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于永海 《乡镇论坛》2014,(24):36-36
浆饭是豫西灵宝人对浆面条、浆面片的统称。初来灵宝时,就有朋友向我介绍:“不食灵宝浆饭,不知民间大味,难察生活之趣!”顿时,勾起了我的食欲。  相似文献   

如何能养好植物。其实一句话就可以概括,那就是……千万不要,拿养人那一套来养植物。千万不能混淆!人一天吃三顿饭.花要是一天浇三次水那非死不可。人喜欢冬暖夏凉.植物可不都是。有一个姐姐从我这买了植物回去.一周后来找我。说植物死了。我说你放哪了?她说.这不是天太热吗、我都热得受不了了,我想植物也肯定热的受不了了,所以就放空调下吹了好几天……  相似文献   

<正>我跟老婆吵架了。其实也不是多大的事,就因为我上网斗地主入了迷,把饭煮煳了,老婆就不依不饶地数落了我一个多小时。如果就事论事也就算了,可她还一会儿把我跟张三的老公比,说我没有别人能干!一会儿把我跟李四的老公比,说我不如别人  相似文献   

在一次午餐会上,一位年轻医生带着疲倦不堪的神态姗姗来迟,“要是电话不会响就好了!”他抱怨,“不断地有人来找我,这让我抽不出时间去别的地方。有时我真想装上电话消音器……”  相似文献   

朋友自北方来,下榻浦东陆家嘴刚刚开张的新天哈瓦那酒店,我去看望他,然后一起外出吃饭,再看看浦东的新气象。走到了中国平安一幢新建成的大楼下,他像钉子一样站住了,左看右看,一脸严肃地说,这楼不伦不类,我要是能够的话,非得要把这楼炸掉。  相似文献   

张小平 《英才》2003,(12):28-32
我们四个人的本事都不够大!《英才》:当初波导的四个创业元老是怎样走到一起的? 徐立华:完全是机遇。1991年研究生毕业后我跑到深圳打工,随后我同学蒲杰也来了。我们一起商量,是不是找一个机会可以自己做。想过很多事情,包括做土豆去皮机。后来想还是做传呼机比较好,它在中国有很广阔的前景。我和蒲杰做了一个可行性报告,然后就到处找投资。在谈的时候,我另外一个同学徐锡广,从北京来深圳旅游结婚。于是我就跟他说了这个事情,问他有没有什么关系?他马上跟老家奉化的朋友  相似文献   

四川绵阳的一名农民朋友来信咨询:我是一名外出务工的农村青年,因为学历低一直找不到满意的工作,一次偶然的机会,看到路边有推销假证件的,就想去购买一个本科毕业证书等找工作时用,请问要承担法律责任吗?  相似文献   

我的好友34岁了,仍待字闺中。那天,她同我聊天时,我说,我老公单位的单身男士多啊,让他帮你介绍一个得了。没想到,这话她当了真,第二天就要来我家,想请老公帮她做媒。朋友来访后,本想寒喧一番再谈正事,老公却是急性子,开门见山就问:你希望找哪种类型的?朋友一愣,我赶紧鼓励她道,说吧,我们一定尽力。于是,朋友就说开了——"个头相貌无所谓,只要过得去就行。收入也不强求,反正我的工作还不错。"听到这里,我和老公相视一笑,觉得这事  相似文献   

经常到企业采访或者调研,就有专职营销或者人力资源部的朋友聊起营销事宜,问我:应该如何搞好营销策划,实现高绩效的营销?笔者赵文家就告诉他们,个人虽然没有从事过专业的企业或产品营销,但管理及政治策划我倒搞了很多成功的案例。政治及管理上的活动,也是一种营销。  相似文献   

要是我还没有装修,就给设计师一笔设计费,如果不满意,又找其他人设计,光设计费就先出一笔,冤不冤?可免费设计出来的东西没有个性,岂不白浪费时间!  相似文献   

陈健 《价值工程》2010,29(22):226-227
伍尔夫在小说艺术表现形式方面有着独特的创造性与开拓性,她在摒弃19世纪现实主义小说常规的同时,又借鉴了传统小说的某些创作手法,最终形成了自己特有的现代主义小说创作风格。作为现代派小说家,伍尔夫在小说中虽极大地降低全知全能型叙述者的叙述比例,但传统小说中常常使用的全知视角依然出现在《到灯塔去》这部现代主义经典之作中。  相似文献   

American films have long presented a negative view of business. This article is the first comprehensive and in‐depth analysis of filmmakers' attitude toward business. It shows that it is not business that filmmakers dislike but rather the control of firms by profit‐maximizing capitalists. The article argues that this dislike stems from filmmakers' resentment of capitalists' constraints on their artistic vision. Filmmakers' portrayal of business is significant because films have persuasive power that tips the political balance toward business regulation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

昝慧昉 《中国企业家》2012,(5):96-98,16
与父辈相比,公主显然更具"野心"——这种野心,或许将是中国改革开放头三十年沉淀下来的那批民企再次蜕变、升级的开始在娃哈哈,宗馥莉被称为"公主",其中不乏玩笑成分,当然还有某种敬畏感。她是"娃哈哈帝国"的"钦定"接班人,这个帝国在2011年的营业额达到了678亿元。在这个帝国中,宗庆后无疑是权力中心、是帝王,他毫不避讳的"大权独揽"的强悍管理风格,早在业界闻名遐迩。身为帝王之女的宗馥莉,以"公主"形容自然非常贴切,但这是最表面的一  相似文献   

A decision maker, who is overwhelmed by the number of available alternatives, limits her consideration. We investigate a model where a decision maker’s capacity determines whether she is overwhelmed: She considers all the available alternatives if their number does not exceed her capacity; otherwise, she applies a shortlisting procedure to reduce the number of alternatives to within her capacity. We show how to deduce the decision maker’s capacity, her preference and the alternatives that she considers from the observed behavior. Furthermore, we provide the necessary and sufficient conditions for a consideration function to be derived by the shortlisting procedure with a limited capacity.  相似文献   

This study models the market for business school deans as an outcome of a differential game between a university's central administration and the job candidates in the market for business school deans. In our model, the ability of a business school dean to advance the organization is enhanced by his or her own scholarly reputation, such that a job candidate chooses an optimal level of scholarship that relates to his or her marketability. In this way, the supply of scholarship (by job candidates) can be seen as the supply of job candidates in the market for business school deans, whereas the demand for scholarship can be seen as the demand for business school deans. The main features of our game‐theoretic model are tested using data from both national and regional business schools and colleges in the U.S. Econometric results indicate that each additional scholarly contribution by a business school dean generates a wage premium ranging from $1,000 to $1,200, whereas in the case of national institutions, each additional student enrolled at the doctoral (master's) level raises the wage by $671 ($56). Lastly, the production of between nine and 10 scholarly contributions is found to be necessary in order to face a 50% probability of holding a business school deanship at a national institution, whereas production of about 37 scholarly contributions leads to a 50% probability of holding a deanship with a named business school at a national institution.  相似文献   

Marie Howland (1836–1921) was an important working‐class figure in the early U.S. women's movement who mounted an inspired challenge to separate spheres and the prevailing domestic ideology. Well before Edward Bellamy and Charlotte Perkins Gilman, she called for domestic work to be respected, paid, and collectively organized. Howland made it her life's work to remove barriers to economic independence for women through the overhaul of social and economic institutions that posited the home as the center of female existence and exploited workers. She wanted women to have the economic freedom to marry for love, not economic necessity, leave a bad marriage, survive widowhood, or not marry at all. By delving into Howland's early years in rural New Hampshire and the Lowell textile mills, her close association with radical bohemians in New York City, and her later participation in experimental communities, the following treatise provides a long overdue, comprehensive account of her life and work. My inquiry reveals how Marie Howland promoted women's freedom within a class analysis, rejecting Marxism and embracing the utopian socialist theory of Charles Fourier. It also offers an in‐depth look at her popular utopian novel, Papa's Own Girl, where a cooperative community of economically independent women and enlightened men replace the patriarchy and individual competitiveness of the emerging, but by no means entrenched, industrial order. In addition, my treatise focuses on Howland's efforts to put ideas into practice. Unwilling to limit her activism to intellectual discussions, she lived in a Fourierist household in New York City, a cooperative settlement in western Mexico, and the single‐tax community of Fairhope, Alabama. She pushed the Grange and the International Workingman's Association to focus on women's issues. She also made sure that her personal relationships with men were based on free love and mutual respect, not economic necessity and legal contract. I also examine how Howland dedicated her life to changing gender and class relations, but made little effort to improve conditions for African Americans. Like many white reformers, she drew on popular scientific theories of biological difference to justify the unequal treatment of African Americans. Besides shedding light on important intellectual and social developments, like phrenology, free love, Fourierism, the Grange, and theosophy, this examination of Marie Howland reveals the complexities, possibilities, and limitations of the women's rights movement before the passage of the 19th Amendment.  相似文献   

一手打造出中国最成功的零售银行的马蔚华,花甲之年欲以强化"危机意识"的方式推动招行"二次转型"。他能跑赢时间吗?晨雾刚散,维多利亚港的轮廓渐渐清晰。这时,电话响起,80多岁的老母亲打来了电话:"我没什么事儿,只是想听听你的声音。"闻听此言,马蔚华百感交集,一时语塞。  相似文献   

Empowering and guiding the team has become crucial to the long-term success of any business. Today, an important measurement for leaders is their ability to facilitate a group of people to work together as a team and successfully accomplish their task. What will separate a good leader from a great leader will be the understanding and development of his or her facilitation skills.  相似文献   

Nancy Reid was born in September 1952 in Niagara Falls, Canada. She graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor in Mathematics and a major in Statistics in 1974. She pursued her training in Statistics at the University of British Columbia (UBC) where she obtained a Master's in Applied Mathematics in 1976 and at Stanford University, where she graduated with a PhD in Statistics in 1979. After spending one year at Imperial College in London visiting Sir David Cox, she joined UBC as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, where she had an important role in the creation of the Department of Statistics. In 1986, she moved to the University of Toronto, where she has been since then as a faculty in the Department of Statistics. Nancy has served as Chair of the Department between 1997 and 2002. Nancy's research in conditional inference, higher order asymptotics and composite likelihood has been influential in Statistics. Her outstanding contributions to Statistics were recognized nationally and internationally with many awards, including the President's Award of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS), Gold Medal awarded by the Statistical Society of Canada and Elected Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences. She received the Doctor of Mathematics, Honoris Causa, University of Waterloo. Nancy served with distinction as Editor of the Canadian Journal of Statistics and President of the Statistical Society of Canada and President of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. In 2014, she was appointed as Officer of the Order of Canada for her outstanding achievements, exemplary leadership and service to Canadians. The following conversation took place at the JSM 2016 in Chicago, on August 2 and 3, 2016.  相似文献   

Katherine Wallman has had a highly distinguished career in federal statistics and has been serving as the Chief Statistician in the USA for the last 22 years. She was also the President of the American Statistical Association (ASA) in 1992. This interview starts with Wallman's early career and introduction to the field of statistics and goes on to describe her fascinating journey and many accomplishments. The interview was conducted on 19 November 2014. The author thanks Mary Ann Kasper, CNSTAT staff, for transcribing.  相似文献   

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