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公司治理从来没有像现在这样受到广泛的关注和重视,人们认识到只有建立一套完整的治理系统,才能彻底解决舞弊、腐败和管理不当的问题.在这一系统中,内部审计是必不可少的组成部分.本文从公司治理与内部审计的核心--风险管理的角度出发,研究公司治理与内部审计的整合.  相似文献   

由于我国特定的环境因素,公司治理结构中的监督机制一直不具有实质的有效性,本主要论述了公司治理结构中的不同监督模式,并分析了不同模式赖以存在、有效的前提条件,最后论述了我国的现实影响因素及可行的选择。  相似文献   

This study tests whether the adoption of Australian best practice corporate governance recommendations is associated with financial performance measured by return on assets (ROA) and Tobin's Q. Results suggest that recommended corporate governance structures relating to the adoption of board sub‐committees are sound policy recommendations that enhance performance using the accounting measure ROA and the market‐based measure Tobin's Q. In contrast, the emphasis on board independence guidelines, specifically having outside independent directors, has a negative impact on ROA and Tobin's Q. However, there are conflicting significant results between the accounting and market measures for having a dual CEO/chairperson and board size.  相似文献   

公司治理中的会计角色   总被引:55,自引:1,他引:55  
石本仁 《会计研究》2002,3(4):24-31
近年来 ,上市公司的治理成为企业改革的又一个热点话题 ,其中 ,财务信息失真问题引起社会愈来愈多的关注 ,会计也成为人们非议的焦点。本文要厘清的是会计在公司治理中真正的角色和地位是什么 ,以便正确发挥会计在公司治理中的作用。本文认为 ,会计在公司治理中所扮演的角色为 :一方面 ,财务会计和审计作为一个信息系统 ,在减少信息的不对称方面起着重要的作用 ;另一方面 ,管理会计与内部审计为监督合约条款的实施 ,保障合约的有效运行也发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

Analysis of the corporate stock option expensing decision (before the practice became mandatory in 2006) continues to be of interest because it provides insight into the underlying factors affecting not only expense recognition, but the overall corporate decision‐making process. Using a sample of 207 companies that volunteered to expense options and more than 1,000 non‐expensing firms, the authors found that companies that provide more disclosure and appeared to have a stronger alignment of managerial and shareholder interests were also more likely to expense stock options—a finding that the authors view as indirect evidence that voluntary expensing was more likely to occur in companies that practiced effective corporate governance. And consistent with the prediction of efficient market theorists, the study also found no significant market reaction to announcements of these decisions to expense options. The study also found that companies that were the heaviest users of options—notably, smaller, high—growth, and less‐profitable firms—were least likely to expense them. And while this finding adds to the weight of evidence suggesting that companies often make accounting decisions designed to boost reported earnings, the authors also recognize that the possibility that the decision by other companies not to expense may have been a strategy designed primarily to preserve access to capital markets.  相似文献   

We investigate how firm‐specific certification practices through corporate governance can reduce perceived ambiguity and thus enhance liquidity of a firm in the stock market. We show that better corporate governance helps reduce ambiguity. In addition, a reduction in ambiguity is significantly related to higher liquidity of firms. Our results are robust to alternative model specifications and measures of ambiguity, and remain statistically significant after controlling for other known determinants of ambiguity and liquidity. Our results shed light on how ambiguity can be moderated through firm‐level certification practices and on the channel through which a moderation of ambiguity affects shareholder wealth.  相似文献   

浅析美国机构投资者在公司治理中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
机构投资促进了美国的公司治理的良性发展。在此过程中,美国的公司制度在所有权与经营权两权分离的基础上,也逐渐实现了从经理人掌权、不受监督制约的“经理资本主义”向由投资人控制、监督经理层的“股东资本主义”转变。  相似文献   

论财务会计信息在公司治理中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
财务会计信息对于公司治理具有重要意义。高质量的会计信息可以降低管理层与外部人之间的信息不对称,从而有助于解决逆向选择和道德风险问题;信息披露自身可以对管理层形成有效的约束,促使管理层强化受托责任,并可以为相关主体提供治理所需信息,从而加强外部人对管理层的监督和制约;通过降低对其他高成本治理机制的需求,高质量的会计信息还可以有效地降低公司治理的整体成本,提高治理效率。因此,财务会计信息是实现公司治理目标、保护投资者利益的重要工具。我国应当不断地完善会计准则,并加强会计监管,以提高会计信息质量,更好地为公司治理服务。  相似文献   

This paper studies the economic consequences of certification of corporate governance practices. For identification, we exploit a recent cross-country initiative by a coalition of key institutions in Southeast Asia; the periodic publication of a “Top List” of companies in the region selected based on an independent assessment of corporate governance practices. Our results suggest that being included in the list induces an increase in foreign investment and changes in corporate governance practices. The announcement of the Top List elicits a positive stock market response among constituents and is followed by higher accounting performance. Overall, the evidence suggests that the certification of governance practices is a meaningful tool to boost foreign investment.  相似文献   

美国机构投资者在公司治理中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在现代公司中,股东与管理之间存在着委托代理关系,因此股东需要一定的控制机制对管理进行监督和约束。从20世纪80年代末开始,以养老基金为代表的机构投资开始活跃地出现在美国的公司治理中。  相似文献   

王薇 《新金融》2005,(3):31-33
长期以来,由于体制方面的束缚,国内商业银行稽核监督虽有理论上的定位,但实际工作中错位、越位、不到位的现象十分突出,加上业务管理部门弱化了本身的检查监督职能(这种情况在二级分行较为突出),使稽核的再监督职能逐步退化,成为银行内的大复核,从而使银行的内控体系产生缺陷,严重削弱了稽核防范和化解风险的特殊作用。随着内外环境的变化,在银行再造公司治理机制中,稽核如何达到国际内部审计所定义的职能,并使之贯穿于业务经营管理的全过程,达到事前预警、事中防范、事后化解的目的,将是当前银行公司治理中面临的主要问题。  相似文献   

The Corporate Governance Role of the Media: Evidence from Russia   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
We study the effect of media coverage on corporate governance by focusing on Russia in the period 1999 to 2002. We find that an investment fund's lobbying increases coverage of corporate governance violations in the Anglo-American press. We also find that coverage in the Anglo-American press increases the probability that a corporate governance violation is reversed. This effect is present even when we instrument coverage with an exogenous determinant, the fund's portfolio composition at the beginning of the period. The fund's strategy seems to work in part by impacting Russian companies' reputation abroad and in part by forcing regulators into action.  相似文献   

媒体作为一种外部公司治理力量,在资本市场中扮演着越来越重要的角色,同时也是管理学和公司金融学中的研究热点。本文旨在综述资本市场中媒体所扮演的公司治理角色的相关文献,梳理有影响的研究成果,展望有潜力的研究方向。首先从媒体的信息增量与信息效应出发,探讨了媒体对资本市场的影响;接着从制度环境和资本市场有效性两个层面,阐述了媒体发挥其治理作用的三种机制:传统监督机制、声誉机制和市场压力机制,探讨了每种机制的理论基础与缺陷;最后在现有研究的基础上,结合目前我国的制度环境,指出了未来的研究方向与需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

本文以印度和新西兰为例,介绍了银行业公司治理改革的国际经验。印度重构银行业公司治理的经验和新西兰独具特色的市场机制治理、信息披露机制,对我国国有商业银行公司治理的构建具有较好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

文章利用被中国证券监管部门处罚的舞弊公司及未舞弊公司为对象,考察机构投资者在公司治理中是扮演监督者还是跟随者角色。研究发现,从公司舞弊前一季度到后一季度机构投资者并未减持舞弊公司股份,不具备舞弊预测与识别能力;机构投资者倾向于利用分析师评级结果进行投资决策;机构投资者容易被舞弊公司误导,而分析师评级则有助于减轻机构投资者被误导程度。结果表明,目前机构投资者更多扮演着跟随分析师的消极角色而非有效监督者的积极角色,分析师评级具有一定的决策有用性。  相似文献   

本文通过对内部审计在中央银行的外部治理和内部治理中的作用分析,认为内部审计在中央银行治理的各个方面都能发挥作用。其中,内部审计在中央银行内部治理的内部控制、风险管理、财务管理、决策机制、分支机构建设等若干方面,能够发挥重要的积极作用,在中央银行增强透明度、完善问责制、提高独立性等方面也起到一定作用。  相似文献   

This study examines the association between the employment and composition of nominating committees with board and ownership characteristics. First, the results suggest that the likelihood of using a nominating committee is inversely related to the level of inside ownership and positively weakly, related to the independence, but not the number, of outside board members. Second, the percentage of insiders participating in the committee is positively related to inside ownership, and negatively related to proxies for outside director quality. Finally, outside directors are more likely to serve on the nominating committee the more outside directorships they hold, and the longer their tenure in the firm. The likelihood of insider committee membership rises with a director's equity investment, with board tenure, and with other committee memberships. Taken together, the results are consistent with nominating committees substituting inside ownership in controlling management, mostly improving board quality, and being staffed with independent, experienced, and knowledgable members.  相似文献   

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