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随着计算机技术的迅速发展,网上购物越来越被大家所认可。那么商品的投放价格是很关键的问题,投放的价格可以直接影响到利润。所以研究商品的投放价格与订单数量的关系是很有意义的研究课题。本文是以去哪儿网为例对电子竞价平台中的订单数量进行研究,利用畅游商旅六个月的运营数据进行订单数量与投放价格之间的相关性分析,以及其他因素(例如:商户信用评价星级、投放位置等)对订单数量的影响,通过对畅游商旅后台数据的处理表明,该方法可以帮助商家制定更合理的机票投放价格。  相似文献   

订单分拣是配送中心的重要作业,需要耗费大量的人力、时间和资源。本文根据订单分析,对分拣货位表进行优化和调整,可以在不增加工作量和成本的情况下提高分拣效率。  相似文献   

管德华 《财贸研究》1992,3(1):58-63
西方经济学滋生和发展于资本主义一定的社会经济环境,其理论来源于实践;它强调经验事实的检验,因而把实践作为检验理论的标准,它的目的是给经济活动指示行为准则并为制定经济政策服务,因而具有指导实践的作用。西方经济学是资本主义运行机制的描述,回避了本质的探讨,但它对资本主义商品经济和社会化大生产表面联系及其规律性的揭示,不仅开拓了资产阶级经济学发展的新领域,而且有利于资产阶级管理经济。社会主义同样需要经济运行机制探讨的建设社会主义的经济学。西方经济学的数学分析方法为经济运行的研究注入了生机和活力。运用教学方法,可为经济事物的运动现状及其趋势提供一个一目了然的图景;数学方法同时也是“最优化”分析的必备工具,而最优化问题则是经济决策的基本依据。尽管数学方法对经济分析的深层次是无能为力的,但它理应成为社会主义理论经济学的基本方法之一。  相似文献   

我们根据较长时期内所有杭州数字电视VOD用户对其主要的十大VOD业务的点播行为数据,根据皮尔逊相关系数判断用户点播备业务的行为习惯,对用户点播的业务作相关分析。通过分析皮尔逊相关系数我们发现,多类VOD业务之间存在显著的相关性(参见皮尔逊相关系数表):  相似文献   

京津冀地区小麦是北方的主要农产品之一,其小麦价格走势,对京津冀小麦生产商、经销商、期货投资者的投资决策有重要影响。实证研究表明,当时间间隔为提前两个月时,京津冀地区小麦现货价格与期货价格的相关性达到最大。由此可见,我国郑商所小麦的期货价格对京津冀地区的小麦现货价格的预测在提前两个月时效果最好。  相似文献   

时蓓蓓 《现代商业》2013,(5):237-237
提高会计信息的相关性是刻不容缓的。本文认为相关性是一个两方面互动的内容,一方面要求信息提供者满足决策需求,另一方面要需求者理解会计信息,做出理性决策。  相似文献   

<正>数据探索性分析在研究分析中有着巨大的作用,同时在做探索性分析时,相关系数往往是被经常采用的工具用以衡量变量与变量之间的关系,然后决定是否分析这些变量。本文则从相关系数谈起数据的探索性分析。  相似文献   

在互联网的高速发展下催生出一大批新的科学技术,同时,随着互联网的发展农业市场也在产生新的变革。最为明显的一个例子就是现代农业农副产品销售新模式疏果订单的发展。随着世界经济的飞速发展,人们的思想在不断地催生出一些新的模式。农业农副产品销售新模式疏果订单是这个时代下互联网生成的一个比较具有典型的案例。如今,互联网加上农业的发展需要互相促进互相和谐的共同进步,所以在互联网的发展下现代农业农副产品销售的新模式疏果订单正在为人们所需求。但是不可忽视的一点是互联网与蔬果订单是如何共同发展与共同促进的,怎么样才能共同发展、共同促进。  相似文献   

赵云阁 《现代商贸工业》2011,23(16):275-277
单边效应是横向并购可能产生的一种反竞争效应,结果可能导致价格上升、产量降低和社会福利的减少。所以单边效应一直是国际反垄断执法所关注的,但是在具体实施过程中却存在去多争议,主要原因是关于单边效应本身的理论分析就存在诸多争议。以古诺模型为基础对单边效应的数量竞争理论进行系统的分析,首先分析在基本古诺模型情形下的单边效应,然后放松假设条件,分析在需求函数形式改变、存在效率、存在市场进入等情形时对单边效应产生的影响。  相似文献   

In search advertising, a search engine uses a generalized second-price auction to sell advertising slots adjacent to search results on its webpage. In this paper, we study an interesting question related to the design of the generalized second-price auction: how should a search engine strategically decide on the number of advertising slots? To answer this question, we analyze the implication of varying the number of slots in a base model in which the click-through rates are assumed to be independent of the number of slots. When deciding the number of slots, we find that a search engine’s profit is based on two counteracting factors: the incremental clicks from an extra slot and the influence of the extra slot on advertisers’ payments per click. Our analysis characterizes the conditions for optimality of the number of slots and the implications of different distributions for advertiser valuations. We also extend the base model to allow for attraction and cannibalization of clicks from existing slots by new ad slots and show how such effects affect the optimal number of slots. Our overall results show that search engines need to optimize the number of ad slots offered for auction in order to maximize profit.  相似文献   

从现代战争中的通信电子战系统指挥决策需求角度出发,给出了建立通信电子战系统模型的一种思路,为系统效能评估提供建设性的依据。通过分析通信电子战系统与通信组网目标特点,建立了基于随机服务系统理论(排队论)的不考虑复杂战术背景的通信电子战模型,并根据实际运用情况考虑串联型和协同型运用方式分别建模。随后,在对目标威胁分级的战术背景下建立了改进模型。最后,通过构建实际算例进行分析,比较了不同条件下系统效能参数曲线,得出对通信电子战系统运用切实有效的指挥决策建议,为电子战指挥员提供了决策参考,表明了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

模因理论是解释个体模仿行为的一个重要概念,而近几年来兴起的抖音短视频就是依托"模仿拍摄"的模式,狂揽了一大批用户,并成为诸多广告主广告投放的主战场。本文从模因理论出发,选择抖音平台,结合信息流广告投放时间短的特征,分析互联网模因从形成到被广泛模仿所经历的四个阶段,根据模因传播过程中发生的基因型变异和表现型变异,研究依托互联网模因创作信息流广告的步骤及类型。  相似文献   

在中国电子商务生态系统的发展中,第三方电子商务平台起着举足轻重的作用.它能够为中小型企业客户提供开放的交易平台,使得卖家能够通过较小的成本向更多的消费者推销自己的产品.它提供了一个在线的"集市",买家和卖家都可以通过这个在线"集市"来沟通、交流或者完成交易.本文旨在探索第三方交易平台在电子商务生态系统中的角色定位,并分析第三方电子商务平台的价值所在.  相似文献   

The rise of the digital economy provides firms across the globe with unique business opportunities. Companies such as Facebook, Alibaba, and Uber are competing in a new multi-sided platform world; the primary focus of these firms, from their inception, is to provide digital infrastructure, information and technology—intangible assets that enable direct interaction or value creation across platforms by linking different user group and complementors, often at the international level. Building on data drawn from multinational multisided Platform corporations (MMPCs) operating in China, we combine insights from internalization theory and network effects in understanding the value creation of such firms. We explore the boundaries of these new “breed” of MNEs in exploiting firm-specific advantages (FSAs) and in creating new knowledge between headquarters and subsidiaries. The findings suggest that internalization theory needs to shift its focus from the ‘boundaries of the firm’ to the ‘boundaries of the local network’. By integrating their internal and external networks of knowledge in adapting their business models in host markets, this new breed of MNEs is more likely than the traditional one to gain a sustainable competitive advantage in the new information age.  相似文献   

孙婷 《商业时代》2011,(20):37-38
本文首先分析了我国中小企业使用第三方电子商务平台的现状,随后构建模型用以考察第三方电子商务平台的资本最优定价,表明最优定价不仅与构建和维护平台的各项投入有关,也与中小企业买卖双方的数量及其增长速度有关,同时与平台的社会认可度有着直接关联性,但与平台建立的时间长短无关。  相似文献   

霄岳 《上海商业》2008,(11):55-55
2007年3月,前任默多克公关高管的董军被北京永乐国际拍卖有限公司(永乐-佳士得)任命为总经理。从媒体人到拍卖人.这一职业转变似乎有些突然.而董军却认为这是水到渠成。  相似文献   

In this article, the authors develop a conceptual model that links website quality, trust, merchandising, customer service, and online satisfaction for yahoo auction in Taiwan. The research objective is to provide initial evidence for the determinants of e-satisfaction (online satisfaction). We examine the role of web quality, trust, merchandising, and customer service in consumer online satisfaction assessments. This conceptual model is empirically tested from 350 consumers across a broader group of online shoppers on yahoo auction by means of internet surveys and structural equation analysis. The results show that the determinants of online trust are website quality, merchandising, and customer service. Website quality, trust, merchandising, and customer service have positive effects on online satisfaction for auction sites. The research findings were reported by discussing the implications of the findings and directions for future research.  相似文献   

To achieve economies of scope, most motor carriers combine long-term contracts with shippers and brokers with periodic spot assignments found on electronic marketplaces (EMs). While previous research has addressed how carriers adopt an EM, we know little about factors that influence carriers to adopt multiple EMs. Given the rise of the platform economy of the trucking industry, we chose to address this gap and generate mid-range theory on adopting multiple EMs in a logistics context. To do this, we applied grounded theory and conducted 23 interviews with motor carriers and EM experts in North America and Europe until we reached theoretical saturation. Our findings reveal that many motor carriers adopt a portfolio of different EMs, and that their awareness of platforms, expected and realized benefits, attitude, and vigilance determine how they configure their EM portfolios. The implication for existing theory is that, while previous studies depicted EM adoption from a single-system perspective, we found that it is actually a continuous selection process that follows a portfolio perspective. Our paper also has implications for practice in that it illuminates the rationales behind EM portfolio development and identifies actionable factors that can help managers configure stronger portfolios.  相似文献   

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