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世界各地的许多图书馆不仅是阅读、学习和交友的地方.也是一个充满乐趣的场所。在新加坡国家图书馆,你可以躺着看书;美国西雅图公立图书馆的自动扶梯甚至会说话;香港中央图书馆拥有各种智能化设计……  相似文献   

全心全意为读者服务,这是图书馆的基本宗旨。图书馆的社会价值是通过服务体现的。服务是贯穿图书馆发展的主线,是图书馆的核心价值观。图书馆现代化的发展就是为读者提供更好的服务。本文从读者服务、内部环境、网络服务、制度建设、馆员素质五个方面探讨了图书馆的读者服务工作。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的进步,计算机网络逐渐普及,高校图书馆已经实现数字化、网络化的管理,在角色定位和服务方式方面,高校图书馆将会随之发生变化。这将使高校图书馆的服务发生一系列的变化。在网络环境下,通过对高校图书馆服务的服务对象、服务模式等方面的变化进行探讨,明确高校图书馆的借阅服务应该寻找新的定位,开创新的服务内容,以满足网络时代对高校图书馆借阅服务的要求。创新高校图书馆借阅服务,通常情况下主要包括内在动力和外在需求。在网络环境下,通过对高校图书馆的借阅模式、服务理念、服务内容等进行阐述,进而为提高高校图书馆借阅服务质量提供参考依据。  相似文献   

王中秋 《价值工程》2010,29(29):132-133
《图书馆服务宣言》出台已经两周年了。《图书馆服务宣言》对我国图书馆事业建设具有极其重要的现实意义和深远影响。然而,如何完全兑现《图书馆服务宣言》中的承诺,尤其是中小型图书馆、偏远地区图书馆能否实践承诺的服务内容还存在问题。对此,可以从推进立法、加大投入、提高图书馆人员素质等几方面加以解决。  相似文献   

在信息时代的剧烈冲击,党校图书馆面临着迅速被边缘化的危机,因而如何实现服务上的创新是当前党校图书馆亟需解决的问题.本文从信息时代党校图书馆创新的意义出发,从服务观念、服务方式、服务特色、服务素质四个视角探讨信息时代下创新党校图书馆服务的路径.  相似文献   

肖本爱 《价值工程》2010,29(16):223-223
服务是贯穿图书馆发展的主线,是图书馆的核心价值观;追求优质服务是图书馆工作永恒的主题;图书馆应通过创新服务、特色服务、加强信息资源开发和建立高素质的人才队伍作为读者服务工作的首要任务和根本保证。  相似文献   

目前我国大多数图书馆还处于传统服务模式向数字化服务模式过渡的转型期,也就是复合型图书馆的服务模式,高校图书馆亦是如此,这种传统与现代交叉渗透的服务模式势必要求我们对于高校图书馆的读者服务工作要不断创新,及时了解读者的需求变化,为广大读者提供更切实更有价值的服务信息。本文从工作模式、信息服务两方面对图书馆服务工作的创新进行了探讨和分析,开拓了图书馆读者服务的渠道和空间,为新时期网络环境下图书馆工作的调整和开展提供了参考和依据。  相似文献   

迫于科学技术的迅猛发展的巨大挑战,图书馆的改革与发展势在必行,图书馆服务创新就是其改革与发展的重要环节。泛在式服务、渗透式服务和弥漫式服务是图书馆服务发展的主要趋势。作为大学图书馆,广域性服务、多元性服务、多样性服务和高效能服务是其服务创新的主要路径。  相似文献   

潘可 《价值工程》2011,30(11):163-164
图书馆实行个性化在线知识服务是学术界最新研究课题,关系到图书馆发展和创新。本文首先介绍了图书馆实行个性化在线知识服务的必要性,然后总结了图书馆个性化在线知识服务的内涵、特点以及服务模式,然后通过my library系统的成功经验为图书馆推行个性化在线知识服务起了指导作用。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,图书馆传统的文献信息服务已不能满足用户的需求,知识服务将成为图书馆发展的新起点,现主要论述了知识服务的涵义、特点以及图书馆开展知识服务模式,并阐述了图书馆开展知识服务的必要条件。  相似文献   

The BRICS countries in general, and China and India in particular, are now widely regarded as the areas of the world likely to challenge the economic leadership of the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). A large part of this challenge will come from rapid technological catch‐up by China and India. Yet, despite a recent rise in interest, there is limited knowledge about how and where innovation takes place in these two leading emerging countries and to what extent the Chinese and Indian territorial systems of innovation differ from those in the EU or the US. In this article we explore the geography of innovation in China and India, concentrating on understanding key territorial‐level innovation trends by country, region and technology field, using the US and the EU as benchmarks. We find significant contrasts between the geography of innovation in China and India and that of the US and the EU. First, the degree of concentration of innovative activities in both countries is extremely high. Levels of agglomeration of innovation in the coastal provinces of China, as well as in Delhi and the South of India, significantly exceed the levels of agglomeration found in the USA and the EU. Secondly, China has witnessed a more rapid increase in the degree of concentration of innovation than India. We posit that the differences in the geography of innovation between, on the one hand, China and India and, on the other hand, between these countries and the developed world are rooted in different institutional settings, different systems of innovation and different national innovation strategies.  相似文献   

Jim Ramsay was born on September 5, 1942, in Prince George, British Columbia. He pursued undergraduate studies at the University of Alberta, where he completed a BEd in 1964 with a major in English and a minor in mathematics. He then specialized in statistics and psychometry, earning a PhD in psychology from Princeton University in 1966. After holding a temporary lectureship in the Department of Psychology at University College London for one year, he joined the Department of Psychology at McGill University, where he rose through the academic ranks. He was chair of his department from 1986 to 1989 and spent sabbatical leaves in Cambridge, Grenoble, and Toulouse. He was named professor emeritus upon his retirement in 2007. Jim is the author of four influential books and over 100 peer‐reviewed articles in statistical and psychometric journals. He developed much of the statistical theory behind multidimensional scaling and is widely recognized as the founder of functional data analysis. Three of his papers were read to the Royal Statistical Society, and another won The Canadian Journal of Statistics 2000 Best Paper Award. The Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) awarded him a Gold Medal for research in 1998 and an honorary membership in 2012. Jim was president of the Psychometric Society in 1981–82 and president of the SSC in 2002–03. The following conversation took place at Jim's home in Ottawa, Ontario, on March 14 and April 4, 2012.  相似文献   

陈思源 《城市发展研究》2011,18(11):110-114
社会管理和公共服务是现代城市的两大基本职能.保障城市公共安全,实施防灾减灾是城市履行管理与服务职能的重要内容.首先,综述国际城市防灾减灾的合作和研究的主要进展;其次,基于城市生态经济系统特征,探讨城市灾害系统的结构功能和形成机制,分析中国城市灾害风险的特征;再次,提出中国城市防灾减灾体系的建设战略,包括:确立城市安全发...  相似文献   

The impact of the AIDS epidemic in developing countries, and in Africa in particular, is now a matter of great concern to policy makers, managers, and academics on a global scale. The magnitude of the potentially disastrous effects of the disease has severe implications for management in organizations, and, in particular, for HRM. The AIDS epidemic is imposing, and will continue to impose, in the foreseeable future, a significant burden on the way people are managed. Little has been written on HRM in Africa, and the present literature on AIDS and HRM in Western societies is inappropriate and insufficient in relation to African organizations. Fifteen organizations in Tanzania took part in this study, which is probably the first of its kind, to produce a picture of current developments and approaches in managing people under the threat of AIDS.  相似文献   

外商投资我国服务业:现状与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐婧 《价值工程》2007,26(4):27-30
20世纪80年代以来,随着全球产业结构调整和国际分工的日益深化,服务业已取代制造业成为对外投资领域的主流。与此相适应,我国服务业吸收的外商直接投资也呈现快速增长的态势。但由于我国服务业发展滞后,服务体系不完善,法律法规不健全,一定程度上制约了我国对服务业外资的吸收和高效利用。文中对我国服务业在利用外商直接投资中出现的问题及其应对策略进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

Despite a proliferation of critical studies on management education, there is a paucity of knowledge of the ways in which problematic beliefs, values, and practices are reproduced in and through management education. By drawing on and extending Bourdieu's seminal work, this paper offers a new perspective on reproduction on the global scale. Our framework spans three inter‐related levels of analysis: the dominant beliefs, values, and practices (nomos and doxa) of management in global society; the structuration of the field of management education on a global scale; and the prevailing pedagogical practices in management education programmes. Our analysis adds to critical studies of management education by elucidating the overwhelming institutional forces of reproduction and thus explaining how difficult it is to effect change in the prevailing ideas, values, and practices. Unlike most critical analyses, we also explain how change might take place and what it would require. Thus, our analysis advances studies of reproduction in this era of globalization more generally. It also provides an example of how Bourdieusian ideas can be applied and expanded upon in novel ways in research on education in general and management education in particular.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview on the state of research in the field in human resource management (HRM) issues in multinational corporations (MNCs) in and from China. We integrate previous studies from multiple disciplines to articulate the contextual importance of research on this topic, and suggest overarching themes to expand the field of research. HRM research in the intercultural, interinstitutional context of MNCs in and from China has the potential to provide contextualized insights for longstanding debates in the field such as HRM standardization versus localization and convergence versus divergence and contextual factors behind these patterns. To this end, we call for future research to center on the changing cultural, institutional, technological, and globalization context in understanding HRM and industrial relations issues in these MNCs. Practically, knowledge in this area can help global managers and top management teams in multinational organizations navigate various context complexity, foster more productive coordination and cooperation across borders, and gain legitimacy and MNCs in and from China additional competitive edge in the global marketplace.  相似文献   

王玲玲 《价值工程》2011,30(20):114-115
预算外资金是我国特有的财政概念,是在财政管理体制改革和发展过程中逐步形成的,在历史各个时期都为国家经济建设和社会事业发展起到重要作用。但由于受传统经济以及市场经济的共同影响,近几年来预算外资金管理中出现很多问题,并且有些问题已经发展到非常严重的程度,造成了政府财政财力的过度分散,政府公共分配秩序的混乱等。因此随着改革开放的不断深入,预算外资金的不断扩大,越应采取相应的措施,引导和强化预算外资金的管理,使之能为促进社会各项事业的发展和改善人民的生活起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

As local governments and corporations promote ‘climate friendliness’, and a low-carbon lifestyle becomes increasingly desirable, more middle- and upper-income urban residents are choosing to live near public transit, on bike- and pedestrian-friendly streets, and in higher-density mixed-use areas. This rejection of classical forms of suburbanization has, in part, increased property values in neighborhoods offering these amenities, displacing lower-income, often non-white, residents. Increased prevalence of creative and technology workers appears to accelerate this trend. We argue that a significant and understudied socio-environmental contradiction also occurs where the actual environmental outcomes of neighborhood transformation may not be what we expect. New research on greenhouse gas emissions shows that more affluent residents have much larger carbon footprints because of their consumption, even when reductions in transportation or building energy emissions are included. We describe an area in Seattle, Washington, the location of Amazon's headquarters, experiencing this contradiction and show a distinct convergence of city investments in low-carbon infrastructure, significant rises in housing prices and decreases in lower-income and non-white residents. We conclude with a discussion of a range of issues that require more attention by scholars interested in housing justice and/or urban sustainability.  相似文献   

刘乔 《价值工程》2012,31(18):42-43
随着我国社会经济的快速发展,城市对水的需求量增加,随之而来的水污染、浪费等问题的程度也在进一步加重,进而城郊地区也就面临着更严峻的水资源和水污染形势。针对这种现状,许多不同层面的学者对此进行了广泛研究。本文通过对城郊地区的水环境现状进行概括和探讨,讨论出现行管理体制和法律制度所存在的直接原因,提出了城郊地区水环境管理的改革方法。城郊地区是城市发展的最具有前景的区域,当下城郊地区水环境的现状十分不容乐观,所面临的水资源和水环境的问题更为普遍和严峻,城郊地区水环境所面临的复杂形势对加强城郊地区水环境管理、现行条列的改革提出了亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

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