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目前世界上80%的成人疾病和50%的儿童死亡率都与饮用水的水质不良有关。在中国,近年来,水危机越来越受到人们的重视,节水已不能再等待,今年3月22日,"国家节水标志"正式揭牌。20年来,外资在中国水市场"风生水起",中国企业如能趁"危"夺"机",就能在水市场上开出一条新路。 相似文献
中国汽车工业建基于商用车,多年来,高用车一直是中国汽车市场的驱动主力。近年来,在中国汽车市场总体呈现高速增长态势,乘用车市场火热跟进的情况下,两用车依然保持了大于50%的市场贡献度。2003年,全国载货车和客车合计销售241.92万辆.轿车销售197.16万辆;2004年载货车和客车合计销售274.46万辆,轿车销售232.65万辆,然而,2005年商用车与乘用车的市场结构终于由不断的量变引发了质变。19月.全国汽车销售413.62万辆,其中商用车13330万辆.乘用车280.32万辆,商用车对汽车市场的销售贡献度降为32.23%.商用车引领中国汽车市场的格局被打破了。 相似文献
10月14日.日本三菱重工宣布开发出新型散货船.称该型船应用了空气润滑技术.从而使其二氧化碳排放量与传统散货船相比减少25%。 相似文献
《International Business Review》2005,14(1):1-19
The globalization forces engender companies to develop a new set of competencies that would enable the generation of abnormal returns in the global marketplace. This article reviews the extant literature regarding the effect of globalization on organizations and develops a conceptual framework that underlines the importance of knowledge management competencies in creating global market advantage. The knowledge management competencies consist of global customer, competitor and supplier knowledge development, inter-functional coordination and value chain coordination. The relationship between global market knowledge competencies and global market advantage is partially mediated by company's responsiveness. Global market advantage is positively associated with company's strategic and financial performance. 相似文献
出口与企业生产率:由实证而理论的最新拓展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
出口与企业生产率之间关系的研究属于国际贸易研究的最新论题,这原本是个实证论题,后来被提升到理论层面。大量的实证研究文献集中在"自我选择效应"和"出口学习效应"两个命题。理论层面的拓展以对传统理论之企业无差异假定条件的打破为基点。文章在对1995-2006年关于出口与企业生产率关系的实证与理论研究进行归纳、总结的基础上提出了进一步研究的方向。 相似文献
Horst Tomann 《Intereconomics》1989,24(6):303-308
The removal of the internal frontiers within the EC will tend to have a negative effect on trade relations between EC and CMEA countries. The implications of 1992 for trade patterns between the EC and the CMEA are examined in the following article and the role which future EC trade policy could play here is outlined. 相似文献
The paper studies how the relationship between emerging market sovereign bond spreads, economic fundamentals and global financial market conditions differs across three regimes of global market sentiment. Following the identification of periods characterized by low, medium and high volatility in financial markets, we analyze the behavior of spreads from three different angles. First, we demonstrate that the cross-country correlation of spreads increases in high-volatility regimes, implying that countries cannot fully decouple from developments in other emerging markets during periods of distress. Second, using the interactions of several domestic and global variables with the probabilities of each regime prevailing in a given period as the explanatory variables of spreads, the fixed effects panel estimation shows that while country-specific fundamentals are important determinants of spreads in each regime, the importance of global financial conditions increases in high-volatility periods. Third, we show that countries can benefit from stronger fundamentals in the form of lower exposure of their sovereign spreads to unfavorable regime shifts in global market sentiment. 相似文献
在将来的几年里,全球测试实验室的布局将彻底改变。许多小的实验室或是消失或是被几家有规模的测试机构收购,这几家大的测试机构将控制全球认证市场。以上是瑞典人Alan Ericsson的观点,他是少数全球电子认证的权威专家之一,并曾帮助如富士和LG电子等亚洲制造商进入欧洲市场。 相似文献