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This article examines the transfer of employment practices across borders within multinational companies. We contrast market‐based, cross‐national comparative and micro‐political perspectives on this issue and argue for an integrated approach that focuses on interrelationships between markets and institutions on the one hand and the material interests of actors on the other. We develop this argument using data from a multi‐level case study of a multinational in the US and Britain.  相似文献   

There has been a growing interest in how multinational corporations transfer various management practices from one country to another. The positions vary from an extreme where all practices will become globally standardised; to claims that the local context will be a decisive factor. In this article, the research question is why an MNC would want to transfer the partnership practice and what the key elements to success might be. As pointed to, partnership is a part of the company's business system, the way they are used to operating. Also important is that the risk of failing in terms of technological issues was important, and thus commitment and cooperation are crucial. Success can be understood by their effort to reduce the institutional distance as much as possible, including the choice of location, hiring policy emphasis on education and training, the strategy of building strong connections to the senior shop steward.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an empirical study that investigated coordination and control within multinational companies over six key aspects of their environmental strategy. Specifically, it first examines the level of centralization of these key issues. Second, it investigates whether there is a positive relation between three variables associated with organizational complexity and the level of centralization of the environmental issues. Statistical analyses of the data obtained from a sample of 98 North American multinationals were conducted. The study's results revealed that most companies have adopted a global environmental standard to govern their worldwide business activities that is supported by strong central controls over both environmental performance evaluation of facilities and decisions regarding the development of environmental programs. Results also revealed that there are limited links between organizational complexity and most aspects of the environmental strategy. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

The process of technology transfer has been a major underlying cause of many crucial geopolitical issues. This paper treats the topic of technology transfer from multinational firms to developing countries as a managerial challenge and narrates how the pioneering initiative taken in 1961 by N.V. Philips has met that challenge. The main instrumentality employed by Philips is its Pilot Plant at Utrecht which, by all indications, has served both the multinational and the host nations in the developing world in a positive way for more than two decades.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the impact of globalization processes on models of R&D personnel management in multinational companies operating in Europe. Existing literature focuses on the globalization of R&D activity, on the one hand, and on national systems of innovation, on the other. By contrast, there are few studies of the linkage between the globalization of R&D and its impact on HRM. Drawing on the practices of multinationals in four sectors (pharmaceuticals, chemicals, computer hardware and software), the paper examines whether the hold of national differences in the area of HRM has been significantly weakened in the face of new models of competitiveness and management in multinationals. It focuses on two dimensions: recruitment and mobility. The studies highlight two major trends. The ‘internationalization’ of R&D clearly has effects on HRM models but not as great as might be expected. HRM policies such as recruitment and pay systems continue to be nationally based, reflecting legal and institutional differences. At the same time, in conjunction with new forms of R&D organization such as projects, the standardization of HRM tools may be observed. But this is partial and affects only a limited number of tools, notably individual evaluation.  相似文献   

We examine the extent to which institutional influences account for the transfer of performance management systems in two foreign‐owned banks, one German the other Irish, in Poland. While we find they were important, more important were the joint effects arising from the subsidiaries' times‐of‐acquisition, their pre‐acquisition economic health, the international experience of the MNCs' management, headquarters‐generated strategic imperatives and the political dynamics that ensued between corporate and local management.  相似文献   

This article examines the factors affecting HRM subsidiary autonomy within multinational companies (MNCs). Drawing on institutional theory arguments, along with an analysis of the impact of international HRM structures, it attempts to identify the multiplicity of factors influencing subsidiary autonomy with regard to HRM. Using data gathered from a highly representative survey of foreign MNC subsidiaries located in Spain, the results identify a number of factors that hold explanatory power. First, the distance between the home and the host country in terms of variety of capitalism is crucial in explaining variations in subsidiary autonomy. In addition, international HR structures, such as the existence of an international policy‐making body and the use of HR shared service centres or HR data reporting mechanisms, are also important in accounting for the degree of autonomy over HR issues experienced by the MNC subsidiaries in our study.  相似文献   

本文分析了跨国经营企业实施内部财务转移的意义,对跨国经营企业如何实施内部财务转移进行了探讨,以期对全面提升企业的国际竞争力有所裨益。  相似文献   

While enjoying success in their home territory in terms of human resource management (HRM) and employee commitment, Korean multinational companies (MNCs) seem to struggle in their overseas subsidiaries to replicate this success in attracting/retaining talent. To explain the HRM challenges seen in many Korean MNCs, we adapt the notion of employees' fairness monitoring in developing a model which illustrates the relationships between clan control in Korean MNCs, employee's perceived fairness and the cultural values of individualism and collectivism. We offer our first set of propositions concerning associations between fairness monitoring and cultural values, before suggesting another set of propositions about relationships between employees' fairness judgement and clan control in Korean MNCs. Figures graphically illustrating of some of our propositions are also presented. Our model proposes that clan control in Korean MNCs may cause perceived low fairness judgement during employees' fairness monitoring in both individualistic and collectivistic cultures. We believe this paper should stimulate further enquiries in international HRM, cross-culture and fairness literatures.  相似文献   

In this article, the relation is explored between the external technical embeddedness of the subsidiary, its assigned role, and capability development in the MNC. It is argued that assigning roles of responsibility or mandates to certain subsidiaries can effect integration of subsidiary-developed knowledge in the MNC. Departing from literature on the market-as-networks perspective and writings from recent years on subsidiary roles, hypotheses are developed and a model outlined. The model describes a significant link between the external technical embeddedness of the subsidiary and its assigned role within the MNC, and a significant relation between the subsidiary's assigned role and its importance for other units’ capability development. The model is tested on a sample of 97 subsidiaries using the LISREL 8.3 statistical method. The final model implies that by assigning specific roles to different subsidiaries, headquarters can exploit the knowledge developed in the external environments of these subsidiaries.  相似文献   

This study, within the discipline of International Human Resource Management, analyses the readiness of multinational enterprises to export their human resource management (HRM) system to their subsidiaries abroad, depending on the perceived quality of the system and the differences in the cultural contexts of the headquarters and subsidiaries. Using a qualitative exploratory study of 8 Basque firms and another quantitative study of a sample of 58 Spanish industrial multinationals, we conclude that the quality of the headquarters-based HRM system has a significant influence when it comes to deciding whether to export it to the subsidiary, whereas the difference in cultural contexts is not decisive when transferring the basic principles of the human resource system, although it is possibly decisive in the transfer of practices and sub-processes.  相似文献   

We examine in how far US subsidiaries in Germany and Switzerland display characteristics of a strategic fit with their host country and mostly find support for our predictions. Subsequently we determine each subsidiary's host‐country fit and test for within country differences in using local training and skill practices. We find the extent of continuing vocational education and training and the extent to which training on the job is important to vary with host‐country fit in Germany, while in Switzerland, as predicted, we find no such relations.  相似文献   

Rising business of multinational companies in Asia has been paralleled with an increase in the number of western expatriates sent overseas. This has created challenges for the multinational companies as how to develop dual commitment of these expatriates to the parent companies and to the local operations during international assignments. In this study, we simultaneously examined the nature of dual organizational commitment among 254 western expatriates currently working for the subsidiaries of the multinational companies in Vietnam, and investigated specific antecedents of the dual commitment by using multi-dimensional approach. The results confirmed the existence of two distinct commitment foci and proved that the commitment to a parent company was stronger than that to a local operation. Tenure in a parent company, clarity of repatriation process, promotion and compensation were responsible for the differences in level of commitments with regard to two foci. While promotion, compensation and clarity of repatriation process more significantly predicted components of parent company commitment, pre-departure training was more associated with components of local operation commitment. Pre-departure training, promotion, compensation and transformational leadership were primarily indicated to predict dual commitment in terms of high levels to both foci. The results were discussed in the light of dual commitment and international human resource management.  相似文献   

在今天这个经济发展日新月异的时代,跨国公司越来越成为推动全球经济发展的引擎。如今,有效的知识转移已经成为跨国公司竞争优势的重要来源之一,只有通过组织间的知识转移,才能推动组织对知识进行高效管理,实现组织的经济与竞争价值。本研究将基于企业社会资本理论中的关系维度,研究跨国母子公司间形成的关系维度对内部知识转移绩效的作用机制,从而来探索母子公司在知识转移过程中的内部关系维度作用。  相似文献   

在今天这个经济发展日新月异的时代,跨国公司越来越成为推动全球经济发展的引擎.如今,有效的知识转移已经成为跨国公司竞争优势的重要来源之一,只有通过组织间的知识转移,才能推动组织对知识进行高效管理,实现组织的经济与竞争价值.本研究将基于企业社会资本理论中的关系维度,研究跨国母子公司间形成的关系维度对内部知识转移绩效的作用机制,从而来探索母子公司在知识转移过程中的内部关系维度作用.  相似文献   

This paper examines the US portion of the global communications network known as the Internet. The stages in the Internet's evolution, telecommunications deregulation, and a rush by new competitors to new market opportunities associated with the Internet combined to prompt a flurry of investment in new fibre-optic networks. Frameworks to explain new networks built upon, and added to, existing telecommunications networks include network economies and the opportunity-rich paths located between the large markets on the east and west coasts of the country and a capital-driven set of new and old network suppliers. The paper then reviews the small but growing body of research on the geographic structure of the Internet. The empirical section of the paper focuses on analyses of the variation among urban areas both in bandwidth on interurban Internet backbone networks and in the number of web design firms in the USA. Bandwidth investment was attracted not only to cities with larger populations but also to cities with ‘knowledge economies’, indicated by doctoral degree-granting institutions and economic dynamism. The paper concludes with remarks about future research priorities.  相似文献   

美国西雅图一家棒球俱乐部的CEO说,他已告诉员工,哪怕只是得普通病也要在家休息,"我告诉他们,如果你得了流感还来工作,这可能是你在这里工作的最后一天。  相似文献   

跨国公司在华"集聚效应"的影响及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前跨国公司对华投资越来越具有规模化,在这种数量上的增加之外,我们更应该关注跨国公司投资背后的系统性和关联性--即跨国佘司"集聚效应"。这种效应不仅通过要素投入数量的集聚,而且通过要素质量和效率增进强烈地影响经济增长;在经济发达地区,外商直接投资的集聚效应时经济增长的影响更强烈。但是,跨国公司群体和我国企业市场竞争地位的不对称性,决定了我国企业在这种市场结构下,集聚技术能力、管理能力的艰巨性。跨国公司"集聚效应"是一把"双刃剑",我们应该采取积极有效的措施,促使跨国公司在华健康发展,促进中国经济的进一步发展。  相似文献   

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