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Strategic performance measurement systems operationalize firm strategy with a set of performance measures. A consequence of such alignment is the tendency for managers to lose sight of the strategic construct(s) the measures are intended to represent, and subsequently act as though the measures are the constructs of interest, a phenomenon referred to as surrogation. We investigate how involvement in strategy selection affects managers’ propensity to exhibit surrogation. We predict and find that strategy selection reduces surrogation. Surprisingly, we do not find that engaging in strategy deliberation, a key process underlying strategy selection, reduces surrogation. Thus, managers’ involvement in the actual choice of strategy appears to be both a necessary and sufficient condition to mitigate surrogation. Our paper broadens understanding of factors that influence surrogation, such as the effects of different aspects of managers’ strategic involvement and buy‐in. Further, by documenting how managers behave within (as opposed to simply with) strategic performance measurement systems, we highlight the potential for managers to endogenously influence the effectiveness of such systems.  相似文献   

This field study examines whether and how supervisors’ subjective adjustments to objective performance measures are influenced by their prior subjective evaluations of employees. Evaluations were determined entirely subjectively in the sample internal audit organization in 2005. In 2006, the organization introduced a pay-for-performance incentive plan that established four objective measures of audit manager performance. Then, knowing the challenges of objectively measuring manager performance, the organization gave supervisors the discretion, mandate, and training to subjectively adjust each of the objective measures when performance as indicated on the individual measures misrepresented managers’ true performance.  相似文献   

Drawing on qualitative data collected during semi-structured interviews with 36 profit centre managers in manufacturing firms in Victoria, Australia, this study seeks to explore the mechanisms used to manage multiple manufacturing performance dimensions arising from the pursuit of profit centre strategy. Where measures capture potentially conflicting influences on the manufacturing cost function, strategy implementation is facilitated by loosening control reactions to cost variances and through explicit attempts to integrate multiple measures. However, a joint emphasis on performance dimensions relating to manufacturing efficiency and customer responsiveness emerges as problematic. In contrast, a joint emphasis on quality and efficiency is relatively easily managed. It is suggested that in the context of responsiveness strategies, the difficulty of designing complete measures inhibits the effectiveness of performance measurement systems as a facilitator of strategy implementation.  相似文献   

Prior literature which examines the use of derivatives by investment managers does not discern between different types of derivative trading strategies. This study is the first to examine and gather data on a particular type of derivative trading strategy undertaken by investment managers. We examine the extent to which equity fund managers use index futures to manage fund flows and the effect this has on their alpha and market timing measures of performance. Our results show that funds that do not use derivatives exhibit lower returns and negative market timing skills when they experience fund flow. The performance of funds that use derivatives, however, is independent of investor’s liquidity demands. In fact, the unconditional performance of the average user fund is statistically equivalent to the performance of the average non-user fund conditional on zero fund flow. Our results provide evidence that derivatives can be beneficial for mutual fund holders under certain conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the influence of business strategy on dividend policy. We find that firms following an innovation-oriented strategy (prospectors) pay significantly lower dividends than those following an efficiency-oriented strategy (defenders). Our cross-sectional analyses show that such association is more pronounced among firms with greater investment opportunities and superior performance. Further analysis reveals that prospectors make significantly more capital investment, consistent with prospectors paying fewer dividends to finance their investment activities. Moreover, we address potential endogeneity concerns by implementing (i) a triple-difference analysis (DiDiD) that exploits an exogenous shock that hinders innovation through curbing the supply of highly skilled employees and (ii) an instrumental variable approach. Our results are robust to a propensity-score-matched (PSM) analysis, the inclusion of individual business strategy components, and the use of alternative measures of the dependent variables. Overall, our findings highlight business strategy as an inherent and non-financial determinant of dividend policies.  相似文献   

Prior accounting studies on relative performance information (RPI) have mainly considered the effects of RPI on employees’ performance. This study extends this stream of research by investigating relational effects of RPI that capture RPI recipients’ attitudes towards RPI provision. Specifically, we examine the conditions under which RPI has a positive influence on perceived organizational support (POS). This is important because research on organizational behaviour has demonstrated that POS is an antecedent of desirable job-related attitudes such as organizational commitment, job involvement, and extra-role performance. The results of a dyadic survey in a hospital setting suggest that the effect of RPI on POS is conditional not only on the perceived usefulness of information and relative performance but also on the professional identification of RPI recipients. Our findings indicate that RPI provision is especially suitable for employees who possess a stronger social identification with their peer groups. Our study adds a relational perspective to the hitherto mostly informational and motivational focus in studying social comparison mechanisms linked to RPI systems.  相似文献   

Multidimensional performance evaluation systems such as the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) were developed to overcome the documented tendency of managers to focus almost exclusively on short-term financial performance measures while disregarding or de-emphasising other short-term and/or long-term non-financial performance measures. Evidence suggests, however, that implementation of many of these systems has not achieved desired outcomes. Cogent communication of a corporation's goals and management's strategy to achieve those goals can be expected to influence employee ‘buy-in’ and the subsequent use or resistance to multidimensional performance measures. In this study we examine the role of strategy maps in communicating goals and strategy. We also examine individual differences (tolerance of ambiguity and functional background) that we believe also influence individuals to be more (or less) receptive to the guidance of strategy maps. An experiment was conducted with 165 experienced professionals enrolled in MBA programmes in Spain and the US. Our experimental results indicate that a strategy map reflecting integrated dependencies can de-bias evaluations of certain groups of individuals, who have high tolerance for ambiguity and have a financial work background. Implications and suggestions for future research are also provided.  相似文献   

Performance measurements may stimulate employee initiatives to improve operational performance, especially when employees themselves participate in the development of their own departmental performance measures. Using the theory of planned behavior, we examine why this occurs in a beverage manufacturing company where we helped bottling line maintenance technicians develop measures about the results of their own work. Our analyses are based on qualitative data gathered at 156 meetings, 34 semi-structured interviews, quantitative performance data from the company's information systems, and quantitative questionnaire data. We found that the participatory development process increased employees’ attitude, perceived social pressure and perceived capability to take initiative. Moreover, the departmental performance improved when the jointly developed performance measures were put to use.  相似文献   

We examine why companies in South Africa voluntarily provide a value added statement (VAS). The VAS can be used by management to communicate with employees and thereby establish a record of legitimacy. Since we want to establish if the VAS is used to establish symbolic or substantive legitimacy, we examine whether production of a VAS is associated with actual performance in labour‐related areas. To measure labour‐related performance, we use an independent Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) rating. We find that BEE performance is significantly and positively related to the voluntary publication of a VAS. Our results suggest that BEE performance and disclosure of a VAS are two elements of a strategy used by South African companies to establish their substantive legitimacy with labour.  相似文献   

Using the law and finance approach we analyze how the ultimate ownership and control structure influences the performance of Spanish commercial banks during the period 1996-2004. Our evidence shows that 96% of Spanish commercial banks have an ultimate controlling owner. Also, we observe that whenever there is a gap between the ultimate controlling owner’s cash flow and control rights, than the bigger the gap, the poorer the bank’s performance. We find that whenever there is no difference between the ultimate controlling owner’s cash flow and control rights, there is a non-monotonic relation between ownership concentration and the bank’s performance.  相似文献   

This study examines what factors affect firms’ decisions to adopt a proactive environmental strategy and whether pursuing proactive environmental strategies leads to improved financial performance. Using longitudinal data from 1990 to 2003 for the four most polluting industries in the US (Pulp & Paper, Chemical, Oil & Gas, and Metals & Mining), this research empirically models the causal relations between firms’ environmental performance and their financial resources and management capability. Our results show that positive (negative) changes in firms’ financial resources in the prior periods are followed by significant improvements (declines) in firm’s relative environmental performance in the subsequent periods. In addition, we also find that significant improvements (declines) in environmental performance in the prior periods can lead to improvements (declines) in financial performance in the subsequent periods after controlling for the impact of Granger causality. Finally, 3SLS analysis suggests that the positive association between environmental performance and financial performance is robust. Overall, our results are consistent with predictions of the resource-based view of the firm and indicate that although becoming “green” is associated with improvement in firm performance, such a strategy cannot be easily mimicked by all firms.  相似文献   

Royal Ahold (Koninklijke Ahold NV) was one of the major success stories in the 1990s and is one of the major failures, suffering a complete meltdown, in 2003. We investigate the strategy, investor relations, accounting transparency and corporate governance of Ahold; these elements jointly drive the firm’s performance over the past decade. Investor relations and its implications are an important but under researched aspect of the market’s belief formation process. For Ahold, investor relations is an important component of reputational bonding [Siegel, J., 2005. Can foreign firms bond themselves effectively by renting US securities laws? Journal of Financial Economics 75, 319–359]. Our clinical study documents investor relations’ influence on investor expectations. We then provide an in-depth analysis of the strategy, accounting transparency and corporate governance that lead to Ahold’s downfall. We provide insights and implications into these relationships that present theory and empirical studies have not fully addressed.  相似文献   

This study uses two experiments to investigate the honesty of managers’ budget reports when the financial benefit resulting from budgetary slack is shared by the manager and other non-reporting employees. Drawing on moral disengagement theory, we predict that the shared interest in slack creation makes misreporting more self-justifiable to the manager and, therefore, leads to lower honesty. Consistent with our prediction, the results of our first experiment show that managers report less honestly when the benefit of slack is shared than when it is not shared, regardless of whether others are aware of the misreporting. Our second experiment investigates whether the preferences of the beneficiaries of the slack affect managers’ honesty. We predict that managers’ honesty will be improved when the beneficiaries of the slack have a known, higher-order preference for truthful reporting. Consistent with our prediction, the results show that managers report more honestly when other employees have a known preference for honesty than otherwise. The implications of our findings for management accounting research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the likelihood of becoming involuntarily delisted from NYSE is associated with a firm’s board of directors and ownership characteristics. To this end we compare 161 firms that were delisted from NYSE between 1998 and 2004 to a set of industry and size-matched control firms. Consistent with our expectations, we find that the likelihood of delisting is related to a firm’s governance characteristics. Our results on the importance of the board of directors are new to this setting and add to a large body of evidence linking corporate boards and ownership characteristics to corporate performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of performance measurement system design on employees’ willingness to share knowledge and their general tendency to pursue extra-role behaviours. Two key design issues are examined, namely, incentive scheme subjectivity and communicating the value of human-based intangible assets through a strategy map. Using a controlled experiment we found that employees are more willing to share knowledge with a co-worker (even if it means diverting resources away from incentivised areas) under a subjective weighting scheme than a formula-based scheme. In addition, we found an interaction effect where the communication of the strategic value of human-based intangible assets increases employees’ general tendency to pursue extra-role behaviours under a subjective weighting scheme, but decreases this tendency under a formula-based scheme. Our study contributes to the performance management literature and has implications for practice by providing empirical evidence demonstrating how the design of performance measurement systems can motivate discretionary behaviours in relation to performance areas that are not recognised by the formal incentive scheme.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether investment in information technology (IT) – hardware, software and other IT services – influences the performance of banks. Using a sample of 737 European banks over the period 1995–2000 we analyse whether IT investment is reflected in improved performance (measured using both standard accounting ratios and cost and alternative profit efficiency measures). Despite banks being major investors in IT we find little relationship between total IT investment and improved bank profitability or efficiency indicating the existence of a profitability paradox. However, the impact of different types of IT investment (hardware, software and services) on banks’ performance is heterogeneous. Investment in IT services from external providers (consulting services, implementation services, training and education, support services) appears to have a positive influence on accounting profits and profit efficiency, while the acquisition of hardware and software seems to reduce banks’ performance.  相似文献   

This paper provides systematic research-based evidence on the usage of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) concept in German-speaking countries. We develop three primary types of BSC usage reflecting the successive phases in the evolution of the BSC concept and of its implementation in practice. This typology ranges from the BSC’s origin as a multidimensional framework for strategic performance measurement that combines financial and non-financial measures to its advanced usage as an integrated strategic management system that describes strategy by a cause-and-effect logic and that is linked to the reward system. We use this theoretical framework to analyze the spread, implementation and benefits of the different types of Balanced Scorecards. Moreover, the impact of size and industry on BSC usage is analyzed. Our sample consists of a clearly defined segment of the most important publicly traded firms in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and we achieved an overall response rate of 87%.  相似文献   

Empirical research to date on the relative effectiveness of Economic Value Added (EVA) and earnings per share (EPS) as measures of firm performance for stock valuation has been mixed. In contrast to prior research, which primarily focuses on the correspondence of these measures with shareholder value and changes therein, we examine their relative effectiveness in predicting future earnings and their role in enhancing the accuracy of analysts' forecasts. Our results indicate that EVA contains information that is incremental to EPS in predicting future earnings. In addition, we find that despite this potential for EVA to add incremental value to analysts' forecasts of future earnings, analysts do not use the information in reported EVA appropriately, but appear rather to overweigh it.  相似文献   

Economic theory suggests that multiple financial and non-financial measures (i.e., a strategic performance measurement system “SPMS”) be used in compensation contracting to properly direct employees’ attention and motivate behavior aligned with organizational goals. Conversely, linking incentives to the SPMS can result in various dysfunctional behaviors, including game playing by employees, the achievement of unbalanced performance, and the potential of basing compensation on an incomplete performance measurement system. Prior literature has investigated the use of subjectivity in compensation contracting as a means of potentially mitigating these problems; however, subjectivity can introduce other problems including claims of favoritism and bias. Economic theorists have recently begun expanding the traditional agency model to include the notion of fairness or justice. In this study, we obtain data from an organization that uses an SPMS as the basis for the allocation of bonuses and investigate whether characteristics of the SPMS are associated with perceived organizational fairness. Specifically, we hypothesize and show that the extent to which employees perceive that the SPMS reflects a strategic causal model and the degree to which it is technically valid are positively associated with their perceptions of organizational justice. We also provide evidence that heightened levels of organizational justice are the mechanism though which the perceived characteristics of the SPMS are associated with employee performance. The implication is that firms do not necessarily need to introduce subjectivity into the incentive contracting system, but can enhance performance by linking incentive contracts to their SPMS if the system contains characteristics that enhance employees’ perceptions of justice.  相似文献   

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