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《Journal of Behavioral Finance》2013,14(3):108-120
Overconfidence is a well-documented phenomenon in psychology. Psychologists define an overconfident individual as one who believes he has more accurate information than he actually does. Recently, behavioral economists have become interested in the implications of trader overconfidence for financial decision-making and the functioning of financial markets. To date, most financial market studies have been analytical in nature. These studies assume that traders are overconfident and model decision-making behavior accordingly. Rather than assuming the presence of overconfidence, we use experimental bidding data to determine the extent to which trader overconfidence exists, and what variables suggested by previous finance and psychology research relate to it. We find approximately 40% of subjects exhibited overconfidence. Variables that distinguish overconfident bidding from risk-averse and risk-neutral bidding include the traditional financial variables that explain bidding (expected value and standard deviation), non-traditional financial variables, and variables relating to the self-attribution bias and feedback. Contrary to what some analysts have suggested, experience did not reduce overconfidence. 相似文献
The authors document using the ZEW panel of German stock market forecasters that weak forecasters tend to be overconfident in the sense that they provide extreme forecasts and their confidence intervals are less likely to contain eventual realizations. They further show that moderate filters based on forecast accuracy of past performance over short rolling windows, which delicately balance ignoring relevant information and noise reduction, are somewhat successful in improving predictability. While poor performance can be due to various factors, a filter based on forecaster overconfidence, a prior tendency to have high forecast standard deviations, also improves the performance of market survey forecasts. 相似文献
Chris Meier 《Journal of Behavioral Finance》2020,21(4):369-384
AbstractThis study explores how individual overconfidence adjusts after receiving extreme feedback that either supports or contradicts previous decision-making when buying or selling stocks. We find that highly contradicting feedback causes overconfidence to vanish as confidence declines sharply while supportive signals cause overconfidence to increase. Further evidence suggests that strong feedback impulses are associated with higher investor disagreement, supporting prior hypotheses that investors interpret such impulses differently. We also find that methodologies that measure overconfidence in prediction tasks systematically overstate confidence scores as respondents tend to fail to internalize stated confidence intervals appropriately. 相似文献
20世纪90年代以来,俄罗斯在高度开放和自由的经济环境下,开展金融自由化改革,由此导致大量资本通过外债形式进入俄罗斯金融市场进行套利交易,套利资本推动俄罗斯经济、金融业的发展。而当套利资本迅速撤离俄罗斯市场时,俄罗斯金融市场就出现了银行业流动性吃紧、大规模抛售卢布现象,俄罗斯经济受到重创,最为典型的是1998年和2008年俄罗斯爆发的金融危机。文章试图通过研究俄罗斯的套利交易形成的影响因素,深刻理解俄罗斯金融危机。近年来,人民币不断升值,人民币跨境清算范围不断扩大,中国也面临着"热钱"监管压力,研究俄罗斯套利交易,对中国具有重要的借鉴意义。 相似文献
节能服务公司开展的合同能源管理,有助于我国节能减排目标的实现,但是融资障碍成为了制约这一产业发展的瓶颈。本文以合同能源管理投融资交易平台为基础,设计出了由一级投融资市场、二级转让市场以及衍生品交易市场构成的多层次的金融市场体系,并设计出创新性交易工具——未来的节能收益权和节能收益债券市场体系中的交易工具。在这一体系中,二级市场增强了参与合同能源管理的资金的流动性,吸引更多的投资者参与到这一市场中来;而衍生品交易市场又为投资者提供了规避价格风险的工具,降低了市场参与者的风险;同时指出合同能源管理中产生的"碳减排量"这一副产品也将成为未来金融市场体系中的交易对象,为这一市场注入新的产品,吸引更多的资金流入这一市场,充分发挥金融支持节能服务产业发展的作用,从根本上解决合同能源管理的融资障碍。 相似文献
基于间断平衡理论和高阶梯队理论,以2007-2017年中国沪深两市902家制造企业为样本,实证分析研发投入跳跃对企业绩效的影响以及高管过度自信的调节作用。结果显示:研发投入正向跳跃和负向跳跃均有助于提升企业绩效,高管过度自信正向调节研发投入跳跃与企业绩效间的关系。引入高管过度自信这一重要高管特征作为调节变量,有助于重新认识管理者心理偏差对企业创新行为和绩效的影响,较好地弥补了研发投入跳跃对企业绩效影响机制的研究空缺,丰富了创新间断平衡理论研究。研究表明,企业应重视高管心理特征的影响并结合自身实际情况,合理选择研发投入策略以改善企业绩效。 相似文献
当证券市场实施内幕交易监管后,投资者的交易策略可能会发生改变,市场利益的分配也会发生相应的改变。文章在一个实施内幕交易监管的框架下,对内部人的利益分配进行了研究,发现内部人的利益不仅与内幕交易监管力度和执行能力有关,还与市场流动性、交易者类型、信息准确度和市场波动性等因素密切相关。同时,由于监管有效性幻觉和内部人分层现象的存在,内部人利益在一定时期内还可能出现反常变动。 相似文献
Julija Michailova 《Journal of Behavioral Finance》2016,17(3):280-292
This paper investigates the relationship between market overconfidence and occurrence of stock-price bubbles. Sixty participants traded stocks in 10 experimental asset markets. Markets were constructed on the basis of subjects' overconfidence: The most overconfident subjects form high overconfidence markets and the least overconfident subjects low overconfidence markets. Prices in low overconfidence markets tend to track the fundamental asset value more accurately than prices in high overconfidence markets and are significantly lower and less volatile. Additionally, we observe significantly higher bubble measures and trading volume in high overconfidence markets. Two possible explanations for these differences are analyzed: While price expectations are significantly higher in high overconfidence markets, no differences in the average degree of risk aversion were detected. 相似文献
We study financial markets in which both rational and overconfident agents coexist and make endogenous information acquisition decisions. We demonstrate the following irrelevance result when a positive fraction of rational agents (endogenously) decides to become informed in equilibrium, prices are set as if all investors were rational, and as a consequence the overconfidence bias does not affect informational efficiency, price volatility, rational traders’ expected profits or their welfare. Intuitively, as overconfidence goes up, so does price informativeness, which makes rational agents cut their information acquisition activities, effectively undoing the standard effect of more aggressive trading by the overconfident. The main intuition of the paper, if not the irrelevance result, is shown to be robust to different model specifications.We would like to thank Alberto Bisin, Xavier Freixas, Ken French, Moshe Kim, Jose Marín, and Terrance Odean for comments on an early draft, as well as an anonymous referee and seminar participants at HEC Geneva, the 2004 EFA meetings, the 2004 European Econometric Society meetings and the 2005 SAET conference. Diego García and Branko Urošević gratefully acknowledge financial support by SECCF (Belgrade). 相似文献
Market Organisation and Trading Relationships 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Gerard Weisbuch Alan Kirman & Dorothea Herreiner 《Economic journal (London, England)》2000,110(463):411-436
In this paper we give a theoretical model of buyers' behaviour on a market for a perishable good where no prices are posted. We show that if buyers learn from their own previous experience there is a sharp division between those who learn to be loyal to certain sellers and those who continue to 'shop around'. This feature remains in more general models which are simulated and is consistent with empirical data from the Marseille fish market. 相似文献
基于2012-2015年创业板上市公司数据,实证检验了创业企业创新投入、高管过度自信对企业绩效的影响。研究发现:①企业创新投入与企业绩效呈显著倒U型关系,即随着创新投入的增加,企业绩效呈现边际效应递减规律;②高管过度自信与企业绩效显著负相关,即高管过度自信的自我意识对企业绩效具有显著负向影响;③高管过度自信及企业创新投入之间存在交互效应,显著影响企业绩效。 相似文献
Strategic Trading and Welfare in a Dynamic Market 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Dimitri Vayanos 《The Review of economic studies》1999,66(2):219-254
This paper studies a dynamic model of a financial market with N strategic agents. Agents receive random stock endowments at each period and trade to share dividend risk. Endowments are the only private information in the model. We find that agents trade slowly even when the time between trades goes to 0. In fact, welfare loss due to strategic behaviour increases as the time between trades decreases. In the limit when the time between trades goes to 0, welfare loss is of order 1/ N , and not 1/ N 2 as in the static models of the double auctions literature. The model is very tractable and closed-form solutions are obtained in a special case. 相似文献
Lutz G. Arnold 《The Scandinavian journal of economics》2002,104(1):105-124
A Greenwald–Stiglitz (1993a) style rational expectations business cycle model is introduced in which uncorrelated productivity shocks or monetary shocks generate autocorrelated employment fluctuations due to financial constraints. The propagation mechanism is carefully modelled: because of capital market imperfections (only standard debt contracts are traded), firms' labour demand changes in response to changes in their balance-sheet position; because of labour market imperfections (efficiency wages), employment and unemployment fluctuate in response to shifts in labour demand. The virtue of the model is its simplicity. Despite the fact that unemployment is endogenous, the dynamic behaviour of the model under rational expectations can be characterised analytically.
JEL classification : E 32 相似文献
JEL classification : E 32 相似文献
Journal of Quantitative Economics - We examine the possibility that other regarding preferences may change in response to past observations. We use a repeated gift exchange game (an experimental... 相似文献
Gregory Lypny 《The Journal of economic education》2013,44(3):204-213
The author uses an online securities market to engage students in their exploration of asset pricing in microeconomics courses. 相似文献
噪声交易与市场质量 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
本文通过行业、规模、负债和成长能力的配对,建立起32家上证50成份股上市公司的控制样本,然后运用合理的计量方法,首次估计出符合我国股市微观结构的噪声交易高频时间序列,在此基础上深入分析噪声交易与信息不对称、流动性、波动性和有效性等市场质量指标之间的经验关系,发现:我国股市私人信息具有较高的相关性和持久性;噪声交易提高了交投活跃程度,同时却扩大了执行成本和价格波动幅度;噪声交易与信息不对称的关系不大;噪声交易使实际价差缩小,进而削弱了市场有效性。由此可见,噪声交易是一把"双刃剑",只有继续改革价格形成机制、增强价值投资力量、引导长期资金入市、完善信息披露制度并强化交易监控,才能进一步提高我国股市的质量。 相似文献
The authors examine the role of strategic interactions among a small number of financial intermediaries who know that the current financial regime is subject to change. The current financial regime offers protection to the intermediaries against bad outcomes. Each financial intermediary's investment strategy is shown to depend on its rivals' strategies. It is shown that a small shock that causes an initially small deviation from an intermediary's equilibrium strategy can lead to a series of larger deviations by its rivals, thereby precipitating a change of financial regime. 相似文献
市场拓展、报酬递增与区域分工——以“义乌商圈”为例的分析 总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25
基于发达国家工业化进程历史与现实观察的"专业市场消亡论",与义乌中国小商品城市场二十多年快速发展的现实并不相符。本文采用一个拓展的新兴古典经济学分工模型,结合空间经济学的基础—乘数模型,分析了在规模报酬递增前提下,义乌中国小商品城市场存在与发展的根本原因是由于其提供了一条形成跨区域分工协作网络——"义乌商圈"的有效路径,并论述了在这一过程中多方均能获益的内在机理。与原有研究义乌市场和"义乌模式"的文献相比,本文的创新之处在于将义乌市场置于跨区域分工协作网络的核心地位来加以研究。 相似文献
金融衍生品市场分析的改进型IS-LM模型为我们提供了分析金融衍生品市场发展条件下虚拟经济对实体经济影响的框架,但很难有效地解决有关问题,更不能以此作为宏观决策的依据。金融衍生品市场作为一种特殊的市场形态,也会出现一般市场中经常出现的市场失灵现象,表现为金融市场上可能存在不完全竞争、负外部效应、信息不对称和公共物品等。需要引入电子商务,克服信息的不完全,建立起数字化风险预警系统,对金融衍生品市场风险防范于未然。 相似文献