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及时完成石油工程施工货物的国外清关是施工企业和国外业主特别关注的问题。伊朗的进口规定经常变化,因而全面了解伊朗石油工程货物清关的工作流程并充分做好清关文件的准备十分必要。在组织国内货物、出口审批和国外采购之前要完成伊方进口申请表的编制并获得批准。将永久进口货物和临时进口货物进行科学分类并合理编制包装编号系统是清关的关键。此外,借助于业务熟练的伊朗当地清关代理公司的协助,能降低海关税费、灵活及时地解决出现的问题、减少麻烦,从而加快清关进程.  相似文献   

目前,世界天然气总储量181.46万亿立方米,按现有增幅开采可持续63.3年。  相似文献   

据伊朗报道,伊朗和德国日前签署了一项有关在伊朗胡齐斯坦省建造一个石化厂的合同。  相似文献   

伊朗石油部的一名高级官员说,伊朗已同意提高其从邻国土库曼斯坦进口的天然气的价格。  相似文献   

伊朗油气对外开放合作始于1990年的海湾战争结束后,历经30余年共3个发展阶段。自1979年始,伊朗遭受了西方严苛的制裁并延续至今,伊朗国内经济和石油生产受到巨大影响,油气对外合作停滞不前,油气资源一直未得到大规模充分开发。目前伊朗重启伊核协议谈判,一旦制裁解除,其巨大的剩余油气资源和积极向好的对外合作政策将促使伊朗重回国际舞台。中伊两国在能源领域的合作空间巨大,中国公司应重点关注油气区块勘探开发、天然气开发、老油田提高采收率以及新能源领域的合作。  相似文献   

2007年,美国国会众议院、参议院提出了加强制裁伊朗的新法案,其中《2007年伊朗防扩散法案》影响最大。这一被称为“兰托斯法案”的修正案针对美国《1996年伊朗制裁法》,扩大了被制裁人、被制裁行为等的范围,强化的制裁措施包括剥夺总统放弃制裁的权力、更严厉的金融制裁等。这些制裁措施一旦全部实施,将会在美元结算业务、石油化工技术许可、向美国出口产品等多方面对我国石油企业产生直接影响。同时,还会间接影响到我国石油企业在伊朗的石油天然气勘探开发业务、石油工程服务、炼化工程服务以及原油进口业务。因此,我国企业应在结算币种、原油进口、油气产量分成和石油化工技术等方面采取一定的对策,早做预案。  相似文献   

姚睿  茅启平  王中桥 《国际石油经济》2013,(Z1):18-25,211,212
当前,以美国为代表的西方国家对伊朗步步紧逼,伊朗所处的国内外环境日趋严峻。国内政治经济形势面临前所未有的挑战:石油收入下降、物资供应短缺、汇率大幅跳水、神权地位下降、派系斗争升级。从短期看,美以对伊朗动武的可能性不大,以压促变仍是首选,美国将力图通过制裁、分化内部推翻伊朗反美政权。但伊朗是神权国家,也是一个比较民主的国家,其体制对革命存在一定的免疫性,而且民众对政府不满,可通过公开抗议、游行或投票选举等方式来表达。目前,哈梅内伊执政地位仍较稳固,虽然体制内的派系斗争可能在总统大选临近时升级,但因大选发生革命的可能性不大。从长期看,如果西方经济制裁持续加码,伊朗国内经济、社会形势可能进一步恶化,改革将成为民心所向,原来的改革派可能与新的政治势力结合,从体制内改革转入体制外抗争,进而推动伊朗神权体制外的民主变革。  相似文献   

王海滨  姜霖  王珂 《国际石油经济》2012,(12):13-17,102
受美欧制裁等因素的制约,加上保守的能源政策和能源消费补贴政策,现阶段伊朗石油工业的发展举步维艰。美欧对伊的技术封锁和融资阻碍严重影响了伊朗部分石油项目尤其是上游项目的进程,同时使其原油出口和成品油进出口受到很大影响。伊朗石油问题具有长期性、复杂性和易爆性,我们应采取有效措施加以应对。从短期看,在伊朗原油折价出现时,中国石油公司应把握机会,扩大进口伊原油;从长远看,应寻求伊朗石油的替代油源。  相似文献   

据Siyasat—e Rooz日报报导,伊朗驻石油输出国组织(OPEC)代表Mohammad Ali Khatibi认为,国际石油市场在2010年下半月料保持稳定和均衡。  相似文献   

据伊朗报道:伊朗同意以延期3个月支付的方式向巴基斯坦提供燃料油,帮助巴基斯坦确保向发电厂不间断的燃料供应,缓解经济困难。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increasing interest among business-to-business marketing scholars in the processes of managerial cognition. In particular, actors' network pictures, defined as the cognitive representations of managers' business surroundings have attracted much attention. However, there has so far been no empirical research on the impact that network pictures have on managerial behavior. The purpose of this paper is therefore to understand if and how specific pertinent network picture characteristics — namely power, dynamics, broadness, and indirectness — are associated with different behavioral choices, i.e. networking strategies. Based on an experiment with 445 Executive MBA students, all international managers across different industries, we find that managers' choices when managing business relationships, their strategic actions, are affected by the way they perceive their surrounding business network. However, amongst the different theoretical models of networking activities tested, only the power dimension showed significant associations with all four network picture characteristics. This study represents the first to empirically study the connection between cognition and behavior in business-to-business markets, as well as one of the few to apply an experimental design to study a business-to-business marketing related phenomenon. Also, it paves the way for future understanding of the association between network picture characteristics and networking strategies in interaction between actors.  相似文献   

A tentative model of the innovation process   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper proposes a model of innovation claimed to be applicable both to the lone entrepreneur and the large institution. It treats innovation as a social process and views it in some respects as analogous to natural selection.
The model takes into account 12 elements: the innovator, the new concept, the innovating group, the new product, target user, competitors, capital supply, strategy, supplying organization, technology, relevant environment and chance. The author characterises each element and shows how they interact in the course of guiding a particular innovation to success or failure.
The operation of the model is illustrated by applying it to two cases — the rise and decline of the metal ski and the launch and success of a national US newspaper.
The paper concludes with a list of possible uses of the model, as a checklist for action, as a basis for incorporating other approaches to the innovation process and as a starting point for a quantitative representation of the innovation process.  相似文献   

Business friendship refers to the integration of “business” dealings and personal “friendship” that permeates many markets. As relationship marketing and customer relationship management become increasingly prevalent practices, business friendship as a fundamental element embedded in business relationships needs to be better understood. This paper studies how business friendship is formed and its impact on key marketing outcomes. We propose that business friendship is driven by three factors spanning business and personal domains—congeniality, rule adherence and business reputation. Our empirical analysis is based on survey and actual sales data from 263 client firms of a leading provider of business intelligence and strategic planning services. The results show the three factors contribute significantly to business friendship. We find that business friendship between the client and the supplier significantly impacts the sales to the client, and this impact is further moderated by how the two parties share responsibilities in achieving common goals. In addition, we show that business friendship induces one party to accommodate and cooperate with the other (i.e., compliance), and to engage in positive word-of-mouth. The framework and findings shed lights on how companies may influence (and be influenced by) business friendship as they increasingly emphasize long-term business relationships.  相似文献   

This paper describes a management aid devised to illustrate the inter-relationships between present company business activities and the investigational activities of the various company R&D functions. It is based on the- construction of a three-dimensional model in which the raw material, process and market parameters are the axes. Use of the model can facilitate project definition and selection in R and D departments and can be extended as a management aid in studies of R & D resource allocation and acquisition studies.  相似文献   

This study provides an in-depth understanding of the liability of foreignness (LOF) in an Asian business context. Based on previous literature, we distinguish the two distinct cost components that comprise LOF: The cost of foreignness and the cost of multinationality. Whereas the former refers to the costs incurred by foreign firms when they develop location-specific advantages in a host country environment, the latter refers to the costs associated with an MNC’s multinational operation, more specifically, transferring firm-specific advantages from the home country (or elsewhere) and adapting them to a particular host country context. Based on this distinction, we investigate whether and how persistently each of these costs exists in an Asian business environment. Our data on the Korean asset management industry support the presence of both costs, resulting in lower performance increase of foreign firms relative to local ones from utilizing location- and firm-specific advantages, respectively. Furthermore, in our study setting, compared to the cost of foreignness, the cost of multinationality persists longer in the market, suggesting that the latter is more difficult and takes a longer time for MNCs to mitigate than the former. Our results provide important insights into detailed aspects of strategic challenges confronted by MNCs in the Asian business context from which they can derive effective strategic responses.  相似文献   

While previous research has found project buying to be distinct from other buying situations, in that it typically involves a multi-organizational network, to date there has been very little empirical research on this phenomenon. Our aim in this paper is therefore to investigate the structure and decision-making processes of the project buying network during the project cycle and its interactions with project sellers. We first develop a preliminary conceptual framework for analyzing the project buying network, which is then applied to a comparative case study of three development projects. The findings from the case study allow us to propose a revised conceptual framework for analyzing the dynamics of the project buying network during the project cycle, as well as interaction with sellers. Our findings also contribute an understanding of development projects, in particular the role of financiers.  相似文献   

Companies that wish to launch innovative sustainability technologies can collaborate in strategic networks of actors from industry, government and research institutes to pro-actively build a business ecosystem around their new technology. This is called collective system building. In this paper, we examine how to effectively manage networks for collective system building. Based on a review of the literature, we identify the key factors of effective network management and we propose a conceptual framework for network management at the network level. Subsequently, we conduct a multiple-case study in the Dutch smart grid sector to examine how these key factors are implemented by system-building networks. We find differences with the existing network management literature regarding network composition, network management structure, governance modes, decision-making processes, project management, the free-rider problem and trust-building mechanisms. Our study contributes to a better understanding of effective management of system-building networks, which in turn can lead to greater success in establishing new business fields. We contribute to the literature on strategic business networks, specifically on emerging business networks building new business fields.  相似文献   

Rather than providing evidence of business process re-engineering (BPR) as another example of cultural change rhetoric, this case study shows BPR as a substantive initiative that has had a considerable impact on health care professionals. A hybrid of differing bureaucratic professions allows for a diversity specific to the health service. The study highlights a number of controversial issues unique to health care professionals, particularly in the areas of job redesign, multiskilling and empowerment.  相似文献   

This study reviews the research on foreign business management in China and analyzes 193 articles published in English in 13 academic journals between 1980 and 2008. The studies were classified based on the type of research, the main topic, and the methods employed. The studies were then mapped and their key research findings and conclusions were highlighted. A three-stage model of market transition was developed to contextualize the work, and this helps explain the shifting focuses in the literature and identify directions for future research.  相似文献   

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