' opinions have been reported from around the world over the past two decades, but never (as far as we are aware) from a non-Western country. This article presents the results of our survey of academic economists drawn from ten East Asian nations. Respondents gave their views on a number of economic propositions ranging across issues of deregulation, government business enterprises, micro-economic and labour market reform, income distribution, and attitudes to the market. Finally, the article reports the results of multidimensional scaling techniques which were used to compare the attitudes of East Asian academic economists toward the market with those of their international colleagues. Overall, we found that while our colleagues in Asia make some allowances for circumstances unique to fast-growing developing economies, their predilection toward market solutions to economic problems reflects that of their (predominantly) Western training. Economists in the ‘Tiger’ nations (Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea) more closely reflect the views of colleagues in the market-friendly West (especially North America, Australia and Germany) than do economists in the newly emerging (‘non-Tiger’) nations such as Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.  相似文献   

建立东亚自由贸易区前途坎坷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代末,随着冷战的结束,东亚地区国家间的政治、经济和对外关系出现了重大调整,经济贸易合作加强,利益相互依赖加深。世界经济全球化趋势加速发展,地区经济集团组织不断涌现,特别是北美自由贸易区、美洲自由贸易区、欧洲联盟的建立,更加激发了东亚国家建立某种形式的经济贸易合作组织的热情。从20世纪90年代开始,东亚国家接连提出各种建立地区经济合作组织的建议。东亚各国政府首脑一个接一个地提出地区经济合作的建议,宣告了创建东亚地区经济合作组织的时代已经来临。当今国际经济合作和地区经济一体化理论认为,国家和地…  相似文献   

Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2004) analyzed the empirical determinants of growth. The data used in this paper consists of panel data of several macroeconomic variables observed for 55 years 0950-2004) in six East Asian countries and regions. Following the implications of semi-endogenous growth theory, the author regressed output growth on the determinants of steady-state income. The estimation and test results suggest the existence of significant relationship between steady-state income and (trend weighted) R & D input both in Japan and South Korea. In addition, following Cellini (1995), the author also considers cointegration and error-correction methods as the growth regression of East Asian countries. Meanwhile, Chang, et al (2004) derived the conclusion that the decreases in reallocation shocks are main factor in a downward trend in natural rate of unemployment for South Korea. The author extends this analysis using structural VAR to other Asian countries and regions, Japan and Taiwan region. Impulse responses show that the growth of production in Korea and Taiwan reduce unemployment, but, in Japan, this raises unemployment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the real and financial integration of East Asian economies, by comparing the degree of real vs financial and global vs regional integration, before vs after the Asian crisis. First, price and quantity measures such as the size of intra‐ and inter‐regional trade, cross‐border financial assets, stock return correlation, and interest rate differentials are investigated. Second, the structural panel vector autoregression (VAR) model is constructed to analyze macroeconomic consequences of real and financial integration such as cross‐country output and consumption relation. The results suggest that (i) the degree of real integration significantly increased after the crisis, both regionally and globally; (iii) quantity and price measures showed an increased financial integration after the crisis, but the consumption relation did not; (iv) the degree of regional financial integration is smaller than that of global financial integration, based on the consumption relation; and (v) financial integration lags real integration, especially for regional integration.  相似文献   

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