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美国以自然资源保护为宗旨的土地休耕经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国土地休耕制度包括一系列水土保持计划和以土壤侵蚀度为主要指标的水土保持评价标准,它通过一系列耕地保护计划来推行。回顾美国农业耕作土地采取休耕政策及其实施情况,讨论了值得我国学习和借鉴的土地休耕计划的政策的成本费用等问题。  相似文献   

文章介绍了台湾农地政策的演变、土地使用管制、农地重划、应对世贸组织对策等方面的情况和所获得的五点启示 :(1 )不同时期、不同地区采取不同的耕地保护政策 ;(2 )运用非经济手段对农地实施保护 ;(3)土地使用管制具有全面详尽的法律规定 ;(4 )农民直接参与农地重划 ;(5 )农地释出政策值得商讨  相似文献   

武汉市加强耕地保护的技术与政策措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对武汉市当前所面临的耕地面积持续减少、建设用地扩张及生态退耕力度加大等严峻形势与压力,提出新时期加强耕地保护工作的技术与政策措施;在思想观念上,提高认识,创新理念,进一步强化政府和市民的耕地保护意识;在政策上,加强规划实施管理与控制,完善建设用地总量控制,重点实施耕地的保护政策;在技术上,划定优质农地,计算耕地需求总量,加速土地资源信息化建设,实现耕地保护技术创新,建立和完善耕地保护的技术支撑体系;在制度上,建立耕地保护机制,加快耕地保护体制创新的步伐,促进土地制度建设,增强保护耕地的内在动力。  相似文献   

[目的]新疆草地生态的研究极具代表性,以层次分析法评价新疆新源县现行草原生态保护政策实施效果,能客观反映政策的实施所带来的影响。[方法]以新疆新源县为例,根据具体政策实施的内容结合草原生态保护建设的特点,构建基于牧民为视角的政策实施效果评价指标体系,运用层次分析法对建立的草原生态保护政策指标指定权值,通过对新源县牧区的牧民进行调研并梳理数据和分析,客观的综合评价该地区草原生态保护政策的实施效果。[结果]生态奖补政策实施效果评价指数为0.613 0,处于第4等级,说明该政策实施效果良好;草原改良工程实施效果为0.584 3,处于第3等级,说明政策实施效果一般;两大政策综合评价指数为0.565 5,处于第3等级,说明牧民对该地区的政策实施效果整体满意度为一般。需要当地政府完善生态保护政策的实施方法、改善和加大牧区生产条件和扶持力度、并有效解决牧民生计与草原生态保护过程中的矛盾,只有改善牧区生态和社会条件才能取得牧民对该政策的支持,促进草原生态与畜牧业良性发展。[结论]从牧民角度出发进行评价较为客观,该评价方法公正地评价了新源县草原生态保护政策的实施效果;运用层次分析法对新源县草原生态保护政策政的实施效果进行评价是可行的。  相似文献   

探析耕地保护中的政府行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法和理论分析法对中国耕地保护中政府行为进行研究,发现地方政府保护耕地的效率并不高,中央政府耕地总量动态平衡政策的实际作用远不如其理论设想。因此,必须完善耕地保护的政策体系,通过建立合理的利益分配机制、改革现行征地制度、提高农业比较利益和科学制定土地利用计划促使地方政府自觉保护耕地,注重提高耕地的综合生产能力。  相似文献   

杜亚 《浙江林业》2006,(4):35-35
为了保护好“地球上最后一块完整的热带雨”,巴西联邦政府制定并实施亚马孙原始森林保护计划。  相似文献   

文章在探讨当前国土空间生态修复内涵与进展的基础上,参考文献计量分析与政策分析结果,结合土地碳汇模型,构建了基于“比重法-均方差法”的农业农村空间生态修复质量测算方法,包括庭院空间生态、生态农业空间质量、农村空间生态改建、农业空间生态恢复4个维度、19项具体指标,并以辽宁省凤城市为实证对象,对该测算方法的有效性进行检验。基于实证分析做出的问题识别,提出凤城市农业农村空间生态修复的对策:(1)庭院空间生态保护修复:开展全域土地综合整治,实施农用地、建设用地整理等;(2)生态农业空间质量保护修复:实施野生动植物种群保护恢复、生物多样性保护、人工商品林建设等;(3)农村空间生态改建修复:实施生态基础和生态网络建设,提升农村生态系统质量和稳定性;(4)农业空间生态恢复修复:大力实施“固碳工程”,推进碳汇交易,探索拓展场外交易渠道。  相似文献   

中国农地保护政策的理性反思   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
基于净收益最大为基础的土地资源利用私人最优决策与社会最优决策的不相一致是中国政府实施积极的农地保护政策的经济诱因,但是以耕地总量动态平衡、土地用途管制、农地征用管制为主要内容的农地保护政策并没有达到预期的政策目标,其原因就在于农地保护政策目标出现偏差及农地保护政策执行具有不完全性.要切实实现土地资源的社会最优配置,就必须在理顺国家经济关系的同时,采取诸如修正农地保护政策目标、完善农地保护政策执行合约、强化农地保护政策执行机制等措施.  相似文献   

我国耕地保护已进入数量、质量、生态"三位一体"保护的新时期,如何开展耕地生态保护与补偿工作成为亟待解决的难题。欧盟共同农业政策对耕地保护和补偿的做法可以为我国相关工作提供借鉴。文章介绍了欧盟共同农业政策宏观框架、耕地保护与补偿主要做法,分析了其主要优势和先进性,结合我国实际情况提出:(1)强化理论研究,构建目标导向体系;(2)构建科学易操作的指标体系和实施规范;(3)统筹各类土地整治项目,科学开展耕地生态建设;(4)构建农田基金,统筹农业生态保护;(5)统筹补偿、激励、支持措施,完善耕地生态补偿体系。  相似文献   

东北黑土区是世界四大黑土带之一,土地质量不仅直接影响粮食生产能力和农业可持续发展,对于农民增收、三产融合发展也非常重要,是乡村振兴的关键因素之一。近年来,国家高度重视东北黑土地的保护与利用,陆续实施了黑土地保护治理工程、生态高标准农田建设、黑土地保护利用试点等一系列举措,北大荒集团七星农场有限公司也在技术模式、工作机制、政策体系等方面进行了积极的研究与探索。  相似文献   

Financial constraints, both in the short and long run, have an impact on economic well-being of farm families. Additionally, financial constraints have an impact on production efficiency and technology adoption. This study investigates factors affecting farmers’ participation in the agri-environmental programs like Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and the Environmental Quality Incentives Programs (EQIPs) in the U.S. particular attention is given to the roles of liquidity and solvency on participation in CRP and EQIP. Results show that both liquidity and solvency have a negative impact on participation in such programs. Additionally, we found that access to the Internet plays an important role in the farmer's decision to participate in CRP and EQIP. Our results also suggested that beginning farmers are more likely to participate in EQIP program.  相似文献   

美国环保休耕计划的做法与经验   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
美国自1986年开始实施的环保休耕计划(ConservationReserveProgram,简称CRP)与我国正在实施的退耕还林还草计划相似,是政府提供补贴,农民自愿参加,以生态建设为主要目的休耕和植被恢复项目。项目实施以来,建立了一套以政策手段与市场机制相结合,以优化成本效益为导向,兼顾环境社会效益与农民利益的补贴及管理机制。文章将对项目实施办法及效益评估等方面的问题做一简介,希望对我国正在实施的退耕还林还草工程有所借鉴。  相似文献   

美国休耕保护项目问题研究(续一)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
面对粮食供给过剩和急需改善生态环境,美国国会通过的1985年农业法案确定,于1986年正式启动休耕保护项目(CRP)。通过对美国1985、1990、1996、2002和2008年农业法案有关休耕保护项目政策调整过程的介绍,详尽地分析了美国休耕保护项目的区域和类型分布情况、实施标准的演化、环境收益指数的构成及其在决定参与休耕保护项目中的作用、休耕保护计划竞价过程与补贴,以及影响休耕计划的利益集团及其可能对他们所产生的影响。在此基础上,分析了美国休耕保护项目所产生的社会、经济与生态环境影响,进而分析了如果停止休耕可能带来的影响。  相似文献   

This study uses U.S. farm household survey data to examine how participation in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) affects farm household economic well-being. Further, the study also examines the effects of CRP participation on farm household consumption, income, and imputed savings. In contrast to previous studies that assume the relationships are homogenous across the population, quantile regression is used to investigate the association between CRP participation across the entire distribution of farm household consumption and income. Empirical findings suggest that the effect of CRP participation on household economic well-being differs across the income and consumption distribution. For households in the lower percentiles of the distribution, the CRP participation is associated with an increase in household consumption, but a decrease in farm household income and savings. In contrast, farm households at the median and higher income and consumption quantiles, participation in CRP is associated with lower levels of household consumption and income, but with higher levels of savings.  相似文献   

An integrated framework that combines spatial and biophysical attributes of land with a hydrological model and an economic model is developed to identify cropland for enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. Sediment deposition coefficients are determined endogenously depending on the land-use decisions on other land parcels. Application of this framework to a watershed in Illinois demonstrates that highly sloping land adjacent to water bodies should be selected for retirement. A marginal value rental payment scheme can achieve program goals of 20% sediment abatement at 39% lower cost than a productivity-based rental scheme.  相似文献   

“十五”时期,天保工程成效显著:资源进入稳定快速增长期,生态步入恢复好转期,产业结构步入复苏调整期。工程区累计减少森林蓄积消耗量4.26万m3,相当于少砍382.8万hm2森林面积;净增森林面积815.7万hm2;累计分流安置66.5万富余职工。“十一五”时期,工程面临资源总量与生态需求、经济发展与分流职工、新旧体制转换等困难与矛盾,同时存在经营机制、后续产业、人员分流、企业办社会、机构与管理等多方面的不适应。2006年工作思路是巩固成果,合理定产;理顺体制,创新机制;完善政策,加强管理,促进发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of Australia's natural resource management programs over the past two decades. The story is one of major paradigmatic shifts with implications for the design and operation of similar programs worldwide. Since 1983, Australian Governments have approved the National Soil Conservation Program, the National Landcare Program, the Natural Heritage Trust, the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality and a new program called Caring for Our Country. These programs have seen a transition from the early days of attitude change to the creation of new regional institutions and direct payment systems for environmental stewardship. Despite these advances recent audit reports have mirrored those from the United States and the Europe. They identify problems of ineffective targeting, monitoring and evaluation of expenditure. This paper considers the efficiency and effectiveness of alternative program designs in Australia. Two major design improvements are suggested: (a) systems for linking expenditure to outcomes and (b) adopting standardised metrics for valuing outcomes. This will permit the application of benefit-cost and cost-effectiveness analysis and, ultimately, improved returns on investment.  相似文献   

Much research attention has been given to devolved environmental policies and variation in state adoption of environmental policies. Less attention has been paid to variation in top-down federal policies, including in the agri-environmental arena. The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is the largest working land conservation program in the United States, incentivizing the adoption of conservation practices on active agricultural land through cost-share and technical assistance. While the program is federal, state offices of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are charged with implementing the program in their state. Qualitative interviews (n = 26) were conducted with NRCS personnel in four Midwestern states to explore similarities and differences between state administrative outputs. Program outputs are determined through a mixture of national, state, and local administrative processes and are driven by dissimilarities in state resource concerns and agricultural systems. The process by which farmers apply for cost-share funding through EQIP is largely the same across states, but states vary in several important outputs, especially resource and conservation practice priority, as well as state and local partnerships. Outreach methods do not tend to vary between states; NRCS districts typically rely on passive recruitment and word-of-mouth recruitment. Divergence in state EQIP outputs constitute a significant difference in the policy context in which farmers make conservation decisions in the Midwest, which has implications for research concerning farmer behavior. While federal policies implemented across the states offer some level of consistency in the setting in which individual land managers make decisions, variation may still exist in many policies that results in different policy outputs.  相似文献   

公共政策分析的基本理论及天保工程研究评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对公共政策分析相关理论—公共政策、公共财政、新古典福利经济学、制度经济学和环境经济学理论的国内外文献进行了介绍与评述,并通过对天保政策公共性和天保工程有关理论和实证研究成果进行的评述,提出应从公共经济学角度分析天保工程,分析天保工程各相关利益主体(集团)的行为和目标,把中央政府作为保护天然林和改善生态环境的责任主体,将公共财政支持作为该工程最终目标有效实现的坚实保障。  相似文献   

The Natural Forest Protection Program, the Sloping Land Conversion Program and the Desertification Combating Program around Beijing and Tianjing have been gradually launched since 1998 for ecosystem restoration. A large number of rural households have been enrolled in these programs, and the Government of China has designed different polices for these programs, such as subsidies and forbidden or restricted uses. How and how much these programs and policies have affected rural households’ inequality are urgent questions to be answered. The paper used a unique panel data of 1458 sample rural households from 15 counties in China to examine the direct and overall contributions of the Key Priority Forestry Programs (KPFPs) to rural households’ total income inequality. A fixed-effects model was used to estimate the impact of the KPFPs on land-based income and off-farm income. Our empirical results indicate that the direct contribution and overall (including direct and indirect) contribution have experienced a inverted U-shape. Specifically, the overall contributions of the KPFPs’ subsidies to income inequality were less pronounced than that of the direct effects. Furthermore, both the direct contributions and overall contributions to total income inequality changed over time during the study period and differed from one county to another.  相似文献   

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