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水稻直播技术应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南昌县直播稻的发展来源于滨湖地区农民的实践。 2 0 0 0年 ,全县直播稻面积达到 1 2万余亩 ,部分滨湖乡 (镇 )早稻直播面积比重达到 80 %左右。在先进的早稻抛秧技术得到大力推广普及的情况下 ,水稻直播技术究竟有没有过时 ?其推广应用价值和前景如何 ?本文拟作些探讨。一、水稻直播技术在农业新阶段具有一定的应用价值多年生产实践 ,水稻直播技术呈现如下四大特点 :1 .苗多穗足。据试验记载 ,早稻直播每亩穗数比移栽田高 1 8.1 % ,晚稻高 1 5.5%。这也是直播稻增产的关键因素所在。2 .抑病少虫。直播田禾苗直到生长后期 ,通风透光性仍然良…  相似文献   

本文简述了辽宁省直播稻生产的发展历程及现状,分析了直播和移栽两种模式的生产效益,得出了直播稻即便在减产8%左右时,也能获得与移栽稻相当的经济效益的结论,并提出了加强专用品种选育和配套技术研究,促进直播稻绿色发展的建议。  相似文献   

我国水稻直播栽培一般在气候寒冷、稻作生长季节短、田多劳力少的地区采用。直播稻比移栽稻平均增产1095%左右。一、直播稻的生育特点1有较强的根系,适土性较强直播稻播种较浅,土壤中的氧气较多,有利于根系发育生长和提高对土壤养分的吸收利用率,后期熟色好...  相似文献   

直播水稻是指不经育秧、移栽而直接将稻种播入大田的一种栽培方式。近年来江苏省阜宁县通过扩大机插秧、旱育稀植移栽、抛秧等种植方式,而有效压减直播稻种植。但在实际生产中,仍有一定种植面积,为防止突发气候影响,导致水稻大面积减产,对已种植直播稻的,要严格掌握技术,不能粗放对待,以有效降低风险,尽可能获得较高的产量。具体要注意以下几点:  相似文献   

直播稻是将稻种直接播于田间而不进行移栽的一种栽培技术。根据播时田间水的有无,又可分为水直播和旱直播。因直播稻播期、播种方式、耕作方式等与手工移栽、抛栽和机栽有很大的不同,病虫草害发生情况也有明显的差异,主要表现为“三重一轻”。一是迁飞性害虫发生重。直播稻较同品种手栽稻生育期要推迟10天左右,9月上中旬适宜四代纵卷叶螟危害,9月下旬至10月上中旬适宜稻飞虱危害,而手栽稻不太适宜危害,因此上述时期纵卷叶螟和稻飞虱对直播稻的危害要比手栽稻重。  相似文献   

稻杰TM是美国陶氏益农公司研究开发的水稻田除草剂,有效成分为五氟磺草胺,它是一种磺酰胺类、内吸传导型广谱除草剂,多年的大面积应用表明,可广泛应用于秧田、直播稻、机插稻、抛秧田、移栽稻防除稗草、一年生阔叶草和一年生莎草等杂草。推荐剂量下使用,对水稻安全。  相似文献   

稻杰^TM是美国陶氏益农公司研究开发的水稻田除草剂,有效成分为五氟磺草胺,它是一种磺酰胺类、内吸传导型广谱除草剂,多年的大面积应用表明,可广泛应用于秧田、直播稻、机插稻、抛秧田、移栽稻防除稗草、一年生阔叶草和一年生莎草等杂草。推荐剂量下使用,对水稻安全。  相似文献   

江苏省泰州地区水稻种植素有早育抛秧、麦套稻、机插秧和直播稻等四种栽培方式,其中以机插秧和直播稻为主。为了推广高效环保的种管技术,提高生产水平,现将近年来笔者在指导实际生产过程中的一些体会总结如下,供大家参考。  相似文献   

水稻直播的再出现:简单的复古还是理性的回归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村劳动力的短缺使得一些农户选择直播的方式种植水稻。本文利用实地调查得到840份水稻种植户的投入产出信息,运用随机前沿生产函数模型辨析直播技术的采用对水稻生产技术效率的影响。研究结果表明,尽管直播技术会显著导致水稻单产的下降,但由于降低了成本,直播技术的采用对水稻生产技术效率并没有明显的影响。此外,有效的技术指导对水稻生产技术效率具有显著的正向影响,且对直播稻农而言针对性的技术指导有着更为明显的增产效应。因此,在直播技术不推自广的背景下,地方政府应遵循农民需求,提供足量的针对性技术指导。  相似文献   

近几年.江苏省泗洪县直播稻的种植面积较大.直播稻田主要病虫害发生与移栽稻田也有较大的不同.结合几年来直播稻田主要病虫害的防治工作实践.现对泗洪区域直播稻田与移载稻田主要病虫发生的情况及防治对策的技术进行探讨。  相似文献   

While intervillage differences in the adoption of modern rice varieties (MVs) are explained mainly by environmental variables, rather than by socioeconomic factors, relative factor prices are the most important determinants of the adoption oflabour-saving technologies. There is no indication that MV adoption is correlated with the adoption of tractors and threshers as well as cropping intensities. Adoption of direct seeding, however, appears to be associated with MV adoption.  相似文献   

叶磊 《中国农史》2021,(1):22-31
近世日本的传统暖地稻作技术(1)是为应对暖地气候条件及土壤环境而诞生的一种特色水稻栽培方法。其中,"稀播疏植"核心技术的实施有效缓解了暖地气候所带来的秧苗徒长、过繁茂化等问题;合理排灌、高肥栽培、综合防治等配套技术的应用有效确保了稻田的水肥供给和虫害防治的效果;而暗渠排水、干鰯肥田、鲸鱼油防虫等措施则极具日本地方特色。从技术的实施效果来看,传统暖地稻作技术实现了水稻的稳定高产和瘦田增收,对于当代农业生产依然具有十分重要的生态价值和借鉴意义。通过与同时期清代中国的比较发现,日中两国在水稻用种、插秧规格、稻田灌溉等方面的做法较为相似,即两国都主张通过"稀播疏植,精细管理"的方式来发展稻作生产。基于比较结论和种种史实,我们推测日本这一技术的形成在很大程度上应是受到清代中国的影响。  相似文献   

This paper uses farm-level data collected from a sample of 500 households in Hunan province, China, to analyze the impact of hybrid rice on input demand and productivity. Based on regression analyses, it is found that, compared with conventional modern varieties, hybrid rice uses about 4% less labor inputs, 2% less draft animal services, and 6% more chemical fertilizers. The lesser requirements for labor and draft animal services probably arise from hybrid rice's lower seeding rate. Due to heterosis and high seed costs, the use of F1 seed is economized to about one-third to one-fourth that of conventional varieties. Therefore, less labor and animal power is needed for seed-bed preparation and transplanting. It is also found that, given the same level of inputs, the yield advantage of hybrid rice over the conventional modern varieties is about 19%. Because of the productivity potential, hybrid rice is a candidate for the second-generation “Green Revolution” in other parts of Asia.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nexus between milk production and water use in India. The nexus is examined in the context of extended consumptive water use (CWU) of milk production beyond drinking water. It includes the real CWU (evapotranspiration (ETa) that occurs during the production of green fodder and feed grains) and the virtual CWU (ETa embedded in by-products for animal feed). The real CWU appears as large as that of sugarcane, and the real and virtual CWU combined is as large as that of rice. However, milk production generates more value than the outputs of rice and sugarcane combined. Sustainable water use and agricultural growth in major milk-producing areas require a drastic reduction in groundwater CWU, which, at present, exceeds natural recharge. It is suggested that diversifying to a mix of milk and high-value (but low water consuming) crops can reduce groundwater CWU while ensuring higher total output.  相似文献   

[目的]推进水稻生产和化肥施用的脱钩,实现粮食安全和生态安全的同步提升。[方法]文章采用脱钩模型分析2003—2018年中国水稻生产与化肥施用的脱钩状况,构建两者之间的关联模型,运用对数平均迪氏指数分解法将水稻产量变化分解为规模、结构、强度和效率4种效应,揭示它们对中国水稻生产和化肥施用脱钩关系的影响。[结果](1) 2010年之前我国水稻生产和化肥施用总量之间以扩张负脱钩为主,之后则以弱脱钩和扩张连接为主。分肥料种类看,就氮肥和磷肥而言,2010年之前其与水稻生产的脱钩关系和化肥施用总量与水稻生产的脱钩关系差别不大,但之后水稻生产与氮肥以强脱钩关系为主,与磷肥以扩张负脱钩关系为主;对钾肥而言,在整个2003—2018年其与水稻生产都以扩张负脱钩关系为主。(2)全国和省域层面分析均表明,扩大规模效应,提高结构效应能够显著推进水稻生产和化肥施用脱钩,但在人多地少的条件下,寄希望于持续扩大规模效应和提高结构效应来实现水稻生产和化肥施用脱钩的目标难以实现。(3)强度效应是促进水稻增产的重要因素,但化肥投入的长期增长已严重威胁稻田的生态安全和可持续生产能力,使其水稻边际产出水平明显下降,导致效...  相似文献   

本文以广东地区收获期一致的22个不同品种的大米为研究材料,探讨原料大米外观与内在品质的相关性。结果表明,大米垩白度与食味品质之间为负相关,与直链淀粉含量呈现正相关关系;大米长度与食味品质呈现正相关关系,与直链淀粉含量为负相关;食味品质与直链淀粉含量之间为负相关。由此可知,稻米外观品质对内在品质具有一定的影响,垩白度低、粒型长度较长的大米口感较好。  相似文献   

This article applies a general equilibrium model to analyse the impact of new rice technology on household income and uses agricultural household survey data from China to test the implications of this model. It is shown that, when a new rice technology becomes available, the adopting household will reallocate resources to increase rice production and reduce the production of other goods. Meanwhile, the non-adopting households will do the opposite. Thus, the income from rice becomes increasingly concentrated in the adopting households and income from non-rice becomes increasingly concentrated in the non-adopting households. If only one source of income is examined, the introduction of new rice technology increases the inequality of income distribution in rural areas. But, if the total household income is examined, the distributional inequality is mitigated.  相似文献   

The effects of direct payments on rice income variability in Japan are analysed based on a balanced panel dataset of Japanese rice farms for 2012–2016. Firstly, the contribution of income components to rice income variability and the effects of a direct payment reduction are discussed by applying variance decomposition. Secondly, robust regression techniques are used to measure the correlation between direct payments and rice income variability. The originality of this paper is that it disaggregates the effects of payments using a regression analysis of the effects of direct payments on income variability for Japan. This contrasts with the existing literature on this topic, which has largely focused on European Union countries. This paper discusses to what degree the reduction in direct payments increases income variability. The results reveal that direct payments decrease Japanese rice income variability. Indeed, after controlling for various farm characteristics, we find a negative relationship between the amount of direct payments linked to rice production and rice income variability. Finally, the results suggest that reducing direct payments when the rice price is falling would increase rice income variability.  相似文献   

Agri-environment schemes (AES) favouring the maintenance of hedges were implemented in the Camargue (southern France) as it has previously been proven to reduce the risk of damage caused by Greater Flamingo incursions into rice fields. Given the persistent incursions, we estimated the economic cost of damage from 2007 to 2009, the uptake rate of hedge-related AES and explored the limits of these schemes as a mitigation effort. Semi-structured and key informant interviews, site mapping and field visits were made to verify claims and estimate damage. Number of plants/m2 and fertile stems/plant were estimated on 1,498 and 312 grids, respectively, spread over 26 rice fields. Damaged areas of rice fields forayed by flamingos presented from 1.35 to 3.06 t/ha lower yield than undamaged areas. We estimated 228€/ha average loss in forayed fields for a total of 400,000€ in yield loss in 2008. Administrative constraints limited AES and free seedlings distribution, preventing the problem from being addressed at an appropriate scale. The trivial financial support for hedge management relative to more lucrative AES with lower constraints resulted in low uptake rate. We propose that modifications of AES take into account landscape factors over administrative boundaries and that the financial support for AES be scaled up relative to other subsidies in order to address the efforts necessary to achieve landscape changes to reduce human–wildlife conflict.  相似文献   

基于EOS/MODIS数据的南方水稻面积提取技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
该文以我国南方15省、市和自治区为研究区域,采用高时频的EOS/MODIS卫星数据,构建了水稻播种面积识别算法,实现了南方各类水稻(早稻、晚稻和单季稻)种植面积的快速提取。该研究在很大程度上解决了困扰农情遥感监测业务运行中水稻种植面积及其空间分布的难题,可为作物估产、农作物长势以及墒情遥感监测提供基础。  相似文献   

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