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浅析第三方物流企业的客户关系管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从第三方物流企业发展的现实情况来看,由于同行业间的技术水平差距不是很大,要提高竞争力,除了继续改善设备及技术条件外,加强客户关系管理是一种必然选择。本文分析了第三方物流企业的客户特点,并在此基础上提出加强客户关系管理的一些建议。  相似文献   

于淼  翟亮  张彩霞 《商业时代》2007,(21):15-16
第三方物流的发展需要高度信息化和对客户信息的充分整合、利用,CRM系统的有效实施正好可以支持第三方物流企业的发展。本文首先以第三方物流企业的特点为切入点,了解CRM在第三方物流中的必要性和重要性,然后构建第三方物流企业的CRM系统的基本结构模块,最后针对我国第三方物流企业提出应用CRM时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

客户关系管理的出现,使第三方物流企业真正能够全面观察其外部的客户资源,并使企业的管理全面走向信息化,从而促使企业全面的关注其核心竞争力。本文分析了第三方物流企业客户关系管理的现状及出现的问题,阐述了第三方物流企业客户关系管理实施前应注意的问题和加强第三方物流企业客户关系管理的措施,为第三方物流企业客户关系管理的实施提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

客户关系管理是现代管理科学与信息技术有机结合的产物,是企业在激烈的市场竞争中提高自身竞争力的有效措施。特别是在市场经济条件下,企业的竞争力直接影响着企业的经济效益,更甚决定着企业的兴衰命运,所以第三方物流企业必须建立一套完善的客户关系管理系统,提高企业自身的竞争力,以立足于市场。本文基于此对第三方物流客户关系管理进行研究。  相似文献   

客户关系管理是一种使企业增强核心竞争力、扩大市场规模、加速提升运营效率的成功的经营管理模式.下面我们将对第三方物流企业的客户关系管理的特点和第三方物流企业客户关系业务管理流程进行研究.  相似文献   

叶善文 《商场现代化》2012,(34):132-133
近年,我国汽车产业蓬勃发展,极大地促进汽车物流业的发展。第三方汽车物流既遇到了壮大的契机又面临着自营物流和国外汽车物流巨头的双重冲击,如何在激烈的竞争环境中更好地保持现有客户和开发新客户,逐步扩大市场占有率,是第三方汽车物流企业的主要任务。本文从客户关系管理的角度出发,提出了客户关系管理是第三方汽车物流企业发展的必然选择的观点,并根据营销专家邓·皮泊斯与马沙·容格斯的IDIC模式,对第三方汽车物流企业客户关系管理系统的建立进行论述。  相似文献   

第三方物流企业之间的竞争逐步由服务质量、价格为中心的竞争转向以客户为中心的竞争。第三方物流客户关系中存在的问题:客户战略针对性差;跟进服务弱;对客户流失高成本认识缺失;销售人员的能力建设不够。构建第三方物流客户关系的适应性对策:充分调研,全面理解客户需求;持续销售,加强伙伴关系;与不满意客户建立伙伴关系;以优质客户服务行为培育客户关系。  相似文献   

第三方物流企业的客户关系管理有效性测评研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于CRM的复杂性,目前对客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)有效性评价的研究还很少,在分析第三方物流企业特征的基础上,构建了第三方物流企业的CRM有效性测评体系及评价矩阵。并通过实证研究验证该模型可行、有效。  相似文献   

张香兰 《中国市场》2009,(41):20-22
拓展客户难,维持客户更难,经济越是不景气,客户资源就越是稀缺,于是建立和维系客户关系就成为重中之重。通过与客户之间建立起长期、良好的合作关系,通过满意的客户介绍和推荐,企业将会挖掘更多的潜在客户,获得更多的物流服务项目,与此同时也就提高了第三方物流企业的市场知名度和美誉度,提高了第三方物流企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

随着物流业的蓬勃发展,竞争的加剧、客户的多样性选择致使第三方物流企业越来越重视对客户关系的管理。从物流的角度看,客户服务是所有物流活动或供应链活动的产物,客户服务水平是衡量物流系统为客户创造的时间、地点和形质效用能力的尺度,是企业取胜的关键,因此第三方物流企业需要通过提高客户服务水平与客户建立良好的关系,防止客户流失,使企业具有竞争优势。  相似文献   

Over the last decade and a half Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has developed into an area of major significance. However, there is considerable confusion in the academic and managerial literature about what is meant by CRM and how if differs from relationship marketing. Further, despite heavy investment by organizations in CRM, there is extensive reporting of CRM’s failure to achieve anticipated results in the literature. This article reviews the conceptual differences between CRM and relationship marketing and defines these terms. It argues that, in many organizations, CRM failures have occurred through a lack of strategic focus. Key strategic issues are identified. A CRM Strategy Matrix is presented which considers the strategic context of companies and the implications for the development of their CRM strategies. Four alternative approaches towards building customer relationships are identified and migration paths between them are reviewed. Implications for implementing CRM strategy and future research are discussed.
P. E. FrowEmail:

应用四种客户服务模式,阐述了客户服务涉及的相关主体、各主体间的信息流以及信息的不对称性,参考前人的相关研究成果,综合考虑企业客户服务流程以及客户服务担负的辅助决策功能,建立了包括虚拟客户服务中心、终端客户、中介组织和管理层辅助决策支持四部分的客户服务模式,以降低企业的综合客户服务成本,提高终端客户、内部客户、服务中介组织以及供应商的忠诚度和满意度。  相似文献   

饭店客户关系管理的价值链研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从我国本土饭店客户关系管理现状出发,借用波特的价值链思想,深入分析饭店客户关系管理中的基本活动和辅助活动,以寻求能切实有效地提高饭店客户关系管理水平的途径。其中,文章提出了饭店客户关系管理的价值链模型,并对客户关系管理的基本活动中的客户价值分析、客户获取、客户保留、客户升级和客户联盟构建等主要环节进行了详细阐述,同时也分析了辅助活动中包括领导、组织结构、人力资源管理、组织文化和信息技术等在内的相关影响因素。  相似文献   

战子玉 《中国市场》2008,(45):112-113
本文针对蓬勃发展的电子商务中出现的物流问题,研究了电子商务和第三方物流的概念及其发展情况,强调了第三方物流是电子商务发展的保证,并立足于我国国情,分析我国第三方物流发展的现状和前景,提出我国第三方物流发展的思路和对策,以促进我国第三方物流的健康和稳定发展。  相似文献   

Purpose/Contribution: Customer portfolio management (CPM) is one of the key areas of customer-relationship and network management in business markets. However, there is scant research about the implementation of this concept in business. This article contributes to this conceptually rich but empirically nascent field of CPM research by (1) conceptualizing customer portfolio management, (2) forming a measure for it, (3) validating the suggested measure, and (4) suggesting implications for future research and management.

Methodology: A CPM construct is proposed based on the synthesizing of the theory and the findings from a qualitative field study of companies' management practices. The suggested construct is formative and consists of the following four dimensions: analysis efforts, analysis design, responsiveness efforts, and responsiveness design. Hence, this conceptualization takes into account both the strength and style of companies' CPM practices. The measure is validated following Diamantopoulos and Winklhofer's (2001) Diamantopoulos, A. and Winklhofer, H. 2001. Index construction with formative indicators: An alternative to scale development. Journal of Marketing Research, 38(2): 269277. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] guidelines for developing formative measures. Together with the content validity established in the conceptual phase of the research, the results from a cross-industry survey of 212 companies give support to the construct validity of the suggested CPM measure. Partial least squares modeling is applied in validating the measure.

Implications: This study gives an extensive, up-to-date review of customer portfolio management and provides measures for future research on companies' CPM practices and performance. Further, the theory and the field study highlighted several central topics that should be addressed in future CPM studies. The resulting managerial implications derive from the discussion on the key aspects of developing CPM practices in business.  相似文献   


Customer relationship management, or CRM, has found increased attention in both the academic and managerial worlds of marketing in recent years. While the Internet has greatly enabled the application of CRM in fostering loyal customers, the preliminary results on the effectiveness and efficiency of technology-based CRM has been far from discouraging. The authors identify various contentious issues behind the various key concepts of relationship management and identify several areas that deserve closer academic scrutiny and managerial inspection. The paper also comments on the extent to which Internet technology can bring about closer relationships with a firm's customers.  相似文献   

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) performance measurement is reviewed with two main intentions: (a) to encourage theoretical and empirical research and (b) to provide a useful predictive measurement system that is easy to implement. Special emphasis is placed on Balanced Scorecard methodologies as measurement systems to both evaluate and predict CRM performance. The use of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology to design CRM predictive performance measurement and control systems (PMCS) may provide several benefits to firms since (a) it reduces the risk and the uncertainty associated with the decision-making processes related to a CRM strategy and (b) it provides a strategic resource to the development of competitive advantages. The article concludes by proposing an holistic measuring system in the CRM field, including accountable, leading, repeatable, and linked metrics over the following areas and dimensions: strategy (business orientation, business atmosphere, and competitive strategy); resources (financial, human, and technological), business processes (integration and innovation); products and services (superiority and product/company synergy), customers (prospective and current); and external factors (competition and market).  相似文献   

The aggregate measures frequently used to evaluate customer relationship management (CRM) performance may mask the true impact of CRM activities and make it difficult to tease out which activities might be helping (or hurting) the relationship capabilities of the firm. We posit that examining the impact of CRM on individual firm performance indicators provides better diagnostic value for managers. To test our hypothesis, we examine the impact of 6 CRM activities on 4 dimensions of firm performance and compare the results with the impact of the same activities on a composite score of the 4 dimensions. As expected, the pattern of regression coefficients is different between the equation with composite performance as the dependent variable and each of the remaining 4 equations. Managerially speaking, our results provide direction for marketing and customer managers in decision making related to prioritizing CRM activities. Theoretically speaking, they imply that researchers should consider examining the impact of CRM on individual performance dimensions as well.  相似文献   


In an attempt to increase customer loyalty amid increasingly competitive business environments, organizations are looking to customer relationship management (CRM) to help provide a solution. In spite of CRM failure rates cited as being as high as 70%, organizations continue to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars on CRM implementations. Attempts of past research to resolve why failure rates are so high have tended to focus on technological factors such as database integration or factors internal to the organization such as system adoption or organizational culture. While these areas are important, reactions of customers may also play a role. This paper uses justice theory to investigate the potential impact that customer involvement in a CRM implementation may have on customer loyalty. Propositions are provided to guide future research.  相似文献   

关系营销理论与顾客关系管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高凤民 《商业研究》2004,(24):31-33
关系营销将建立和发展与相关个人、企业组织的关系作为市场营销的关键变量 ,把握了现代市场竞争的时代特点 ,体现了电子商务时代的互动性、合作性和个性化发展趋势。因特网作为一种有效的双向沟通渠道 ,使企业与顾客之间可以实现低成本、高效率的沟通和交流 ,为关系营销提供了有效的技术保障。在电子商务时代 ,抢占市场的关键已从管理营销组合转变为企业与顾客的互动关系管理 ,顾客关系管理为关系营销提供了有效的技术支持  相似文献   

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